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Blitz Boom

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@@Hazard Time@@Blitz Boom,  Serenade couldn't help but smile. "Sorta. Wait a second" Serenade puts the sextant back in it's case, and heads back to her desk, grabbing another one. This one is slightly bigger, and has lines of engraving on it. "there are really two types of sextant, astronomical and navigational. Astronomical ones are massive, and usually only seen in large Observatories. Navigational Sextants, are somewhat complicated to learn, but once you learn them it's easy." Serenade goes into discussing how to use a Sextant to find your exact location on a map. 


"follow me for a sec" Serenade leads both mares outside, hand each of them a Sextant and leads them in finding Ponyville on a large, very detailed map. 

Edited by Moonlit
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@@asdfmovienerd39,@@Flinp, @@Blitz Boom,


Phoenix rolled her eyes "they can be taught to stay away, sure. but it never hurts to remind them why" she said through grit teeth, clearly letting out some of her pent up anger. she was a bit annoyed at Briar's hard conviction towards nature. she understood what he meant, sure. She just didn't quite see the point. eventually, these creatures would meet their end whether or not it was by somepony's hooves. besides, these forests were infested with these things. Phoenix was perfectly fine if there was one less of them to worry about.  

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So Sen and Lin had different views on Xin it seemed. Interesting.


Currently, Omen would lie if she said she didn't agree with Lin on this, as she couldn't understand how you could call somepony a friend who had lured you into a trap like Xin had, which were why she kept a confused look on Sen for a good, long time during their road ahead, trying to make heads or tails in this, but finding nothing.


The thoughts kept on as they reached the longma settlement, who started out much as she had started to think. That is, with walls and guards, isolating whoever lived inside from the outside world and leaving them in their... Home? Prison? She wasn't sure if it wasn't both, even after they went past that and she could see their structures and the beings living there. They didn't seem to have chains on them, but her master had been fond to tell how rules were like chains, keeping you down, and that you were only free if you never had any of them.


She didn't know if she still agreed that there shouldn't be no rules, but she did agree that sometimes, there were too many of them, and her impression of this place via the beings she had met and the few snippets of history she had gained, made her think that they would do well in having some of their chains broken.


The gawkers that focused on their little ensemble didn't matter much to her, though she did look around and took what in that she could of the sights. All things considered, it looked fine, once you got past the walls, but she still didn't like this place. Didn't trust it, or the elders who led this, of whom one would soon make his or her appearance, from what the larger longma said.


Her eyes eventually settled on the row of hunter that surrounded them, pointing their spears at them, though they were still at a distance, so she wasn't sure if this were to make sure their group stayed here, or to keep them away from the citizens. Perhaps both, but they'd see.


Not that they had to. if she wanted to, she could just get them away now. No ropes tied them down, nopony would be able to scoop them up in time unless they had an invisible, giant dragon here - they couldn't do that, right? - and they stoopd on an easy, flat surface. Yet, she were curious as to who it was that wanted the siblings here, and what they wanted with them. Considering the trap before, she couldn't trust the idea that this were about a return ticket for Sen anymore, and if they were to be imprisoned, why had they been let go of their ropes to begin with? Especially when they could see what Omen had done before this?


They could always leave later, but for now, she wanted to see what this were about, and who had made the call to go for her friends and family.


"Interesting place. Did you use to live in one of the trees?"







Cover-up twitched as Zecora's tone changed and he rose his head again to meet her gaze. He looked... Startled, by the sudden change in the zebra's approach, but he were listening now at least instead of keeping on his downward trend, though he still wasn't sure what she were talking about.


He guessed that she wanted him to go back? And that was why she had given him the map. Or perhaps it had something to do with the name, and where it came from, he wasn't sure, but more than anything, there was one thing he really didn't know what she were on about. Or perhaps he had just forgotten about it in the emotional turmoil he had just been through, but he couldn't be sure.


"W-What's a *crescent*?"


"That would be the bat pony standing next to me, colt."


The voice of the feline monster caught Cover-up's attention as he quickly turned his eyes towards the now-mobile thing that had been dragged in before. This horrid beast that looked at him with a glow in one of three, somewhat narrow eyes - the one in the middle of its forehead that were, which looked like it was turned on its side instead of what normal beings had - and swayed one of its nine, pointed tails behind it. The last part were just for comfort, but the bcolt didn't know that.


