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Blitz Boom

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18 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:




A couple of Night Guards crossed their spears, shutting off access for the two mares towards the castle.

"The princesses are not taking visitors this time of night. We will need you to move along."

"Is the castle still open for visitors with non-royalty visits in mind from 45 minutes after sunrise? And I take it the usual 15 minutes wait then to have a guard guide us around? Unless you have followed my suggestions on how to reduce the waiting time to 8.23 minutes?"

The guards looked at Belladonna with a funny look on their faces, then one of them rolled his eyes and let out a sigh.

"Oh, it's you. Waiting time is still as per usual. Though the captain found your suggestions... Interesting, no plans on implementation are currently in the works. Will there be anything else?"

"No. We will meet Sergeant Clover at the assigned time. Cosmic, contain your curiosity until the morning. You will get nothing but a night in an uncomfortable cell that is not up to proper building standards for it."

The other guard suddenly had a light go of over his head and pointed at Belladonna whilst looking at his fellow guard.

"Oh jeez, That's the one who keeps putting those annoying plans in our suggestion box? Come on lady, get a hobby."


The bat pony stayed calm as the spores were released. He had no need to fear them, as his suit were well made to keep unknown substances like that out unless they entered through the ears, and most spores were airborne and meant to be ingested through the muzzle. With the filter between the cloth and his muzzle, that wasn't an issue.

Neither were Cacora's actual shape. it were unusual for a changeling to have spores and such a height, but he had been told that she may be somewhat different by his majesty, and this was less than he had expected. Considering King Thorax's new look, he had assumed something like them, but perhaps without antlers, or a regular bug pony with started conversion signs. Neither were his place to judge. He just had to get the job done, and bring her back safely.

"Interesting visage, but that one will not wake up for a while. This one will."

The changeling that Cacora had grabbed hold of were the one who had been hit with his pellet, and that would keep the changeling unconscious for a while. Instead, he grabbed hold and reached out the first one he had knocked out, before quickly striking a nerve bundle in his back, making him wake up with a yelp.

"What? Where? What's with.... Nononono."

The changeling were confused, but not so much that he couldn't see the majority of his minor party currently knocked out on the ground.

"T-This doesn't change anything. We're more, and we will get you. Queen Chrysalis will have what is hers!"

"Your group consisted of ten changelings, who have all been neutralized."

The changeling didn't want to believe what the disguised bat pony were saying, but there wasn't anything on the hivemind. he called out, but the others that had come with him were silent. Only one that wasn't, were the one who were always watching them, and who governed them with her words day in and day out, though they were so far from her that he couldn't hear her words.

"...What is it you want her to hear, traitor?"

@Blitz Boom (Belladonna),

*Cosmic nods in understanding,* "Maybe Her royal ship, the night mother, would receive a message from a very old friend. The message, however, is simple and in the old code. To the night, I give to thee great hope. The living spell has been reborn, it's power bound in code. It seeks the awakening of the sun and moon, to bring the everblooms anew." (Luna would translate the meesage as follows, All my hopes and dreams to you Luna. I need your help. My magic of the old but currently is sealed. The Everblooming Rose calls to me. Will you help me.) "Hopefully, the night mother hasn't forgotten the old ways. May the night shine brightly upon you." *Cosmic looks to the archives and then to Belladonna.* "The morning it is then. Also, that feeling of being called is coming from the archives." *He then walks down the street towards Pony Joe's.*

@Blitz Boom (The Bat Pony),

*Cacora smirks.* "Tell Chrysalis this: The rage can't consume what doesn't feel it. I am now my own. Threaten that which is my chosen charge and a fate worse than the loss of most of your hive will befall you and you alone. The lightlings feed not on love or hate. The darklings will consume all. I will stand ever vigilant over that which I protect. I am Cacora and I am of the light." *Cacora then starts to walk away.* "Go home little drone. I will never return here. And if Chrysalis thinks she can find me, think again. I have hidden myself among ponies for 10 years. I think I have become very good at avoiding detection. Good-bye again." *Cacora then heads out to leave the hive. Once out of sight she instinctively dismisses her pheromones and re-assumes her pony like form. The difference this time being the slited pink eyes she has. That has always been the only thing her pony form had that would mark her as a changeling of any type.* "Okay. I am ready to meet Thorax."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Mother wished she could help the two as they fell to the ground, heads clutched and writhing in agony, but there was nothing she could do. They had to go through this to be free from the lingering effects of Legion's meddling, and much as it pained her greatly to see the two of them like this, she had to stand back and let them be, whilst the spirits in the orb handled this complicated magic.

"It okay... Mother. They safe..."

Karganoth had scurried from the corner when he saw Mother wince in pain from seeing their siblings like this. It wasn't something he liked seeing either, but he knew it hurt Mother far more than it did him, and lengths more than Omen. Most of the formed siblings knew how broken she were, and how little her emotions flared, so even if these seemed like her friends, he wasn't concerned for her. Not about this anyway.

So he had gone to Mother, tugged on her dress from far down as he were, and embraced her the little that he could, trying to comfort her, like she had comforted him countless times. Something which seemed to work as she got a small smile on her tired face and reached down for him, where she put a claw gently on his head and stroke his coarse fur.

It helped her to get through the scene unfolding in front of her, and more as Karaganoth and her had a talk just between the two of them to try and drive her focus a little away from Sen and Lin. Usually her children could not decide who their voices were projected to, but she could use her touch to focus their voice to her mind, and vice versa. Worked well in case it was private and others were there, or as when Omen had been around with Sen and Lin the first time, to get a rapid sorry about who it were she had brought, and what had happened to make them meet.

Thankfully everything was over soon, and the siblings could begin to look around them without pain radiating through their minds. The orb seemed to think that everything was done now too, as it inspected the two and proclaimed that the corruption were cleansed from their being, though perhaps she should see so herself at a later time, just to be safe. She wouldn't put Lin through that before she were rested though, and after only if she let her.

Meanwhile, Omen laid there with the orb in front of her, tilting her head to the side as it spoke to her about the control being gone.

"Should test I guess. Sen? Chase Lin's tail."

A second time around, Omen attempted to make Sen and Lin behave like pets, though this time it'd likely not work.

"Children, are you feeling better? Please tell me the pain have passed?"




Vivid were just looking annoyed at Widdershins for a good while, but when he reached the point where he accused her of necromancy, her eyes narrowed on her and anger started to flare in her mind.

"The name is Vivid Loss, and don't you dare to compare me with those heretics. The dead deserve more respect than those grave-robbing, foolish idiots have any comprehension of!"

How she wished that the draconequus were something that knew fear and pain right in that moment, so that she could get some kind of aggression out of her system by being compared to those filthy death mages. It might be that she used soul magic herself, but that did not make her a necromancer. It were something she had gained from absorbing remnants of energy left behind by the souls she led to the next world for countless years, not something she stole from those who had already lost everything. She would never forgive herself if she forgot even once what is was like to be a soul collector, and went this path of heresy and blasphemy.

"And if you must know you noisy creature, I used infernal magic to carve room, sewed it into his being, and left it to heal. It's basic knowledge for anything demonic worth their salt. Now silence you inane prattling while I check if he's fine."

Trying to remove him again would likely not work as effectively, but she didn't need to either. She just needed to get the attention of the sobbing plant pony, and he could just tell her.


The weak voice escaped Briar, who had to use all his strength to focus on talking, rather than just sobbing over what was happening.

"I-It's just... It's been so long, and now I'm finally out of the d-darkness. I don't know..."

His voice cracked several times as he kept his eyes on the moon. So many years had he stood beneath it, and felt the silvery glow on his body, but to see it himself were something so precious that it felt like he were drowning in his own emotions. To think that he could now finally see all those things he had heard of so many times, and so clearly too... He didn't even know how to begin thanking Vivid for this.

"The tent you exited. There's somepony else in there, yes? Go to them, we'll stay out here and *talk*."

The pressure she put on the last word were not meant to sound reassuring, and it certainly wasn't, but Briar didn't pick up on that. He were far too happy right now to bite notice in banalities like that, and after a long moment, he begrudgingly closed his eyes, and made his way into the tent on shaky hooves, wanting to go and watch over Brittle, though this time in a literal sense. He had to shut his eyes on the way because he had so much he wished to see right now, but if he lingered on every little thing out here, he wouldn't get in there anytime soon, and she needed him there in case she woke up in the middle of the night.

"Now then, draconequus, tell me again how you said you defiled the dead?"

