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Everything posted by TailsIsNotAlone

  1. Drat it all! I've been seduced by my own fast food thread. Must get some Wendy's.

  2. I've noticed this. People would hoof you if you posted about cleaning out the cat box. But you've earned it! Well, I didn't see you earn it, but I'm just assuming. The tweaks on the character limit will be appreciated.
  3. You're right, Leaf. His/her dreaded arrival has been foretold in legend. We must sacrifice this one to the Great Apple, before it's too late... *looks up* Oh! Hello, Bananashy!! I'm sure you're going to like it here. And Rarity is awesome.
  4. Hope you enjoy yourself here! I have always feared to bring Jesus, a ninja and a pony together, for fear that they would have to have an epic kung fu battle...and that the pony would win. So with a name like that, you must be a brave one indeed.
  5. Welcome and good luck with your story! Let us know how it turns out. Pfffft. Don't listen to this guy. He was promoted like yesterday...[EDITED BY ~CHAOTIC DISCORD~] Sorry I mean to say welcome to board! Have good day! Discord is best mod!
  6. Tough question, as I like all kinds. But I'd say it's a tie between Pepsi Throwback--made with real sugar, not HFCS like all other pops these days--and Crush Grape. Mmm. I used to love Dr. Pepper, but I think they did something to the taste since I was a kid. I don't like it anymore. And Mt. Dew, I never liked. Some people go nuts over that stuff, though. My Dad and my uncle were both practically addicted.
  7. All the ones who did have mysteriously disappeared... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png Anyway! Welcome, Silver Soul, and congrats on overcoming the bad first impression! I assume the bronies beat you up and took your lunch money, then used it to buy pony toys? Some of us get a little crazy when the new ponies come out... ...just kidding. We're all a little crazy. But only some of us buy the toys.
  8. Welcome to the forums, Jakie Pie! But I have to warn you. There's this really creepy girl named Leaf Shade who switches names every week and goes around stealing the soul of anyone on the board who has an Applejack picture. If you see her around, get away as soon as soon as you... *looks up* AAAAAAHHHHH!!!
  9. We all have some chimicherries and cherrychangas that bother us over and over. Here are mine. This is the one place on the board where I will indulge my cynical, opinionated side, so be warned. Believe it or not, I wrote this entirely sober. ^^ 1. We must stop letting parents name their babies! Not forever, just for a little while. Put them on probation. They're starting to have way too much fun with it. I mean, how else do you explain some of these names? Why must every colt's name rhyme with "Aidan?" Cayden, Brayden, Hayden, Jayden...this has gone far enough. Frank, Eddie, Bill and George, we need more of you. Stat. 2. The anti-smoking crusade has gone too far. This is the kind of stuff people complain about when they have no real problems in their life. I agree with keeping the cigs in your pocket in certain places, but when you talk about banning it entirely you're going too far. People act like it's a major hardship to hold their breath for a few seconds while they're leaving a building. Lay off the smokers, they're addicts and they've got their own problems. I don't smoke and if you do I encourage you to quit. But I don't mind the smell, and seeing women smoke is a turn-on. Can you deal with that? 3. Youtube trolls. Not just compulsive anti-Bronies, all of them. Why must they always derail the comment pages with crap? Who is telling them that just because no one knows their real identity, they're not accountable for anything they say? Weren't we raised better than this? The public's inability to hold me responsible does not absolve me from personal responsibility. I still have an obligation to speak clearly and treat others with respect, whether they're face to face with me or a thousand miles away. 4. Speaking of no personal responsibility, political pundits. On both sides. These people get away with spouting the worst sort of verbal effluvia. I avoid them like the plague on individual thought they truly are. It's because nobody wants to hold them responsible. People only listen to them for laughs or to hear their own ignorance reflected back at them as if it were acceptable. -_- 5. I don't get this business about "divine intervention" or "guardian angels." A lady is driving down the highway with her kids, a drunk driver veers across the median and barely misses them and they say an angel was watching over them. Meanwhile a similar lady and her kids are driving down a road, another drunk crashes right into them and they all die. No offense to anyone who believes in this stuff, but where was their guardian angel? Sleeping on the job? Or are there not enough angels to go around? Why should the first person have lived while the second died? God didn't like how the second one did her hair? Doesn't sound like divine intervention to me. It sounds like human ego stroking. "I was important enough for God to save even though others died. Someone is watching over me and made me in his image. The universe cares about me enough to prolong my existence and punish people I don't like." Organized religions preach to us about selflessness, but their messages pander to our most selfish instincts and desires: a world shaped in our image now, eternal life later, and a god who always happens to be on our side. Now that sounds like a cherrychanga to me. Okay, I think I've offended just about everyone by now, so that's it for tonight. Many thanks for putting up with the ravings of a socially repressed man, and may Tails be with you.
  10. I thought of making this a big triple-decker poll, but there are so many chains I always forget, especially those places out west that are just, *tch*, WEIRD. So this is how the burger wars shall proceed. I'll just ask you which fast food place has the best so-and-so, you answer each one, and we'll all have some greasy fun. Which place has the best..... 1. Burgers? 2. Fries? 3. Chicken? 4. Salad? 5. Other side items? 6. Service? 7. Overall? 1. On the burgers, gotta go with Wendy's. McD's are okay too. BK's burgers, not so much. They taste low-quality and thrown together. 2. McDonald's. I've never had better from a big chain. Five Guys are good too. Wendy's fries get soggy too fast and BK just can't get them right no matter how many times they try. 3. Hard to say, I don't seek out chicken very much. I like Wendy's nuggets the best out of the main 3. KFC is okay too. 4. I don't eat salad. I just put it in there for folks who do. ^^ 5. Far and away, Wendy's. Chili, baked potatoes, wraps and so much more. 6. See above. I have never been to a bad Wendy's. The employees are genuinely friendly 99% of the time, the drive-thru is the fastest (despite the food all being made fresh, allegedly) and they don't mess up my order. 7. See above once again. When I'm really in the mood for some heart attack food, Wendy's is my favorite overall. Good burgers and everything else, decent fries if you get them home fast enough, good service and superior quality control over the other big 2. Second place is a tie between McDonald's and Sonic.
  11. It just happens, baby. Seriously, I think Twilight being the most promising magician Celestia ever saw is part of it. But making friends has also allowed her to focus those abilities and use them for a greater purpose, to protect ponies other than herself. Therefore, friendship is magic.
  12. Nopony hates Twilight. She just holds back a lot, even around her closest friends. She would rather be at home studying than throwing a wild party. The other ponies understand that. But since they're not being constantly updated on what she's thinking, some of her concerns come out of left field when she finally expresses them.
  13. Good "morning," everybody. I love the promise of a fresh new night!

