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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@@Driz, @@Blitz Boom, Serenade nods, "It's where I got Princess Luna's Hearth's Warming gift. A Copy of Ogres & Oubliettes, 3rd Edition. Last I heard was she had roped Prince Shining Armor into getting a group together to play." She chuckles, remembering the sight of Luna galloping down the hall, book held in her magic yelling 'THE FUN SHALL BE DOUBLED'. Serenade climbs the stairs to her front door, and opens it, holding it for both Ziggy and Trinket. 

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@Blitz Boom

"Nothing happened usually the flight back is more trouble than not," Draco stated with a chuckle. "Considering the fact that I like to shoot myself out of cannons," Draco muttered with a grin on his face. "But in the end the job gets done and I wait for the next hoity toity snob to request I take his mail or deliver a fake diamond," Draco said with a laugh. "You have no idea how many times that last part actually happened,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom



"Everyone has their quirks and stuffs." Storm said with a friendly smile, "You two have your magic null-thing, which could actually be very useful in some ways, I think. My brother has his awesome fox-tail and can turn on a dime, and I say and do things that nopony really understands, and can break the sound barrier on take-off... But I'll never be able to get any faster than I am now."


Storm blinked and shook his head, "Sorry about that, kind of went off on a tangent... The point is that things that make you weird or different aren't necessarily a bad thing. Everything is a matter of perspective." He explained, before his ears folded slightly in nervousness, "Um, that makes sense right? I'm not just rambling nonsense and annoying you or anything? I tend to do that somethings."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom@@Seamore Sandwich


Phantom floated aways from the both of them, content to be quiet and observe. Clearly trying to make up his mind whether or not he wanted to take such a chance; if he was successful, he'd get a soul--if he wasn't, nothingness. 


And nothingness was scary.


"...Um..." He made a cheesy grin, putting on a brave face, "it's just like a roller-coaster...I'm gonna go ahead and say yes before fear tells me to say no."


"I'm in, and...I'll follow you guys to the other side."


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"I would also like to keep family matters a secret, and I hate intruding privacy unless absolutely necessary. It's why I tend to...not use my telepathy as much as I use my others." Zen explained, that ever present sweet smile staying in its place.




"Oh, wow, dude, I've actually never heard that one before." Deadpan chuckled.

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@Blitz Boom




*I moand*


¨I wish I could take this ughh this scarf and things of ¨

*I wisper


*ponys walk by


*they look strangley at me


¨well at least it a start for be exepted¨


*I mumble to my self


¨i wish nopony cared about the markings¨

 *I mumble



* says in head

¨i hope i get in the act it was hard enoph to be there for 3 hours¨

Edited by StarNote


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"...And the colt. I think he saw worse things at this Zecora's hut, no? Unless you aim to wrap the food in fur or something like that, I think it will mean little. And if it does... Hmhmhm, I have ways of *helping* his mind."
"lets just play it slow for now, kids been through a lot already back up or a second" Cresent said taking one more stir then bringing the pan to the sink. In the sin had a pop up strainer he was using his wing hook to move said pan into strainer then after the water was out put the noodels back into the pan placing it on the oven.


The thestreal then went towards a cabnit to grab a sauce that zinthar would no doubt recoginize as cheese sauce (wheather ponys eat cheese or not idk but this bat pony dose) adiing it to the pasta nd giving it more stire he sniffed it a bit. Added a few more spice's then brought out 3 bowls for the 3 of them (sorry if this makes you hungry) "foods up" he said


"your still hungry cover right cant bounce away your apitite" he joked.  

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@@Blitz Boom


"Because no one should be able to challenge him." Sen replied in an almost emotionless manner. "That monster wanted to demonstrate his power and someone had to take the fall just so everyone can see just how serious he is. My father had to do it because sooner or later, they would come for him, or me."

Sen stormed out of the archives without uttering any more words to Omen or Lin. He was confused, bewildered, angry, and sorrowful at the same time, unable to set his sights on what to do next. Lin left him be, understanding the need for some alone time. She'd never seen so much of what was going on through the minds of the elder during her youth, always looking forward to the day she would meet him and just enjoying each other's company. Now all she remembers were the years ruled with lies and an agenda he hoped to fulfil no matter who got hurt along the way. But something else still bothered her...  

"Omen," Lin began. "If we catch the former elder, why would you give him to Discord? Might be a stroke of poetic justice in the works since he once was indirectly affected by Discord's magic. I'd like to know why."  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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"Quite a sorry state this place in in, huh?"