The air around her crackled a little and her voice was starting to go icy. With Briar away, she wouldn't have to worry too much about holding back, and if this infuriating being had been heavily into necromancy to a point where he had disturbed the rest of the lost spirits, she would lash out. Perhaps she could be forgiving if it was just a skeleton - as though she hated this defilement of the dead, their vessels meant nothing when they were passed on - but raising armies to fight their former loved ones or trapping souls were not something she could look lightly upon.




"Wait, they hauled you into pony society to be raised, then tossed you like a pet when things went south? Jeez, no wonder you're a hateful sort to ponies. That's horrible."

Spicy wasn't exactly the most well meaning pony out there, to put it mildly, but she wasn't a monster. Poor draglet here loosing his parents was hard-wrenching, and trying to be a complete flank to somepony like that about it, were the sort of thing she'd beat others up herself over. Some things were just off limits to bash one about, and especially when he had been treated like some sort of tiger in captivity from what he said. Seriously, who were the brainac who thought that anypony who had grown in a city were meant for isolation in the wild?

"I'll get off your case about your setup now, no worries. Sounds like your own gig here have some motivations beyond the scam I thought it was, but word of advise? If you're wanted, wouldn't it make sense to keep moving before the royal guards came around to put the pipe on you? Unless I'm t he first pony you've seen since you started here, there have to be a few who either made it back to rat you out, or who are missing and known to go this way, right?"

Settling herself right with her cart again, Spicy started to move just as she were finishing her sentence. The added weight of a lot of dragon weren't helping ere, but it did start to move a little by little at least. Long live for it going slightly downhill right now.

As for Kaltrops? Hey, he could stay here and keep his thing going, and she'd just be on her way, but she wouldn't chase him off if he started to stalk her or just refused to move his scaly flank from her roof. After the snippet of story that didn't seem right, at least right off the bat, and she'd be able to tell him a bit more on why he should get outta Dodge before he'd end up in a suit of chains.




"Memories are hazy when you're newborn, even for changelings. Could be that you hatched from an egg, but considering how little changeling you seem to have in you, that doesn't seem right, though I can't be sure. Between you and your parents I guess.

And we sure don't know every changeling out there. There's so many hives these days that it's hard to keep track of sometimes, and each one have their own hivemind. Each one also have dissenters or those who just get curious and wanna try a life among regular ponies, and if they stay out of the hivemind range for long enough, it can be hard to track them down. Might well be your dad were a dissenter that found himself a life somewhere else, though I can't be sure right off the bat here. The horn sounds wonky, but I've seen bend horn before, so might be nothing, and it was further back in your family tree.

Also, hold your horses on becoming a fly. Changelings are born and doesn't evolve after that, unless you're one of the few who can turn into a queen. But that's pretty rare and you're not even female, so unless changeling kings suddenly starts to exist, you're not gonna change."

Changeling kings. pff, what a ridiculous thought.

"Now stop apologizing and freaking out here, alright? You're barely offensive and likely safe, since this place is so bizarre it doesn't even seem to care too much about changelings. Weird town frankly, but works for you I guess, eh?"




Anomaly ran after the mechanical object, wanting to at first change her legs into wheels to follow, but finding that in her current state, she could change. Seems she had been split too many times for that to work reliably, leaving her trapped in this equine, metallic body. Yuck. So plain and boring.

It'd be interesting to see how this went, and where this portal that it needed to enter again looked like. Sounded like fun though. Well, unless an invasion force tried to come through, but then why would they go there, where it might be possible to stop it? Made no sense.




"Well, if you go from here and towards Sugarcube Corner, you'll be able to go left just before there. Follow down that path for a few minutes and it's right on your left hoof. The building I set my store in is pretty big, so I sectioned it off to work as my house on the left, then the store on the right. Store have some roof issues and a bit of collapse, so you should probably not try to go in there right now, so just go for the door where the mailbox is. Hope to see you there tomorrow friend."

Not knowing if Dawn were okay with hugs, Pop instead waved at her with a big smile on her face before she yawned and went on her way, home to her bed and a good night of sleep. After all the work she had done today, she frankly earned it.

The next day she'd wake up about an hour after sunrise, still feeling tired, but making herself some coffee to wake herself up with, before putting some buns and muffins in the oven. After a bit of thought, she added in a few more, just in case Dawn came around, then sat down and waited for the gurgling machine to be done so she could have a cup of joe.

Tired as she were right now though, she hadn't thought on perhaps pointing the pictures she had here and there of her and Benny towards walls, so there was a full display if Dawn showed up before Pop would be able to get her coffee. The curse of somepony who weren't a morning pony, though perhaps not an issue. They'd see in regards to timing on Dawn's behalf.



@Foxy Socks

The draconequus seemed really pleased with how Foxy had used the paint she had left on the ground, though how she'd take it that said paint would start to expand and cover her entire legs and some of her belly before hardening into a somewhat flexible shell of blueberry candy were anypony's guess.

"The hole? Oh sure, I can fix that."

Anomaly made sure she were completely out of the hole, then snapped with her tail and a rainbow-colored sky burst out above the hole, and started to rain plastic balls into the hole, filling it to the brim and making one heck of a nice ball pit before it vanished again.

"There we go, better than ever. Wanna have a swim? I swear it's piranha free this time."

You better mean that. I don't want others to be eaten here.

Yeah yeah, relax Mr. Boring. Foxy is a friend, and friends shouldn't get eaten... I guess.

It concerns me that life means so little to you. It really does. Get on with things, and know that I'll be keeping an eye on you.

With those tiny eyes? I'm amazed you can see anything.

Whilst Anomaly and the author bickered like an old married couple again Dibs on being the husband A yawn came out from one of the tents and the flap got pushed aside to reveal Briar, poking his head out and wondering what all the commotion were about.

"I do hate to break up the fun, but may I ask what the commotion is about? I think I heard you Foxy, but I can't see... Oh wait."

A lifetime of darkness made it weird for him to think about how he actually did have eyes now, so waking up, he had just kept his eyelids down like usual, though slowly, he opened them up and looked directly at Foxy with the red, slit eyes that despite his friendly smile and tears rolling down his face, did still come off a little evil looking.

"Nonono, that's so not your color."

Without waiting for consent, Anomaly snapped her tail, and Briar's eyes switched color into a glistening emerald variant. Made his eyes look more like a kind of forest spirit kind of thing now, and far better in Anomaly's mind, though Briar had no idea what had just happened. He hadn't felt a thing.

"Much better. Anyway, are you uhm... Plant pony person? Foxy were looking for you."

"Yes, I'm uhm... Briar Trapjaw, correct. I'm sorry for the hesitant words, but... New eyes, and you this is a lot of impressions at once."




"With all due respect miss, we cannot simply offer words to her majesty. She is rather busy this time of night."

Belladonna got their attention as she drew up a piece of paper and a pencil from her bag with her magic, then started to scribble as one of them rolled his eyes and looked away, not wanting to hear more of this.

"His message in paper form. Put it among the regular messages that she receives. If I find out she have not recieved this within two days, I will return to speak with your captain about this, as well as bring an additional 186 copies of this message scribbled under various other suggestions, which I know you are required to read, no matter if you chose to listen to it or not."

"There's no need to go there ma'am, relax. We'll put this note on the desk, and then she'll decide what to do about it."

The two of them really looked like they weren't all too thrilled at the prospect of having to look through so many papers, which is what she expected of them. It were simple to go fro there and to making a simple, yet effective threat that would make them convinced that it was best to deliver this message during the night, though it would likely take time before it got there. Could be hours, could be a day, but they'd have to wait and see.

With this sorted, Belladonna wishes the guards a good evening, and follows Cosmic on his path towards one of Canterlot's districts, though it were mostly barren considering the time of night this were. Perhaps a few things were still open, like that coffee shop she had seen with lights in until around two in the night, but overall this were a sleeping city right now.

"With that being sorted for now, what is your current destination, or are you wandering aimlessly? You haven't mentioned if you have been in Canterlot before."




The changeling were a simple drone, so what she said didn't make any sense to him, but he memorized it word for word regardless, and once the bat pony had let go of him, he scurried along, then returned to use his horn to get his other drone companions into the trees where the wolves couldn't get them, before taking off again towards the nearest place where the hivemind would work again. Quite a bit of way unfortunately, but Chrysalis did not want to be this close to things just yet.