  14. Roses are red. Violets are blue. In Soviet Russia, Computer uses YOU. There, BronyHeart and Dimitri, I got that one out of the way for you. But seriously, a poem about waiting a long time for something good, only to discover it was there all along, would be interesting.
  15. Never ask someone how his work ethic is. Ask the people he works with. They might say I'm very quiet, serious and committed to the job, to the point that I barely talk to anybody. But who knows. I try not to slack off.
  16. Some specks occasionally break off when I hit the thing hard enough. Beyond that, I have no idea. Computers drive me nuts, but I need one to post here. Sigh. -_-
  17. You are very nice-looking, but you don't look 12. More like 16. I am 27 and often mistaken for college-age, despite the beard. Not that I'm complaining.
  18. It's been said many times already, everyone moves on. Some people make a big deal of it, but many of us don't. And it's blown out of proportion sometimes, so your points are crystal clear to me, DrizzleSTAR. With the exception of PW boards where I had several thousand posts over six years because the place really had a hold on me...it's rare for me to achieve 200+ posts on any one forum before I lose interest and move on. With MLP, who knows. I'm close to passing that mark and will probably stick around for Season 3. But as we all know, some people leave the board and still enjoy the show as much as anyone, and others love the show but aren't interested in joining the board. So I think this is really a question about the board itself and not the entire brony community.
  19. "It Only Took a Day" by Dredg. No song describes me better. The lyrics tell the story of my life, at least the early part. Youtube has only a few crappy live versions, but if you have their El Cielo album you've heard it in its full glory. I like that song. And I like that video.But if you see a guy who commented, "The non-fucked-up version of this song would make this video 20% cooler," that was me.
  20. Now that would be a long list. Many of them I played before they were retro, so the term doesn't really apply...and in general I don't consider anything 6th-gen and newer to be retro at all. I'll throw out some titles that I didn't discover until later. NES: StarTropics, Crystalis, Felix the Cat Genesis: Sonic 3, Buster's Hidden Treasure, Phantasy Star IV SNES: Choplifter III, Killer Instinct, Mega Man X PSX: Final Fantasy VIII & IX, Silent Hill
  21. How beautiful Rarity is. That's what's on my mind. Why must she be so perfect?!?!