The voice of a mare came from the right, at the nearest building to where the newcomer were walking into town. The voice got a body a few seconds later when the mare in question walked out of the shadows, silent as a cat, and looked at the other with a tinge of amusement in her ice-blue eyes and an impish grin on her muzzle.


She were of normal size for an earth pony in her twenties, with a tussled, tomboyish mane and short tail in a murky blonde, and a dark-blue coat. She were adorning the armor of the Night Guard - minus the helmet - and from what could be seen of her cutie mark, it appeared to be a blade slashing. Something which would fit well with the fact that she had four, curved blades, a little shorter than her legs, with each of them stuck to the lower half of her legs and going upwards. It seemed the sort that would take a lot of training not to accidentally cut yourself or others with, but by the fluent motions of the mare, it didn't seem like she had any trouble there.


"But enough about that for now. How about you and I have a little chatter about what an armed mare want in Ponyville? Come on, let's get the cards out on the table for curious little me, eh?"








The more were said about the toy store, the more Ziggy got a look over her face like a little foal that heard of the most magical place in the world. Which were about as true as something could be, if you excluded the fact that she wasn't exactly a foal anymore. To her though, that didn't mean that you couldn't enjoy something between an amusement park and a toy store. Something like that sounded amazing, and frankly something you would have to be pretty jaded about to find boring or bland. At least with the mental picture she were getting currently.


"That sounds like the most wonderful place ever. We totally have to go there when we get to Baltimare, Serenade."


She bounced a little in her step before she heard the click of the door as Serenade opened it, and the unmistakable, faint hiss from her little rodent friend from the inside. Not directly at the door, but from somewhere up higher, likely on one of the higher shelves where she tended to like to rest, or accordingly to Serenade: Hide.


When the door were opened enough, and the road in clear, Ziggy would wander in and look around up, until she finally spotted the fuzzy head of the mimic hiding near some books. She hadn't moved down for anything but food since the attack, but at the sight of Ziggy, she spread the large ears, and flew down on the strange wings, landing on Ziggy's head and starting to chitter-chatter whilst crawling around her.


"Awh, I think she was afraid I got hurt. No worries little friend, I'm a-okay. Just went out to help some other ponies who needed it."




(Full credit for this picture I found on google goes to the creator Exoxotica. I would post a link, but some of her work are a bit more saucy it seems, so best to google the name and you'll find her link easy enough at your own discretion)







Clayton made a visible twitch from hearing the two words *fake diamonds* in Draco's sentence. An unfortunate reaction from the plentiful times he had the displeasure of finding himself around some con artist that tried to pawn those sorts off on him, thinking that he didn't know better.


Though he had the building company that had brought him here, Clayton had first gained the capitol to doing such a thing from his talent of identifying and evaluating precious gems accurately. Some had only slight differences between being worthless and being rare, and through random pawn shops and some lucky finds in the wold, he had managed to gain himself th capitol to start on the gem market, and then after a few years, to start the company he now had.


He still were part of the gem market, but mostly by evaluating or investing, in case the trends he noticed went towards a particular gem soon rising in popularity, or falling because there would be a surge of new gems found. Not new kinds, as that was a rather rare sight in itself, but more like new veins of it found somewhere. These days it tended to  be opals, or diamonds of less clarity, but things changed rapidly at times.


"Fake diamonds are a pestilence these days. Usually gotten through third parties and then thought to be real by some unfortunate souls, but there is the occasional fool who tried to get them into the market more directly, though not so much after the last few got imprisoned by the guards."


He cleared his throat and got a slight, red tint on his cheeks as he realized he had just blurted out something that were meant to stay in his head. Not that Stare seemed to mind, as she were too busy currently with looking up on Draco when she thought he wasn't noticing, but that still left the other half of his current companions.


"A-Ah, my apologies, I didn't mean to blurt that out. I just... Spend a fair amount of time on the gem market, and I have been met with these things rather frequently the last few weeks. Not a welcome sight when you try to look for something special and worthwhile."






"No, y-you're not annoying, and what you say makes sense, but what I can do... I-It's not something good. Null and I... We have h-had to run for twenty years now, away from others who doesn't like it when their things suddenly doesn't work anymore, or u-unicorns find their magic isn't activating when they're near us. They get... V-Very angry, and do h-horrible things then.


Equestria is actually the first n-nice place we found. Ponies still act s-strange around us now, but they don't a-attack or something like that. Some are even pleasant to speak with here, like you. It's... Nice to have a place w-where you don't need to run anymore."