The bat pony followed Cacora for a time in silence, waiting for her to say something, before she reshaped her pony form and finally made a confirmation that she wished to meet with King Thorax.

"Good. Can you take wings and follow, or are you not an experienced flyer? I need to cover our tracks."

Whilst he waited for a response, he flapped his wings strongly on the ground, erasing the hoof-steps they had left behind, then picked up three branches that had been stepped on and placed them carefully in a bush, where the track would that a squirrel had done this, rather than a pony. Minor things, but thus far, there wasn't too many tracks here either. Now if a tree fell or something, he'd have to work harder on things, but whatever were required of him he would do. Such had he sworn to King Thorax when he turned to his kingdom.



@Trixie The Evil

On the ground, not far from the path leading up to the colorful and energetic cloud city of Las Pegasus, a tree hit the ground with a resounding slam, before being picked up by a strong hoof and swung at another tree, causing it to crack and fall down as well.

"Hmmpfh. Too easy."

The voice of a mare with a deep voice would be heard i case somepony had been near, just before she picked up the two huge logs of wood she had come down here to get hold of. One slung on her back, and the other one floating above her via her unicorn magic.


Brute Force were a sizeable pony to gaze upon and were it not for the horn poking through her curly hair, it would be most ponies best bet that she were an earth pony. Unless they had heard of her of course, or had come here to challenge her. You didn't become the martial arts champion in Las Pegasus without getting some degree of fame in the right circles, and especially not when you did so as a unicorn, which were a first for the town, though she had to work a long time to reach this goal. Defeats, others telling her it was impossible, laughing, and the years of building up a thick layer of muscles to buff up the scrawny unicorn form she had been born with.

But who were laughing now? She had won her belt this year fair and square, after three years in a row of loosing to the reigning champion. A moment he certainly hadn't counted on, but they both knew it wasn't done either. He'd be back next year to reclaim the title, and she had to be ready for him, just like all the other fighters between the two of them.

No hard feelings between them though. They were friends, and he had been proud of her as she had won, though she saw his determined look afterwards. Next year would be hell, but for now, she enjoyed her fame and her price, as well as how she could toss a scoff back to everypony who doubted she could do this in a purely physical fight.

Speaking of tossing, she should get back to Las Pegasus. It was some way up quite frankly, and these two were needed up there by one of the merchants. Outside of the fighting seasons she had to stay busy after all, so Brute helped around here and there when she wasnt training. Mainly in construction, as it was a good weight-lifting supplement, but sometimes a friend needed some wood or some boulders, and she'd go down here to help out. Least she could do for her townsfolk.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Holiday Agnaktor

Another regular day in Manehattan. Striking Detail wished it were true. He stuck out in the big crowd of ponies in the streets of Manehattan, in more ways than one. The utterly misplaced curved ram's horns on his temples garnered more attention than the journalist wanted.

The best interviews are done impromptu, but this time, ponies were taking a larger-than-normal oval-shaped detour around him, despite him merely trying to strike up a nice conversation. Maybe he looked more intimidating than he thought? Or are ponies simply weirded out by him? He pondered, as he looked over the crowd of ponies gathered in the Town Square in Manehattan once more. Mingling in the busy buildings and the crowds minding their own business suddenly seemed a lot more daunting than it usually did.

And then he caught a glimpse of a pegasus walking alone simply looking around. Perfect! Striking Detail trotted over, catching up on the pony walking around who is taking in the view, hoping to maybe get some more details or opinions on the story he was working on. 

"Hey, excuse me!" Striking Detail called out, hoping to catch the pony's attention, and it seems that it worked. "I'm a reporter working for the Equestrian Enquirer, and I'm currently doing a piece on rumors of changelings hiding among the Manehattan populace. Have you heard anything about this? And what do you think, ma'am?" And as he talked, he already grabbed a small notepad and put a pencil in his muzzle as he finished the sentence, ready to take in what she had to say.

Edited by Windchime
Fixing the time.
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@Windchime @Blitz Boom

It was a day like usual. Nebuli, or rather, Light Rain, as she was called these days, trotted around Manehattan, looking for some spare love to feed on. It wasn't particularly exciting, but it filled her belly. It was also a bit more moral than taking somepony's place and feeding on the love meant for them. Light Rain's days of doing that were long gone. No impersonating, just absorbing ambient love.

Light Rain was a relatively small female pegasus with a teal-coloured coat. She had her manes in a ponytail, with part of her hair still in front of her face, slightly obscuring her left eye. Her manes were a gradient of light blue to green, green at the tip of her fringe and darker blue at the tip of her tail. She also had bright green eyes. This all made her stand out a little bit, but she didn't mind. She liked how she looked. She made this disguise specifically to look like what she wanted to look like as if she was a normal pony. Plus, it wasn't as if standing out aroused much suspicion of her being a changeling or anything.

Light Rain spotted a couple sitting at a cafe not too far off, and she started trotting in their direction, hoping to siphon some of the left-over love in the air around them. This was what she did every day. Walk the streets in search of couples in love, siphon what she could without affecting the 'hosts', and move on. That was the plan this time as well, except that this time, she got interrupted.

"Hey, excuse me!" Light heard a male call from behind her, just as she was about to start siphoning. She turned around, hoping that whoever said that didn't say that because he saw her absorbing love.

Light saw who called out to her. He was a brown earth pony, holding a notepad and having a pencil ready in his muzzle. She stared for a second at the ram horns that sprouted from his temples, and concluded that some ponies had a weird sense of fashion.

She was more interested in his questions. Apparently he was a reporter for the Equestrian Enquirer, which she knew, of course. She read that paper every day, to check if there wasn't any changeling related news. She wanted to be on top of the rumour-mill when it came to changelings, just in case that she needed to move out of town. From what she had read, the Enquirer was a relatively trustworthy news-source, so this stallion was probably not going to harass her for some mundane reason.

And of all things he could've asked about, he asked about rumours on changelings. This meant one of two things. Either he didn't know that she was a changeling, or he knew, and he was just toying with her. Whatever the reason was, running away would end badly, so Light decided to stay and answer his questions. She didn't really have much of a choice here.

"Well, eh," Light began hesitantly, "I h-haven't really heard anything about c-changelings. ...care to fill me in?"

Maybe now she could get a little more information on what this reporter knew, and act accordingly. If he knew, she would have to make a break for it, and if he didn't know, she would try to get the most info out of him as possible. If there were rumours about changelings, that could end very badly for her if she didn't know exactly what was up.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@Blitz Boom

"Thanks Anomaly," said Foxy after the hole vanished. Hopefully nopony noticed it.

Luckily Briar appeared before them, but one thing about him gave Foxy a shock. "Briar! Where did you get those eyes? I thought you couldn't see?" It was quite a surprise, since Foxy didn't even think he had eyes. His eyes were emerald (Foxy did not notice Anomaly change them) with elliptical pupils, a very familiar shape to Foxy. Foxes too had vertical eyes, aiding with their nighttime hunting. At times they could dilate to become more rounded and open. Despite that, Foxy lacked that trait, having rounded pupils as most ponies had, though her eyeshape was a little sharper toward the inner edges along with slight markings.

Since she had seen similar eyes many times before, what normally would look harsh and animal, looked quite normal. She was mostly just surprised Briar had eyes at all. She was glad he could see though, and that would be the first time he had seen her. 

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@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Three Fillies and a Chicken. Brings back so many good memories."

Whilst technically an adventure book, said piece of literature were also a foal book meant for seven year olds.

"When I grew up, my parents always took that with them when they visited me in the hospital, and read it to make me feel better. It really helped me getting through all the years in there.

I still read it sometimes when I feel a little homesick actually, though I could recite it word for word years ago. Helps when I meet foals who's a little scared of things and could use a stoey to cheer them up. The clucking and strutting of wings seems to get them every time."

Ziggy got lost a little in memories as she thought over this, not noticing the tree she were headed towards before she walked into it and shook the memories off for now.

"Actually, I never read any Masked Mare or Shade books, I think. Heard a few things about them being good, but most of us foals wanted Daring Do and puppet shows, so they focussed there, and then I got really into reading medical books, so I tend to forget about them when near a library. Can you tell me a little about those two?"




"Alright, we'll see you."

"G-Get home safely Lance, o-okay?"

The two of them would settle in on their sleeping bags, and laid still as time started to snail by, both having some thoughts that made it hard to sleep.



"Thank you for t-trying to trust him."

"Everything for you little sister. Just watch yourself around him, okay?"

"I will. Goodnight big sis."

