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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom,@@Frosty Frost


When summer heard nerzhei say that she could better walk away from the chrystals she inmediately did. she was the expert of magical chrystals and Summer didn't want to mess with magic. when nerzhei kracked her cnuckles she quietly muttered an excuse, you shouldn't mess with dragons, dragons were dangerous if your name wasn't fluttershy.


then summer looked at nerzhei with big eyes to the things that happened next, the black aura that spread from the chrystals made her back away from the dragon a bit and when the earth started to rumble she flew up a bit, the air was her safe place. with big eyes she stared at the spikey rocks that covered her tent and everything she owned "your tent..." she said with big eyes, did nerzhei just really destroy, or burry or whatever, her own home?! She just couldn't beleve it. 


then nerzhei said that they had to go and summer fully agreed with her, she didn't think that the dragons would react nicely to what she had just done.

Edited by Summer Breeze


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@Summer Breeze

@Blitz Boom


Frosty was getting a bit nervous from everything that was going on. Blitz and Summer were playing with apparently dangerous magic items, and Nerzhei was going to thoroughly annoy the other dragons. Things were going less well than he had anticipated.

Frosty sighed as Nerzhei prepared to cast a spell. Well, this was just how it was going to be, so it there was no use being scared. Plus, Nerzhei was probably about to use some magic that he had never seen before, so he'd better pay attention.


He stared intensely at Nerzhei while she casted her magic. This was going to get interesting.

In addition to her normal magic aura there was also a black aura. So that meant that...eeh...something something magic stones? Eh. Details. He'd figure that out later.


Eventually there was a giant stone structure, which had enveloped all of Nerzhei's possessions.


"That's veeery nice."


When Frosty saw that the gems had changed colour, he squeed(?) with excitement. That was exactly what he was looking for! Storing magic, and then using it later to blow stuff up! Or, eh, do other useful stuff.


"Eeh, I was mostly just scared to ask, but eeh, yeah, I thought you'd forgotten, sorry."


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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Cover-up looked really giddy for a moment before he fell down again and laughed a little nervously. It was a bit too much with these outbursts for him, but he were just so excited about showing this. He just needed... There, a spot of road not currently used. Would do the trick.


He walked the few steppes over to it before tipping off the top of the inkwell and with his magic, raised the brush from his back and dipped it in. Not much, to avoid spilling of getting too thick a layer out, but enough to give a good amount of liquid going as he put the tip to the ground, and started directing the brush across the uneven surface.


Despite the surface, the pattern fell smoothly and with skill, The colt looked in his ace and happy in the moment as the brush quickly flew over and painted a good sized picture, of Silver with his little bunny. It were completely in black, but the details were still spot on and you could see the texture of them taking out well. It seemed odd he didn't have to dip the brush more than twice though, but not as odd as what happened afterwards.


As the picture were done, he brushed over once again, and the picture almost seemed like it moved. Paint were added, removed, and adjusted rapidly as he tried to keep up and making it seem like they moved as flawlessly as possible. It were not perfect, as he needed time to get things done right, but regardless, he went over a little , choppy scene of how the bunny had reacted until it ended on the painted Silver's shoulder, and the brush finally stopped. When it did, the colt looked up at Silver again, expectingly and sweating a little from the strain. Just painting things wasn't an issue, but adjusting this often took some energy out of him.


"Well? What do you think?"


The question remained what Silver would think, especially since it seemed like Cover-up could use his brush to both write, erase and move some, but hopefully he wasn't gonna start screaming *Witch!* at him. That'd just make things awkward.







The little one followed after letting out a sigh. It had been a small hope to begin with, and now... Rules had been broken. Guidelines set for them, and they hadn't followed them. They'd expect it from the other, but her? She failed. Even if it were the other that had taken her out of her stealth with her, it wasn't an excuse for going against the orders. Unless... Perhaps if she thought of them as lesser guides, this would still be within the rules? Long as they didn't help them in any trials, they should be fine perhaps?


"...We're spirits of magic. Small specks compared to the prime, but still. I'm Order, and that over there is Chaos."


Chaos poked her head around and waved before diving into Omen's mane. Something she regretted soon as she flew out with her tail on fire and a small hiss following. Seemed like the little drake were awake, and didn't like the company. Which were even more evident as it rose up and started to spew more, small fires after Chaos, that had gotten her wits about her now and threw random, small things she summoned after them. Like acorns and rocks. Nothing large.


"Why did you push me around?"


Order got a noticeable tick going over her face at the voice projected into her head. Not surprisingly when she were a being literally made of norms, guidelines and order in general, and this wasn't normal.


"Different opinions on what to do with something like you."


Omen tilted her head, clearly not getting what the little thing was trying to say.


"A ball of melted chaos. You're literally inert trouble and something unknown."


She looked at Lin afterwards with somewhat narrowed, searching eyes.


"You got trouble with you too, but it's not inert. I can see it, writhing and churning. It knows what happens to its kind here."





@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


"Can't take it with me, and I'm not giving it to them without a fight."


She pushed the gates outside open, ignoring the guard asking her what she thought she were doing until the door was fully open and she suddenly had her hand around his throat, pulling the suddenly scared, bulky guard towards her and whispering something that only he could hear, but likely wasn't nice as he seemed like he had seen a ghost when she let go off him and he flew off towards the camp. The other guard were smart enough to keep his distance.


Lyriel looked wearily at Nerzhei. She knew that Atazi could sometimes have quite the temper, at least from what she had seen from a distance, but this dragoness... She concerned her. She had knowledge and control, the ability to be open about things and even seem smiling at times. But she also carried such... Rage. It had seemed contained and not that prevalent until now, but when even others of her kind trembled before her from a few words and a grip... It made her worried, and perhaps a little scared too.


