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Everything posted by Humphrey

  1. Not yet, I am setting up CFD, it may take a while to get a answer with a higher resolution.
  2. Well, we have to assume something, if the gravity and the gaseous states of air are too much different from earth, the ponies may not evolve like this, their physiology may be nothing similar to any of the creatures on earth. At least we can assume Equestria is in a M-class planet. But if we assume the pony physiology is similar to human, the error could be so great for different species have their unique suitable habitat. Bos grunniens can live in the plateaus from 3000m to 6100m. Some bird can even cruise at the altitude of 9000m, though restricted by their food source, they can not live that high. There are still many creatures can not endure the low gauge pressure and temperature, including most human. My mom went to field research in Tibet plateau few years ago, she suffered acute mountain sickness in a village only with a altitude of 3500m, and has to retreat with other colleagues suffering similar symptoms. As all mammals on earth have same cellular structure, chemical composition, origin and similar skeleton, their physiology are way different with each other., so do ponies the humanoid life forms in EQG (even if the mirror can not change the body functions too much). There are to much uncertainty if we use human standard to measure ponies.
  3. Sorry, I didn't realized you were calculating RD's average velocity based on Cloudsdale's altitude... But I still don't think its a good idea to use human bio-limit as a reference. My methods can provide a more reliable solution for Cloudsdale altitude and I think we can combine our methods together to obtain a better answer.
  4. I am not sure we can calculate like that. Rainbow Dash didn't fly at a static velocity. Her speed varied a lot, from low speed to supersonic, and its value depends on too many variables. but we can estimate the height of Cloudsdale by Rarity's falling. If we use finite element methods, we may be able to find the drag of rarity at one particular speed. Thus, we can get Rarity's coefficient of drag and use equation D=C*ρv^2*A/2 to estimate her drag as a function of velocity. With another two equations a*dx=v*dv , a=(G-D)/m(Rarity) , we are able to obtain the distance she fell before reaching an equilibrium point where drag is equals to her weight. The total distance Rarity travels is x=x(before equilibrium) + v(equilibrium)*t(after equilibrium) The distance between Cloudsdale and ground is equals to x-x(R's initial position relative to stadium) -x(R's final position relative to ground) As rarity's equilibrium speed should be much lower than the speed of sound, and I estimate that this velocity should actually lower than 120m/s (I assure you the actual equilibrium speed should be mush lower than that), the altitude of Cloudsdale should be no more than h= c*t=120m/s * 50s=6000m (less than 20000 feet) if rainbow dash did travel at mach 10, she only had less than 2 seconds before she hit the ground.
  5. If you do mean anything, I would like to ascend to another plane of existence.
  6. I am a engineer, and I believes the magic is a higher form of science. If I have to defend myself,I will probably find a way to reverse engineer the equestria Magic and build something that can create a similar magic, or just a dampening field to prevent ponies use their magic.
  7. I think Discord is just one who can never have enough fun and create chaos to meet his desire. Discord is just like Trelane in Star Trek Original Series, a childish powerful being. Both of them are not actually " Evil". They are just psychologically immature.
  8. Star Trek (ST 11, ST 12 not included) My Little Pony Alpha and Omega Stargate 2001: A Space Odyssey
  9. I think it's a fail safe mechanism. If one storage is somehow broken, the data will still be preserved.
  10. Some thing like that? That's the best I can get...
  11. Star Trek Online The day Spock left us forever, players gather in the planet Vulcan, in remembrance of him. I had not experienced such sad emotion before I got down here with others in the game. Though the emotion is not caused by the game itself, it does provide us a platform to share and enhance our feelings.
  12. Equestria daily is blocked?! That's most...unpleasant... I usually visit the ponycloud.me , a pretty good German website (Although there might be some language problems)
  13. I think MLP fandom in China is quite strong. Bronies are everywhere on the internet. In some forums with nothing related to MLP, over 80 percent of the active users are bronies. Therefore, I don't think GFW is capable of blocking MLP related info.
  14. I really hope that some day no one smokes. My favorite person, Leonard Nimoy, passed away because of a disease called COPD due to smoking, though he stopped smoking decades ago. There is a video about Nimoy and COPD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqxbRmq3hn8
  15. Probably it is Twilight who is less powerful without her friends.
  16. I think stinky toufu is not so bad. Some how I really enjoy it. The weirdest food I have ever taste is the swim bladder. Even remembering the feeling when I tasted it for the first time makes me sick. Though my parents seem to like it, I can never stand its taste.
  17. You are definitely not the only one... Just a few days ago, one of my best friends talked with me about Rainbow Dash and referred her as an Energetic Boy.
  18. Food is just the nutrition for me. I can accept most food with or with out meat. I would like to go to the Equestria as long as food there is sufficient to sustain me. Actually, it's quite normal in some culture where people believe that certain food has certain biological function. When I lived with my parents, they always "forced" me to eat fish because they believes that it's good for my eyes. I argued with them that there were still other foods with chemical components could do the same, but they never listened to me.
  19. I build my computer myself, cause the computers on the market can't satisfy me. I do massive calculations on my computer and still need good game experience, but hardly can I find a cheap professional workstation in the market, I have no choice but build by myself.
  20. Fictional: Captain Kathryn Janeway of the star ship USS. VOYAGER Non-fictional: None, I suppose......
  21. I guess you all familiar with the traditional Canterlot royal voice. I am watching the Star Gate recently, and I noticed that Princess Luna's royal voice sounds really similar to a Goa'uld host in the Star Gate. To my surprise, I can't find much information about this similarity except in a few MLP and SG-1 crossover fan fictions. Any one else noticed that? Is it an emphasize that thousand years ago, the two sisters ruled the Equestria with fear and the absolute power?
  22. According to the Many-world Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, any thing possible does happen, and Arthur Clark once said: Magic's just science that we don't understand yet. So I believe that the Equestria do exists, but definitely not in this Quantum reality like this. If you are telling the truth, no matter how much can you tell it was the reality, you were most likely dreaming. Some dreams can't be identified easily as others. I can identify my dream easily, or even force myself into a lucid dream, but sometime I can never tell it is a dream or not even few days later. There is one occasion that I believes I have already done my school assignment but I find my exercise book empty in the due date. Until then I seemed to remember that I had been dreaming about my homework one night. But if what you told is the reality, I am really really happy to hear that.
  23. I would not choose to be immortal. A perfect time with friends is way better than being immortal. When life has become futile, meaningless, unendurable, it must be allowed to end. Can't you see, Captain? For us, the disease is immortality. --Q (another Q, called Quinn, Not John de Lancie)
  24. Great! The keen software house just updated the planet in Space Engineers.

  25. I don't think they will invade and wipe out the entire human population even they can. If they are superior, their cultural level must be superior. Though as Starlight Sky said , those with power have to know how to control their power properly and logically, or they will finally lead themselves to the destruction. Either they will someday invader some species more powerful than them self and be eliminated by their target ( see borg-8472 war in Star Trek) or they will fall apart inside their society. About the meat eaters, the ponies must know that as a primitive race, most predators are just trying to servive and they are performing a key role keeping the planetary ecosystem in balance.Though there are some predators, humans kill only for fun, I doubt they will eliminated all those people because if they do so they are no better than humans since there are several other alternatives such as give humans technology as food synthesizer or banish humans to a uninhabited planet with variety of flora or just use the spell twilight used before to change the humans' taste.
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