"Sleep tight lil' sis."

Void would find rest shortly after this, wafting off to dreamland, though rest didn't find Null as easily, as she looked at her sister with concerns and fears plastered over her usually sarcastic or angry pokerfacer.

"...Please don't hurt her..."

It would take about an hour before Null would be able to catch some sleep, but eventually she would tire herself out, and wouldn't wake up again before sunrise.

The sisters would have their usual morning round of checking if everything were okay, before heading to the town. They'd see if they ran into Lance, or if not him, then work that needed to be done.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

The siblings still clutched their heads as they stood up and walked up to Omen. Their heads were still feeling tingly despite the healing pulse fired from the orb and soothing their pain. This continued for a while before it stopped and that light disappeared. For the moment, it seemed the siblings were all and well, though they were still wary about the process of undoing Legion's magic not being completely undone. This was especially true for Sen, who has had enough of being controlled against his will. He turned to Lin and nodded, a gesture of both concern for her welfare and trust that they were both thinking of the same thing. 

Save for their heads being twitchy, Sen and Lin thought the worst of it was over until something clicked in their minds upon hearing Omen telling the former to chase the latter's tail. For a moment, the siblings jerked upright and stiffly shambled towards Omen. Upon reaching her, Lin started running around Omen with her brother giving chase and just like before, the two had blank looks on their faces doing so. They didn't mutter any words but simply went about following Omen's command. This went on for about a minute or two before Lin stopped in front of Omen and wagged her tail in front of her brother before he pounced. The former quickly sidestepped out of the way causing Sen to crash into Omen. As Sen came to and picked himself up, he looked at her, smiled, and helped her up.

"Please tell me sister and I had you there, even for just a moment."

"We've all been through a lot and there's been enough pain." Lin added before addressing both Omen and Mother. "Our heads are still ringing a little bit but brother and I can manage. We feel bad we've made you and Omen worry about us a lot, so we wanted to lighten things up and make you smile. We apologize if our joke went too far." 

Ghilan smiled and approached Omen, remembering a previous concern he hoped to settle. "Omen, are you feeling better? I was hoping you could tell me about the children you encountered in the cave near the village and what became of them. I want to bring them back to their families."

Edited by EQ_Theta
  • Brohoof 1
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On 7/9/2017 at 2:49 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I was thinking we simply turn around and wander into Ponyville from here, and we can find a place to feast there. Though if you prefer a higher ranking place, we could take the train to Manehattan and go for one of their bistro's. I know a few ones with food that will make you doubt if you're awake or in a dream."

Smokey wasn't sure why Phoenix had aimed at the tree line rather than the nearby town, but he were sure she had a purpose by doing so, so he had stayed quiet and waited to see what would happen. perhaps she just needed to have a walk away from everypony before  going into town? Some ponies preferred to start their day that way after all, so it were possible.

They weren't too far away from the camp however, so there were an other option as well, once a certain sound effect came into the picture. Namely, a loud screech that reached even them, though faintly, and made Smokey's face stiffen a little before shaking it off and chuckling a little.

"My apologies. I just thought that I heard one of your flaming namesakes, but it could also be a hawk, now that I have the chance to think on it, and that seems somewhat more likely really. Phoenixes are pretty rare compared to hawks, and with farming communities attracting rats and mice, this is likely just a hunting ground for a particular loud Hawk. Hard to tell though, since their shrieks are so closely related."

Phoenix didn't quite know how to respond to such an offer. after all, it wasn't even 24 hours ago that she had met this Stallion. "Perhaps i still am dreaming" she remarked to his description of the Manhattan Bistros. this wasn't a compliment to the offer. rather, it showed her discomfort towards the situation. she weighed her options. 


If Phoenix had learned anything over the years, it's how to gauge a threat. not only by how dangerous they have the potential to be, but also by their intent. Clearly, Smokey had no Intent to harm her. However, there's no Telling who or what could be waiting for her in town. that's the reason she's stayed away from them for so long. so much so, that it's become apparent she doesn't even remember where the nearest town is. it's a wonder she hadn't run into it by now. 


Phoenix placed a hoof on her head, and cringed at herself a little bit. she doesn't quite know why, but it seems like any time she's faced with a Decision, or something unfamiliar, her first response is to go into survival mode. Normally, this wouldn't be much of an issue as she typically fends for herself, but something felt a little different this time around. she felt like she aught to be less feral around Smokey, but she still couldn't figure out why. 


"Sure", she replied after her few moments of silence. just afterward, her ears perked up and she looked off into the treeline as she too heard the call of the bird.  

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On 7/13/2017 at 1:42 PM, Blitz Boom said:


"With all due respect miss, we cannot simply offer words to her majesty. She is rather busy this time of night."

Belladonna got their attention as she drew up a piece of paper and a pencil from her bag with her magic, then started to scribble as one of them rolled his eyes and looked away, not wanting to hear more of this.

"His message in paper form. Put it among the regular messages that she receives. If I find out she have not recieved this within two days, I will return to speak with your captain about this, as well as bring an additional 186 copies of this message scribbled under various other suggestions, which I know you are required to read, no matter if you chose to listen to it or not."

"There's no need to go there ma'am, relax. We'll put this note on the desk, and then she'll decide what to do about it."

The two of them really looked like they weren't all too thrilled at the prospect of having to look through so many papers, which is what she expected of them. It were simple to go fro there and to making a simple, yet effective threat that would make them convinced that it was best to deliver this message during the night, though it would likely take time before it got there. Could be hours, could be a day, but they'd have to wait and see.

With this sorted, Belladonna wishes the guards a good evening, and follows Cosmic on his path towards one of Canterlot's districts, though it were mostly barren considering the time of night this were. Perhaps a few things were still open, like that coffee shop she had seen with lights in until around two in the night, but overall this were a sleeping city right now.

"With that being sorted for now, what is your current destination, or are you wandering aimlessly? You haven't mentioned if you have been in Canterlot before."




The changeling were a simple drone, so what she said didn't make any sense to him, but he memorized it word for word regardless, and once the bat pony had let go of him, he scurried along, then returned to use his horn to get his other drone companions into the trees where the wolves couldn't get them, before taking off again towards the nearest place where the hivemind would work again. Quite a bit of way unfortunately, but Chrysalis did not want to be this close to things just yet.

The bat pony followed Cacora for a time in silence, waiting for her to say something, before she reshaped her pony form and finally made a confirmation that she wished to meet with King Thorax.

"Good. Can you take wings and follow, or are you not an experienced flyer? I need to cover our tracks."

Whilst he waited for a response, he flapped his wings strongly on the ground, erasing the hoof-steps they had left behind, then picked up three branches that had been stepped on and placed them carefully in a bush, where the track would that a squirrel had done this, rather than a pony. Minor things, but thus far, there wasn't too many tracks here either. Now if a tree fell or something, he'd have to work harder on things, but whatever were required of him he would do. Such had he sworn to King Thorax when he turned to his kingdom.

@Blitz Boom (Belladonna),


*After Cosmic was out of earshot of the guards, he says,* "I get the feeling they mistook me for a mare. I know I can look like one but not that closely." *He then chuckles.* "But it was as I had figured. To bad my student status is over 1000 years old. I didn't use it because of that fact. And it would have triggered too many red flags. However, to answer your question, yes I have memories of being here before. Though some of the area has changed. And then there is the factor of where I am from. It is kinda complicated. And would take to long to explain." *When cosmic gets to Pony Joe's, he makes sure they are still open, before going to hold the door open for Belladonna. However, he forgets that he wasn't supposed to use his wings right now and uses one from under his cloak to hold the door.*

@Blitz Boom (Cacora's PoV)

*Cacora chuckles, as she steps up beside him. She says to him,* "May I ask the name of my rescuer? I am Cacora Silkweave. That is my full name. For nearly 9 years I had forgotten that. But if you wish to call me Cacora." *From her posture, he can tell she doesn't care much for what he looks like or where he comes from. She, however, seems to be not telling him something.*

*She holds close to her what looks to be a miniature cacoon. She puts it to her ear and then says,* "So, he is near there. And that Alchemy mare is with a strange being in the central area. I see. Well, they seem safe for now." *She then puts it away.* "Sorry, had to check something with my friendship cacoons. They are a lovely thing to have sense it helps me keep tabs on my friends."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich "The Masked Mare is about a San Palomino noble who's alter-ego is dashing black-clad masked outlaw who defends the commoners of Los Pegasus and that area against tyrannical officials and other villains. My dad could do the best voices for them" She leans in close, "He also managed to get a limited run version that featured Princess Luna, and got Mom to do the voice" 

"The Shade was a bit different, there were books of course, but the highlight were the serials." Serenade has a massive grin on her face, "Every three weeks, my dad would go down to the record store and purchase one of the new serials on vinyl, then we'd gather round the gramophone and listen" she strikes a pose "listen to the thrilling adventures of THE SHADE!" She giggles, then continues. "Like The Masked MareThe Shade hid her identity to fight crime, until The Masked Mare none of the serials ever said what her real name was, many of the characters speculated but yeah." Serenade at this point is hovering a few centimeters above the ground, and she'd be trotting along if her hooves met the ground. 