Null lifted a bench that were in the way and but it somewhere else, as the two were making sure the place were ready for ponies to sit/stand and eat when they'd eventually come around.


"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't bring the mood down, n-not now. Ponies are going to show eventually, and they shouldn't be infected with this. Should move on and uhm... R-Right. I hope it's okay if I ask you something then? What did you mean when you said you could do t-things nopony understood?"


(Pinkie and Stormy thing isn't technically magic, so it will work around Void)






@Seamore Sandwich


"Save the puppy-dog eyes Charlie, you won't need them. I find the current situation interesting, and since I still have about -"


Vivid raised a hoof and glanced at it for a few seconds before continuing.


"- an hour left before I got dragged back to reality, I might as well use the time constructively and follow. Might be I could help."


She had been checking her hoof to see if anything had changed in her resurrection time, which didn't seem to really be the case, as she felt the same as before, but thinking on it, hadn't Charlie said the last time she were here that time went a lot slower in the real world than what it seemed here? Sounded about right, which would give her more time than first expected if it were... Yes, there should be time for both this, and then to return and plan out a few things afterwards. Just a few precautions really.


Now she just had to hope that what they had to do here in the dreams didn't take more than the real time hour, and that they didn't have to fight it out here. In her own dream she could make usage of some powers, but out there in the dream halls... She had spoken a big game the last time, but her abilities didn't actually work there, cut off from her actual form as she were. She could bend the dream some, because her will were strong, but it would be like having a flamethrower and suddenly it were replaced with a match. It still did something, yet far less powerful.







"Eh, I just tend to clock them one if they get too noisy or tries something. Gets them away all the same. Though I guess since I have this little thing now, I can also give them a slap. Whatever gets the job done."


Null shrugged and folded up her new whip again, She hadn't had the chance after her little stunt before, and though she hadn't much experience with whips - and especially not this kind - she knew that if it got tangled, it'd be a nightmare to get sorted.


"So then. Mind me asking why you're scanning brains? Got knocked on the head a lot as a foal, and something knocked in place or something?"







"Come on, you're pulling my leg here, right? It sits right there, ripe for the taking, and you claim that nopony wanted to snatch that prize before now?"


He knew that not everypony were into bad puns and stuff like that, but come on. This was an easy one and one that would be fitting, seeing as Deadpan used the same kind of jokes. Had to be worth it for somepony before this, right?






"Interesting. And here I thought the performers went out from another exit after the shows."


Vivid wandered silently and slowly over towards the performer whose name she couldn't currently recollect. She knew the mare had been one of those that had adorned the stage, and that it were one of the only ones that didn't nearly bore her to tears, but the name escaped her for some reason. Oh well, perhaps something she'd find out. If she didn't run away from the approaching mare that were. Not everypony liked to be in the presence of Vivid for various reasons, ranging from the obvious to the idiotic.


"It was an interesting bit you managed to do in there. Not quite as dull as the majority of the acts that dragged this out."







There was quiet for a minute or two, and then Cover-up scurrying back into the room, looking a little sweaty and a lot happier, but also a little embarrassed.


"S-Sorry, it was just more fun than I had expected."


"Well then, fun is over. It's time to get to the table little boy."


Zinthar had sneaked behind Cover-up and as he spoke, he had started to wrap himself loosely around the colt. Not wrapped around like a snake that were, but more in line with how cats liked to wrap themselves around your feet when they wanted to get attention, just on a larger scale.


Sadly, it didn't seem to really do something to stir up Cover-up this time around, and just led him to make a slightly nervous giggle, then move right on towards one of the bowls that smelled pretty good too him. Especially the cheese part, though he couldn't say he had tried that before.


Zinthat hadn't either, but as he jumped past and placed himself over at the last remaining bowl, he wasn't so sure if he wanted to either. It seemed very... Melty and sticky in it, and much like with honey, likely a nightmare to get out of his fur again if it got stuck. Still, there wasn't an overabundance, so he could give it a try at least, though much as could be expected, the feline ate of what were in the bowl slowly, and taking time with sniffing and chewing. Better to taste this fully.


The colt wasn't in agreement to that though, as the second he had a good, close whiff of the bowl, he tucked in. He did have some manners, and didn't sit with his head buried in the bowl or something like that, but you could tell that he both liked it, and as Crescent had said, hadn't lost his appetite.







"Because I can't hurt him, but Master Discord can. Mother makes it clear when we grow up that we are not to fight, so I can't. I wouldn't even know how to do such a thing. I can only transport."