It were not something she would say out loud though. At least not when Nerzhei could hear her words. She did not want to be on the other side of the dragoness and stare into her eyes, gazing upon whatever was beneath the surface, so she'd stay her words for now, until the time would come when she were sure that only her and the ponies were within earshot. Perhaps they could tell her if they shared her concerns then.


Aside from that, it was interesting to see the lands around as they got outside of the camp. It was a little barren, granted, but they were still on a mountain, and if you looked at the rock formations it could be pretty in its own way. She wish she could say the same about the road they were threading on, but it was a dirtroad, so there really wasn't much charm to find in it. Especially not as the rocky dirt weren't much in richness compared to that in the valley.


"It is likely some way to go before we are there. Perhaps we can tell stories as we move along?"


"Oh, I know stories! Wanna hear about the time I set fire to the forest?"


Lyriel took Blitz out in stretched arms and turned her around so she could look the giggling little thing in the eyes.


"Please don't tell me that's something you do."


"It was an accident, I swear. only happened like once... And a few other times, just smaller..."


Lyriel gave Blitz a funny look before kneeling down and setting the foal gently on the ground. She had carried her around too much at this point anyway, and she seemed happy to be able to wander around again.


"Perhaps someone else haves a story with less... Dire implications?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Woah I can see why your a painter...it's as if you drew a moving picture which is amazing, that is really cool kid," he said before ruffling the colt's mane..."heh maybe I'll see you around some time," he said as he started to trot. These ponies are really nice compared to the others he thought to himself as he started towards what looked like a bakery/diner with a sign that said Sugarcube Corner. "Hmmm-" he felt his stomach rumble, "might as well satisfy myself before I pass out," he said jokingly to himself. He pushed his way through the door and went to the counter where he took a cupcake and sat down at a table to munch on it.

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@@Blitz Boom


Lin pondered on the matter and Order was right: whatever magics were left in her by Malvernis knew it wasn't meant to be here. And given how much the real Malvernis loved to toy with her by taking someone she cared for and putting her through many forms of pain, it wasn't out of the realm of possibilities that the malevolent magics would try to take her with it. She had her suspicions but she would rather keep her conclusions to herself and avoid unnecessary worry. 

"It does. This pain I'm feeling... it will only grow worse before it gets better. Is that were we need to go? That strange formation by the edge with the blue veins around it? It looks unsettling."


And it was much more than just an unsettling look. Lin could feel something else when she moved closer and closer. It sounded like breathing or beating, a regular pulse. The wind blowing in the area sounded more like it came from something exhaling. After some moments of silence and enough observation, Lin began to believe something else was with them, and it is much larger than everyone present. 

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@Blitz Boom

@Summer Breeze


"Huh, makes sense, I guess"


Frosty smiled when they got out of the camp. He wasn't really bothered by Nerzhei scaring the other dragons, because it meant that Nerzhei was pretty scary. And having someone scary on your side is always nice.


Frosty was getting in a good mood. They were out of the dragon camp, and they didn't even get fried, not even a little bit. And now it was story time! He loved stories.

He liked how the first story immediately upset Lyriel. Great job, Blitz.


"Oh oh! Oh! I've got a story! There was that one time I accidentally filled my house with ice needles, if you wanna hear about that."


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Blitz Boom@@PonyOfWar,

Golden Spell pondered for a while on Happy questioning, then said, "I am not sure what the princesses may be doing at this time. I cannot see a thing, so they could be trying with every ounce of strength and power that they possess to stop this catastrophe, and we would be unaware of it, I think."

Cyan nodded a little, keeping quiet and instead thinking about what could be causing this.



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"I'm not supposed to tell you. Every being that comes here have to make their own way and find the well through tests and hardships. Your pain is likely part of your test, just like finding the right place is. I wish I could do more, but I have rules to obey. And without rules everything will just-"


A rubber band suddenly formed around her mouth as Chaos swept by and giggled at her counterpart giving her the stink eye for this prank she played on her, though her meddling wasn't done yet.


"Bah, rules are meant to be broken. Listen uhm... Dragon...Ish one. Queen buzzkill here isn't gonna tell you, but yeah, start with going for the stone, then when you get there you'll-"


Now it was her turn to have her words restricted, though in her case it was a full muzzle of light around her face that stopped her mutterings, before the two began to make gestures at eachother that seemed mostly focused around *What's the big idea?* but without being able to say something as both their mouths were closed. It likely wasn't going to last long, but perhaps long enough for Lin to get to the stone without being interrupted by any sound from them other than their buzzing wings as they followed along for various reasons.


Omen followed along in silence too, though her focus were more on the drake and Lin than the two spirits. Those were magical and therefore hard to understand in her mind, whilst she had some idea about the other two.


For starters, it seemed like Lin had been right earlier about feeding the little thing. Though she could explain why they hadn't rolled out of her mouth before during her test, Omen still carried the berries she had plucked earlier in her dry mouth, and after the little thing had attacked the intruder in it's nest or whatever it considered Omen's mane to be, she had stuck a few up to see if it were of interest to it. Which, after a little sniffing to the things, it seemed to have as it ravaged through them. She still had a few left when it seemed to loose interest, yawn, and go back to sleep, but considering everything, it was likely better to have a few extra, just in case.


As for Lin herself, Omen couldn't help but worry a little about her, after she had heard about her being in pain that were only going to get worse. It was because of something magical, and this time she understood enough of it to get that it was the bad kind that she had with her that caused that pain and it was resisting or something, but she still wished that she knew something else. Namely, how to make it stop, but wasn't that why they were headed for the strange stone that began to feel more like a heart or something similar the closer they got?