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@Blitz Boom

Lance bought a sleeping bag on his way home. It had a new-clothes smell to it, which he had always found to be nice. When he got back to his cottage, he placed the sleeping bag in the corner, and tried planning out where he would put other furniture. The sleeping bag would eventually get upgraded to a cot or bed, and he planned on adding a table, some shelves, some chairs and a nightstand next to the bed.

Content that thought, he got into his sleeping bag and fell into a surprisingly peaceful rest. At sunrise, his eyes popped open and he groggily got out of the sleeping bag, stretched and got ready for work.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom @Holiday Agnaktor

"Changelings, the shape-shifting threat of Canterlot" Striking Detail continued, trying his best to impersonate a radio-voice, slowly taking out the pencil out of his muzzle, disappointed in another dead end and flipping through his notebook. "There's been some things going on in the city. I've already completed a story on a celebrity coming back to a doppelganger, stealing all her fame and gifts from fans, right outside her dressing room! She immediately called for security, leading to them finding out it was a changeling! Or the time a changeling thought it was a good idea to impersonate the mayor? That one was caught in record time. On top of that, more and more couples are sending in letters to our "Ask Middy Lovewell" column for relationship advice for actions neither of the party claimed they did, only to find out the same horrible truths: Changelings sometimes took their places! Impersonating others, a terrible idea, am I right? We've been collecting these stories for a while now, and the next Equestrian Enquirer will be an extra-special edition, so I'm out here interviewing as many ponies as I can!"
Striking Detail slowly realized that he got a little bit too excited talking about these great scoops, and as he finished up his list of changeling-related happenings in Manehattan, a pony walked around him in a slightly-larger-than-normal circle. He then withdrew a bit.

Striking Detail looked back at the bewildered pegasus with a twitching hind leg, probably insinuating a desire to gallop away, and then suddenly remembered something. Before his interviewee got a chance to react he already piped up and said "Oh, that's right. I just remembered I never even properly introduced myself. The name is Striking Detail, nice to meet you. Sorry, I haven't been myself lately, no pun intended. And what is yours, if I may ask, ma'am?"

Edited by Windchime
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@Blitz Boom @Windchime

Light Rain listened to the reporter talk, becoming increasingly uncomfortable as he went on. Apparently there had been quite a lot of changelings around here, which meant nothing good. Those changelings were probably still part of the hive, and the hive doesn't take kindly to deserters. Light Rain didn't really want to meet those changelings. Secondly, if there were more changelings, that would also mean that ponies would be on the lookout for changeling activity, which could get her caught.

But hey, at least not all was bad. He didn't mention ambient feeding anywhere, so they probably didn't know that that was a thing. Almost no changelings do ambient feeding, since it's not really efficient. It's far more rewarding to impersonate and feed on love straight from the source, instead of getting it second. A bit like comparing a buffet and dry toast. But you can survive on dry toast just fine, it's just not the most tasty thing in the universe.

The reporter then introduced himself as Striking Detail. It didn't look as if he knew that she was a changeling, so she was going to have to get info out of him. This new situation sounded like bad news for her, so she was going to play along with him, and try to see what he knew.

"M-my name is Light Rain, I've recently moved into this town. Nice to meet you too," Light said, trying to put a cheerful smile on her face, "So do you have any questions? I may be able to answer some of them for you."


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@Blitz Boom

"That is a lot of directions," Dawn commented when Circle Pop left, not bothering to wave back. She did smile though, even if it was only slight. She picked out a book from her library (Logistics of Flying by Commander Hurricane) and read it until she pretty much fell asleep in front of the fire.

In the morning, Dawn woke up at her usual time. A couple hours after dawn. She yawned and stretched before shaking herself. She marked her page with a bookmark and threw the book onto the couch before making herself a bit of breakfast and black gold. She yawned throughout the entire process until she drunk her first cup. Thankful for it being a day off after checking the time and date she thought she would head back to bed after breakfast until Dawn remembered that she had a place to be. 'Right. I'm meant to meet somepony at some location or other.' Dawn thought to herself through a big yawn. Shaking herself once more, she splashed some water on her face and headed off.

Dawn made it to the bakery without any trouble but forgot which part of the building to avoid. Taking a nance, she rang the doorbell where it said 'DELIVERIES HERE'.

Edited by Dji



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Trixie The Evil

Brute didn't miss the pony that flew above her, nor backed down as the mare locked eyes with her for a brief moment before she flew along on green, transparent wings.


It might be that she wasn't the smartest pony around, or the most versed in magic since she had devoted more time to physical practice, but you didn't need to be smart to see that this wasn't right either. Green, transparent wings? First thought that came to mind were that this were a weird kind of changeling, and though they might be diplomatically roped into greetings those within their borders now, that didn't mean the general populace trusted them. Including Brute, who only gave some leisure to those who didn't hide, and despised those who still lurked around as somepony else. Unrepentant parasites those ones.

Still, was that one up there a changeling? Usually they'd just make wings, not be obvious like this, right? Hard to say, but whatever other options out there wasn't something she considered good either. Anything that made limbs they didn't have originally were bound to be somepony to watch out for.

And with the festival going on right now, the guards they had in town would likely be busy keeping things going there, so this one could hide more easily... Eh, guess this meant it was on her to track this potentially flying pestilence down. What a waste of perfectly good exercise time.

Getting up the path to Las Pegasus, Brute thought on going in a sprint, but if anypony else were on the bridge it was just going to be messy, so she had to wander at a relatively fast pace instead. If the flyer was fast that'd end up giving her at least fifteen minutes to hide before Brute could get up there. 5-10 more if there was traffic on the bridge.



@Foxy Socks

"Well, to make a long story somewhat short, I made an arrangement with a mare of questionable magic, and she helped me aqcuire and install these eyes. I can assure you that nothing bad have come from this though. She simply wish for me to vouch for her at a later time so she can prove her magic can be used for something more productive than it might first appear."

Briar looked over the two with wonder and fascination in his eyes, not knowing what to think of them.

Foxy were hard to evaluate since he had to see a fox to be sure if she really did share similarities with them, but there were several things that made her different from the few ponies he had seen thus far, so he would not be surprised, plus this gave him a good indicator for when he ran into a fox as to what it were, rather than wait for it to make a recognizable sound. It was fascinating how much he had to learn now that he couldn't just go with a rough form from the wind and sounds.

Anomaly were... Well, she were certainly something, though what he had no idea. Not a creature he had encountered before at least, as that sensory impact of her form would have stuck with him, but she were fascinating, that were for sure. Perhaps if he got a little closer, he could learn a few more things?

He took a few steps towards them, then slid on a rock and fell sideways into the large ball pit, where he'd let out a surprised meep and kicking the balls around him in confusion.

Anomaly rolled her eyes and were about to help him out her own way, before the vine on Briar's back shot out of the colorful little *lake* of plastic balls and felt around, before settling on a ledge that he slowly made his way towards.


A snap of the tail, and the evergrown got lifted up by a rubber hoof that came from below him, and set him off next to Foxy and her before going back into the ball pit and hopefully vanish.

"Okay, that was uhm... An experience, certainly. And I guess this answers one question then, considering the snap. You're a draconequus, correct?"

"Yep. Born, raised, killed, raised again, and now standing here. Draconequus all the way baby."

The plate on her head spelled out the word *Yeah!* in green after that, though since Briar couldn't read, he wouldn't know. Just looked like strange symbols to him.

"That do give me more questions than answers, but that seem to be a theme with your kin madam. Regardless though, it is good to... Well, see you Foxy. I hope things are okay?"

Briar reached a hoof forward to shake if she so wished to, and gave her his most friendly, yet pointy-toothed smile possible. Something which made Anomaly giggle with glee. She liked weird things like that.




