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Everything posted by daviddaviddavid

  1. Games don't really make me 'rage' as in literally get angry, but I do get frustrated by bad level design or game balance sometimes. I haven't really played games over the past year, though, so I can't think of any such examples off the top of my head.
  2. Give them back or I'll drink all the milk. Final warning
  3. I guess this is the box where I add personal information, well I'll keep it short and sweet. My name is David, I'm 23 years old. I'm originally from England although I've lived in Norway (Bergen) for a year too and currently live elsewhere. I like playing guitar and piano, studying languages/history and I also have a keen interest in genetics and ancestry. @ridaranka totally isn't pointing a gun to my head forcing me to make this post. That's all. If any of you have questions, I'll be happy to answer them. Cya
  4. Nope, but I don't celebrate my birthday either. I don't like being the center of attention.
  5. According to a dna test I took, I have a genetically higher risk for coronary artery disease and prostate cancer (but those are the only two things out of about a hundred things they tested for, woot), so I guess those two are what I'm watching out for the most. But obviously I'd like to avoid all illnesses, if possible.
  6. All the time. There's literally no group in the universe that I'd perfectly align with.
  7. There's nothing I hate about myself. There are a few things I'd change if I could, sure - but overall I'm pretty happy with who I am and wouldn't want to reshuffle my deck for a different hand.
  8. Depends who the people are in question, but as a general rule I'd say alone. I'm a huge introvert and I've gone nearly a full week IRL without talking to another human being before, and been completely okay about it. If I can tolerate spending a lot of time with you then you're something pretty damn special.
  9. I lost my pajamas

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. daviddaviddavid


      oh poop. when can I come and pick them up???

    3. ridaranka


      You can now if you want 

    4. daviddaviddavid


      kk omw. I'll bring timbits

  10. Nope. Sorry to hear about all the breakups everyone else has gone through, though.
  11. Want me to pick up some chicken nuggets on the way???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ridaranka



    3. daviddaviddavid


      Think you can eat 10 or should I just get 6?

    4. ridaranka
  12. 2010: Didn't really play videogames at this point in my life, so I'm unqualified to say. 2011: TES V: Skyrim 2012: CS:GO 2013: GTA 5 2015: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (absolutely incredible game btw, most likely my favourite of all time) 2016: Dark Souls 3? (couldn't think of an amazing game that came out this year, but this one was pretty good at least) 2017: Assassin's Creed: Origins 2018: Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2019: Haven't really played videogames much this year at all except in January/February so I've not been keeping abreast of the latest releases, but from the little I'd played Eastshade would get my vote. The world was so beautiful and the game was really relaxing.
  13. Half a chicken and spinach, then some dried apricots.
  14. Milk. Fairly certain I've posted the same thing in this thread before, but my hatred of milk is so intense that it borders on the irrational, so I felt the need to express my disgust once more.
  15. I'm closer to a carnivore than a vegan, really. I eat meat every day and I feel terrible and severely lacking in energy unless I do.
  16. 1. I'd still want to be with them, of course. I want children someday, though, so I suppose that part of me would be a bit disappointed; but I'd be okay with it if they were willing to consider adoption or something as an alternative. 2. Perfectly fine, I have no problem with that.
  17. Genuinely don't mind whatsoever. I'd like at least one of each, though, but the order doesn't matter.
  18. Speaking on behalf of every city in Europe, police.
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