Hopefully it'd be that, and not just a dead end. She didn't want to go back to Sen and say that his sister had died because they had gone sightseeing.







"You really think so?"


It was the sort of question that hadn't needed to be answered, as the look he sent the pony that had just ruffled his mane were one of being both excited and proud. Not something he had a lot of chance to show as thew pony sadly had to be on his way, but perhaps he'd meet him later on? It wasn't that big a city so one could always hope.


So, when Silver took off, Cover-up would shakingly rise a hoof up and wave him away whilst saying that he hoped Silver would have a good day, before taking his brush to what he had drawn and drain the ink out of the ground again and back to the well. Not everypony liked having random drawings around, so he made sure to clean up after he had drawn something, unless it was supposed to be there. Like something on a house, or a drawing somepony had wanted, or like in his own case, body tattoos to cover things.


The thought made him sink down a little and look more nervous than he had appeared thus far, as he thought about how he had needed that himself once upon a time, and still did. If he didn't have these to cover what was beneath them...


Whilst he stood in his nervous thoughts and cleaned up, at the bakery there was busy as usual. Not *line out of the door* busy, but enough to keep the staff occupied, and the ones in what line that were there to seem anxious to get to the close-by counter. Or well, all but one unicorn mare, who were too busy listening to whatever were playing in her headphones and bopping her head to the rhythm at the back of the line.


Vinyl didn't usually venture out so much in the day, but sometimes she needed to get some chow beyond what she had stored or had to shop, and today she had the craving for something sweet. perhaps a cupcake like the one over there were eating? Looked like a good fit.


She were looking over towards Silver with a grin on her face, though because of her purple glasses, it could be hard to tell if it were at him precisely or just something in the general direction. Though she looked away once in awhile and towards the counter, checking if she could see something akin to the kind of muffin he had rolling. She thought she saw one though, in the corner of the display, and grinned to herself as she kept her eyes on that when the line went on, and talked a little to herself.


"You're mine, muffin."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


With both Chaos and Order taking their little... squabble to the side, Lin took one more good look at the stone formation. She gave herself some comfort in seeing a the two of them go about and stifled a chuckle, if only because of the puns she could come up with off the top of her head. Chaos had a very tempting option to go to the stone structure and find out what will happen next, but she'd do so with caution. Order's words also resonated with her, maybe all of this was another test, but how was she and Omen supposed to know for sure until it happens? There was only the way forward to hopefully provide her with an answer, preferably one that would stop the pain for good.


As Lin approached the last walkway forward, there was only the wellspring ahead. In the middle of that was the stone structure, a monolith with a crystalline heart beating and blue veins stretching out in every direction. Around the pool were stones of varying sizes, though mostly large boulders not unlike those that roll down mountains. Lin took one step forward just by the edge of the water and the ground shook violently.


The boulders gathered around the heart and blocked the water, hiding it underneath them while even more stones, now smaller ones formed the rest of the body of this... creature. The veins grabbed each stone and carefully melded them together to form a body complete with arms and a head that was simply a glowing blue eye encased in rock. It had no mouth but it spoke with a booming and commanding voice.

Who comes to the wellspring? State your intent, outsiders!


Lin was baffled by whatever this thing is, and she was stunned into silence. "I... I'm here for the wellspring's waters. There is a terrible magic in me and I wish to be cured of it." She took a few steps back, thinking she had angered it while clutching her chest in an attempt to manage the growing pain, as if some residue of Malvernis was trying to break free. "Test me if you need to make sure I'm telling the truth; I just want this terrible thing out of me. Please."


The stone creature looked at Lin intently before turning its eye towards Omen. It notices a distinct difference in appearance and wondered if it was a shapeshifter who assumed a different form to trick it. It was aware of many who tried to take the waters by any means necessary, and this might not be any different from the many who have tried - and failed - to do so. Still, if there was truth to what the longma said...


I have seen her kind before; it is unfortunate he did not make it out of the waters but not all who go in are guaranteed to come out. The waters know when one speaks of a genuine desire to be cured as well as the intentions of those who walk from here once they are cleansed. What say you? Is this one's plea truth or lie? 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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Silvermoon sat at the table as he ate his cupcakel unaware of the pony looking at him. He ate it slowly savoring the taste, and also because he could practice his summoning while he was at it. He summoned many things from a spoon to a sword. Finally he stopped and summoned one last thing, a wolf. The wolf floated high in to the air to stop itself from smashing the cupcake. "You're lucky I didn't smash your cupcake," he said floating over to the side and sitting next to him, "you're one to talk," Silvermoon replied with a snicker. "What do you want," the wolf said, "a friend to talk to Shian," Silvermoon said looking at the starry creature. "Well you got one," he said. Silvermoon looked at the wolf..."right,"

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"Whoa, cool. How'd you make it look like that? Some sort of disco ball outfit?"


Vinyl had looked away for a while so she could go get her treats - she had taken a cupcake and a muffin - but as she had glanced back after her purchase, the pony from before suddenly had a wolf next to him. And not just any wolf, one that looked sort of like it was made out of stars.


She knew that couldn't be the case though. That sort of thing didn't make sense as much as it wearing some kind of outfit that made it look like this, or perhaps glowing paint? She could totally see that, but now she just Had to know for sure. Only wolves they tended to see around here were timberwolves, and she had only ever seen a regular wolf in a book when she was a foal, so what the deal with them were she hadn't the foggiest idea about, but she knew this: This wolf were decked out in a pretty sweet look, and she wanted to know what it were. The sort of things she could do in one of her concerts in an outfit or paint-job like that... It could be So rad!


"Or is it paint? No matter what it's looking sweet. How'd you do it?"