"And I must say, I'm hurt that you didn't mention me, Zecora. Don't think I'd help a sweet, innocent child too?"


Zinthar neglected adding a quip about whatever or not she were afraid he'd turn the colt to serve his whim, as he wasn't strong enough to think he'd win any sort of confrontation right now, but he still were tired of this uncertainty over what she knew, what were going on, etc. that came from this silence between the parties, so he had taken the chance to add a minor, taunting comment to begin what would likely be a bad time. Still, it would have to be better than this stand still, right?







"I'm not entirely sure, I was in the hospital and watching over my uncle when things happened, and a lot of the town was covered in a strange dome of wind that blocked out outsiders from looking in. Well, except for the giant hippo-thing, but I don't even know what to think of that creature.


I heard from those that were in there though, that a giant monster had attacked town and tried to eat them or something, before a lot of strange creatures showed up to defeat it. I don't know which ones were real as they kept saying things about foxes, changelings, robed ones and other things that seemed far fetched, but they won at least, and the hospital's been busy taking care of everypony that got hurt there since yesterday. Currently they're starting on rebuilding town."


Florence didn't say anything about the ponies and such that had shown from the past, as she didn't believe this before she had seen them and she hadn't had the time to check yet, but it might be a factor to think about later.


"Your monastery reacts fast, huh? I mean, the attack was just yesterday, and it was only here far as I know. I don't see a tower nearby so... Good telescopes perhaps? Or did somepony come to you, looking for help?"









"Contrary to what my appearance and dietary needs suggests, I do like to think of death as a last resort. Predators can be chased off and learned to stay clear of certain individuals or even entire races, and one must remember that they simply try to eat and live, much like any pony would. Perhaps their diet is different from yours, but it all simply comes down to feeding itself, not anything inherently evil."


Briar let out a sigh after his minor speech and wandered over to the still.smouldering pile of the former timberwolf.


"Perhaps it was not only seeking to feed itself either. A family could wait for it at home, that now will have to live without this parent, or sibling... I praise the earthmother for blessing the timberwolves with smaller minds so this knowledge will not hurt them as much or for that long, and for being flock animals that take care of their own. At least then, if this one haves cubs waiting at home, they will still be able to live on..."


He fell silent as he wandered past the once-great beast and followed the direction that Musical had flown off to.


The natural order were something he were painfully aware of, with ones such as himself needing to place themselves higher on the food chain to be able to feed themselves, much to the dismay of those below them. Those did not wish to be prey, and he understood that, but unfortunately, some critters just had to become prey so that others could live. it was nature, and going against it would only end up with an overpopulation of the critters and an extinct section where predators had once been, which would only end up as a disruption of the natural balance that would have wider consequences for even the ponies, who'd then have to see the greens they needed fall prey to the hordes of creatures who would before have fed others instead of now seeking food of their own.


Now, he didn't want to see a pony being eaten, as he considered the ones of higher sentience like that to be outside of the predator and prey dynamic, but that did not mean that you had to kill to protect one this simple. The timberwolf could have been beaten and scared off, which would make it look for another kind of prey unless it had a personal vendetta against ponies, in which case then yes, perhaps there would be only one, regrettable solution to things. In this case though, he found it premature, and it saddened him to think of this potentially avoidable loss of life, and what the consequences might be for the ones this creature now left behind.





@@Hazard Time,



"Uuuuh, shiny."


Ziggy looked down at the Sextant with big, curious eyes. She had never seen something like this, but it sure looked important, and from what Serenade said, it could be something really useful for the type of pony that were on the move, or had to travel to far away places sometimes at least. Maps alone could be hard to follow sometimes, and come on, this was pretty! Pretty things were worth extra points, right?


"How does it work? Is it like a compass?"


It was so tempting to poke at it and see what would happen, but... Nnnnno, she shouldn't. it wasn't her toy, even though...


Why did it have to shiny and mysterious? It made it so hard not to do anything to it. Nothing bad or anything, just something to see if this would do magical and wondrous things, or lead to some kind of grand adventure! Like she had read in her books when she grew up, no pun intended.


At the mention of changelings, Zen's face turned to a frown and seemed sad, almost...mournful. But she quickly shook it off.


