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Everything posted by Grtxkkyz

  1. Much better than i expected! It's like a New Hope made for a whole new audience, but continuing the trend of the originals!
  2. I'm a stickler for the 2D titles, but there are many 3D ones I do enjoy. Sonic:Unleashed and Generations are my most favorite.
  3. Don't really see much of a resemblance. But it'd be awesome if Zecora herself learned to tame Krakens
  4. Atari's E.T game is a prime example. There's also the Star Wars: Episode IV game for the NES, which is filled of sheer nonsense. Luke with black hair? Monsters that can shapeshift into Vader as the bosses? Luke piloting the Millennium Falcon? Vader himself on Yavin IV? Makes you wonder if the team who created it watched the whole movie.
  5. Another underrated RPG I love is Nier. It's a tragic yet wonderful experience. The graphics may not be the best, but they certainly add a depressing atmosphere to the game's already emotional story. I know Nier:Automata won't continue the events of the first game, but I still look forward to it nonetheless.
  6. My, some of the most emotional games I've encountered are The Last of Us, Fallout 3 (I did it dad, they now have clean, fresh water), EVO: Search for Eden (Sweet Jesus, I killed Bigfoot's ancestors!), Shadow of the Colossus, Earthbound (Ness, Ness, NESS!), Life is Strange, BioShock 2, Beyond Two Souls, To The Moon and Silent Hill 2. They have cutscenes that surely know how to thug right at your heartstrings. But the game that has given me the more feelings is definitely NieR: The story of a badass yet loving father doing his best to help his ill daughter survive in a decaying, withered world. It's a truly underrated game that certainly deserves more love. The whole thing is one huge tragic experience, happy moments are scarce, and the voice acting manages to convey the emotions of this characters. Some highlights include Emil's backstory and sacrifice, Fyra's death by wolves at her wedding, no less, Kaine's backstory, certain sidequests, and no matter what ending you get, they're either bittersweet at best or terribly depressing. And when you think the sadness is over, the credits come with the song "Ashes of Dreams", which is truly lovely but highly tearjerking as well.
  7. Sweet Jesus, I can't believe my thread is still alive! Noice
  8. I kinda like that meme. The concept is hilarious and often spans lots of cool artwork. And who knows, maybe a huge crab will show up in the program itself...
  9. The Conversion Bureau: I once used to like it back when I was a noob, but looking back, it's just awful and downright misanthropic. Even SCP-682 would have to reluctantly help the humans fight back those Nazi bastardizations of the ponies so that mankind could be all his to eradicate (You know, the Godzilla threshold). Thankfully, there are deconstructions like Not Alone that certainly help portray the whole thing on a more realistic scenario.
  10. Well, as long as it's well handled. That kind of synopsis sounds nice to me. Plus, most Slice of Life episodes in the show itself are quite nice.
  11. Rarity may be a fashionable lady, but she's far from defenseless. After all, ladies must protect themselves from any kind of possible danger. Plus, she's an Element of Harmony and savior of Equestria, martial arts surely come in handy whenever it comes to fight bad guys.
  12. Well, given Button Mash was seen playing an arcade once, I wouldn't worry much about missing video games and technology. Meat, on the other hand, I'd sure miss it as hell. Unless I were a carnivorous or omnivorous creature, like a dragon, a griffin, a chimera, a centaur perhaps.
  13. While Rarity may be a downright prima-donna sometimes, her heart will always be in the right place. Blueblood is a downright a-hole behind that handsome mask.
  14. Well, given she expressed remorse and guilt at all those possible Bad futures, it's safe to say she will have to live with that feeling forever. Plus, appealing to Starlight's nature certainly helped her see the error of her ways. Given Equestrian culture strongly values friendship, it was logical for Twi to reason with her so she could turn over a new leaf. You can't reason with villains such as Tirek and Sombra because they are power hungry tyrants who will stop at nothing to take over the world. Plus, redeeming Starlight was necessary so that Twilight could come full circle. On the other hand, her redemption feels kinda rushed, I mean, the ponies were way quicker to forgive and accept her, while they were hostile and untrusting with Discord (Fluttershy was the only one willing to give him a chance after all.) But maybe, this will get explored in upcoming episodes, given the show's strong continuity.