She might have thought otherwise if she had heard the wolf speak before, but she hadn't. It was less than a half minute ago that she dropped her headphones to around her neck and before that it had all been beats, no voices.







What a strange-looking creature.


That was the basics of what Omen thought when the stones rose from the well and made the body of... Whatever this thing were.It were strange and spoke loudly, that was all she could really capture of it at first glance. It was odd how it spoke without a mouth, but she didn't speak with hers either, so perhaps this was just something like what she did? Not exactly the same, though the same principle? It was possible, and it was an easy way to think of this. Easier than trying to break her brain upon what it might be otherwise.


It was a guard of sorts, that much she did understand. Even she had enough common sense to put that together, although it didn't hurt the way it spoke to Lin when she approaches, clutching her chest as if the pain she was feeling were getting worse.If it were, she'd need the water right away, instead of having to stand and answer questions, right? Why did it delay her like this?


It just got weirder and more confusing as it turned its large eye towards her, and started to ask about her opinion about Lin. If it were supposed to guard against threats, why did it ask her, who were clearly with Lin? Wouldn't it invalidate things, as she were here to help?


This and many more question stood, but would remain unanswered. Its question however, wouldn't be.


"She speaks the truth. We came here looking for a way to save her, nothing else."


It would not find lie in the whispering voice in its head that Omen projected, not much bias. It was neutral, as so many times, even though it carried a tinge of concern over it as she went from looking at the eye to looking at Lin that looked very pained. Like before she had taken her to see Mother, but with less panic.


Behind them, Chaos and Order had settled down and removed the restraints from eachothers mouths as they fluttered in place and looked at the guardian of the well, curious as to what his judgement in this would be. Though they were polar opposites and tended to get on eachothers nerves at times, they usually got along well and were often united in their curiosity of things. Such as the scene in front of them now, where the longma with the churning magic inside of her would see if she would get the chance to pass the guardian.


All that wanted to go to the well had to go through this, and it were interesting to see how it went almost every time, as well as the aftermath if the ones who did get a pass managed to come back again. Longma, Dragons, the Stranger, etc. it mattered not, every last one who came to the waters had to go through this, and the two of them were watching every time, mostly rooting for the ones who came for help. They weren't malevolent after all.





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,


Lyriel raised an eyebrow at what story Frosty offered. Not so much because she didn't want to hear it, but rather, because she were starting to think that ponies were a race that got into trouble a lot. Be it big things like getting tossed into the middle of a transformative valley, setting fire to a forest or getting themselves trapped on the wrong end of tyheir own magic, it seemed like there were just issues following them. Might be it were only these, and not an inidcation of the race as a whole, but it did not look good if you thoughts about the ones she had meet thus far.


Still, they were her new friends, and soon some that she would live nearby in a new forest. Sure, they may have odd stories with some bad implications, but they were good, kind-hearted creatures too. A sharp contrast to the Atazi they had passed in the camp, and to some extend Nerzhei, but honestly that felt like a good thing. She could use these sort of light-hearted individuals in her new life, though she might have to ask what were up with what was hopefully rare accidents.


"I am certainly curious as to how that happened. Do tell, if you would be so kind."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The wolf growled, "I am not a dress and I am not paint," he said sternly, silvermoon glared at him before turning to the mare, "sorry...he...yeah he's dumb," he said jokingly. "I'm Silvermoon and this is my friend and creation...Shian. I am an expert in summoning magic." He said, "you must be DJ PON3...your music is excellent...especially your last album which mixed your music with the classics...it was brilliant," he said recognizing the purple shades and mane immediately. The wolf looked at Vinyl, "she smells like she has been around a sophisticated pony, so that means that some of those instruments were not done by you, I'm guessing the cello, just from the wood smell," he said with a grin. Silvermoon smacked him on the back of the head, "sorry about that-" "ow," "-he is really nosy, no pun intended," he said with smile.

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@@Blitz Boom


This golem-like entity took one long look at Omen, noting her appearance and trying to piece together anything that could resemble her appearance. The eons it spent waking and slumbering hadn't been kind to its memory, believing there was at least one creature that entered the wellspring. Alas, it was a futile effort and it didn't pursue it further, though it would continue to be bothersome. It looked at both Lin and Omen and hoped they were listening carefully, but mostly focused at Lin.

It is admirable that your acquaintance chose to join you, and I commend your camaraderie. I should make something clearI merely guard the waters from would-be trespassers should they choose to desecrate this place but it is the waters that ultimately decide the fate of those permitted to be cleansed. If it deems you worthy, then you may walk out of the pool and be on your way. If not...


It hesitated for some time, knowing that this is usually when those who made it this far would often contemplate their whole reason for being there, and it was a harrowing time for them all. He remembers the many who have gone in and the few who walked out. Difficult it must be for them, it did not know empathy and it took a long time for it to know emotion. Whether it helped those who approached it, he wouldn't know but it eventually learned to understand what would happen if the worst came to pass. 


If not, then what remains of those who enter, whatever that is good and pure of them will be one with the waters. I've devised those tests to ensure that those who wish it to be cured knew they could be trusted, and yours is a unique case. Should you walk out of the wellspring, you will emerge changed and gain a new form and powers. However... I sense in you a deeply troubling presence. The waters will have great difficulty cleansing you.


Lin let out a sigh, one that had signs of being tired of being told of having her time being cut short. She wasn't going to accept it; she made it thus far and she will see this through. Besides, she couldn't imagine leaving her friend and brother behind, two of the very few who did not make her regret her exile. If she ever relived this life again, she'd happily do so because she'd get to meet them again. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom @@Moonlit @@Seamore Sandwich


Still hesitant to wade out further, Succulent was content to lay down in the shallows and watch the swim lessons from afar. She barely noticed the flying rodent until it had landed on her head, looking up and smiling in curiosity.