"Well, Grandmaster Oakwood's precognition could sense the attack was coming, but only a few minutes before it arrived. And it took me a bit longer than it honestly should have to get here." she explained.


@@asdfmovienerd39,@@Flinp, @@Blitz Boom,


Phoenix rolled her eyes "they can be taught to stay away, sure. but it never hurts to remind them why" she said through grit teeth, clearly letting out some of her pent up anger. she was a bit annoyed at Briar's hard conviction towards nature. she understood what he meant, sure. She just didn't quite see the point. eventually, these creatures would meet their end whether or not it was by somepony's hooves. besides, these forests were infested with these things. Phoenix was perfectly fine if there was one less of them to worry about.  


"I kinda agree with Ms. On-Her-Period on this one. Timberwolves can be scary when we don't have magic explosion powers." Deadpan laughed.

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Musical came back to the group with a piece of the clock. However, his eyes had...green hearts on it. He throwed the piece of the clock on the ground.


"Only 4 more pieces left and..." Rose looked at Musical already flying off.


"...Anyone else noticed his eyes? It looks like he was...hypnotized." Rose says.


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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Kit one happily continued pouncing and chasing her tail. Kit two 'Brrrer' d?' at her answer, cocking it's head. Kitling one wondered off somewhere, looking for something. The same couldn't quite be said for Kitling two & Kit three. After not finding what they were looking for, the continued touch, further under her legs, until they located somethings familiar to them both.  Both young ones squeezed in under Soft Star, and began nursing off her.

Edited by Denim&Venom

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Phoenix scraped her hoof against the ground, growling slightly and glaring at deadpan. She wanted to threaten him for making such a rude comment, but if demonstrating her abilities on the timber wolf didn't make an impression on him, it was likely useless. 

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@@Moonlit @@Blitz Boom
Succulent stared at the alien device for a moment, her eyes glowing with wonder.  She does her best to listen to all that Serenade is saying, but none of it makes sense.  She opened her mouth to ask, but with how engrossed the other mare was, she decided to let her speak.  She seemed to be enjoying the sound of her voice, considering the wall she was talking to.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Blitz Boom,@@Hazard Time, "...so yeah, if you don't want the sextant, I'd be more then willing to pay in bits or whatever other currency you want" Serenade takes the older Sextant and places it back in it's case. "I can provide maps for Equestria and nearly all of it's surroundings. So deal?"

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@@Moonlit @@Blitz Boom


"It's a really nice sextant," Succulent said, gently closing the box back up.  "But I don't really have any use for it, and I feel like I would be able to get much more for this than the perfume is worth.  The two of these together are only 20 bits, considering the Sea Breeze is quite popular and the Salty Dog...not so much."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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She stood up from this and looked under herself. "Hey what are you two doing?" She stopped paying attention to the others. "Oh we're hungry are we? Well drink up little ones." She tried to keep up to allow them to nurse from her, she was quite happy to feed the little ones.

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Phoenix scraped her hoof against the ground, growling slightly and glaring at deadpan. She wanted to threaten him for making such a rude comment, but if demonstrating her abilities on the timber wolf didn't make an impression on him, it was likely useless. 


"Hey now, calm down, lady. I was just joking." Deadpan rolled his eyes. "Geez, it's like that one time I jokingly called Prince Blueblood 'Prince Blueballs'. I was wanted by the royal guard for months before Celestia told 'em to lighten up. Maybe you should try eating a lightbulb to help with that."

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@@Blitz Boom, The train vibrated ever so slightly when it started. Misty let out a "eep!" When it did, almost falling over when her legs didn't quite hold up. She caught herself before anypony else could. She followed Chow to the seat, deciding that sitting down would be the best course of action. "What was it like for you when you first stepped on a train?" She asked thinking it a fitting question to ask. "Since I would like to know if my current reactions are normal."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


All suspicion hadn't subsided yet but Sen and Lin seemed to be slightly at ease, not that it mattered since tension was still high, but confrontation was hopefully avoidable. Lin looked up to see if her old home was still around, squinting as her vision moved to the furthest ones she could still see within view. 

