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Show your MS paint drawn ponies here


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I drew this a while ago, but it's probably kinda cheating because I used a drawing tablet.  :huh:

wow, there's a lot of people who are extremely good with MS paint, even when using a drawing tablet it's still pretty hard i think!

nice job on this :D

  • Brohoof 1
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I drew this a while ago, but it's probably kinda cheating because I used a drawing tablet.  :huh:


That is actually awesome....I kinda feel i need a drawing tablet now. XD

  • Brohoof 1
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Yes yes it does...oh and the link did not work.  :P

These are great! Perhaps I should attempt to draw a pony in paint.


Yes I recommend you to do so although if you plan to draw ponies in the future I tend to use DeviantART muro and stuff it can be quite hard to draw on Paint.  :P

This took me almost 3 hrs (Inbetween two pictures so the time isnt very accurute anyway.. that didnt make sense did it?)attachicon.gifScootaloo.png...

BUT I am really pleased with it :3




that is actually real good. :)

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haha this actually all looks quite fun! Funnier then I expected at first I guess, should check up some more on this thread :P


Yes...it is XD drawing ponies on Paint can be quite hard making the outcome quite funny.  ^_^

Here's a random pony i drew in ms paint, its a cake topper  




Aww I can't draw pointy ponies on Paint. D:

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I wonder how you guys can draw so good on Paint...I suck when it comes to it. X3

It's called practice practice  to get better that's what I do !  Anyway here's a banner contest for this awesome site I did enjoy in DDDDDDerpy HHHHHHooves HD Rainboom sound enjoy !


Edited by rainbowdashbrony1
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This is my MS Paint OC I made just now:


Its name is Keel MiNao, and it's a gender indeterminate pony (I think it's a pony) that eats sand and the pleasant dreams of fillies.  To fill the void inside that was left when its parents went, "Uhhh, yuck!  No!" and tried to pass it off to P. Celestia.  Who also went, "Uhhh, yuck!  No!"  And passed it off to a family of snakes with whooping cough.  Who also went, "Uhhh, yuck!  No!" and discarded Keel into the Everfree Forest.

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