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Everything posted by Xeltor23

  1. It's probably like how many others put it, a moon is just a moon cycle
  2. If you have time (or are bored enough) to read this, please read it all because I know people tend to stop in the middle of a message (also note: this is totally subjective) : I dislike every holiday that loses its original purpose; Halloween is supposed to be a holiday to remember the dead and martyrs if I'm correct. I mean, I'm not saying people are stupid for letting their kids take candies from complete stangers (what do you mean it seems ironic?) but don't call it "Halloween" then, call it something else that's appropriate, like "Candy day" or some shit like that. Halloween is just an exemple, a lot of holidays are now excuses for marketing stuff to surf on the holiday. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't bother me that people are enjoying themselves some days in the year; but then do it in the name of something else; collecting candy is not remembering the dead for exemple... and don't get me wrong; I'm not Catholic , Christian, Pagan or Celtic (Halloween was influenced by all of these), but I really don't like holidays who had some meaning before, even if you're atheist or stuff, and who's only purpose now is to have presents or candy. I repeat it: go enjoy yourself, you have the right to, hell yeah you can, how you do it, with pumpkins or costumes, doesn't bother me either; but I just dislike the fact that for exemple it's in the name of "Halloween".
  3. Hmmm, pokemons ? I would probably enslave some pikachus and produce my own electricity
  4. Hmmm.... I think both of you are guilty; there can't be two ponies ont the scene of crome just like that, YOU DID SOMETHING TOGETHER DIDN'T YOU?! *worst jury ever*
  5. Is it okay if I say: neither? Because internet friendship can go pretty far, even to a loving relationship with some time, like in real life (well, that girl is an exception, she's exceptional)... but then, real life friends are really special, you get to see, touch, really interact with the person, and that's really special; something you don't have with internet friends
  6. I don't think there is much to say about them, maybe that's the reason? I mean, they're unicorns, parents of a prince and an alicorn princess... they may be skilled in magic, explaining their children's facility with it, but apart from that... even so, the other parents made a pretty minor appearence each, sooo it's maybe not THAT important you know?
  7. It's a french old song, here it is with english subs I don't know why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCrPS14cZ1Y
  8. Guys, I didn't catch up with MLP since its return; is it any good ?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Xe__or
    3. Aadelrun


      It wasn't THAT good in my opinion but I liked it

    4. Xe__or


      Yeah well anyways

  9. HeY tHeRe

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Xeltor23


      No, ThIs IsN't AmAzInG. i'S bAtMan

    3. Aadelrun


      Oh OkAy ! BuT i GoTtA gO, tOo BaD i WaNtEd To StAy, SeE yA !

    4. Xeltor23
  10. *boop* because, hell why not? :3 (don't worry, you probably don't recognise me; I just stalk everybody on these forums)

    1. CinnamonPop


      Hey! It's the guy that shares a birthday with me. :3

    2. Xeltor23


      Yeah, it's me! :D

  11. I know it's an old topic, but DB is my love... and no, Tirek is barely close to Master Roshi, this old dude destroys the Moon and moves at super sonic speed (read the fight against Krillin in the early manga, you'll see); Tirek doesn't stand a chance
  12. You know that feeling when someone breaks your heart for the thousand time? I sure do...

  13. There is a small small chance of Sparity happening, I mean come on, it's an adult/child relationship , I even wonder how people could of thought it can happen...
  14. Just saw Suicide Squad... why Dc? You weren't obliged to do a "funky'' movie just because some people didn't like the dark tone you had in BvS...

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