"Yes, at one point. The new families would often have the houses on the upper levels since their bodies could still carry them up there. Eventually, older longma would move to the ground and their children and belongings would go down with them while the younger generation take their place up above. I imagine mother and father would be on the ground these days but it's better that way."

The gruff leader chimed in, taking interest in the conversation. "There are homes in the canopies as well. Those are reserved for hunters, bird messengers, and sentries. Their eyesight alerts the clan to developments in the weather and serves as resting quarters for home-raised birds." 

Whatever it is Omen might be feeling at the time, Sen simply hoped it might not be as bad as it looks. Home for them may carry a double-edged meaning of trouble and comfort but seeing what this place is could ease some of the tension. Along the far corer of his eye, he caught sight of Xin still being carried around to the clinic further away. He focused his sight on him, an angry aside that would deliver a silent message to the injured. If all goes well, he might be able to see his parents again and introduce them to Omen, and relay some good news as well.

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@@Blitz Boom,@@Frosty Frost,


summer giggled when she saw frosty and blitz appear from the sandstorm, and then she giggled because she had appearently dumped sand on another pony, but she didn't seem to be so happy with that. then summer realised something


"HEY YOU! UNKNOWN PONY! SORRY FOR THE SAND DUMPING THING!!" she yelled to the new pegasus pony. then she flew closer to her and lyriel. "hi there, unknown pegasus friend, sorry again, please don't be mad" she said and looked appologetic, but also verry happy at the same time. it was verry hard for her to hide how hilarious she thought it was. but she was also truely sorry. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Omen listened to them with her head tilting from side to side, as they explained the reason for the height of some of the homes here, as well as ones that were currently unseen that reached even higher.


"...Makes sense."


So the younger they were, the higher they could get because they were more agile, had more strength to spare, and had less mass dragging them along, whilst the older and weaker they got, the closer to the ground they got. This sounded like a smart move, and the ones above it too she supposed, if it was another sort of defense, but it still carried a somewhat ominous part to it that the hunter and such were at the very top.


Yes, they would be able to make sure nopony entered, but did that not also mean they could ensure nopony left? With them up there, and the walls around, it left a dome over the city of guards that could make sure that things inside stayed the way they wanted to.


Might be it was wrong, and others were free to climb up there too, but she still had to see proof of this place not being as bad as she had gotten the impression of before she didn't see the flaws here and there, and even then, she might still do that. The times when she were not clueless tended to be spent looking at a few sides of things, though she hadn't been able to look at much as objectively as she used to since she met Sen and Lin. Having friends made her view on some things biased, like this place.


"So the older you get, the closer to the ground you get? Does that mean your elders live under it?"







"Actually, you're doing better than me. I were still getting used to the flat ground and heavy air after getting down from Griffinstone when I took a ride, and the first time the floor moved under me, uhm..."


Chow started to look mighty awkward as his eyes went down the aisle of the train and towards one of the windows.


"Let's just say you're doing pretty good lass, and then leave it at that, 'kay? I'd like to keep what little dignity I still have a grasp on."


From the look on his face and the somewhat nervous laughter that came after that, it were clear that it hadn't ended well, that was for sure, though he really didn't wanna tell if he could get away with it. Falling of a train in the way he had weren't exactly a story that left him with much pride, and especially not when you countered in the cacti... *shiver* Not a good day.


"Mind me asking somethin' now that I think of it? Have you been thinking 'bout school when the two of you've gotten settled into Canterlot? I know it might sound a bit boring for a filly who'd probably rather rummage about, but it's a good place to socialize a bit and get some friends if it were. And a bit of knowledge to top it off ain't ever hurt anypony."


Truth be told, the kid worried him a bit. She had been through a lot with her family being taken away from what he'd understood of things, and whilst she were getting raised and taken care of now, they two of 'em looked rather isolated. Frankly, he had never even heard about 'em in town, and he had been there for a while now, which weren't good, since in his mind, a filly that age should get to attend school, get some knowledge in the noggin and start to get some friends. Especially the last one would be good early on, or you'd just end up like... Well, Zecora.


No offense towards the mystic, but she were pretty alone out there in her hut, with only having visitors come to her now and again, and that wasn't a sort of life he'd wish for this one. Heck, not any of 'em, as Astral seemed to already be well on her way towards that sort of future, and with her raising a filly at her age... She could really use somepony else to speak to about things he'd say. But, that was just his opinion at least. What'd come from it he'd see, but it might be that he had to help these two crazy kids a bit more long term than he had thought when he volunteered to move their stuff earlier.









