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Everything posted by Hakureimiko

  1. Here is some more - I like Family Guy - I hate Romney and Obama - I like broccoli and spinach - I enjoyed Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest - I don't like the Madagascar movies - I enjoyed Strike Witches - I still think The Simpsons are funny - I hate most mainstream music - I enjoyed Devil May Cry 2 - I prefer watching anime than whats on TV today - I enjoyed Shadow The Hedgehog - I find the Pony.Mov series funny - I don't like the 100 character minimum rule - I hate Ray William Johnson
  2. Here are some of mine I like the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series I hate Lady Gaga I hate the Gak meme I don't find the lost souls and pain elementals from Doom to be that annoying to fight I hate reality shows
  3. Here are the ponies I would want to hug the most: Twilight Sparkle Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Derpy Luna Celestia Applebloom Scootaloo Sweetie Belle Octavia Vinyl Scratch (DJ-Pon3) Queen Chrysalis Cadance Trixie Lyra Colgate Rarity Applejack
  4. Yes but he is my college friend, but we get along fine because I never mention that I'm a brony. On the bright side of things I recently got to hook up with a old friend of mine from high school and guess what I found out he's a brony and than we brohoofed.
  5. Wow! That is kind of creepy and sad. I had a lot of favorite characters that died in anime, video games, and movies. I feel sad of course, but you don't see me ending my life by blowing my head off with a shotgun. By the way I was listing to this song from Doom while reading the article and it made it very creepy.
  6. People who don't cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough People who post "first" on Youtube videos and blogs When I'm playing a game and it freezes Spammers Trolls Bad drivers I got a lot more I could post.
  7. I found something on the tvtropes wmg section of Spongebob that might be a great way to close up the series if this was the plot to the sequel. Warning this is a little bit of a tl;dr "The Movie was not the end. When the show inevitably gets cancelled, there will be an episode in the future, right after the movie, where Krabs, happy at Plankton being neutralized as a threat and with a second Krusty Krab, will make more money than ever before. This will in turn result in him opening more Krusty Krabs, until he is the richest man in town. When he is the richest man in town, he will destroy all other businesses and bulldoze over people's houses for development, until everyone works for him, even the police, who use their batons to smack the shit out of anyone who resists. SpongeBob, who has been obedient up until this point, notices that the way people are living under Krabs is even worse than under Plankton, and realizes that Plankton was driven to commit his acts in the movie because of Krab's torture. He breaks him out of prison and forms a resistance group with him that also includes Sandy, with a lazer she designed and her Kung Fu for fighting, Patrick, with his same Robot that he had in "Sand Castles", and Squidward, who fights with god awful Clarinet music. They will assault the first Krusty Krab (which has become Mr. Krabs palace at that point), along with a mob of angry Bikini Bottomians, using things like musical instruments as weapons to fight Krabs' cops. Sandy detonates an explosive that creates a huge pit in the ground, and SpongeBob and Plankton confront Krabs on top of his palace. He fights them using a skull swordfish head as a sword (like in that one episode), where as SpongeBob uses his spatula as a sword and Plankton aids in the fight. Eventually, Plankton ends up on the ground with his limbs broken, and SpongeBob is hanging off of the building. Krabs prepares to strike him and let him fall to his death, but then someone shows up... Pearl. She is in tears at seeing what her dad has become, and grabs a bag of money, taunting Krabs with it. She then throws it over the ledge, and Krabs jumps over the grab it, leading to him falling down the pit. Outside, the police are defeated and Krabs is overthrown, and it is explained what happened to all the characters through the whole "text over a still picture accompanied by music" method. Plankton and SpongeBob use the recipe to open a new restaurant, which is moderately successful, and lets them make a living. Sandy become the cities new minister of science and Chief of Police. Squidward perfected his clarinet skills, and became a world famous composer. And Patrick is the president. Post credits, there is a clip of Krabs surviving the fall, crawling out onto the land, and noticing an odd looking fish. After talking to it, he grabs it, and gets swooped up into the air, because it was a fishing hook. Krabs is then cooked and eaten. Ok, so this would a little Darker and Edgier for a SpongeBob cartoon, but at least it would guarantee happy endings and get rid of Mr.Krabs." http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WMG/SpongeBobSquarePants
  8. I think they are trying to copy Facebook.
  9. Diamond Tiara IMHO reaches complete monster territory. Epically in Ponyville Confidential, She blackmailed the CMC to continue to make up rumors about the other characters. She made everyone in Ponyville hate the CMC.
  10. I know what you mean. There are to many annoying commercials in this day and age. There is one commercial I find annoying as hell. I don't know why people love this commercial but this has to be the most overrated commercial of all time. I hate how high pitched it sounds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_240939&feature=iv&src_vid=0aL9afAiGLg&v=BxBBGG76hU4
  11. I hope they don't force this shit on us.
  12. Here you go if you want to see them for yourself. To be honest with you I think he might be just trolling to see some reactions.
  13. Did you know that a person on youtube by the name of LeisureSuitGaming2 is already starting a huge giant shit storm on bronies right now? You should see some of his video to know what I mean.
  14. I'm starting to think that some of the brony haters are becoming more annoying. They make some of those anime haters look like nothing.
  15. Oh thanks for the message,

    1. vinolent cupcakes

      vinolent cupcakes

      your welcome! Birthdays are important things!

  16. I feel sorry for what some of you Bronies go through. Some people in this world are just douchebags. This is one of many reasons I am a closet Brony.
  17. None of my friends are Bronies. It's is practically taboo in my group of friends. So for now I am a closet Brony. I wish Bronies didn't have a bad reputation.
  18. I like The Flim Flam bros. song, Smile Smile Smile, Find a pet, At the gala, Winter wrap up, This day aria, Love is in bloom, Crystal fair song, Becoming Popular, Giggle at the ghosties, Art of the dress, and The Perfect stallion.
  19. Here's a few shows I find overrated as hell. Teen mom So you think you can dance American Idol Toddlers in tiaras X-play Jersey Shore Anything with Total Drama in it. X-factor The voice Anything that's an American Idol clone Here comes honey boo boo
  20. Now lets see.... Diamond Tiara- See how far I can kick her like a football or take her on a trip to the glue factory. Any G3 or G3.5 pony- Flamethrower
  21. "A year has passed since Bimmy and Jimmy defeated the Shadow warriors." It was supposed to say: "A year has passed since Billy and Jimmy defeated the Shadow warriors." Double Dragon III:The Sacred Stones (NES)
  22. I've got a question what do you think of this hater? I think this guy is trolling in my honest opinon. Also a lot of bronies are getting mad at him on the comment section.
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