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When do you think we'll see MLP's heartwrenching episode?


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Doing an episode about Applejack's parents would be kind of dark for a show like this, but you never know.

Oh you'd be surprised honestly...


When one of the actors for Seasame Street (I think I spelled that right, it's been awhile) died, they actually had an episode about it... So something about AJ's lack of parents could easily be brought up in an episode someday.

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I don't really think we'll get one. An episode like that would be very out-of-place in my opinion. "Letting go/moving on" episodes like the upcoming library one are right, but I don't think a truly heartwrenching episode quiet suits the tone of the series.

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I have heard a "goodbye Golden Oaks Library" episode in season 5 be mentioned but I highly doubt it is going to have the kind of effect that Apple Family Reunion had on me. All the subtext about Applejack's parents, if you really read between the lines it is a very touching story. Speaking of which an episode about Applejack's parents has been on the wishlist of a lot of fans including me and if done would indeed be a tear jerker but I sort of dismissed it as a possibility until I saw how dark the season 4 finale was. Granted the odds are still against it but I think the likelihood just went up a bit with the precedent the season 4 finale has set. 


A Scootaloo episode could potentially be tear jerking depending on how they did it, I doubt they would go the orphan or Scootabuse route but they wouldn't really have to. It could go into why Scootaloo wants a kind of sisterly relationship with Rainbow Dash. Maybe she is an only child and her parents are so busy with work and whatever else that they don't have much time for her.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: I would love for there to be an episode focusing on Applejack having lost her parents. I don't want to see it for the sake of having a sad or dark episode. I don't even think we should actually be told how they died. But the entire theme of the show is friendship, and so I'd like to see such an episode for the reason the show was made: teaching about how friends can help friends through loss. There are probably a large number of the show's target audience - preteen children - who have gone through what Applejack has, and for them to have a character they can relate to would be fantastic. And for those who know someone who has lost a parent, it could also give them an idea of what their friend might be going through, even if they don't show it to anyone else.


So, I really hope someone from Hasbro is listening.

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I've had an idea for episode confirming that Scootaloo will never fly, and Rainbow Dash is so devastated by that fact that she no longer cares about wanting to be the best at everything and just wants to be there for her #1 fan/surrogate little sister. Heartbreaking at first, but then ultimately uplifting. I think that could work.

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I also really think a Scootaloo-focused episode could be the best chance for a tear-jerking episode. Maybe we could see more into why she looks up to Rainbow Dash so much. I've seen a fan comic where earning her cutie mark was super tough for her, so that's one aspect to consider. Another would be that she'd have to come to terms with the fact that she is NOT Rainbow, she is Scootaloo, and she'll never be great at anything nor will she ever get anywhere in life if all she is doing is following after and imitating Rainbow Dash. Of course, I guess we could get a sad episode focused on all 3 of the CMC, even Applebloom could end up following a similar story to how Applejack got her cutie mark, but I think there is more potential with Scootaloo.


Another idea I once had is where all the Mane 6 ponies are realizing their dreams at about the same time, and it is splitting them apart. Rainbow Dash has to move away to be part of the Wonderbolts, Rarity has finally made it big in one of the big cities, Fluttershy has been asked to be the caretaker of one of the biggest animal reserves in Equestria, Applejack is inheriting the Apple Farm, etc. It's one thing to say you'll be friends no matter how long and how far apart you are, but it's another thing to put it to the test. It'd be really deep to see an episode where they have to choose between their dreams and their friendships.


That's my 2 bits, anyways. :proud:

Edited by Samurai Equine
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MLP has had some extremely dark and sad moments, I still dont see why people dont see that, at its core its light hearted fun, but deeper in we see all the creepy stuff...Tatzlwurm, Chimera, Tirek, Sombra, Hydra, Dragon, and for sad stuff we have many moments like flight to the finish, hurricane fluttershy, ect

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