Whilst Omen were the one they asked, Mother were the one they could hear as her worried look turned into a smirk and then a pearly laughter that rung through the room for a little. There had been something about seeing Sen and Lin utterly deceive them all that were just inherently funny right in the moment.

As for Omen, she had been looking at the two of them as they had started to shamble towards her with blank eyes, not sure what were going on and why they hadn't been fixed, rather than just follow her weird request to play around with Lin's tail. Wanting to see how it would pan out, merely out of curiosity, she didn't try and tell them not to do this, nor turn to the orb for answers yet, but just observed the little game between them before she suddenly got a face full of Sen and rolled of the little bench she had been on, along with him.

It had been disorienting and confusing for her as she ended up with him above her like a sack of potatoes for a bit of time before he started to get off her, and she hadn't been sure what to say, and even less so when he had gotten up and declared that they had just been messing with her.

The loud, though short laughter of Mother would likely drown out some of what she might have said, but if they had listened well to the voice she projected into their minds, they might be able to hear a strange sound come along with what seemed like a small smile from Omen.


It wasn't much, but considering how dulled down her emotions were, this were akin to Omen laughing and pounding the ground, trying to catch her breath. Seemed like they really had gotten her, and it had hit a funny bone in several members of the room.

The smile faded as she were pulled up and put back on the bench - as she still couldn't move - but the impact had been made, and she were already trying to think about what this had meant, and what the odd feeling she had experienced in the moment were.

"Good prank. You fooled me."

"Me as well. Well done dears."

Thankfully,t he drake were still resting in Lin's mane and not Omen's, or Sen would have been bitten for this roller-coaster ride, so everything seemed fine and the atmosphere got a little calmer. Hopefully it wouldn't sour when Omen told Ghilan what were potentially pretty ominous news.

"What children?"




Smokey got a smirk on his face at her first comment, not being able to help himself as he took a hoof to his chest and made a mocking, gallant stance.

"If this is a dream, does that make me Prince Charming?"

He could barely say it before he started to laugh at the ridiculous notion. He were about as much royalty as Phoenix were a goddess. He wasn't even a noble, though that were from choice, as he could have easily bought a title. he just didn't want to be associated too much with those arrogant sky-sniffers.

"Ah, what a nice laugh to star the day off with. In any case, I am happy to hear that you have taken me up on my offer. Let me just go and fetch my hat and we can be on our way."

As if waiting for a command, the hat suddenly popped into existence on his head, with a note attached to the front of back with duct tape.

The one hanging in front of his face would go *Don't disturb* and seemed to be a request to not return to the tent area by what would likely have to be Widdershins for some reason, as he were the only draconequus he had seen there - It was actually me, but meh - which he didn't know what to respond to. Seemed strange, but what involving draconequui wasn't?

The one on the back that Phoenix could see would be a simple one too. A sign going *Kick me.* with an arrow leading down to Smokey's flank, though did Phoenix have the guts or want to act on it? They'd see soon enough.

"I get the feeling somepony doesn't want us back at the tent area. Would you prefer to risk it, or shall we aim for the nearest train station so we can get on our way?"




Belladonna listened with an indifferent face to what Cosmic told her, but took note of the information that he had given there. including a minimum age of a thousand years, and that this were not his first time in Equestria. Minor things perhaps, but the more he would let slide as time went on, the more these small details would start to fit into a larger picture. That being who Cosmic truly were, and not just in shape. That sort were simply a minor thing compared to his intentions and experiences in Equestria previously in her mind.

As they reached Pony Joe's the extended wing didn't get a reaction from her either. A quick scan in the shop showed there to only be three others in here, along with the cashier, and they seemed only briefly interested in who were entering the shop. If cosmic packed them away shortly, it should not be something they would focus too much on, and if they did, explaining it away would be a minor concern.

For the time being, her going in first kept their brief attention, and made the barista lift a hoof and greet her with a fanged grin.

"Late night again Belladonna?"

"Work doesn't stop because the sun does."

A low chuckle were heard from the bat pony at the stand, though the others in the room - also bat ponies - just shrug. They were well aware of this fact since their work always went on at night in various places in town, so it didn't mean much to them. Mostly what did were seeing other non-bat ponies this time of night. Usually the only ones who came in here after midnight were their kind, though Belladonna were at least somewhat of a fixture in here. She often worked late and didn't find interest in making her own coffee, as it lacked taste in her eyes, so she were here several times a week.

With her going past though their eyes would likely get really drawn to Cosmic. Both because he came in at the same time, and because this one was a fresh face. He should probably hide his wings soon before he'd get weird looks and the two of them had to explain them.




"Sub Rosa. Former infiltration unit."

Rosa didn't think more were needed currently for the mare to understand his position in getting her to Thorax with a good degree of secrecy. How long he had worked for the changeling king, why he were working for him to begin with and such didn't seem important to that question. And from the look on her face, she didn't seem to have a wish to go deep into things right now either, so it wouldn't be an issue.

 He gave a glance to the object she were holding, and what she seemed to be using it for, and took note of it. He were not sure why Thorax wished to speak with Cacora, so whatever she did do that regular changelings didn't, were something he were not prepared for, and he did not enjoy to go too blindly into things. Information was power after all.

"Long distance tracker, focused on emotions? Useful creations, but I still need an answer. Can you fly? I need to be aware so I can pick the most efficient route for us towards King Thorax's domain."

The things she said about an alchemy mare and a strange being certainly piqued his interest, but it was not the time to try and get information out of her that wasn't directly tied to their transportation. After they had a proper path to follow he might see if there was some answers he could gain, yet the job came first.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Ziggy made big eyes as she heard about the overview of what both of the kind of characters that Serenade described were about.

"Whoa. That sounds absolutely amazing! Masked vigilantes, saving ponies from corruption, and then living a totally other life below the mask. I'm definitely going to check those out next time I'm home again, because that sounds like it hits all the buttons for a good mystery and adventure, and what's not to love about those? You got some good taste Serenade."

It sure seemed like Serenade had some good memories about those adventures too, seeing as she wasn't even touching the ground right now and looked like a filly on her way to prom. But of course, when it was something you enjoyed with the family - like with those serials with The Shade she had mentioned - it were bound to pull on a few heartstrings.

Made her wonder though. If the memory alone made Serenade hover over the ground, would she had to be held down with a rope to not fly off when she actually met her parents? ...Nah, funny things like that never happened, but it was a fun thought.




"Hey! Watch your flank you bundle of sticks!"

"I'm s-sorry sir. She's in a b-bad mood today."

The two siblings were moving around a corner not too far from where Lance were, but without having seen him currently. They were busy insulting and apologizing to a worker in a hardhat that gave them a raised eyebrow before moving on to join the others of his crew. Of which there seemed to be quite a bit, as there was unknown ponies nearly everywhere right now, working on the houses and moving materials around. mainly by magic that last one, which were why the siblings were wandering close to the walls to not disrupt it.

It was one of the things that had Null in a foul mood right now. She had woken up early from the infernal noise of these assorted ponies and what not, moving building materials and marching into town not far from where Void and her were settled in. Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't because A: the holes in the wall made it ease in without any trouble, and B: the noise had made the patchy sleeping place rumble and fall apart, which included Null getting a big slice of roof and wall slammed over her. Nothing that broke anything, but she were not exactly pain-free right now, and were limping on the right back leg. Quite honestly, she were one snide comment away from charging into somepony and beat on them until she were thrown in jail.

Void had gotten free of most of the falling things at least. A bit of roof had gone down, but she were a healthy earth pony, so that little didn't do her anything. It frankly took more out of her to drag Null out and away from the workers before she got her hooves on them than that.

Usually in cases like this she would have carried Null on her back, where the small pegasi fitted well without straining her larger sister's back, but Null had refused, saying she wanted to walk this off. It would likely not be a bad idea to get her to the hospital about the leg eventually, but not even Void's concern were noted towards that right now for Null. She didn't want to go there before having something to eat, for what she called a minor injury, even if she looked like it hurt sometimes when Void wasn't watching.

It would be interesting to see if Lance would take contact to them, or if he would think it best to keep a distance for now. Not like there wasn't dozens upon dozens of other faces to speak with right now if it were, though it remained to be seen.



@Windchime @Holiday Agnaktor

"Oh jeez, are the outliers making a ruckus again? I swear, it isn't going to be easier for the forthcoming changelings to make a home anywhere, if they're saddled with those stuck in the old ways. Not good for diplomacy."