Briar were already some way away and listened in to where Musical had flown off to, so he hadn't heard about what might have been with his eyes, which were likely a bit of information that would end up turning around and hurt him by surprise one way or another. it could end up being all sorts of things that made such a thing occur, but changelings were one of them, and as he only knew some things from the one he had spoken to - that being about their powers, and a rather biased-against view on how a hive worked - and from the things he had observed by caring for Brittle, he wouldn't be prepared for this without being informed of it in advance.


The response that he had heard last from Phoenix were also a reason why he chose to try and ignore what sound he did hear from their angle too, as he would rather not hear more things like this spoken about the beast right now. They were entitled to their opinion, and he knew that, but sometimes the mood just struck him when he were faced with things such as this,a nd a bit of time to clear his head without further input of what had scrambled him to begin with, did him good.


He hadn't come all that far though, before the smell and sound of Musical entered the space nearly directly above him, and he stopped up, following the movement that pretty quickly went away again, and still in the same angle. Or at least, the same angle thus far, though it might veer off soon.


Rather strange though... Had it not taken longer than that to find the piece? And depositing it this quickly likely meant that he hadn't asked for help or given directions to the others, which were a bit odd to him. Might be he just wanted to get this done himself or prove something to the others, but perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to *keep an eye out*. Heh.






@@Hazard Time,


"Awh, but they're so pretty!"


Ziggy poked a little to the one that Serenade had let her use again as she spoke, but not much, as she didn't want to break it.


Though Serenade really had tried before, Ziggy had never gotten that good with the gadget as one could have hoped. It just hadn't made that much sense no matter how much it were explained to her, and then just to rub salt in the wound, Fah'lina had swooped down after a while and taken it from her hooves, then showed her how it was done as well whilst looking at her like you would a clueless child. That she had learned more from looking down and listening in, whilst also been a being that didn't seem like she'd be plenty smart, had hurt a bit, she had to admit, but boo to the critter. She could still sorta read maps normally, so she'd do fine enough without this skill. And no, she wasn't jealous! Nuhuh. Not at all... *grumble*


"How'd you get this by the way Serenade? Is it from work?"


Oh well, there were no time to be down over silly stuff right now. Things to ask, things to learn, and ponies to smell.


That last one wasn't regular, but she had gotten curious about something else after poking to this and had wandered over next to Succulent and started to sniff the air near her mane a little, wondering what her perfume actually smelled like. She hadn't really focused on it before this, and the random thought was starting to distract her a bit, even though the mare had told her earlier what sort of smell she had used.


Wasn't the same to hear, compared to experiencing sometimes, and with the intricate smells that Succulent had made thus far, how she had perfumed herself would be something where words alone likely couldn't explain it.







Florence took note of the brief look that went over Zen's face when changelings were mentioned, and she made a mental note of trying not to bring them up again. It'd be hard when the attack were mentioned not to, but by the look she perhaps should for reasons that wasn't her place to ask. What changelings could do to others wasn't usually a pretty story, and she didn't want to tear into old or new wounds like that.


"Well, any help the ponies can get here in the aftermath, no matter how late it might seem, is welcome from what I can tell. The poor things got hit pretty hard, but I guess you'll see soon enough when we get to town. We're almost done here too it looks like."


She kept scouring through the grass and looking for things, but she hadn't found much since the scalpel. Enough to make her keep looking, but not enough to make her think this would keep on for much longer.


"What you said though, about your grandmaster getting a precognition... What's that like? I mean, is it like with mystics, that can see into the past and future, or is it more like... A feeling that something happens? I'll understand if you're not allowed to say, I'm just curious as I haven't really met anyone that can predict things. I only ever heard oft he zebras, but... I-I guess that's not the same? perhaps?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"...Let's just continue. Its not safe for Musical if he just flies off without us." Rose says, and walks after Musical, who was pratically hidden from everyone's sight.




A bit far ahead from everybody, Musical stopped in front of a pastel dark purple unicorn mare, with dark blue and pink mane and tail.




