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Everything posted by Ac3xAssasin

  1. The closest thing to an "embarassing brony moment" I had was this past year in my AP Psychology class. I had just got back from missing a few days of class, and I needed to make up a test I had missed so my teacher sent me to the end of the hallway where there is a desk for making up tests, but before that she asked for my phone so I wouldn't cheat. I complied and began to hand my phone over when I accidentally pressed the home button causing my screen to light up revealing a Rarity background. I fumbled a bit but managed to turn the screen off I don't know if she ever noticed as she didn't say anything about it.
  2. My favorite moments from slice of life were probably those in which Lyra was speaking, however I think it would have been cool if they had found someway to insinuate her obsession with humans, but nonetheless it was still friggin awesome!!! before I go have some diabeetus
  3. Anyone remember this I never actually had one myself, but my brother did and I thought it was the shit!
  4. This summer I have an internship in the physics department of the local state university, usually it is paid position but the school didn't have the funding this year to pay, but I agreed to do it anyway. basically I'm just helping out with whatever needs to be done be it collecting data, analyzing data, or preparing experiments. Since physics is a huge interest of mine which I plan to study to the Doctorate level it has been an overall very rewarding experience so far, and has taught me a lot of what is involved in experimental physics. I am also volunteering at the local hospital on weekends going around and collecting the recyclable materials from the various departments.
  5. I don't really read a whole lot of fan fics, but the first one that I did read and became interested in was Anthropology.
  6. Ahhh I remember the 2000's, the years when some of my favorite games came into existence like or I also remember when I got an original Xbox and it was the greatest moment of my entire life up to that point.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9qYF9DZPdw This would probably be mine.
  8. I got Hitman: Absolution 7 Days to Die Morrowind CS:GO Saints Row IV
  9. From the time I was born my family already had a cat and dog, but the first pet that was actually mine was a Schneider's Skink named James Bond (we just called him jimmy). I got him when I was six years old, and I had him for six years until he died when I was 12, and I freaking loved that lizzard! (Not my actual lizard, just some random picture from the internet for demonstrative purposes.)
  10. I don't think baby ponies are cute, but neither are human babies.
  11. I think it depends heavily on the context of the image you are viewing, ponies taken straight from the show are not sexy to me, but with the power of fan art anything can be made sexy as seen by the plethora of pictures people have been posting in this thread. However, I will say that hypothetically if ponies did exist and humans interacted with them I could see one advantage to being in a sexual relationship with a mare compared to a woman, and that is ponies are so biologically different from humans you wouldn't have to worry about having children with them which I guess could be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the person. However, if you somehow managed to break the basic laws of nature and had a child with a pony you would end up having a centaur, which are easily the most badass creatures in the (fictional) known universe. I mean just look at this picture Who wouldn't want that as their child?! In all seriousness it all depends on the circumstances, taken directly from the show they are not sexy, but with the right conditions they can indeed be sexy.
  12. I'm 17 here, but I was 15 back when I joined the forum.
  13. I got mine one month after my 16th birthday, in fact this Wednesday marks my first year being a driver.
  14. I am currently a Junior soon to be a Senior
  15. When I used to have Gerbils we kept all the females in one cage and occasionally they would mount each other as if attempting to procreate.
  16. For my senior year my classes will be 1. Electricity and Magnetism, since my school didn't offer AP Physics E&M I will be talking it concurrently at a local University 2. Honors Chem 3. Rock Climbing 4. AP Calc BC first semester Calc III second semseter 5. AP Senior Literature and Composition 6. 4th year German
  17. My native language is English. At the moment I am about to finish my third year of German, and I plan to continue learning German my senior year and into college. After that I would like to learn Greek.
  18. I'm a terrible procrastinator so I think this song represents my life perfectly
  19. Happy pi day everbody!

  20. Hey I don't like my current girlfriend can I date u-substitution.
  21. What do you get when you cross a mosquito with a climber Nothing you can't cross a vector with a scalar.
  22. (Sqrt(-shit))^2 Shit just got real.
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