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Everything posted by Grtxkkyz

  1. Golden Sun, Infinite Undiscovery, Lost Odyssey and Chrono Cross deserve more love
  2. MYST is a beautiful game. The story, the world-building, the creatures, the characters, the graphics... There's a lot to love about this series. I'm specially fond of the fantasy world made for it, gives me some sweet flashbacks of "The Dark Crystal"
  3. Well, the execution is pretty lacking, not to mention the characters now act a lot more mean spirited whenever they have a chance. Now, I've seen the show and there are quite some moments I find genuinely funny, but others, like the whole "Waffles" episode are downright stupid.
  4. I don't really call them ugly, it's just nonstandard character design. I enjoy seeing ponies with varied appearances, they don't have to reuse the same body design as the Mane Six and many background characters.
  5. Not bad. Pretty much a rehash of "Over a Barrel" but decent and hilarious enough. Gotta love yet more adorkable Twilight. And the animal friends helped solve the conflict! They just need to talk fluently. Glad to see more World-Building, sadly, no monsters were added to the bestiary.
  6. Grtxkkyz

    gaming Fallout 4

    IT'S HEEEREEE!!!! OMG!!! A shame I can't currently afford it (Curses like Littlepip)
  7. Well I do like the Mane Six and Discord are being more friendly between each other and Zecora making a return, but in all honestly, Discord manipulating Twi's friends without mind-controlling them is needlessly cruel, made all the more jarring after his reformation. But, to be fair, this is the most harmless scheme he's ever pulled, and the Mane Six got to troll him in return at the very end. Plus, Flutterorange is adorable. In all honestly, I kinda hope there will be another episode dealing with Discord trying to gain more acceptance among the other ponies. The Bob Ross reference is admittedly epic.
  8. Welcome! It's always great to say hello to new members. I hope you can have lots of fun and find new friends here at MLPforums. Your username sounds cool by the way.
  9. It's changed, and for the worse. Dear God, not only is the current interface awful, there are lots of pathetic videos out there that were made pretty much for the sole purpose of testing your sanity. And a lot of Youtubers are strongly unbearable. It's a shame most kids nowadays associate the name Vegeta with that Vegeta777 shithead instead of the Saiyan prince we all know and love.
  10. Oliver Twist. Some days ago I finished reading a Lovecraft anthology which includes, among other tales, The Statement of Randolph Carter.
  11. These two always make me go all AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!
  12. Oh man, back when I was a younger inexperienced kiddo, I first played Doom 2 on my PC and freaking Pinky demon gave me one hell (sorry for the pun) of a jumpscare. I jumped and the thing killed me easily. This brings back lots of memories... I think I'll go straight to GOG now.
  13. Huh, looks kinda interesting. Albeit some of the designs are a little weird. Anyway, seems like Five Nights at Fuckboy's turned out to be rather prophetic. Of course it's safe to assume this game won't have any foul language.
  14. Petrified Celestia and Luna... Bet they'll be awfully pissed up when they get released.
  15. Well, I don't have an ITunes account and i don't have enough money to buy stuff from it either, so yeah, I had to wait til Halloween. Well, I really liked the way they handled the moral. And even if Flutters has less fear toward Nightmare Night, it's good to see they all respect her if she doesn't like it very much. After all, not everyone's gonna be fond of Halloween. And the costumes for the Mane Six are all neat. RD's in particular may very well confirm there are astronauts in the pony world. And those anime references are downright epic.
  16. Eh, it was so-so. While I do applaud how they introduced Equestrian magic to the Human world and Sci-Twi's character, I think it was lacking a bit in quite some departments. To start, The ShadowBolts should've been fleshed off more as characters, given they were heavily promoted in merchandise for the movie. Yeah, we have some clues as to what their personality is like, but they didn't get the screentime they deserved. Heck, the movie's intro shows the other ShadowBolts as evil counterparts of the rest of the Humane six, yet they barely interact at all. As for the villain, Principal Cinch is rather unlikable. While I do admit her role shows why the Crystal Prep students are such jerks, she comes across as lacking the charm the Dazzlings had, not to mention I found her character rather clichéd. She's as annoying and lame as Madam Medusa. However, her villain song, "Unleash the Magic" is quite awesome and greatly reminds me of Ursula's "Poor Unfortunate Souls" Overall, not bad, but could've been better.
  17. Well, they do share some similarities, but the Windigoes seem to be much more aerial and elemental in nature. The sirens are clearly aquatic but do levitate, however, even though their true forms shown in the movie are ghostly avatars summoned by their human selves, the Fiendship is Magic comic shows they're "fleshy" and corporeal in nature unlike Windigoes. Perhaps they're rather distant relatives or belong to different branches of equine emotional parasites.
  18. Very likely. And perhaps she will surely try tomake herself more powerful in the progress. Maybe we'll even see Celestia, Luna and Cadance bruised, wounded and fallen all while a victorious Glimmer stands on top of them.
  19. It'd be great to see them up there, travelling to other planets and even discovering alien species! But, I wouldn't get my hopes too high. The mane ponies don't have a reason to go to space unless it's some sort of mission. But who knows, I'd love to see the outer galaxy and solar system surrounding the Equestrian world
  20. Eh, I wouldn't compare her very much to Hitler. While they do share similarities, she's not an insane genocide. On the other hand, given she'll use time travel in the finale, who knows, what kind of demonic plans she has in mind. Bet she'll try to do the same as the Borg and Boris the Animal. Without killing involved, of course. This is a kid's show we're talking about.
  21. The Cutie Map two parter. I mean, common, Starlight's pretty much the pony equivalent of a unscrupulous, tyrannical dictator not unlike Big Brother. And the way she ruled the equal village prior to the arrival of the Mane Six is the closest we'll get to an Equestrian version of Orwell's Oceania from 1984
  22. Depends on my mood. Sometimes, when I'm stressed, furious or downright annoyed, I tend to blurt out the way I feel. On the other hand, I usually keep most feelings to myself but I don't bottle them up either. I always tell what's eating me to my friends.
  23. Mine was doing a huge drawing for a art exposition back at my school. It was a iguana-like dragon. I even carefully patterned all of its scales and spines. It was sweet! Everyone loved it. Sadly, I lost the drawing Another one was the time i passed the entire SNES port of Joe and Mac:Caveman Ninja without dying once.
  24. May you rest in peace little Lilly :'( I'm sure you'll encounter Dashie up in the clouds of Heaven. May God bless that man and his pretty little coffin. Rainbow Dash will forever watch over her in her eternal rest.
  25. Well, it'd be great to see deer getting fleshed up. After all, back when Mrs Faust was in charge a scrapped episode idea involved a talking, sentient deer. Some deer make a cameo in Filli Vanilli. They played a bigger role in the IDW comics, but I wasn't fond of how they were portrayed pretty much as eco-terrorists. In all honesty, it'd be great to see what the deer civilization is like, but the truth is, the show is rather inconsistent when it comes to its portrayal of sentient hooved creatures. But after all, the main focus are the ponies.
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