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Should we conform to society?


Should we conform to society?   

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  1. 1. Should we conform to society?

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Society should conform to me. I tolerate, respect people, don't commit aggression, am friendly and generous. Those things are essentially all that matters. I live in the US so each of us is our own society in a way since the country does not possess its own culture that dictates how people live like in other nations. Don't let people use bullying tactics to make you think that their way is the right way. They're lying. Everyone's way is equal.

Edited by Silver Letter
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We are normal.


No matter how different one thinks they are, humanity as a whole tends to follow a basic formula: form groups of common interest, form prejudices, stumble their way through life with varying degrees of success. It's how we're programmed, and only small differences in manner of thinking create the apparent divisions between different groups of humanity even if they all essentially operate in a similar manner. 'Weird' as a concept is relative, there is essentially no actual norm of society that can be called normal because enough people will be found doing something else. Everyone feels like the weird one because they cherrypick the instances where they find themselves to be different or others call them out as such, but they really aren't.


So we don't need to conform, do we? There's nothing to be conformed to. We're not special, we're just another group amongst the masses.

Edited by Little Black Dress
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I sure did. After a while of having normal friends and meeting normal people, society's normals, I figured I'm done with this. I've been bullies for being myself because myself it's normal. Living like I want to without anybody to judge me is great. My family moves around a lot and I got to see which states will judge for acting weird and which states are ok with you wearing pajamas in Target and  not getting stared at like I'm crazy. I did it. And I didn't get stared at. So you know what? I'm done with what other people expect you to act like. I do my own thing.

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I don't like Football, Nascar, or shows like American Idol (although they have had their moments), and I even stopped watching The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc. I have become far more spiritual and more enthusiastic about life. So being average would be very boring, and a bit depressing.

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Could you imagine how boring and depressing the world would be if we all liked the same shows, games, sports, etc.? We're bronies. We like MLP FIM. Sure, it's different, but I think that's a good thing. There's really no real definition of "Normal." But, we shouldn't conform to society just because we're looked down upon as "Not normal."

In my opinion, us being different is one of the best things about society.

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The idea of conforming to society, is saying that we must ignore who we are, and become a carbon copy of every other person. My answer? We have already rebelled from the rules and norms of society. I love being a brony.

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I have never gotten along with society and have learned a long time ago that I am a lot happier simply not giving a damn and being myself so no thank you.  It is bad enough that I have to constantly bullshit just to keep a job I despise because I have to pay the bills so I don't want to have to do that in any other aspect of my life.



I think that us bronies should slink back into the recesses of the internet.

But why us and not any other major fandom? I can see what you are saying about being a brony not being a big deal but the unfortunate truth is it will continue to be a big deal until society pulls its head out of its collective ass and realizes that it is not a big deal which will probably take least a decade or two to accomplish. Why should the brony fandom be held to such a higher standard than any other fandom? That is something that has never made any sense to me.

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The hipster is strong in this thread  >_>


It's fairly obvious most of the people in this thread have not considered the ramifications of their statements.


To elaborate, we all conform (and to an extent, need to) to society, at least to a point. A murderer does not conform to society. A rapist does not conform to society. As much as is wrong with our current society/culture, we cannot deny that we need it to survive, lest we fall into anarchy.


We may deny current trends or refuse to adhere to dogma and certain cultural expectations, but outright denial of society will bring nothing good

Edited by Static Electricity
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"what is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly" - Morticia Addams


Normal is something people think exists, but really doesn't. Normal is all about perspective.


As to the Conforming to society. NO. it is never good to conform to society, yes we judge by nature and we want to fit in, but the most important thing is to be yourself. Be who you want to be, do what you want to do. Never conform, when has conforming ever been a good thing, when has anyone ever said "oh ya once I gave up the things I liked and conformed to "normal" society, my life got so much better, I am way happier now that I am like everyone else."


People may bully you for who you are. Heck us bronies probably know better than anyone else. But there is nothing more important than being happy as yourself.


I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” 
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” 

― Ralph Waldo Emerson



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it is never good to conform to society

Society is what tells people to not murder and rape.


Our government is basically an enforced society.


Be who you want to be, do what you want to do.


So I can finally go on that cross-country killing spree I've been planning?