"Hi there! Where'd you come from, little guy? You're so cute and fluffy! What's your name?"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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"Perhaps it keeps her,  but without the water, she will be gone anyway."


Omen had been silent as things had progressed, tilting her head slowly from side to side and looking into the eye of the guardian that had spent a good deal of time starring at her during this whole thing. Why she didn't know though, but was it even important? It were a being in a magical place with a big eye, and since Order had said she could see chaos and something unknown in her - a considerably smaller being - perhaps this one did too, and wondered what the unknown parts were. Or were there something else?


Didn't matter right now anyway. It were questions for another time when nothing pressing happened, and right now that idle chatter wasn't an option. Not when Lin were standing in pain, about to go in. Or at least she were sure that she would. Seemed pointless not to when this close to the potential cure for her ailment.


"I'll wait for your return Lin. And if the unthinkable happens..."


Omen turned her gaze away from the strange creature and placed it upon Lin. Her friend that were about to take a journey she might not come back from, but had to for at least the chance to be cured. A few, final steppes where Omen couldn't come with her, and just had to stay here and wait for what would happen after she had entered the waters.


She didn't like that she couldn't be there to the end, but the waters wasn't for her. Though she had come this far to help her friend in what ways she could, the last part - the stretch where she might not come back from - didn't seem like it were a place she could do anything but wait, and hope that she came back from.


Seeing Lin and knowing that she couldn't do anything here at the end made her pause and think about what would happen if she didn't get back. It were not something that felt right to think about, but she still had to since it was a possibility, and if that were... She knew what she had to do.


"...I will take care of Sen."


Perhaps it were morbid to think of what to do if Lin ended up dying, and she felt a strange, painful pressure in her chest the more she thought about it, but for both Lin and Sen's sake, she had to. Sen deserved to know what happened if Lin couldn't tell him, though she hoped that she never had to go back with these news. Although the day would come when her friends died, she didn't want it to be for a long, long time, nor did she want to tell Sen that he had lost his sister after looking for her for so long. Even she, that didn't know much about emotions, knew that would destroy him.


"Though, try to get back. I think it's better if we could both be there."







If she had been another pony, she'd likely have responded to the wolf suddenly talking first, and been pretty in to finding out more. But alas, the curse of being a star and being recognised by adorning fans.


"Yep, that's me, DJ PON3 in the flesh."


Vinyl stepped a little in place to the beat from the headphones. It were a bit low, but she could still hear it, and she liked this part. It wasn't the one these two had spoken about, just one of her older ones, but she liked the beats nevertheless. No good music ever went out of style after all.


"And Octavia's gonna love to hear there's more that likes the new album. She didn't think it'd work, but there's so many that says it's a good mix of tunes. Oh I hope she's up for jamming around more for the next one. Got this sweet little setup I think'll really mix in if we rise the volume on the low cords."


It seemed like she talked to herself halfway too, but she couldn't help it. The album had turned out better than she could've hoped for, and any chance she had of setting up things for another round with Octavia, even if just as an idea, made her a bit hyper from the thought. Granted, Octavia said she wanted to try another direction with it if they were to collab again, but hey, she didn't mind having a little back and forth when it played out so well, and having another album with Octavia's name plastered aside with Vinyl's were gonna be a treat for everypony. Had been with the last one, that were for sure.


"Just need her to have the time for it. I need her to hear it out, and see if she haves some idea for a logo. Ponies are going to want to hear more, and she needs a better mark than the node for the cover. Have to stand out more or the background's just gonna look all bland."


She spun around quickly and bopped her head at the thought before refocussing on the pony and his weird, talking wolf companion. Shian was it? Funny name, but hey, it stood out, that's for sure.


"But hey, how'd you smell I've been around Octavia? What's the sophisticated part she's smashing herself in? is it the perfume? It's the perfume, right?"


Octavia had a certain whiff about her that she didn't think she still had some remnants off on her, but perhaps this little thing could pick up on something she hadn't washed. Her headphones perhaps? Could be something had gotten stuck in there of Octavia's perfume. Not a bad smell that was for sure, but eh, just wasn't her style to wear personally. Matched the classical pony better.






@@Hazard Time,

@@Seamore Sandwich,


Ziggy swims over next to Serenade. She's not as fast with it, being more of a fast runner and flier than a good swimmer, but she got the short distance done well enough. She had gone down as far as she could whilst still having enough of her head above water so she could talk without getting water in her mouth. Why she wasn't sure, but it was fun to see somepony from down here now and again, so might be she had just wanted to see how it were for most other ponies looking up at her again. It was a weird impulse that happened now and again that she never really had much control over. Or rather, she didn't really have the focus to care most of the times. Thinking over your actions before doing it tended to be boring..


"Are your wings hurting? Not a good thing to overstress them or you could end up with torn muscles or cramps. Not fun to happen halfway through flight."


In her eyes, Serenade looked pretty tired, so she just wanted to know if it were just from the exercise, or if perhaps it were going over into pains from straining too much to try and do as much as she could. It was okay to want to impress somepony - in this case likely Derpy - but she had to think like a doctor now and again and be sure. Especially after Serenade had made the half-blood her doctor a few days ago.


Which reminded her that she really had to read through the rest of the medical journal one of these days. Might be something important in there she really didn't want to miss.


There was another thing that wondered her now that she thought about it: Where'd the biting menace go? Had she went up into a tree to sleep or somethi- Oh, nevermind, there she were. Standing on the head of Succulent and stretching her little arms and legs without having taken much notice of the pony she had landed on yet.