    1. Radiance64


      Because she just is!

    2. TailsIsNotAlone


      *dreamy sigh* I suppose so. Congrats on your promotion, BTW. I trust you shall bring some of Rarity's class and refinement to the position.

    3. Radiance64


      Thanks, I hope so. I've always been a huge fan of hers ever since I watched my first episode, so I suppose she does have some sort of inspiration on me. ;)

  22. I looked up to some of these folks on a mod-like level anyway, so it's not a big surprise. Congratulations to all of them. I hope they can handle the torrent of my constant swearing, flaming and general rule-breaking. As well as my secret agenda to turn the forum into a clopper's paradise. If we're calling the place a mess between the time the old mods left and the new ones were promoted, to me that says a lot about the standards of MLP Forums. It's one of the most organized boards I've ever been on.
  23. To anyone brave enough to read this, you have my thanks. I guess there are 2 parts to this odd little story; the first is about work, the second about dreaming (or my failure to do so). So, the work part. It's a night job where I stock groceries and other goods for a dept. store, mostly pop, water and juice. You get a lot fewer people shopping at night, which is part of why it appealed to me. It's not a soul-crushing ordeal (like my last job, that's another story), but it's still a job, and that limits the amount of time I can be home watching ponies. Plus there still are the other workers to deal with, and some of them can be jerks who clearly have never had ponies in their lives. But I had a solution for this. A few days ago, my Rainbow Dash wristband came in the mail! It looks just like this... ...and it's perfect. ("You may have seen these before if you've heard of the 808 Bronies in Hawaii. They were the first to have any," says the seller.) It has her cutie mark on both sides and is sturdy enough that I can wear it anywhere--to bed, in the shower......and even to work! So that's what I did, I wore it to work last night--with short sleeves so everyone could see. It may not seem like a big deal but it is to me because I'm really shy in person and I'm not one to display my interests. But no one really noticed or said anything. Every time the drudgery of sorting 30 different kinds of juice started to get to me, I would look at my wrist and I felt so much better. I think I got a lot more done that night than usual. My Little Pony has already made my life better. I can watch it online, I've got the wrist, a shirt, some blind bag figures, the calendar, and I've got the S1 DVD pre-ordered for December. I've got ponies on the brain these days. But just one thing is missing to make me a real hardcore brony...I've never dreamed about them. I can't dream about the ponies. I've heard of that lucid dreaming stuff you can do and it seems pretty awesome...but I can't do it. I tried several years ago and it never worked out. I sort of tried it again when I took a nap today. Told myself "okay, I'm going to dream about ponies." Did I dream about ponies? Nope. I dreamed about driving a semi-truck and wrecking it on Highway 52, then not being able to reach my grandparents on the phone. No ponies whatsoever. (Unless, heaven forbid, I was transporting ponies.) I wonder what I'm doing wrong... But that's it for my nonsensical blog post. Make of it what you will. If you have willingly dreamed about My Little Pony, please give me some advice!
  24. *holds breath* SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Just kidding, I never squee. But I'm in that sort of mood because my wristband arrived a few days ago. Not a pair as I thought it would be (boo!), but still excellent quality, so I'll keep it. It's weatherproof and I haven't taken it off since the day I got it. I even overcame my chronic shyness enough to wear it at work! (But more on that in my upcoming, largely nonsensical blog.) I've also got that MLP calendar up on my wall already. The family's visiting this month and they're bound to wonder, but what the heck, I'm leaving it up there.
  25. I think most people who read this thread are going to doubt their modding potential. As for me, I'm pretty new but I think I could do it. I've got several years of experience on my side. I used to run my own forum (launched it almost 7 years ago to the day I joined here), just on a smaller scale. Later on a pro wrestling board I delighted in outing trolls and picking apart poorly reasoned arguments, but that's not a major concern here. Other places taught me valuable lessons in professionalism and restraint. The only issue is, I like these forums mainly as an extension of the show. If I had to follow up on reports, enforce rules and resolve disputes, my experience here would be more about keeping order on the site and less about MLP itself, which is the whole reason I came. So I'm not sure if I would enjoy that.
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