Benny hadn't aimed to listen in about this at all. Heck, cards on the table, he hadn't even wanted to hear anything job-related when he took a few days off to get to this city, but to hear the reporter going on about changelings going into their old deeds just as he got out of the jeweler store... Darn Royal Guard training sometimes. Didn't allow him to sit by when potentially damaging propaganda or an actual crime spree might happen right in front of him.

A minor sigh had escaped him before he interacted with the two, and shortly after, he would take the darkened box containing what he had been inside and buying under the plates on his top right leg, and hoping to every holy being that might exist that he didn't drop it, whilst also cursing himself for still not having gotten himself some kind of pockets or pouch in his outfit. He had everything planned out now, and he couldn't fall here on the finish line. Not this close to the potentially happiest beginning to the rest of his life.


Benny weren't of the larger dragon kind out there. Standing on all four as he did now, he reached only a little higher up than a full grown stallion, though he were a good deal longer, even if you didn't count the tail. So if he stood up on his hind legs, he'd easily tower over the rest, though he mainly did that at work or if he had to carry something heavy. it felt uncomfortable for him to wander on two legs unlikely some of his other brethren, so he preferred not to if he had the chance.

He had a concerned look on his face as he approached them, though still did his to make sure not to look like somepony who hated ponies, like some of his other brethren did. It never ended up well to look that way, and he didn't generally hate ponies. Just the ones who kept screaming at him for being a monster sometimes, but could you blame him then?

An interesting thin about his armor might catch the eyes of the two ponies he were trying to talk with which might make it harder or easier to speak with them: The sign of the Solar Guard and the Night Guard, forged into the plates on his thighs and upper arms. Both of them were on all four plates, side by side with some space beneath it for a future project of his he'd like to get in. Namely, the Coastal Guard, but the two of them would likely not know that unless they were mind readers, and he genuinely didn't think anypony could get anything from his head with how much it was swarming with love right now, even if concern were growing in a little by little.

"Hi there. I'm sorry to interrupt, but you were saying that some changelings were making trouble and taking forms, even though the new laws says they're free to be in in Equestria, long as they don't impersonate? Sounds like a rogue hive if it's all been in this town, and that's not good news for anypony."

Rogue hive in Manehattan. Could be a story in that, if it really were that though. Could be unrelated, but a lot of impersonators in the same town, all siphoning love and taking places? Sure sounded like it could be a new queen on the block. Couldn't be an old one if they let the ones they impersonated wander around freely at least. He didn't condone kidnapping anypony personally, but sounded like it'd be changeling hive 101.




Pop let out a sigh as she heard the door getting knocked on, and put down her cup of coffee. She had been so close to getting that first, rejuvenating sip, and then somepony had come to her door. Hopefully it was just the milk mare or something like that. She couldn't remember right now if she were on vacation or not this week right now. Her functional mindset laid on the bottom of that first, bitter cup.

Opening up, she let out a noise that could roughly be translated to *Hello? Who's there?* and then seemed to space out for a bit, as she tried to remember who it were she were looking at right now.

Pop looked pretty rough here at the morning. Her mane were a mess, her eyes were half-opened and had some pretty sizable bags underneath them, and her overall demeanor said *Worn down* in big letters.

"...Davin... Dawn... Danger... No, second one. Dawn? You.... Right, said to meet. Come in. Need coffee..."

Pop turned around and wandered towards the kitchen again, leaving the door open for whom she could vaguely remember as her new friend from last night, and aimed straight for the steaming cup of coffee. She really needed it to wake up and be a functional member of the living right now.

If Dawnw ould go in, she'd find that Dawn's house were pretty homely. Flowers, family photos, plenty of light, and a color scheme that overall seemed to be white and slight pink. She thought it blended well, long as she didn't overdo the pink.

Some of the pictures in here though, would also be of something else than family or friends. A few here and there would also depict her with a dragon, about her size, holding her hoof in a photo booth, making faces besides her at national monuments, and one of a kiss in front of what might be a fountain. It was zoomed in on their faces, so it was hard to tell, but all the photos seemed to have both of them as pretty happy. Well except one where she gave him the stink eye as he pretended to lie dead in a highly theatrical manner, under a statue of a royal guard from long ago with a spear.

It wasn't too prominent all in all, and Dawn could miss them or ignore them if she went to the kitchen, where there wasn't any set up of the two of them right now, but they were there if she decided to fixate on it. Framed and placed with joy in a happy home, where the most grumpy thing right now where the thing that should not be. Better known as Circle Pop without her morning coffee.

  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Lance stepped out of his cottage, thinking about what to eat for breakfast. Maybe that diner where I was yesterday. The food was very good. Do they serve breakfast, though? He continued towards the restaurant, retracing his steps from his cottage to the diner (or, at least trying to). He passed Null and Void, and took a second before he noticed them.

"Hey! Null! Void!"

He hurried over to the two. 

"I was trying to find the diner to get some breakfast before work."

He looked around, and his heart sank.

"Wait, am I late? Oh, crap."

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom  @Widdershins @WiiGuy2014

Ancalagon just sighed slightly as he heard the mare. He used a sleeping spell on her to knock her out. And when he saw that she was knocked out he placed her gently onto a bench. Now he would resume his vigil for this town. Ancalagon now had a vested interest in this little pony town as he looked around still smelling something rotten in the air. But he smelled A DRYAD! Those were rarer than he was. He sighed to himself as he puffed out a large enough smoke ring. Last was on a nearby bench. He smelled another dragon. He was growling now this was his territory.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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3 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:




Belladonna listened with an indifferent face to what Cosmic told her, but took note of the information that he had given there. including a minimum age of a thousand years, and that this were not his first time in Equestria. Minor things perhaps, but the more he would let slide as time went on, the more these small details would start to fit into a larger picture. That being who Cosmic truly were, and not just in shape. That sort were simply a minor thing compared to his intentions and experiences in Equestria previously in her mind.

As they reached Pony Joe's the extended wing didn't get a reaction from her either. A quick scan in the shop showed there to only be three others in here, along with the cashier, and they seemed only briefly interested in who were entering the shop. If cosmic packed them away shortly, it should not be something they would focus too much on, and if they did, explaining it away would be a minor concern.

For the time being, her going in first kept their brief attention, and made the barista lift a hoof and greet her with a fanged grin.

"Late night again Belladonna?"

"Work doesn't stop because the sun does."

A low chuckle were heard from the bat pony at the stand, though the others in the room - also bat ponies - just shrug. They were well aware of this fact since their work always went on at night in various places in town, so it didn't mean much to them. Mostly what did were seeing other non-bat ponies this time of night. Usually the only ones who came in here after midnight were their kind, though Belladonna were at least somewhat of a fixture in here. She often worked late and didn't find interest in making her own coffee, as it lacked taste in her eyes, so she were here several times a week.

With her going past though their eyes would likely get really drawn to Cosmic. Both because he came in at the same time, and because this one was a fresh face. He should probably hide his wings soon before he'd get weird looks and the two of them had to explain them.




"Sub Rosa. Former infiltration unit."

Rosa didn't think more were needed currently for the mare to understand his position in getting her to Thorax with a good degree of secrecy. How long he had worked for the changeling king, why he were working for him to begin with and such didn't seem important to that question. And from the look on her face, she didn't seem to have a wish to go deep into things right now either, so it wouldn't be an issue.

 He gave a glance to the object she were holding, and what she seemed to be using it for, and took note of it. He were not sure why Thorax wished to speak with Cacora, so whatever she did do that regular changelings didn't, were something he were not prepared for, and he did not enjoy to go too blindly into things. Information was power after all.

"Long distance tracker, focused on emotions? Useful creations, but I still need an answer. Can you fly? I need to be aware so I can pick the most efficient route for us towards King Thorax's domain."

The things she said about an alchemy mare and a strange being certainly piqued his interest, but it was not the time to try and get information out of her that wasn't directly tied to their transportation. After they had a proper path to follow he might see if there was some answers he could gain, yet the job came first.

@Blitz Boom (Belladonna),


*Cosmic had indeed put the wing away. However, he smiled when he saw what his memory recalls as the night mother's children. He however, doesn't say anything so as not to draw unwanted attention.* "Belladonna, What would you like, while we wait? I hope the night Princess isn't too busy."

*He then says almost to quiet to be heard.* 'Maybe I will try dream walking again. Hopefully I can find Sanctuary.'

