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Dice The Titanic Brony

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Everything posted by Dice The Titanic Brony

  1. Im a veteran of bullying myself. Mostly for being the new kid this year. It stopped after a while but it still leaves its scars. Even being ignored Hurts in a way. Its important to remember that School isnt the rest of your life. I got 1 year after this and im Free so to speak. Just keep your friends close and Keep moving forward.
  2. I hope to be a Singer and songwriter. Ive taken up guitar, but also plan on taking piano and drums. I hope to be the next Big canadian musician. Justin bieber kinda inspired me. (DONT HATE) (Hes makin 50 mil a year..........)
  3. 56 Minutes till i can join a game On Mann vs. Machine. Ohhhhhhhh the wait, It burns!!!!!!

    1. None42069


      I wouldn't expect less when the amount of people equal to 2 or 3 full states join in at once.

  4. Nothing wrong with curiosity. Ive read Twi and me and i can only say its interesting. im not into it but it was there so what the hay. As for rule 34 ive had some forced exposure to it (TF2 Sprays) and it scares the living fecal matter out of me. but im not gonna hate it. They can do what they want just keep it away from me.
  5. The community of course. Then theres the art, music etc. ponies like me and you i believe to be one of the few forces for love and tolerance in this world. One day we will Be known across the world. I hope......
  6. I sleep With the window open, Pajama bottoms on and a Fat memory foam pillow..........With a C7 Rifle bayonet under it. Intruders beware............ of DICE When hes sleeping. Blankets become pointless in the summer months but in the winter I entomb myself. I also sleep on my stomach. if i sleep on my back i ALWAYS get nightmares.
  7. My heart will go on- celine dion ?Viva la gloria? (little girl)- greenday Viking death march- Billy talent New born- Muse A little piece of heaven- avenged sevenfold And countless others........
  8. I play halo and Blops mostly. Im also on forza 4 a lot. Ima die hard black ops zombies fan so add me if u wish. Tag is: TAZ8000 Note: My live is down at the moment but ill have it up asap. I have no brony friends but i hope that will soon change
  9. I have one youtube video on my channel at the moment. Its me playing amnesia. Now everyone thinks im a whimp. I used to be brave..... That was until i played amnesia. As for the slender game........ based on what ive experienced in amnesia ive come to this conclusion: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!! My screams are a valuble commodity....(for me)
  10. Anything except country. My favourite composer is james horner (obviously, im the titanic brony) But my fav band is BILLY TALENT!!!!!!!!! Fav song is viking death march from the new album!!!!!!
  11. Beautiful drawings!!! Welcometo the forums. About a week since joining and i already have 7 friends. Youll do just fine as well. Ill see ya around!! Regards, Dice
  12. G'night forums.......why do i say that? its not like its going anywheres.

    1. Bronium


      It could be. When you go to sleep, all the crazy, and fun, stuff happens.

  13. Of many......i cant decide between these 2. Getting 116 kills and 2 deaths in a demolition game on summit. (COD Blops) Going up against an IS-7, T-95, IS-3, T-54 And a leichtraktor all in my E-100 and winning with around 200 hp left. (World of tanks)
  14. I just finished watching hearts and hooves day for the 6th time in a row. That episode is hilarious!!!

