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Everything posted by Wingnut

  1. I think Applejack's challenge is that, compared to the other five, she flies under the radar. All ponies possess great strength, but of the Mane 6, that is Applejack's only superhuman ability. The others have additional powers like telekinesis, magic, flight, animal telepathy, and all the weird stuff only Pinkie Pie can do. AJ telling Twilight to trust her when she let her go in the Elements of Harmony was nothing spectacular. Her cutie mark experience was a mere realization that she belongs on the farm. Even her colors are humanly possible. Look at Hulk Hogan with his orange tanning bed skin and yellow hair. Yes...that hair color is yellow, not blonde. Yes, I am partial to the pegasi, but all of the Mane 6 are equal contributors. Applejack will never break the fourth wall or the sound barrier, but she's very reliable anytime she's needed to get the job done.
  2. I had a similar thought too. But as bizarre and reckless as this seems to us, Twilight knows her close friend extremely well and was certain she would pass. I'll give this episode four out of five stars. Besides the hilarity that ensues with so many Pinkie Pies, I enjoyed seeing so many one time animals and items again including the Daring Do novels, Tank, and the bear.
  3. Attended Starscream's coronation and watched Galvatron burst on the scene and kill him.
  4. Here's my thinking...perhaps they were ramping up Twilight's powers rapidly just in case Season 3 was going to be the last one. Season 4 hasn't been ordered yet, but it's early and this show is too successful to wrap up now. I think Twilight's progress will slow and meet with some adversity this season, and not just in the next duel with Trixie. And even if Twilight Sparkle were to become the most powerful magician in Equestria, she still has her quirks and insecurities. She gets hung up on little points and often misses the big picture. In other words, it'll still be a long time before she's Equestria's equivalent of Superman or Optimus Prime. And I don't even like the term Mary Sue...that name must be 100 years old.
  5. I only skip steps if I'm in a hurry. Or if I am climbing up to catch the El and I can hear a train coming. Stairs are a good form of exercise and honestly I could take them more at work if I wanted to.
  6. Is offering $90 billion in cash and stock to buy Disney.
  7. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Hasbro, Inc. Sorry about that." I wasn't even planning to watch the new episodes again. But I could tell from the "suggested" videos on Youtube that Hasbro has already had them removed. I'm not surprised. They had gotten very lenient, and this was the perfect time to strike and send a message.
  8. What is your version of Princess Molestia like? My curiosity is aroused. But the askprincessmolestia on tumblr is pretty tame, all things considered. I can only recall one specific act that I would not describe here because it would violate community guidelines.
  9. My journey to becoming a brony started last Thanksgiving. My best friend was visiting from out of state for Thanksgiving and she was telling me about what a fun cartoon MLP:FiM is. She had me start at the beginning by watching The Elements of Harmony Parts 1 and 2. I especially remember when Nightmare Moon breaks the spheres. There are falling shards of crystal and Twilight Sparkle has a look of utter hopelessness in her eyes. At that point, most viewers would be thinking, "Oh no, what is she going to do now?" But I wasn't worried. Even though I never watched this cartoon before, I knew exactly how the Mane 6 were going to win. Why? Because the same plot device...the fact that intangibles like loyalty, courage, and honesty can't be destroyed...was used in another cartoon. This program was intriguing. It was unlike any My Little Pony I had ever seen before. It didn't make me want to turn away because it was too saccharine or dumbed down for thumb sucking toddlers. I was curious enough to watch more episodes last December. I don't recall exactly which episode I saw next, but one of them was Sonic Rainboom. I cried the moment Rainbow Dash broke the sound barrier and saved Rarity and the Wonderbolts. That was as intense as anything I've seen in 2D animation, and I've been a brony ever since!
  10. I could be wrong, but I don't think Twilight was intentionally using dark magic. When her horn glowed a dark color, I think it was because of one of Sombra's mystic booby traps designed to keep her away from the crystal heart.
  11. From what I've seen on Youtube and Tumblr, Molestia is not that bad. I've never seen her molest fillies or colts and she always practices the golden rule: She treats others the way she wants to be treated. Regarding other material that shows Celestia to be a cruel, bloodthirsty overlord, well, what can I say? Every good guy has a villain counterpart in alternate universes, at least in the fan based ones. Back to the OP's original contention, I agree Princess Celestia is a good ruler and Equestria is very fortunate to have her.
  12. I've read all the previous posts and it all makes sense. In fact, I'm a bit mad at myself for not being more observant. In addition to everything else, one of the villagers even said, referring to Cadance, "The Crystal Princess has returned!" or something along those lines. Oh well, hindsight is always 20/20. While it looks as funny as hell watching Shining throw Cadance at the falling crystal, if you watch her behavior just before the throw, she WANTS to be thrown at it. One of the things that stick out in my mind about Cadance from the Canterlot wedding is that, for an alicorn, she could barely fly. It was more like she spread her wings and glided herself and Twilight to safety. But on this occasion, once she has the crystal in her grasp, she can fly like a rocket. Pretty amazing considering she was exhausted and on the verge of passing out again just a few minutes ago. Did anybody else notice that Cadance's crystal cutie mark briefly glows when she's putting the original crystal back in place?