*He then sits away from the others so as not to bother them.*

@Blitz Boom (Rosa)

*Cacora chuckles,* "Of course I can fly. Just not in this form. Besides it's the form I have used for the last 10 years. I should be an old changeling nearing my final days because of it, but I feel younger than I have ever been. Also, if your wondering, I use to be one of Chrysalis' warrior infiltration types. But that was before my secret was revealed. But I don't want to talk about that at this time. A personal matter and one I have been dealing with for a while." *She then assumes, right before him, the form of a non-descript pegasus. The flames used are not common with the normal types of changelingsthe known. There is no scortching or hiss of magical fire and the flames seem to only form around her. They do not harm the environment. And surprisingly there is no pillar of magic in association with royal types. She seems to have her power almost perfectly surpressed. That must be why it took so long for her to be detected in the first place.*

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@Blitz Boom

A few small balls from the ball pit next to Foxy. She idly kicked one to her side. "So, you've never seen before? I mean, were you born without eyes?" Foxy couldn't remember if Briar told her. If he had never had the ability to see, to explore the world modt ponies were used to, it must have been quite an experience. Foxy noticed him stare at her, examining her foxy appearance. Foxy wondered how she seemed to him, and she certainly couldn't imagine what he'd though of Anomaly.


When Brittle reached out his hoof, Foxy shook his hand, with Foxy also smiling, revealing one of her fangs.


"By the way, is Brittle okay? She seemed quite bothered last time, I hope she is okay." She hadn't found out what happened to Brittle, so she was a bit worried. She wasn't with Briar, but Foxy onee Brittle was timid, a trait Foxy knew Brittle couldn't help. Foxy was similarly timid as a filly, fearing others would fear her. Luckily for Foxy, she was accepted. Changelings not so much.


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@Blitz Boom

"Just like the old days, right sister?"

Lin chuckled before replying: "Yeah, but our acting could've been more convincing."

The siblings looked to both Mother and Omen, then to each other in delight before giving each other a high five. Just seeing them laugh and being at ease from the dread they all faced the last few days... it reminded them of better times. And now that they are on the way to tying up loose ends, it was about time for them look forward without a heavy weight on them. That would be shattered when Ghilan interrupted with his own worries. 

"The children? The ones you encountered in the cave near the village? You mentioned them when we regrouped before Solasan found us."

It would seem Ghilan sounded like a broken record repeating his question but his worry grew every time he couldn't get an answer. He thought about explaining the situation but even he lacks details. Omen was the only one who was at the cave when she said she encountered the Legion-possessed children but the gaps in her memory couldn't paint a picture. The orb then glowed bright and spoke to both Omen and Ghilan.

"We know of them," the orb exuded bright light and created a visualization. It showed three children, two boys and one girl, the same ones Omen encountered in the cave. The orb then revealed a memory of Legion's seen from the perspective of one of the children. It showed them speaking to Omen first before walking through a gate similar to Lin's and appearing in the village along with a few possessed villagers. The visualization cuts from there but the look of worry on Ghilan's face slowly faded when he put the pieces together and figured out the rest. 

"Hey! I remember them," Lin exclaimed as she spoke to Omen. "They're the same children who spoke with us in the village. They were curious about you. It looks like they're safe if they got back to their families."

"Then I guess I shouldn't worry," the elder solemnly said before looking up to Mother. "I... I need to go back to the village and be with them. Sen and Lin are lucky to have met you and Omen. After everything they've been through, it's good to know they can look forward to a brighter future with you."

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

Dawn stared after the tired Circle Pop before shaking her head .She let off a yawn herself, using a wing to cover her mouth before walking inside.

"Circle Pop? You have a ... nice place," Dawn told her new friend, glancing at the pictures around the walls in the main living room. "Some of these show ... dragons," she added through gritted teeth but forced herself to look past it, trotting into the kitchen. She may hate dragons, but she wanted to move past it for the sake of keeping a friend. A pony who she hadn't had in a long time. She sat by the bench and noticed the brewing coffee. "I may need another coffee," she admitted after yawning again. She did not sleep well the night before. Her dreams full of ferocious dragons and laughing ponies.



What else am I meant to put here?


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17 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Smokey got a smirk on his face at her first comment, not being able to help himself as he took a hoof to his chest and made a mocking, gallant stance.

"If this is a dream, does that make me Prince Charming?"

He could barely say it before he started to laugh at the ridiculous notion. He were about as much royalty as Phoenix were a goddess. He wasn't even a noble, though that were from choice, as he could have easily bought a title. he just didn't want to be associated too much with those arrogant sky-sniffers.

"Ah, what a nice laugh to star the day off with. In any case, I am happy to hear that you have taken me up on my offer. Let me just go and fetch my hat and we can be on our way."

As if waiting for a command, the hat suddenly popped into existence on his head, with a note attached to the front of back with duct tape.

The one hanging in front of his face would go *Don't disturb* and seemed to be a request to not return to the tent area by what would likely have to be Widdershins for some reason, as he were the only draconequus he had seen there - It was actually me, but meh - which he didn't know what to respond to. Seemed strange, but what involving draconequui wasn't?

The one on the back that Phoenix could see would be a simple one too. A sign going *Kick me.* with an arrow leading down to Smokey's flank, though did Phoenix have the guts or want to act on it? They'd see soon enough.

"I get the feeling somepony doesn't want us back at the tent area. Would you prefer to risk it, or shall we aim for the nearest train station so we can get on our way?"

Phoenix chuckled a bit at Smokey's remark, but she otherwise said nothing. she watched, admittedly a bit amused as Smokey whimsically made his hat appear from nowhere. even morose as she saw the notes left on it. a smirk crossed her face, but she figured she wouldn't actually do anything to him. maybe she'd wait and let someone else do it for her.  after all, she wouldn't want to kick her prince charming. 

she walked up next to Smokey, and looked up at the bright morning sky. however, she was interrupted by a soft rumbling noise coming from her own belly. hopefully it was soft enough for Smokey to not hear it. all of this thought of breakfast definitely was making her stomach a bit anxious. with any luck, the trek to the nearest restaurant wasn't too far. "let's head to the train station" she responded to Smokey's question "and from there, we'll go to whichever town is closest" she followed it up with. she definitely wanted to get some food in her as soon as possible, and she's willing to settle for the first thing they see. 

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@Blitz Boom

After a long wait that felt like weeks, the castle doors finally opened to show a young purple and green dragon. "Sorry it took so long to answer the door." The dragon apologized in a young boy's voice. "The castle is much bigger inside than it looks on the outside. Can I help you?" The dragon asked

Will's first impressions of the dragon were: Wow! There really is a dragon living here. A little shorter than I thought he'd be, but he's a lot friendlier than I thought he'd be as well!

Aloud he said, "Hello, Mr. The Dragon. My name is Will Guide and I'm new in town. Alonsus here suggested we'd check out the library here. May we come in?"

The dragon smiled and waved a claw to the ponies. "Well, nice to meet you two. My name is Spike and I'm the assistant to the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. She's not here at the moment, but I'll be glad to help! Come in, come in!"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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@Blitz Boom @Holiday Agnaktor

The reporter opened his mouth to respond, until suddenly he was interrupted by a pony, who, when he looked behind him, instead took the form of a dragon a little bit taller than him clad in an outfit that radiates authority; not exactly what he expected. While taken by surprise by the interruption, and honestly, slightly intimidated, Striking Detail perked up on having a chance to talk to somepo- somedragon who seemed concerned to know what was going on.

"Oh, greetings sir, but is that so? I'm sorry, it seems that I've been too busy with celebrity pony stories to hear of this new change of the law of the land. The name's Striking Detail, and I am a reporter for the Equestrian Enquirer. You seem to know what's going on in the city, which is great news for me. Yes, we were talking about troublesome changelings taking forms of celebrities and lovers. What is going on is something me and my team have been trying to figure out this week, and I'd love to interview an authority on the subject about it!" 
Another pony took a great stride around Striking Detail, but he didn't care anymore.

"A rogue hive, is what you're thinking? Radical deserters of a diplomatically recovering race? A new queen trying to emerge to power? Teull mue aull about idt!"
By the last sentence Striking Detail already had his pencil in his muzzle ready to jot in his notebook. He quickly noticed he's probably been going up in the dragon authority's face too much too fast, and whimpered down as he took the pencil out of his muzzle again.

"Eh, ahem, sorry. You're my first lead in three days, you see. I'll pipe down. If I may ask, what is your name, sir?"

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