  15. Congratulations Starlight, you're the new Sunset Shimmer/Trixie/whatever now Jokes aside, that was a rather interest finale. While not as climatic as Twilight's Kingdom, I really enjoyed the time travel elements, specially all the alternate timelines where the villains won. Plus, Chryssie and Nightmare Moon (and even the timberwolves) make a triumphant return as well as King Sombrero. And really kickass Zecora action too! She's been pretty negated trough the recent seasons, poor girl should get an episode to herself. The wasteland timeline does bring up some Fallout Equestria flashbacks, gotta admit. And the alternate counterparts of the Mane six are quite unique as well. Pretty sure this will be a mine of gold for fanfic writers. And yeah, it's good to see a villain getting redeemed by the power of a true friendship (The poor filly's story makes sense after all) but Starlight's redemption was rather awfully rushed, I gotta say. Heck, the ponies were quicker to accept and forgive her than with Discord! But given Twi's got her own apprentice under her mantle, this will open up for more story possibilities Well, now it's time to withstand yet another great pony drought. I better go back to read some more fanfics.
  16. Well, it's been a truly solid season. I know having to wait for it was quite tedious, but it was all worth, given this season turned out to have a rather strong writing quality. It's amazing to know we'll get to see more of Equestria and its surroundings, but I kinda wish there would have been some more world building. Plus, even if we got some new critters for the bestiary, I think the show needs even more monsters, whether they come from myth or are made up. Anyway, this has been an enjoyable season nonetheless. I just hope the Mane Six will travel more after they're done kicking Starlight's flank for good.
  17. Well, that was quite the sight! Lady Gaga pony played by Lena Hall, awesome songs that could give Let it Go a run for its money and more info on Applejack's past and references to other Rogers episodes. Noice. Yeah, Svengallop was quite an unbearable a-hole, but it's still a worthy episode for Miss Rogers to leave the show. Goodbye Amy, may Celestia and Luna be with you as you work for the great empire of Mickey Mouse.
  18. I have mixed feelings on this. For one side, while it's great to see the show ending on a high note and a satisfying story arc, it's kinda sad to see it go so soon, for an animated series, it's one of the best programs dealing with paranormal and horror. Anyway, summer doesn't last forever and the show handles it nicely, plus the fandom is big and greatly contributes to the awesome content. I'm sure the finale won't disappoint.
  19. I usually follow missions but can also do whatever's on my mind. I have played both many times, but there's still a lot of stuff and choices I gotta discover.
  20. Time to survive the SU hiatus. Good thing there are a few pony episodes left.
  21. I have a soft spot for reptilian pets, like tortoises and iguanas. I also like fishes, cats and dogs are fine too.
  22. So, which are some of your favorite urban legends related to the world of gaming? Even though these rumors are usually always hoaxes, it's kinda amusing to read about them sometimes. Some notable examples include being able to resurrect Aerith in FF7, the myriad of myths surrounding the GTA series, the infamous Polybius, and many others.
  23. Yay, I truly enjoy Crisis Core as well! It's got almost all of my favorite characters from the franchise, has sweet cutscenes, decent voice acting and awesome battles!Other titles I enjoy are the classic games, Lightning Returns, The After Years, VIII, IX, to name a few. FF has always been one of my most favorite RPG franchises.
  24. Well, I've got a rather long list of games, but I'll group them in my most preferred categories: RPGs (Final Fantasy series, WOW, LOL, elder Scrolls series, Dragon's Dogma, Monster Hunter series, Dragon Quest series) Sandbox (GTA series, Fallout series, Sleeping Dogs) Horror (Silent Hill series, Amnesia, Resident Evil series, Dino Crisis, FNAF series, SCP: Containment Breach) FPS (Peter Jackson's King Kong, Metal Gear series, Counter Strike) Adventure (Lost Planet) Simulation (Zoo Tycoon, Goat Simulator) And many more...
  25. It's a rather amazing RPG! The characters are all deep and have interesting personalities, the boss battles are awesome and have great music to boot as well. And despise its lighthearted nature, it's got a rather dramatic, captivating story. It's like a worthy spiritual successor for Earthbound.
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