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Everything posted by EpicEnergy

  1. A kirin won, now rainbows will light up the sky! and a wizard won second, more rainbows in the form of magic! Very cool drawings, I love the summertime theme, summer's my favorite season though I'm not a "fan" of the heat (wink wink).
  2. Ponies be having much summer fun this month! So many good summer fun drawings, makes it hard to pick!
  3. Guess what yay it is! The yay of fries, the fry of yays, it's Friyay! :yay:

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      If you insist. ^_^

    2. EpicEnergy


      No Friday is complete without fries! Or at least something fried!

  4. Old technology is usually better than new technology when it comes to durability and repairability. New tech these days are not made to be opened up like the old tech could, and things like computerized cars are too difficult to repair without taking them to the dealership. You used to be able to open up consoles to repair them but now with the new ones I guess once it stops working, you just trash it.
  5. I would choose flashsticks and harddrives, both are good in my opinion.
  6. Assassin's Creed Shadows and Farming Simulator 25 look cool, looking forward to their release! I haven't bought either yet though cause I don't have the money for full priced games that aren't on sale, and because I always wait for games to release rather than pre-ordering them and getting let-down.
  7. Messa love thissa movie! Messa wansa rewatch it!
  8. I'd get the Deathstar, It'd be fun to lazar every planet out of existence and float around in my own space station! So many corridors and rooms to explore, and plenty of room to invite all of humanity to my own parties!
  9. Sims 4 is a crashgrab, they have too many expensive DLC's and keep releasing more. It's free but not worth it, so I'd say go for Sims 3.
  10. All the major ones, seems like where there's tons of people there's tons of fighting and drama. It seems as if no one can get along with each other on the internet, but then again same thing happens irl. But to be more specific, Reddit is the place where I've experienced the most toxic people, and the mods there aren't good at their jobs.
  11. I use Discord, these forums, and EQD the most. I stay away from the major social media sites because there's too much toxic stuff on there.
  12. But you're a wizard, and a wizard is neither late nor is he early! He arrives precisely when he means to! Jokes aside, you didn't miss anything, the fandom never dies! It simply had it's moment of being famous and trending, so the chaff has died and only the wheat is left (basically meaning the fake fans left and the real fans stayed).
  13. Well there are many raw ingredients in Skyrim that will give you temporary weakness to stuff like fire or ice, so don't eat them if you don't know what they do! Here's a list if you don't know what to eat and what not to eat: https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Ingredients Oh wait you mean what food is too hard to resist irl... Well I find it hard to resist pizza of any type, and Mountain Dew!
  14. Glad you do, these forums are much better than that dumpster fire called Twitter or the flame war battleground of Reddit! This community is very nice and acceptant of everyone, no trolls or bots allowed too as a bonus!
  15. A medicine intended to help with my migraines, the doctor just prescribed me some.
  16. Today! I had to go because I've been having severe migraines every single day recently. Hopefully the meds they gave me will help!
  17. I like mine crispy and crunchy! I'm not a fan of the chewy bacon, but I'd still eat it too if given the opportunity!
  18. Fun fact: Sonic may be a fictional hedgehog, but he's also a restaurant! Who knew such a famous hedgehog also established his very own fast-food chain? :kirin: 

    disclaimer: I'm pretty sure the Sonic fast-food chain is unrelated to the Sonic hedgehog franchise

    Link to the fast-food chain's main website! https://www.sonicdrivein.com/

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      You are correct, the two things are not related.

      I am sad that Sega never made a licensing deal with the Sonic restaurant chain. The marketing sells itself! Sonic at Sonic! They even have chili dogs there! But I think it never happened because Sonic is not an international chain. :blush: It doesn't exist in Japan and other places.

  19. Science, gaming, and technology, those are what interest me. I would stay far away from politics since it's too controversial and heated, and sports doesn't really interest me so I wouldn't get involved much with that either.
  20. I see them doing it all the time, be it for business or personal conversations.
  21. Nah I'm more of a sugarholic! But even then, I still limit my consumption of sugary beverages and foods.
  22. What's to love about all those wars, murders, crimes, and more? Humanity is very bad, we are always fighting and harming each other. There's a good side to humanity too though, and humans are imperfect beings, so I neither hate nor love humanity. It would be unfair to place the good that humanity has done in the box with bad. So instead, I view other people each individually rather than grouping them all together into one overgeneralization.
  23. Time has a large healthbar, so I would need a machinegun to take it down! I'd also chuck a few grenades and molotovs at it when reloading. It will be a long fight, so I'd need a party of one tank, one healer, and another DPS since two DPS units should be enough. I have to upgrade my weapon to deal lots of crit damage and better crit chance, since critical hits are the way to go with DPS. I'd tell the other DPS to flank Time so they get bonus damage, while I aim for Time's head. I'd have to be careful of Father Time waking up, he might hear the battle and join in. My backup plan would be calling in five airstrikes and a nuke. Me and my party would need to wear hazmat suits with external military armor to avoid periodic radiation damage, while Father Time and Time both are weak to damage because of the radiation poisoning lowering their defenses. But all that Father Time and nuke stuff is hypothetical, it's a backup just in case Father Time wakes up. Oh wait you mean kill time as in finding something to do, my bad... Yeah I just play video games, got to practice cause you never know when you'll run into an irl boss fight!
  24. I predict that in 3024, a millennium from now, that humanity will have developed technology capable of obtaining lightspeed, thus leading to the revolutionary change of inhabiting and colonizing other planets in other solar systems! :yay:

    Either that, or humanity will destroy itself with nuclear warfare and the Fallout games will become reality! The radiation caused by the nukes would mutate creatures, causing deathclaws, super mutants, radroaches, radstags, and more to come into existence! :ithastolookpretty:

    1. Iforgotmybrain


      Or humanity nukes itself and the resulting radiation causes everyone to mutate and evolve into the ultimate life form, crabs ponies.

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Let me know when they make teleportation a real thing. Maybe they can make fast pass teleportation booths. :fluttershy:

  25. Mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise usually.
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