"Where's the piece?!" She angrily asked


"Muuhuuuh...." Musical answered


"Ugh! Go! Walk around this forest and bring the pieces of the clock back to me. I'm almost sure that dumb zebra stole one-" Heart then realized that Musical already flied off.


Problably in direction of Zecora's hut.


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@Blitz Boom

@Summer Breeze



"No, I will NOT calm down! I came here in peace, and suddenly all of my face-holes are full of sand! Even if it wasn't on purpose...Argh! Still makes me mad!"


She looked at Lyriel, who didn't seem to be angry at her, and realized that she was probably making a fuss about nothing. She was just so hungry that she could barely think straight.


And then she got an idea. It was a pretty bad idea, but she didn't really think about that. She pointed at the pink pegasus that had thrown sand all over her.


"Oy! You there! Pink pony! If you're really sorry, than you'd better come over here and give me a hug! And make sure that you mean it!"


She stomped a few more times in the sand to get her point across, after which she realized that she wasn't really helping herself by being angry.


"I...mean...please? Give me a hug...please?"


She looked really miserable. At first she had been fluffy and angry, trying her best to look big and scary, but now she just looked small and sad.


She really wanted to punch herself in the face and lie in the sand and feel miserable. Everything was going wrong. She had found ponies, ponies, and now she was ruining her only chance. Great.

And she was still so hungry that she couldn't think properly, which probably caused all this.



Frosty hadn't yet noticed the new pegasus that had showed up. He was still busy trying to get Blitz to stop hugging his neck.

Edited by Frosty Frost


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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Omen listened to them with her head tilting from side to side, as they explained the reason for the height of some of the homes here, as well as ones that were currently unseen that reached even higher.


"...Makes sense."


So the younger they were, the higher they could get because they were more agile, had more strength to spare, and had less mass dragging them along, whilst the older and weaker they got, the closer to the ground they got. This sounded like a smart move, and the ones above it too she supposed, if it was another sort of defense, but it still carried a somewhat ominous part to it that the hunter and such were at the very top.


Yes, they would be able to make sure nopony entered, but did that not also mean they could ensure nopony left? With them up there, and the walls around, it left a dome over the city of guards that could make sure that things inside stayed the way they wanted to.


Might be it was wrong, and others were free to climb up there too, but she still had to see proof of this place not being as bad as she had gotten the impression of before she didn't see the flaws here and there, and even then, she might still do that. The times when she were not clueless tended to be spent looking at a few sides of things, though she hadn't been able to look at much as objectively as she used to since she met Sen and Lin. Having friends made her view on some things biased, like this place.


"So the older you get, the closer to the ground you get? Does that mean your elders live under it?"







"Actually, you're doing better than me. I were still getting used to the flat ground and heavy air after getting down from Griffinstone when I took a ride, and the first time the floor moved under me, uhm..."


Chow started to look mighty awkward as his eyes went down the aisle of the train and towards one of the windows.


"Let's just say you're doing pretty good lass, and then leave it at that, 'kay? I'd like to keep what little dignity I still have a grasp on."


From the look on his face and the somewhat nervous laughter that came after that, it were clear that it hadn't ended well, that was for sure, though he really didn't wanna tell if he could get away with it. Falling of a train in the way he had weren't exactly a story that left him with much pride, and especially not when you countered in the cacti... *shiver* Not a good day.


"Mind me asking somethin' now that I think of it? Have you been thinking 'bout school when the two of you've gotten settled into Canterlot? I know it might sound a bit boring for a filly who'd probably rather rummage about, but it's a good place to socialize a bit and get some friends if it were. And a bit of knowledge to top it off ain't ever hurt anypony."


Truth be told, the kid worried him a bit. She had been through a lot with her family being taken away from what he'd understood of things, and whilst she were getting raised and taken care of now, they two of 'em looked rather isolated. Frankly, he had never even heard about 'em in town, and he had been there for a while now, which weren't good, since in his mind, a filly that age should get to attend school, get some knowledge in the noggin and start to get some friends. Especially the last one would be good early on, or you'd just end up like... Well, Zecora.