Never conform, when has conforming ever been a good thing,


When it keeps people safe, discourages crime, and provides some basic order to our world.

Edited by Static Electricity
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Society is what tells people to not murder and rape.


Our government is basically an enforced society.



So I can finally go on that cross-country killing spree I've been planning?



When it keeps people safe, discourages crime, and provides some basic order to our world.


I like the point you're making here, people tend not to realise that social norms are important things in regards to treating people with kindness, respect and common courtesy! And yes, laws are put in place for a VERY good reason most of the time.


That's not to say a little bit of deviance is unhealthy though!  ;)

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What do you mean by society? If we conform one way, there would only be another group to chide us.


Let us just be happy as we are.

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Society is what tells people to not murder and rape.


Our government is basically an enforced society.



So I can finally go on that cross-country killing spree I've been planning?



When it keeps people safe, discourages crime, and provides some basic order to our world.

You made a good point. I agree that on some level conformity is required. 

however other than on morally wrong things, such as murder, rape, animal abuses, etc... Conformity is not a good thing. 

I did talk in absolutes quit a lot in my other post, but I did not mean it that literally.

I also believe that anyone who is going to kill or rape someone is not in there right mind for what ever reason and conformity is not the problem but mental health. 

While conformity may be needed in some cases to uphold order, conforming to specified age and gender roles , the idea that my little pony is for little girls for instance, is not good. changing the way one dresses or the things one likes because of the social pressure to conform is not good. 

Thank you for pointing out my argument flaws, I needed to be more specific. 


All I am saying is be who you are, do what makes you happy and help others do the same. Be a good person and don't judge other people and if you don't agree with what they think or do let them be. Love and tolerate.

Edited by Eldwain
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To a certain extent, you want to conform. Minimum standards such as bathing daily, or speaking with an 'inside voice' are useful life skills. Basically... manners. Everyone should aspire to have good manners. 


But beyond maintaining the minimum standards required for other people to willingly interact with you, no. I don't think conforming is a good thing when it's at odds with your real personality. And to be honest, it's becoming more accepted in todays society to have unique, non-stereotypical hobbies. People are becoming less judgemental. 'Society' is evolving, precisely because people are less willing to conform. This is a great thing! The nature of society is one of constant change, and it's the people pushing at the boundaries who shape it moving forward.


Besides, I believe that everyone should be free to live however they like, as long as it doesn't cause potential harm to anyone else.



   A good topic and I wish I had the time to elaborate on it more, but alas, my time grows shorter and shorter.

I'm afraid that the opposite is true more then you might think. People both brony and non brony alike are judgemental. Less? No, if anything... more so. Evolving... no... not yet... Moving forward slowly? Yes.

  There are others less willing to conform but there's still others that would not conform at all. But conformity would have to have a predetermined explaination. You guys already conform. You tell me that all the time. How? By telling me what you fear. And some of you are so in fear of being a brony, that it must ultimately mean something to you if your afraid of yourself out in public. So basically from what I can tell about a lot of you. Your fear is pretty much keeping you conformed to your inner societal standards whatever they may be where ever you may live. I mean, I wear an outfit that get's me compliments all the time.... yet for some reason... none of you can seem to muster the courage to wear it. That is not a good thing and pretty much counteractive to your own vaild points and arguements. I'm being brony out there, what can I say? I'll tell you what I tell people. "You see how I stand out, right? (yes they answer) Well that just makes me and outstanding citizen!" and laughter ensues.Then they ask me what does ELOHIM mean? and I say "It's ancient hebrew for God or God Family." I then point to the sky and ask "Where's God and what's up there? Well that would be the sun and the moon. So if we named the sun Celestia and the Moon, Luna, (i turn my back to them and continue) that would be how I'd represent them. In the middle would be Twilight. Well my first name is Twilight and I wear this outfit cause that makes me Celestua and Luna's, little Twilight Sparkle, and I wear this tail in my faith to whatever's up there (point at the sky again) cause that's where I'm going. What am I doing in the meantime? Just minding my own business."