"Her name's Fah'lina, and watch out for her. She's a tricky one."


The mimic looked out in the lake, to Ziggy, then downwards to whoever she was standing on now... The back and forth went a little by little before she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and bend down in front of the face of Succulent to see who this were then.


It wasn't a pony the rodent had seen before, and the smell coming from her she'd certainly remember if it were. A strange one really...


She kept sniffing the pony whose face she were more or less dangling down upon, with her small paws clinging tightly to the side of the head of said pony to keep herself there. It shouldn't hurt too much. Not like she were an owl or something after all. Now That would have hurt.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Octavia...Silvermoon mentally scratched his head...that name was familiar, "well there is the perfume smell, but I can smell the wood of her instrument," Shian said, that's when Silvermoon jumped out of his seat, "AHA," he said, "now I remember that name I went to one of her concerts not to long ago...it was great." He said forgetting everypony around him. He froze and saw everypony looking at him, he gave an embarrassed grin and sat down, "my bad," he looked at the dj, "you have nothing to worry about I'm not a super fan I just enjoy your music is all heh," he probably sounded like an idiot right now but he didn't care he just played it off.

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@@Blitz Boom@@Seamore Sandwich@@Hazard Time Serenade floats over to where Ziggy and Succulent are. "maybe a little tired....that last" she yawns and rests her head ontop of the water, "lap was probably one too many". Serenade watches the interactions between Fahlina, Ziggy and Succulent but is barely able to keep her eyes open. Soon Serenade is asleep and drifting on top of the water. 

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@@Blitz Boom @@Seamore Sandwich @@Moonlit


Succulent's eyes were completely locked on the mimic in fascination.  She had never seen anything like it before!




"She's adorable!" she squealed, cocking her head back and forth and watching Fah'lina sway in front of her.  "What is she?  Can she do any cool tricks?"

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom


Lin shared a heartfelt silence and quietly contemplated wishing her friend farewell. Whether or not it was only for the moment, she could not say, but she would very much like to come back feeling better than her current condition. The golem didn't intervene for some time and looked to the two of them. Many others shared similar feelings of dread as the eons passed and all of them ended in one of two ways. This one would be one or the other and like the flip of a coin, it chances of either outcome becoming reality often felt as such: both had an equal chance of happening. But before Lin could proceed, the golem moved in to offer his last few words before the process could take place. 


I must also add this: only the afflicted one may remain here. Whatever the process does to her is only meant for her.


The ground shook and some of the stones that were littered further away from them formed a gate, complete with a swirling portal that lead away from the wellspring. Unlike the one previously used by Lin and Omen, this one had a bright blue glow about it and the sound of calming whispers emanated from the gate. The golem turned to Omen and continued.

The process will begin when you leave. It will take you wherever you wish to go and once you emerge on the other side, a wisp will join itself to you. You will not feel its presence and it is very much harmless; should your companion need to find you, the wisp will separate itself from you and will form a gate for her.


At that moment, Lin quickly turned back to Omen and added, "Wait! Before you go, I should give you something." She plucked a single, iridescent scale off the back of her neck and showed it to her friend, tilting it ever so slightly to see the light bounce off one side and noticing the colors changing.

"I don't know if I'll come back but just in case I don't, I'd like you to have this. It's a lustrous scale, a piece of every young longma that sheds off when they grow up. These scales are made into small trinkets or necklaces to remind a longma of their younger selves as a way to help them strive to be better than they were. It wouldn't do me any good now but maybe you'd like it as an ornament or a keepsake."

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Frosty Frost,


summer looked at nerzhei scaring the other dragons and she was a bit scared herself too, she was really happy to have nerzhei on her side, otherwise she would have had a problem. But nerzhei's agressiveness seemed to do the trick and soon they were outside the camp. Summer sighed happily, now she was alowed to sing and dance and hug again and she smiled brightly.


"Layiel, you're out of the valley! I told you I would get you out of there!" summer said happily and gave her friend a hug.


then lariel asked for stories and when summer heard blitz' story idea her ears flicked "You  did what?" she asked the little filly. but then frosty also had an idea, her ear flicked again and she turned to the other sidem again she asked "You did what?!" but a bit louder this time. Those stories both sounded a bit... dangerous.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Hazard Time,


@@Seamore Sandwich,


"No idea. I just met her yesterday and she decided to hang around. I just call her a mimic."


Whilst Ziggy spoke, Fah'lina let go of the crystal pony's hea dnad used her *wings* to fly over to a nearby tree, where she grabbed hold of a branch with her bushy, but strong tail and dangled downwards whilst keeping the same expression on her face towards Succulent as she had ever since she mentioned her doing tricks. One that spoke of a dislike for being thought of as a pet. Not enough to make her hiss at this one currently, but enough so that you could see the *Tricks? Seriously?* expression going over her, complete with an eye-roll as she had let go before.


As for Ziggy, she turned over towards the suddenly silent Serenade to find her sleeping in the lake. Like literally, sleeping like this was a big bed and not a lake where you could, y'know, drown. Still, Serenade usually slept in a lake, so it was probably okay, even in this form... Buuuut, it was better not to take chances. Besides, leaving her here would just end up all sorts of awkward, especially if she had to explain to the others how a pegasi was able to breathe with her face in water.


So, she swam over and dived down under her, getting up so she carried the sleeping mare on her back and headed for the shore, where she'd extend her large wings sot he water could start to drip off. It wasn't easy to fly with soaked wings, and especially not with two, so she'd wait for her wings to be dry before taking Serenade here home.


