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Everything posted by Stardust

  1. Maybe brother and sister then again we have pipp and zipp already. Not sure if they r lovers tho lol Could just be close friends
  2. Or maybe that is wrong how do they know maybe it is all a big conspiracy. Did a pony go to space and check? :0 I think I remember something like that though in the show. Still though it puts into question why they move the sun and moon like that. I still prefer the flat disc idea as a fantasy concept tho lol
  3. The planet is a disk on top of a mythical beast Flat earth ahha There is a moon and a sun which is controlled ofc by magic. And there are magical fields in the sky.
  4. He is okay but I feel like he was always like mocked and used kinda like a slave lol He was cute though. I mean I liked his design and all when I first saw him. But he felt like a bit disempowered and kinda weak. Though the ones where he goes to the dragon land are cool and he gets a bit more development later on and when he gets his wings and all. I dont like the grown up spike tho looks weird haha. While g3 spike was weird and kinda flat he at least seemed very intelligent and compared to some of the other characters he was quite likeable. And I also like g1 spike a bit though he seemed a bit wah wah baby like too haha (I mean he is meant to be lol) but his body size and that made a bit more sense to me.
  5. She is pretty cute I like her colour scheme, I also like how her personality contrasts with AJ.
  6. Why not both I mean I feel like part of the appeal is having both of them together lol
  7. Yeah I get what you mean I don't really want too much romance either at least nothing obvious especially between the "mane 5", but yeah judging from him I do think he would at least want to flirt or something with someone lol but yea. I hope the focus is not on that kind of thing. But I think so far he seems more like a playful character and that. In a way two stallions could work but then again I feel like it is still a female led show and that would feel that is too many to me idk I guess tho they still had space for one more pony lol and with the school of friendship characters they did have more male characters but that somehow felt different. Maybe if the other male character wasn't a stallion but of another species. Maybe they will have prominent secondary stallion character too to balance it. I guess though not enough there to judge yet xP
  8. I rather they tried to put effort into it though and develop it in that way than they did some completely random thing or went back to g3 style or brought a random writer in whatever. Catering in part to the extended fandom seems positive to me since they are acknowledging that they are there (and for them to make a buck lol). It won't be the same but then what could they have done otherwise. Maybe stuck with 2d idk lol I wouldn't have minded a modern g1 reboot or inspired story tho lool As for the politics stuff well will only see when it's out oof I don't see the stallion as forced representation imo I mean before we had spike ya sure he was an infantile character (and angry birds stella did the same thing with having a boy character) but he was a boy. And I think it adds something so long as it is done properly, we still have mostly female cast. In previous mlp it always felt like male characters were pushed to the back and I think even lauren faust wouldnt have minded more male background ponies at least that were cool even for a girl show but ay.
  9. @abrony-mouse @Illiad Easle @Monotonality They sped along quickly down the hill, for the speed it was going it did pretty stable as Suri was holding it down. Bright wing leaned sharply forward to gain momentum on the sled,. As they reached the end she looked in confusion as she wasn't quite sure who had won, she was too focused looking forwards, maybe someone else could be the judge of that it seemed quite close. She heard Vale was leaving and looked sad "aw nooo, yeah I hope we can play again sometime".
  10. This sounds like a good idea
  11. Pipp doesn't feel particularly fluttershy to me so far other than the fact she has wings but they look more like the wings that if Pinkie pie had wings x3 she feels quite opposite tho she might be phone addicted or something
  12. Interesting I do wonder what happened to Twilight after the alicorn stuff
  13. I thought real life horse had "tattoos" where bits of their coat is shaved off I seen them b4 like tree shaped "tattoos" n that XD not permanent tho I guess But yea cutiemarks exist so
  14. So my guess XD i'm bad at explaining it tho Zipp would have a slightly serious tone but boyish sounding ish but still positive n that. You could draw parallels with rainbowdash and that. Pipp would have like a classic teenager like talking style haha Izzy would be slightly giggly and silly somewhat reminiscent of pinkie pie but more down to earth. Hitch would have a male voice that is more mid tone. Slightly silly, good at being sarcastic in tone sometimes a bit over confident but a tone of happiness and cheerfulness. It will match his posing and all. Sunny voice would have a slightly twilightness to it in style but softer, none of those rushed panickyness moments to her voice much slower and well thought out balanced
  15. @abrony-mouse @Califorum @Illiad Easle Bright wing hopped excitedly. "Awesome, I hope we win!" She helped pull the sled up with Suri to the top of the hill. She did this as quickly as possible with all the excitement.
  16. Oh yes I was waiting for the next reply for a while and didn't get the last notif aha i'll post in a little bit xp I was wondering how much longer the roleplay going as spring or whatever irl aha But ironically it has been snowing in little bits where I am (unusual) so that's good I guess x3
  17. Oh they didn't seem to have them in the image previews so something about them dissapearing Tru but suspiciously like rainbow dash xP especially with the other aspects included (without the princessy stuff) , but does raise the question if something like the wonderbolts still exists Still I would have prefered a pony with a little more different cutie mark like the rest of the pones but the crown adds a bit more uniqueness And I can see they used rainbow dash as a base for sure especially with the leaked art showing rd with rainbow wings and a haircut cut. still otherwise I do like the colours but I wish idk the lighting bolt could be changed at least a lil more in shape idk
  18. In the plotline they mentioned a flying pomeranian, I wonder if that is a spike replacement xP
  19. https://www.iflscience.com/brain/people-with-no-internal-monologue-explain-what-its-like-in-their-head/ I did hear some people think more in words, some in concepts, visually and some just idk intutively. But it's kinda weird to me some people like have actual thoughts that replay back to them?
  20. Not sexuality but kinda fits here so yea Seeing all those 100 gender things confused me back then and the gender is personality thing doesn't make a lot of sense. Like the way I express myself do I really need a gender label for it xP If I feel both feminine and masculine or feel different like so what? Like trying to escape gender roles and that, just recreate them as even more boxes surely. I want people to value me for who I am not some socially constructed thing and to again divide myself against others even more. Just because you reject certain gender roles or stereotypes shouldn't change who you are. In fact it's kinda sad things like being a woman are associated with make up and harmful footwear and such. There are also equivalents for men but more subtle. I just wanna escape all these harmful social dynamics and live as freely as possible while maintaining some sense of harmony with others. Creating something like that doesn't help me or anyone, but neither do I want people to force stereotypes on me. And we are all still individuals.
  21. Kinda blegh i joined work meeting late and said nothing till end oof I want to socialise with ppl and im bored I just wanna talk proper with someone and upset as reminded of somethin i didnt wanna.
  22. I know some lesbians say they would never date someone bi. Even if they were only 1 per cent hetero and 99 homo. One reason cuz apparently bi people cheat more or somethin. I mean its okay to have preferences but sometimes its just prejudice more often, all bi people lumped into same category. Lesbians can cheat too so makes no sense and apparently cheating on someone for a boy is worse hmm.
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