   Change... maybe a little... but you need to think bigger pony... Why is it you can I could talk in peace and equally share our struggles and we all live in different parts of the world? Because that's the power of technology. The true nature of society is progression of various things. But think globaly here pony. There's changes happening... sure... but good ones...? We're painting ourselves a pretty picture and not spilling the beans guys about what's making us all hurt. Struggle is still struggle, and a lot of you are telling me you're all struggling in some way. It doesn't matter what walk of life you come from pony or where in the world you are. You all tell me you are struggling. Well if you don't want to struggle then you yourself are going to have to make the change. But if you aren't struggling then I also think if you're a brony, wearing a getup like mine should be easier then most anyone else on the planet. You're reason's for not doing so are entirely you're own makeup and even if I said forget about my oufit and we simply refered to basic pony things that you're almost daring people to notice even though you're scared out of your mind to do it. Still... here we are pony... you're letting your culture control you and keep you in conformity of it's standards that it's raised you with and gives you fear of your own back yard. Am I afraid to wear my getup where you are? The answer is no, I'm not. But I would naturally also add that I wouldn't be there to cause harm, so why would people be so quick to harm me? That's where the world tells me about the lack of love and tolerance. If me being who I am isn't acceptable and would have it cost me my life. Then just make it painless. But I also think the truth is, I shouldn't have to fear for my life everywhere I go and so I don't.

   But you guys on the other hand... and by that i mean brony and non bronies alike... Let me you ask you this question: Why should I have faith in your leadership, if your leadership has such a lack of faith in what they why do they hide behind bullet proof glass and have armoured escorts? And they're the same people that are trying to tell us they get along with other countries? The worlds countries trade back and forth and yet my very neighbor across the border pays as much as 1/4 the price I have to pay for things while our leaders are smiling for the camera's and shaking hands? I want to rip their souls out from their pathetic fleshly body and crush them into oblivion with the fist of an angry God.  You US people watch your monkey parade around smiling and waving and pretty much saying " I'm not doing a thing for you right now but good luck getting past security." and therefore right under your noses, he's doing, and i mean it litterally, no, good. That's why you guys aren't doing so well either because you're just sitting there watching him and doing nothing afraid to be a brony in your own town where ever that is, but so many of you call your town a shit hole. Well I think it's high time that you all woke up and smell the roses but you can only do that by personal choice there. Perhaps having the first brony President might tickle your guy's fancy... I might even know one that said he'd wear a tail... I'll let you guys chew on that one for a bit.

   People should be free to live however they like. That's only partially true. What's free to you might be considered slavery elsewhere. What's slavery to some might be considered freedom to others. It all depends on what culture you come from.

   Here we are pony, a fandom. Made up of all various culture's around the world that tells our culture, we're different. I like to believe we're a good different... but when some of you (and it actually has occured) threaten to kill me... you really are the problem which ties itself to my highlighted last point... your potential for physical harm is where a lot of you can't control yourselves regardless of the culture you're from, and yet, there so many of you stand, afraid of your own back yard... funny that.

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@Rush: you said "rapid anti-brony" a couple of times.  I believe you meant "rabid".  Rapid means quick.  If Usain Bolt was anti-brony, then he would be a rapid anti-brony.  Lol, I'm sorry, I just like pointing stuff like this out.  That's just how I am.


Anyway, no we shouldn't have to conform to society.  I feel like this sort of thing has been covered ad nauseam in the forums.  Of course we should all be free to like what we want to like and be who we are.  If everybody conformed to what is supposed to be "normal," then nothing would ever change or get better.  If people always conformed, then we wouldn't have racial/sexual equality.  Never let society dictate who you are, what you like, and how you live.

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We're a fandom of a TV show...


I think the better question is, should we care? idk

    I would think that's a rediculous question. Of course we should. Should we be afraid of it either? No. But a lot of you guys are living in all manner of fear.

   I met a woman a couple weeks ago that saw me out minding my own business wearing Full P.O.N.Y. She struck up a conversation about bronies with me and she had heard of us and knew we were called bronies and knew that we existed. It was just an idea that was foreign to her but she was open minded about enough to talk to her sister about it. She said her sister completely denied the belief about our existence. The woman talking to me litterally told me that her sister refused to believe we exist and accused her of making it up!!!  

