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Everything posted by Carimyp

  1. My parents didnt seem happy about my My Little Pony plushy, Oh well, I will move out soon anyway!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Carimyp


      I hope for plenty of cake! Actually, I am a good cook, I could probably just make cake myself <3


    3. Keezuw


      ...can I move in with you then? ;_;

    4. Carimyp


      Sure! Bring ponies!


  2. Finally, From Factorytopseller, My Rainbow Dash Plush arrived, She's in better condition than the things I order from Blizzard, she smells nice (Am I weird for noticing?). She is however triple the size she looked in the picture, Which is a good thing, so for 20 pounds, I'd say that's not a bad deal! She did however take a month and a half to get to my cosy abode in the Shetland Isles, Apparently she was coming from China, Must have been sent by Canoe to take a month to get here... Or maybe I am just jealous that she has travelled the world more than I have! All in all, I'd say Factorytopseller on Amazon are definitely not con artists, Which I thought they were, I did have to mail them to send another because the first had apparently been abducted by Customs (Can you blame them? She is very cute!). Anyways, I will add pictures later! For now I am going to hug her and play video games! Sorry for the long post that essentially just says Factorytopseller on Amazon is safe, But I thought it necessary to point out for the fellow Pony fans!
  3. There is NEIGH wrong with over enjoying things you love! Especially when it comes to Ponies! Sorry, I just wanted to get my great pun in there! I can't think of anything else to type! :-(
  4. My Rainbow Dash Plushie finally arrived! It only took a month and a half, I hope she gets on with Gabumon, Bowser and Blastoise.
  5. I... enjoy the guitars, not so much the vocals, Buuuut.... 7/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJtY6bFTvTc Have a suiting video with the song! <3
  6. Better at being worse than me >:-(... Wait... This isn't the insult thread...! From the looks of your picture, I'd say you are better at posing for pictures in the middle of speedy highways than me!
  7. 10/10 Because otherwise my argument would be invalid!
  8. If I like someone's Avatar, I am a little bit more likely to Bro-hoof them. I do read their post too of course! But an amusing or cute avatar will make me happy!
  9. Banned for being mean to Trixie! >:-(
  10. A bit of both never hurts! I imagine it being difficult to match Fallout -anything's- violence! I mean, if even Fallout Equestria is violent! Yikes a the thought of its other stuff! Oh the endless possibilities of merging two universes together!
  11. If you do go back, Give Ninaryu a poke on Argent Dawn :-) A little evil here and there never hurts! I mostly like that she is basically the MLP version of Aku!
  12. Carimyp Sugarhoof
  13. So, I recently heard of a Fallout Equestria, Then I went on to read many of the comics. Then I thought, What else has My Little Pony versions? Could there be a World of Ponycraft: Canterclysm? So, I thought people could list other games that sound ponyised, for fun! Mostly... And if you know of anything like Fallout Equestria, then please give me a poke! I find myself addicted to the idea of Ponies in other universes... *Eyes Pinkie Pie*... Not just her!
  14. Personally, They could all become fish, and Rename it to My Little Fish, I think I'd still stay... *Bro-fin*. Essentially, I am saying I don't really care what the characters become, they are still the same loveable characters. To hate MLP Because Twilight has wings is very silly, and your friend really needs to get his priorities straight.
  15. I couldnt decide on which pony was the cutest, so I closed my eyes and picked, I got Apple Jack! I guess it worked out in the end.

  16. I think the Bro-Hoof is just like a Like on face-book! So I tend to overuse it a bit. I will try to stop Bro-Hoofing people.. And don't worry, My hooves are pretty clean!
  17. Well, me and a friend got pretty drunk, and what's the best thing to do when drunk? Watch big flashy colourful things! First thing that came to mind was MLP, Or well, what was left of our minds at the time. And so, I am now here, nearly a month later, Still enjoying MLP!
  18. Definitely not what the title lead me to believe this post was about... But okidoki! Looks like an old Final Fantasy game, I mayhaps give it a go!
  19. They do it for exactly the reason you said, They are insecure, perhaps they have fears that they are gay, Fears that they will have to tell their parents, or their friends. That people might ridicule them! That they won't get to have the life the dreamed of having! Its not easy on everyone unfortunately... I love your avatar btw.
  20. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/114/7/f/mlp_plush_queen_chrysalis_finished_by_elfy016-d4xbidm.jpg Look at that and tell me that isn't cute! >:-) *Screams wheeeee on the way down* Hmmm.. I wonder how I get back up, Oh well, I guess I am here forever! This I will definitely have to do, As soon as I can make time to do so! There's a priority list, Its pretty high on it though! <3
  21. I must now wait until you have more eggs! *Continues to wait near you eagerly* *Still waiting* *Waiting... And staring*
  22. Thanks! I am currently trying to find plushies... Atleast a thousand of them... Or a million!... I think I will settle with one. Man, I am totally getting addicted to MLP.... Must find more!
  23. Bisexual, But I prefer women, Or ponies... No that's just weird! Well, I assume I am Bisexual, Or is it natural for every guy to think that Josh Groban is hot <3
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