No offense towards the mystic, but she were pretty alone out there in her hut, with only having visitors come to her now and again, and that wasn't a sort of life he'd wish for this one. Heck, not any of 'em, as Astral seemed to already be well on her way towards that sort of future, and with her raising a filly at her age... She could really use somepony else to speak to about things he'd say. But, that was just his opinion at least. What'd come from it he'd see, but it might be that he had to help these two crazy kids a bit more long term than he had thought when he volunteered to move their stuff earlier.









Briar were already some way away and listened in to where Musical had flown off to, so he hadn't heard about what might have been with his eyes, which were likely a bit of information that would end up turning around and hurt him by surprise one way or another. it could end up being all sorts of things that made such a thing occur, but changelings were one of them, and as he only knew some things from the one he had spoken to - that being about their powers, and a rather biased-against view on how a hive worked - and from the things he had observed by caring for Brittle, he wouldn't be prepared for this without being informed of it in advance.


The response that he had heard last from Phoenix were also a reason why he chose to try and ignore what sound he did hear from their angle too, as he would rather not hear more things like this spoken about the beast right now. They were entitled to their opinion, and he knew that, but sometimes the mood just struck him when he were faced with things such as this,a nd a bit of time to clear his head without further input of what had scrambled him to begin with, did him good.


He hadn't come all that far though, before the smell and sound of Musical entered the space nearly directly above him, and he stopped up, following the movement that pretty quickly went away again, and still in the same angle. Or at least, the same angle thus far, though it might veer off soon.


Rather strange though... Had it not taken longer than that to find the piece? And depositing it this quickly likely meant that he hadn't asked for help or given directions to the others, which were a bit odd to him. Might be he just wanted to get this done himself or prove something to the others, but perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to *keep an eye out*. Heh.






@@Hazard Time,


"Awh, but they're so pretty!"


Ziggy poked a little to the one that Serenade had let her use again as she spoke, but not much, as she didn't want to break it.


Though Serenade really had tried before, Ziggy had never gotten that good with the gadget as one could have hoped. It just hadn't made that much sense no matter how much it were explained to her, and then just to rub salt in the wound, Fah'lina had swooped down after a while and taken it from her hooves, then showed her how it was done as well whilst looking at her like you would a clueless child. That she had learned more from looking down and listening in, whilst also been a being that didn't seem like she'd be plenty smart, had hurt a bit, she had to admit, but boo to the critter. She could still sorta read maps normally, so she'd do fine enough without this skill. And no, she wasn't jealous! Nuhuh. Not at all... *grumble*


"How'd you get this by the way Serenade? Is it from work?"


Oh well, there were no time to be down over silly stuff right now. Things to ask, things to learn, and ponies to smell.


That last one wasn't regular, but she had gotten curious about something else after poking to this and had wandered over next to Succulent and started to sniff the air near her mane a little, wondering what her perfume actually smelled like. She hadn't really focused on it before this, and the random thought was starting to distract her a bit, even though the mare had told her earlier what sort of smell she had used.


Wasn't the same to hear, compared to experiencing sometimes, and with the intricate smells that Succulent had made thus far, how she had perfumed herself would be something where words alone likely couldn't explain it.







Florence took note of the brief look that went over Zen's face when changelings were mentioned, and she made a mental note of trying not to bring them up again. It'd be hard when the attack were mentioned not to, but by the look she perhaps should for reasons that wasn't her place to ask. What changelings could do to others wasn't usually a pretty story, and she didn't want to tear into old or new wounds like that.


"Well, any help the ponies can get here in the aftermath, no matter how late it might seem, is welcome from what I can tell. The poor things got hit pretty hard, but I guess you'll see soon enough when we get to town. We're almost done here too it looks like."


She kept scouring through the grass and looking for things, but she hadn't found much since the scalpel. Enough to make her keep looking, but not enough to make her think this would keep on for much longer.


"What you said though, about your grandmaster getting a precognition... What's that like? I mean, is it like with mystics, that can see into the past and future, or is it more like... A feeling that something happens? I'll understand if you're not allowed to say, I'm just curious as I haven't really met anyone that can predict things. I only ever heard oft he zebras, but... I-I guess that's not the same? perhaps?"


"I'm not allowed to disclose much, all I'm allowed to tell you is that they're more like visions he gets in his sleep. Like, prophetic dreams." Zen  explained, a frown still on her face. She was still very clearly torn up about the event involving the changelings.