  15. You're going to like it here! This forums the best! were one big happy family here! Regards, Dice.
  16. Ive just noticed that the forum is quite literally growing by the day. Thats not something many other forums can say. Anyways welcome to the forums. Call it paradise pixelated. See ya' round. Dice
  17. So heres the thing. I took the amazing song by avenged sevenfold and modified the lyrics heavily to suit the story of cupcakes. I just came up with this a few hours ago and it sounds pretty good in my head. The rhythym of the words are almost identical to the original song itself. Just youtube the song and by listening to this you get the idea of how the lyrics are said the same way....(mostly) You may have to stretch some words or phrases but it fits well for the most part. Here it is....... (I own nothing yadayadayada) (instrumental intro) Before the story begins Is it such a sin For her to take what's hers It might not be what you deserve You thought you were friends But round the turns and bends It looks like now it's time To learn the darker secrets of life Just an afternoon of bakings what you thought Asked you to try one you shrugged and went why not? Now as you become dizzy and fall upon The ground Shell take you down and make sure they don't hear a sound Your eyes open then you frown As you notice your tied down Never seen a hacksaw of that size You don't believe it Hacked your wings off right before your eyes Slice off the cutie mark Slice it Slice it!!! SLICE IT!!!!! You beg for mercy start to cry begging her for forgiveness Also wondering why she says that your death is good for buisness Cause theres nothing that's too cruel You are nothing but a bleeding screaming receiver for all of her tools hey what's that lever? As electricity courses right through your veins You thought right by thinking that this mare is really insane And she knows She knows that your in pain Your to blame Now you really dearly truly cannot hope to survive You think it's over but you sure aren't done The funs just begun You may be stunned You weren't the first one Cause everyponys gotta die sometime Blood covered floor Looks like your done for Cause everyponys gotta die sometime At the hooves of pinkie pie- ai -ai Never seen so many cleavers in one place Just be glad she hasn't planted one onto your sweet face As you start to wonder why your still alive You catch a glimpse of a syringe inside you thigh You may have heard of insulin This stuffs called adrenaline Jigsaws nothing compared to this bitch Somepony help me!!!! Now all i can smell is my own piss Is that a chainsaw? Oh shit Oh shit!!!! OH SHIT!!!!!!! You know it's a shame because she wished you had lasted longer But she can just always go and draw another blood red number Because your never ever safe Better start running while you can to appleoosa Then again knowing her she'll probably Find ya And as all you vital fluids drain and stain your mane you are right in thinking that this mare is really insane And she knows She knows that your in pain Your to blame Now you really dearly truly cannot hope to survive You think its over but you sure ain't done The funs just begun She doesn't care Fillies or mares Cause everyponys gotta die sometime She won't stop now She don't know how Cause everyponys gotta die sometime At the hooves of pinkie pie -ai- ai Intermission ( musical ) As you take your last dying breath (we're almost done) You ask her what she meant By needing ingredients Then suddenly you cannot comprehend (I knew you'd soon understand) There's no way I'll be enough (your not enough) (your not enough) If I'm not enough (not enough) What's your plan? (Here's my plan) Kill again? (And again) (OVER AND OVER AGAIN) Your time is up Time is up You can't hide from her Can't hide from her She's coming for you Coming for you She's drawn your number DRAWN YOUR NUMBER!!!!!! (Intermission w/ chorus of evil laughter) (Vocal chorus of intro tune) (Spoken words in caps) SHEL'L HAVE YOU SCREAMING BEFORE SHE EVEN STABS YOU SHES THE ONLY REASON THE PRINCESSES HAVE GUARDS (Back to normal song now ) As electricity courses right through your veins you are right in thinking that this mare is really insane And she knows She knows that your in pain Your to blame Now you really dearly truly can not hope to survive You think it's over you sure aren't done The funs just begun Could've said no Reap what you sow Cause everyponys gotta die sometime There's a demand Stick to the plan Cause everyponys gotta die sometime At the hooves of Pinkie Pie -ai -ai (thunder rumbles and rain fade out ending of song)
  18. That includes bronies and pegasisters.But one day things will change i hope. It would be better for all.
  19. Parents think my brains broken. closest male friend is a die hard anti brony. little brother is the same. Not a peep at school so far. too risky. Most of my other closest friends accept it. (Including best female friend) perhaps parents will too eventually.
  20. Parents think my brains broken. closest male friend is a die hard anti brony. little brother is the same. Not a peep at school so far. too risky. Most of my other closest friends accept it. (Including best female friend) perhaps parents will too eventually.
  21. I must wonder why drive-ins are so unpopular nowadays.Oh wait.......NETFLIX!!!!!!! Dont have to go anywheres for anything anymore....... I dont like it.
  22. uh oh. im already halfway through the second season.........what happens when i run out of episodes?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pinkazoid


      you look at fanmade videos o3o

    3. Bowser


      meh id say move to eqd

    4. Dice The Titanic Brony
  23. Halifax is where the Recovery operations for the titanic were based from. Its also where a majority of them are buried. We also blew ourselves to bits in 1917....... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_Explosion Until the first nukes it was the largest explosion in recorded history. Oh and our houses look sweeeeeeeet
  24. Do you have a middle name? And by middle name i mean a quality you like to apply to yourself like "smart" or "tedious". stuff like that. My middle name i recently discovered is "Fidelity" Its the quality of being "faithful or loyal" This is my first topic SO PLEASE DONT LYNCH ME IF ITS LAME.
  25. Amnesia the dark descent. I recorded myself and put a few highlights on my youtube channel. Nightmares were plentiful that night, yet now im EXCITED for the next game.
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