In the meantime, she put her down gently on the ground where she could dry a bit too, trying her best not to jingle the necklace around or anything, but honestly not being sure how it went as she got her friend down to a sort of hard surface, but one that were better than her spine at least. The ground was a perfectly acceptable place to nap on for a bit in her own experience with... Well, falling from low hanging clouds mostly, but still.







"Heh, yeah, Octavia got a beat of her own going. A bit too slow on it's own for my taste, but you can hear she puts her all into it for sure."


Vinyl had been to one of Octavia's concerts before, and it was mostly there the two of them had met the first time. A meeting that had... Well, not gone over as well as one could hope, but that was ages ago. Things were going better and better these days, which their duet album showed very well, but they still liked some time apart. No good came from smothering one another too much, and besides, Octavia wasn't all in for the many late nights of Vinyl mixing up tunes in her part of the house. But to be fair, Vinyl wasn't a big fan of four hours or more in a row of cello practise either, so it was better to just try and tune eachother out most of the time, then hang out once in a while and see what kinda mood struck them.


"And I know you ain't one of the crazies. Those kind you can spot a mile away, and you ain't giving off any of the weirdo-vibes."


She looked over towards the celestial wolf and grinned a little more.


"Or well, not about music anyway."


In other towns, his little outburst might have made him stand out more, but honestly... Pinkie. There really wasn't anything more to say to it than that.


"Say Shian, how come you're rocking around with Captain Outburst here anyway? He just conjure up some mojo and press one for a snarky wolf? Seems like an odd partnership you two got going."





@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


"Well it wasn't supposed to happen. My hut were almost done and I wanted to celebrate, so I lit a few fireworks... That then sorta flew into a tree, then to another tree, then a bush, then a tree... Was a lot of things engulfed in pretty fire before some ponies from Ponyville came around and put it out.


It was the first time I met another pony after the earthshattering kaboom too, which were fun. Less fun when they started scolding me about *safety* this and *dangerous* that, but I didn't mind. It was still a cool day, and the stay at the orphanage was kinda interesting too. Lots of sad foals there, so I made them a lot of things that went kaboom to cheer them up. Matron didn't like it, but booh to her."


Blitz jumped up and down, giggling like she had told a funny story and not the summary of how she had met the ponies of Ponyville by almost setting off a massive forest fire, and had gotten sent to the orphanage when they didn't find any parents to speak off with her.


"Went back to the forest again cause that's where all the fun stuff is, but I go there with new things for the others sometimes. And I swear, I'm trying reeeeeeally hard not to start forest fires again. I promise, it haven't happened since the nice cat-snake man helped me put up a forge."







Omen slowly took the scale, not knowing what to say for a good while as she just stood silent as a statue and glanced at the special gift she had been given. Then finally, she took it up to her head and carefully put it into the seemingly endless, dark void that was her mouth before closing again. The two berries she had left rolled out as a result, but it mattered not to her. she could always find more of them, but she couldn't always find more gifts like this. It was something special, and far more valuable than those things could ever be, Too valuable to just store in her mouth for too long too, though it were the only place she had for it right now.


"Thank you."


To say she had never gotten a gift before wasn't true. Discord had given her things now and again because he thought she deserved it, or just felt like it, and a few of them she still had somewhere that she supposed she could call her home in Equestria. Though a hole far down in the ground cut off from any air etc. wasn't exactly a dream for most.


This scale however, she wouldn't have stashed somewhere to glance at now and again, even if a few of them could be taken with her technically. The scale were a special thing to give to somepony else from what it sounded like, and it felt like something that she had to... No, wanted to wear. A constant reminder of her friend were something that, regardless of how things went here, she would like to have with her. Around her neck sounded like a possibility, but she would see. Hopefully, Lin could give her some more ideas i- When, she returned.


She looked away from Lin and towards the portal that were to lead her away from this place, not liking the idea, but knowing that it wasn't a choice. Not if Lin were to have a chance to be healed.


"If the wisp doesn't work, I won't be able to feel the new you when you return. We would have to search for you from the start again...


Come back, and find us, okay? If you can't us, then find Mother. She will know how."


Whatever were part of Lin right now that had been gifted by Mother, Omen hadn't an idea about, nor how much, if any, would remain of it when the work of the well were done. But if she did become something of them, even a little, she might be able to get to home. And there, she could get help. Both the words and the slight tone change in Omen's voice at the second sentence showed that were at least something she hoped for.


With that said, she turned to the portal, only stopping briefly to give Lin a long, worried look, before stepping through. For her sake, Omen couldn't linger here anymore, so she set her course to the only other place than this she wanted to go, and towards the only other being she knew that truly needed her. Even if she didn't know if Sen were awake or not.


Back at the well, Chaos and Order fluttered closer, but hesitated and went a little further back instead, fixated on what were happening in front of them now, but knowing not to get in the way of it. Even Chaos knew that nothing good came from messing with things when it came to the well.







"Well, it ain't like you could get us more lost than we already are, so let's have a go and see where we end."


It was good in Null's mind that the little one had been alllowed to come along after all, though that just made it worse if they actually did manage to just get horribly lost. Now she got her hopes up for going to Canterlot, and having that being dashed by wandering far away from any route towards it were gonna be a double up on bad experiences for the foal.


It was curious what exactly made her so hyper about the capitol though, but it could just be that she liked the idea of a large city like that with all sorts of ponies, shops and things to see. Personally, she'd prefer solitude in some way or another as she and her sister hadn't had good experiences with being in towns and around others, but that was just them. Not everypony got chased away like them after all, though if sompony ended up stopping them going into the city and confiscated the bag they had with them, that wasn't off the table yet.


