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If you had the power to shape-shift into any animal, what animal would you pick?


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I think I would pick a cat. I would want an animal average enough that I could turn into it in normal places and no one would freak out. But I would also want an animal that could defend itself if someone tried to mess with me... So a cat seems like a good choice!

  • Brohoof 4


pleasant pegasister fluttershy fangirl cupcake connoisseur

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There's so many choices! It's hard to choose but I'll probably say a cat, as I have a deep fascination with them after watching Felidae,

Raccoon, I can raid any trashcan I want and not get in trouble! I am a thief in the night :ph34r:

A wolverine (yes they are real animals), I don't know why, I just think it'd be cool to be one :P

Or a weasel/ferret, again I just think it would be awesome :D


Maybe a scorpion or a mantis too if we count bugs, insects and arthropods.

Edited by DiscordedBrony
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I would be a grey wolf. I love wolves so much that I use the word "wolf" in some of my usernames and in my personal Email address. Grey wolves are amazing creatures. They are beautiful, and they work in family units. Did you know that older siblings or aunts and uncles will sometimes look after pups? :squee:

  • Brohoof 2


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I would shift into a magical pony.


I would like to be pretty and do magic and stuff.

Edited by KoGy
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An octopus; though it'd be foolish to transform into one were I far from a body of water.  Why an octopus?  Because octopuses are awesome is why.  And I've never been able to swim in this awkward human body!  Being able to breathe underwater would hopefully keep any fear of drowning at bay.


I'd consider an alligator.  So I could transform, eat the neighbor's yappy ankle-biter of a dog, and then revert back.  With a full belly, no less! ;)


A parasprite in "Swarm of the Century."  Whichever one that RD repeatedly kisses lol.

  • Brohoof 2

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Cat form serves me best for now. But the question is something I want to be able to shape-shift into... I guess turtles or hedgehogs would be good stuff to shape-shift into. The idea of having natural armor is quite interesting to me. All the forms I can shape-shift into are aggressive predators. :)

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An animal. I would chose to shift into a falcon. There is one that can fly 130 miles an hour (I forget which one). I would have cool telephoto eyes, and I could fly up into the mountains and find perfect isolated campsites.


Further, I could fly to Las Vegas or land in Disney World (changing back when no one was looking...free admission).


and besides, flying would be a great way to keep in shape.

Edited by Silverhoof
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I would choose a phoenix. They're majestic.


And I have so much in common with a phoenix.


Plus, look at this.






  • Brohoof 1

Heroes don't die. They're reborn as legends.

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I would like to shape shift into an eagle. or a parasitic worm.

Edited by Just a ghost

1zxbprt.jpgbabadumbadum BAH

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I'd think Wolf or a King Cobra would be pretty cool. But to be honest I wouldn't want to have a chance of being killed by a human. Not to mention if I was ever seen in my own country as either of these animals I would be hunted down by the authorities tirelessly. I would also think a deer would be cool, but then there is the human problem again. If I had to chopse between these three though i'd go with wolf.

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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I would shape-shift into a massive dragon to cleanse the Earth of the most destructive species, the human species.

Edited by Synyster
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An owl. Not only is it my favorite animal, but they can fly, see in the dark and are so high on the food chain that they have very few, if any, natural predators to fear. Plus they have the ability to spin their head upside down and backwards, which I'm pretty sure every kid has tried at some point in their life. 

  • Brohoof 1

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I'd like to be an eagle. They're strong flyers, they can lift things four times its own body weight even when flying and they look so majestic. Birds are also some of my favourite animals. :3

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A peregrine falcon. Flight would be pretty cool and I wouldn't want to be a bird that can't defend itself. The peregrine is also bloody fast, capable of 300 kilometer per hour dives.

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The most obvious and cliche answer is a bird. It would be so cool to fly, so i'd pick an eagle.


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Further, I could fly to Las Vegas or land in Disney World (changing back when no one was looking...free admission).


This is such a brilliant plan!  :lol:  I would use that power nearly every day if I could, haha.


pleasant pegasister fluttershy fangirl cupcake connoisseur

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Well if it could be anything I would shape shift into Kirby if I could also gain the power but if not I'd transform into a chim....No my final answer a Pokemon!

img-3243014-1-W0qjY9J.pngAwesome signature made by Pink Mist 

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The majestic border collie. Why you ask? Well, simply look at it. Beautiful, uncannily so. Intelligent, obedient, and cute. My kind of puppydog.

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