  It simply doesn't get any more real than this folks. Do you want people who don't beleive we exist out there hearing rumours that would impact their opinion before realizing the truth that we exist and therefore prejudging us based up on negative beliefs instill by people that maintain their hate for us based upon limited beliefs and closed mindedness?

   That battle isn't always online the battle is in fact out there in the world too. Because I'm out there pretty much trying to tell people a lot about whom we are... but asking if you should care would tell me that you don't know whom you are or what you can achieve or are capable of achieving.

   I'm standing there trying to tell this woman we come from all around the world, all various kinds of cultures and backgrounds, and we talk about all kinds of issues and that we're having a hard time figuring out what the heck is wrong with the world! Don't think for second that I don't see it from you all. I do.

    It doesn't matter what background you came from pony. Maybe you've had a rough background and maybe you haven't. But as a whole the fandom tells me that it doesn't matter what part of the world you are in or from, it would seem to tell me that you guys are struggling. What are you struggling with? Where would you like me to get started and how much time will you give me to help you? Because by helping you we tell the world we're more then meets the eye. We aren't just an online fad that passes in the night. We are people out there trying to make our way and help people along the way. But they won't believe because you aren't out there "representing" I myself already am out there representing so I have plenty to share about it, but even more so to teach you all.

   We're all from different countries and have various stances on political beliefs or religious beliefs but when it comes to even being a brony. I break the barrier beyond belief. You can't point the finger at me, I can only point it at you. On the outset it would seem like a rediculous getup, you guys tell me that all the time. But what do I tell the world about us? Because, I try and make it look good. Does it give me good results. Well, let's talk about that for a second. I do get great results.

   Did you know that a lot of the quams about what i have on my jacket i almost never hear about from the rest of the world? That tells me something about you guys. I have more faith in you as a fandom then I do the rest of the world but the very art I have on my jacket comes from the fandom itself. "I don't like the religous tone" you tell me. That's pretty much telling you don't like the work of your own fandom. I get great compliments all the time about my jacket exactly as it appears. People that never knew we exist or MLP existed or even people that DO know actually really like my jacket. It's become a positive thing in and of itself.

   I'm not trying to sound egotistical or anything of that sort. But how many of you are out there go full on? The real answer is precious few. I mean seriously. Let me ask you something pony.... Do you believe in what you do? Because I believe in what I do. Not everything I do is online even that might be the place I share a good part of myself. Because people don't have time to talk I just tell them to look me up on google. Do they? Who knows. But that's what I give them for now unless there's time to talk more then i do with that person.

   I'm out there pony trying to tell the world we're good people pony but here i am watching you guys tell me you're bored, your procrastinating, you're failing school, you life is a wrecking ball of hell, you're afraid of your own school's classmates, your own streets that you walk down you're afraid of, you're dreams and goals aren't reachable.

   The worst so far though is this fucking waifu bullshit. Well, I ain't giving the fandom a bad name there at all pony. You're the one telling the world you like marrying invisible make believe girlfriends. I'm not going to defend you there at all pony. Never thought that up, never endorsed it, nor would i. If you seriously believe you life sucks so bad that you have to do that you are definately a pony with a serious relationship problem. The first one would be with yourself. However, let's note that I do care on this one, enough to let you make that choice on your own. But call me crazy while you're doing that... You're an idiot.

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The nature of society is one of constant change, and it's the people pushing at the boundaries who shape it moving forward.

Man, I sure hope so. Well, that same hope is the reason why despair doesn't outright devour me.

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  • 7 years later...
On 2014-06-03 at 2:37 AM, Malinter said:

No. because if everyone conformed to the "norms" of society, nothing would change, for either good or bad. We'd still have segrigration and slavery going on in the west if people had conformed to the norms of the time..


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  • 1 month later...
On 2014-06-03 at 8:37 AM, Bendy said:

But should we conform to society?

Us MLP fans? Us Bronies?


Yes. We are not above the law. We are not better or worse than the rest.

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The question is, what is really considered the norm? It varies across not just different cultures across the globe, but cultures within the same nation, the same area, etc., as well. What is considered normal in my society may not be normal to everyone else’s.

That being said, morality should always be considered in a society, else it may fall apart. People can follow a system of norms or they can be their own thing, so long as it doesn’t compromise moral values.

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