Oh great, now she would have that rummaging around in her head for the rest of the trip. Just swell.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Silvermoon gave another embarrassing sigh, "yeah...I guess you're right," he said before listening to what she just asked Shian. "Well I can venture off to where ever I please but he can easily summon me back. The thing is...I am part of his personality, one of his good ones. I am his intelligence, cunning, and can sometimes be his love side..." Silvermoon glared at the wolf when he spoke of that, "...but after what happened not too long ago, he refuses to let that side show anymore, but I am my personality just with some aspects of his, he did create me after all." Silvermoon turned to the mare, "he named himself after about 2 weeks of my first summoning of him...he read a book about a great silver wolf named Shian, and that's what he wanted to be called. He was also a pup then, we kind of age together heh." He added before glancing at Shian with slightly hurt eyes. Silvermoon hated when Shian brought up something from the past especially his love life. In other words Silvermoon never wanted to fall in love again, as to stop his heart from changing like it did not too long ago. "Anyways...I'm guessing you and Octavia are roommates since you said that she didn't like you making music in the middle of the night," he said pushing any other thought away.

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@@Lonk Chase



@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy





Priestess' arrow soared through the air toward its target and it seems sure to hit... But no! Its speed triggered a reaction in the Chaos Venom, causing it to tear a hole in the fabric of time itself! On the other side of the tear can be seen the same part of town but with more damage to the buildings. The clock tower shows the time to be several long minutes in the future. The Forgotten One is fully visible there and has a much more demonic form. Charlie can be seen off to the side connected to the stick that Priestess has, which is lying on the ground. The balcony that Penny is currently standing on seems to have been destroyed. From her perspective, Penny can't see any of this. All she can see is the arrow disappearing along with Miststalker and Carl, who were carried by Zhu's winds into the opening. Priestess should be able to see the arrow nearly reaching its mark between The Forgotten One's eyes, but the portal closes too soon to know wether it makes contact.


"I know you could not have foreseen that Zhu, but fret not. All is as it should be," The Traveller said in response to the current events. "Now concerning the circumstances of your hatching, not all events that occurr are a result of my influences. Though you would never have existed if not for me creating your species and guiding events to lead to your egg being laid, that which gave you your gift was not my intention. I even tried to prevent your egg from being damaged the first time, fearing it would cause irreparable harm to you. Another timeline I even tried to raise you myself, but that didn't end well. Each timeline created a different version of you, each with drastically different personalities. None that would have been willing to come here could survive the trials of your life. Many took wrong turns leading toward darker paths, while many more were too interested in helping those they cared for to see the bigger picture. Sometimes fate must be guided, but in your case, the early parts of your life needed no interference. The more I tried to help you, the worse things became." A sadness could be heard in his voice, especially when he spoke of raising one version of Zhu himself. Though some spend their lives wondering about the could-have-beens, The Traveller lived them, many times.


Shortly after the portal closed, The Forgotten One turned to face Penny on the balcony. She took a defensive stance, planning on fighting with everything she had, but the destruction that could be seen in the future should be a good hint as to what would happen if she stood there much longer.



@@Rapid Wind


Starlight sipped her chocolate milk slowly while waiting for the food to arrive. She wasn't exactly sure what to say. Hopefully the food would arrive soon, and hopefully there wouldn't be an issue with them having "outside food" at a restaurant.



@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy



Meanwhile, back in the forest:

"Uuuggghhhhh," the still sleeping Doctor Xeno groaned in pain. "That doesn't sound good. Hold on," Seamore said before quickly grabbing a bunch of leaves and piling them under the changeling's head like a makeshift pillow. "There, hopefully that helps."



@@Blitz Boom


@@Hazard Time


"Well I guess we're done for the day," Derpy said while walking out of the water. "I don't want to wake her up, so I'll just be going now."



@@Rapid Wind

@@Blitz Boom


"Sure, but keep in mind, we'll need to move quickly if we need to replace the supports. It can be a bit tricky. As long as you think you can keep up, I believe we can get it done without incident," Penny said in response to Stargazer as they made their way out the door.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Lonk Chase @GingerLightning @Melke @Blitz Boom @Mentis Soliloquy @Denim&Venom @SugarfootWillie @Quinch

"Ohh...shiznit...uhh...buck. That was the future wasn't it? Okay, what ever we're doing right now isn't working and uh...things are gonna get worse. Somehow. I can' tell if I hit it or not."


'Priestess...you have to get higher. T-try again... and do not loose the stick!"



"Well it is chaos venom. It shouldn't do the same thing twice." Priestess looked to . She folded her bow into her tail.


"Right. Follow me!" she bolted to the clock tower, leaping and bounding as fast as she could while Allure buzzed into the air to follow. She passed by a balcony and somepony atop of it. "Buck. That balcony wasn't standing a few minutes from now. Allure! Get that pony down from there!"


"But what about-" 


"Just go!" 


Allure looked to the balcony, then to priestess and back. She growled as she broke off and flew towards it.


@Blitz Boom

@Mentis Soliloquy

Back in the forest, one of the nymph kits peaked it's head out of the basket Reverie was carrying. Petey, crawled out and buzzed towards Xeno. 


"Um, little bro...sis...whatever you are. What are you going?"

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Blitz Boom, Astral smiled a bit, she turned around and started walking away from the waterfall. The Crystal on her necklace started glowing once Null and Void stopped siphoning it's magic. "Whew." She whispered to herself. She finally had a source for magic, now she could recast the warding spell. 'Wait...' She couldn't, ponies would see her cast the spell. She would have to wait until she wasn't near other ponies before casting it. "Oh!" She turned around. "Misty, map please?"


Misty ran over with the map. "Here!"


"Thanks." Astral held up the map and turned until she was facing Ponyville. "Follow me!" She said starting to walk away.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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