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade smiles, "This one" She holds up the engraved Sextant, "was a graduation gift from my dad, on graduating the University of Baltimare with honors and getting appointed Astronomer Royale" Serenade replaces the sextant in it's case, "If you think they're pretty, you should see the one's my Dad has. He's got one that dates from the same year Princess Celestia and Luna took the thrones." She beams, before yawning, "Yeah...sorry, as I said, I hate to cut things short but I need to go to bed, I'm back on night shifts again."  

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@@Blitz Boom, Misty giggled, imagining a smaller version of Chow falling over when a train started. That thought was interrupted by Chow's later question. It had never really occurred to her to make friends, or go to school. "Not really, I think we're just doing this to escape Ponyville's attacks at the moment." She said, before placing a hoof to her chin, tapping it as she thought about something, realizing if anything it may be rather shocking to Chow. Meh, she already said she didn't know what trains were like right? She put her hoof down turning her head to look at Chow. "Actually, what's school like?"

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom@@asdfmovienerd39@@Flinp,


Phoenix walked away just a little bit, but her curiosity got the best of her. she had overheard other ponies talking about some sort of clock, and the damages made to ponyville. she had been without any outside communication for so long, this made her wonder what else could be going on around equestria. she turned and decided to follow the others at a safe distance, hoping they don't notice her. her stubborn nature wouldn't want the other ponies to realize that she had changed her mind. 

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@@Blitz Boom



Penny quickly found help for Last, and soon after was giving out whatever healing chocolates she had left to those with less severe injuries. Many of the newcomers began moving toward the camp. A unicorn could be heard complaining, "Tents! Can you believe it? Being forced to live like a lowly Earth Pony!" "Oh great! We have to stay in the same camp as those pompous unicorns," one Pegasus said. "Staying in the same camp as those boisterous Pegasi? This can't end well," an Earth Pony said with disdain. The guards seemed confused and were whispering to each other trying to figure out what was going on.



@@Blitz Boom


"Before we begin our journey, first, a lesson. This lesson consists of but one question and it's answer. Which did defeating The Forgotten One prevent: Chaos or Order? Think long and hard before you answer." The Traveller stopped and stared directly into Zhu's eyes as he asked the question. He had a serious look as he asked, but after he spoke the question, he had a slight grin.



@@Blitz Boom


"As good a theory as any, I suppose," Charlie responded to Vivid's guess as to how Charlie got there. "I don't think we need the portal anymore. Somehow, I feel like I'm both here and somewhere else. Is this what it's like to dream?"

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Frosty Frost,@@Blitz Boom,


summer blinked her eyes at the sudden mood change of the strange pony to make sure she really saw it right. one moment she had been stomping on the ground and being all angry and now she looked so sad and miserable. 


and of course, when she asked for a hug summer gave her the biggest and most loving hug she could give. maybe a bit too big even but you can never have too much hugs. 


"I'm so verry sorry of the sand dumping thing, I aimed at the tree lady, not you" summer said and then she let the new pegasus go again. "better?" she asked and slightly tilted her head so that her manes fell in front of her eyes. but she smiled and whiped them away with her hoof. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom


"Yeah, though they have their own huts to go home to." Lin calmly replied. "They live with caretakers or their families but are usually given larger huts. It's unheard of for an elder to have a hut smaller than the one's owned by a regular family, usually because they need all the room they need for their daily routines. Don't ask me about what those are because I have no idea." 


Just as Lin finished her explanation, the hunters surrounding the group backed down and stood at attention. Sen knew the elder was just about to enter their presence, a symbol of unsavory things to come. Lin was unsure how she and Omen would fare given their appearances and abilities. The clan was taught to fear and despise magic; it wouldn't be unlikely that the elder and a few of the guards would know how to counteract against its use. And just as Sen turned away to assure his companions their safety, a retinue of guards arrived on the scene, with them a somewhat middle-aged longma in flowing green robes.

"I greet you, visitors," said the clothed longma. "I apologize for any discomfort the guards caused in my absence."

Sen cocked an eyebrow, unsure of what to make of him. He had a hunch about his identity but it was a very unlikely one. "Wait, are you... the elder?"

The clothed longma only smiled in reply, somewhat sheepishly. The definition of elder was really stretched out this time.  

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