  13. What did everybody think about Applejack? In the season 2 opener, Discord disabled AJ's honesty element, causing her to become a pathological liar. Now in the season 3 opener, she had to reprise that role to keep the Crystal Ponies away from the fake crystal.
  14. Princess Celestia knows too much about Twilight Sparkle and has probably known it since she was born: -In Equestria, royals and non royals don't appear to be segregated. Ponies may be segregated by income with Canterlot being an expensive place to live. Anyway, a member of the royal family foalsitting a non-royal would likely be a common activity in the kind of harmonious society Celestia promotes. But Princess Cadance as Twilight's foalsitter before she even applied for the Gifted Unicorn School and her potential was known? Too uncanny to be a coincidence. “You are anything but a regular old unicorn,” indeed. -Princess Celestia was conveniently available for Twilight's entrance exam. -Celestia knew Twilight could use the Elements of Harmony to stop Nightmare Moon if she had the right friends with her. She somehow knew they would be in Ponyville so she sent Twilight there a day beforehand. Only a day? If it were me, I would've shipped her off a YEAR ahead of time, lol! But how did Celestia know that Twilight was the chosen one? Was it written in prophecy somewhere? Does she have have Midichlorian counts taken for all unicorns born in Equestria? Was she specially bred or genetically engineered for this purpose? I do like how Celestia is gradually bringing Twilight Sparkle up to speed instead of telling her the full truth about her future all at once. If Twilight felt unprepared to save the Crystal Kingdom, imagine how devastated she would feel if she knew Celestia's long range plans for her! I don't know. My first instinct was that Twilight was going to be the greatest magician since Star Swirl and a member of the royal court. But nobody lives forever, not even alicorns thousands of years old and some type of succession plan has to be in place. Luna seems to disagree with where Celestia is headed but as a long lived alicorn herself, she's no spring chicken either.
  15. Knowyourmeme already has a very large section on MLP:FiM. At this rate, they'll soon be adding a page just for Gak, lol.
  16. Another thought...Twilight Sparkle passed the test because ultimately it was her decision to delegate the duty of crystal delivery to Spike. But did she score a 100? I don't think so, as she still didn't do it herself. Celestia is very proud of Twilight and is fully confident in her abilities but knows she needs a little more time before she is "ready," whatever the heck that means. Too bad Twilight wasn't in the palace a few seconds sooner so she could ask "Ready for what?"
  17. I was expecting Sombra to confront Twilight at some point in part 2 and say a few words about how pathetic she is and that there is nothing she or her friends can to to save the Crystal Empire. Am I disappointed that it didn't happen? Not really. Having a face to face meeting between the pro and antagonists is too predictable. He doesn't live up to Discord or Nightmare Moon but I was satisfied with him. Not everybody in the MLP villain gallery is going to be a Darth Vader, Lex Luthor, and Megatron level bad guy.
  18. Could RD have just flown to the top of the castle? I doubt it was that simple. Twilight ended up finding the way to the top of the castle only by trial and error and after overcoming some of Sombra's booby traps. If a pegasus tried to fly directly into the tower, she likely would've been teleported to the doorway of fear or someplace else. All in all, a good start to season 3. I'm getting a sense that MLP:FiM was originally scheduled for three seasons just in case it needed to be cancelled early. But because it will most likely go on, they may have to change gears now to stretch out what would've been an early series ending story arc.
  19. To paraphrase an earlier poster: When I was your age, shipping meant putting something in a box and taking it to FedEx, UPS, or the Post Office. Anywho, I don't like shipping enough to read a lot of fanfics or look at a lot of fanart containing it. But it doesn't disgust me either. The few I have looked at are about deep, emotional relationships and had little or no sexual content. A powerful connection between two beings of any gender or species can be a wonderful thing. As far as routine pairings go, I have this to say: If Rainbow Dash were real, she would be embarrassed to know she is the subject of so many shippings. On the other hand, I probably like Apple Pie just based on the name alone, lol!
  20. It's a thought provoking idea, but it ain't gonna happen. Even if enough fans could pool together the millions it'd cost, they'd never agree on how to move the franchise forward.
  21. Sorry to hear you had to go through that. I don't have anything MLP related that I can wear. But I do have a Powerpuff Girl T-shirt I only wore once in public, to San Diego Comic Con. On the one hand, I got a couple compliments for it, including one person who admired me for being "brave" enough to wear it in public. On the other hand, one guy saw it started talking to me in a mocking little girl voice. That rubbed me the wrong way, but it wasn't totally unexpected. But here's the thing. If haters are going to insult you because of your shirt at a convention where ALL kinds of material is worn from the babyish to the risque to the gory, I can just imagine the flack we'd get from random thugs on the street where appearing tough is often required.
  22. I'm going to have to pass. As a teenager, I wanted to be able to grow a beard and moustache. But once I was able to do so, I honestly don't like the scuzzy feel that comes with it. I can't participate, but I'll be cheering the rest of you on from the sideline!
  23. I find the CMC's a bit annoying and childish. But, hey, they ARE children after all... Anyway, I like them in this order: 1. Sweetie Belle, mainly because of her voice squeaks, lol! 2. Apple Bloom, because she's modeled after Blossom. 3. Scootaloo. I have nothing against her, but nothing stands out that makes me like her either.
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