She stares long after the path that Sen had run down, as she gave her answer to Lin, wondering what had happened with him.


Angry she supposed, as that would make sense, but his voice, his demeanor... It had sounded like something were wrong with him. Likely something to do with the whole thing of his father being hurt, and the former elder and his ways in general.


"Are we supposed to run after him? It seems wrong to make him leave like this, unless he's out to try and find your father? Could be he had to do that alone I suppose. Might be something with the anger too.


Also, what did you mean when you said he had been affected by Master Discord. He had been trapped in stone for a long time, yes."


The segue were poor, and the questions a little fumbled, but it worked in her head at least.Though, more focus were on the part with Sen than the rest. The first were gone over like it were a school paper, and the last was an afterthought of a question, barely having the focus in it to consider it more than a passing thought compared to when the words went around Sen, and a slight worry mixed into her voice.






"There we have it. The first bottle in a long line of money-makers. Hehe, this town might be an epicenter of bad things, but the ingredients can't be faulted, that's for sure."


Happy Hour were standing far into the Everfree Forest and talking to himself. The changeling in disguise would have been closer to town, but since he were going over the bottles he had filled with mixtures of all things good and fermented about 20 hours ago now, he liked his privacy. Meant he could use his magic without anypony seeing him. Or at least, it'd be unlikely, which were why he allowed the green glow to show in his eyes, but didn't revert to his actual form. Unlikely wasn't safe enough for his kind for that. Not in this country at least.


Another bottle got picked up, and promptly put into the box again, as it were obvious it needed some more time to his trained eye. back home amongst the humans this could've taken years, but here in ponyland, where the magic flowed and a pretty stack of gold could buy you some good stuff from engineers who knew how to take advantage of the magic? Why, he could have a nice bottle of vodka go from prepared in the bottle done in the same bottle in less than a day. Bourbon took a little less, whiskey more, but the variations wasn't much to think on right now, where the only things that wasn't done yet were the wine. He knew well the time they'd need.


"Might end up being a pretty calm and relaxed day this one."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Yep, it's boring, but I did get payed a lot to be at those parties, so I'm not complaining."


She grinned slightly, when she said that. She had never actually been payed anything. The payment for being a spy had been not getting cocooned up and fed on. The hive didn't do payment.


Blue was pulled back to the present when she heard a 'donk'. She flinched a bit when she noticed Blitz lying out cold on the sand. Apparently the bunny had kicked him out cold, for whatever reason. The bunny indeed looked really disgruntled. Blue reminded herself to be careful around the bunny.


"Woah, is Blitz ok?"


She walked a bit closer to Lyriel when she picked him up.


"Whoo, you had me worried there for a second. I thought he might be actually really hurt."


When Lyriel asked if Blue wanted to join them, her head immediately shot up.


"What, join you?! YES! Yes yes yes yes, YES!"


She pumped her fist in the air, and gave something that looked like a brohoof to herself. If it wasn't obvious, she was quite happy with this.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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"Nobody's been in situations where it's really been appropriate." Deadpan shrugged. "And jokes are all about timing. Especially bad puns."




"Well, it's not really something I voluntarily do. It's just a thing that happens, though yes I can reign it in. And thankfully no I wasn't 'knocked in the head as a foal', as you put it. I developed psychic powers after..." Zen trailed off, then shook her head. "Never mind."

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"Interesting. And here I thought the performers went out from another exit after the shows."   Vivid wandered silently and slowly over towards the performer whose name she couldn't currently recollect. She knew the mare had been one of those that had adorned the stage, and that it were one of the only ones that didn't nearly bore her to tears, but the name escaped her for some reason. Oh well, perhaps something she'd find out. If she didn't run away from the approaching mare that were. Not everypony liked to be in the presence of Vivid for various reasons, ranging from the obvious to the idiotic.   "It was an interesting bit you managed to do in there. Not quite as dull as the majority of the acts that dragged this out."  



¨you did good to i thought you did good to¨


¨well i said that twice didnt i well crap sorry i do that some times¨


*looks at other performers


*they look back in a sispisious stare


*looks back 


¨hey what was your name again i could not remember  I have a bad memory of names¨


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@Blitz Boom

"Con artists, and nobles who want to trick the working class," Draco stated with a chuckled slightly. He smirked slightly as he said "Well that's done so you and your father runs a shop in canterlot together huh?" Draco asked with a grin on his face. He sighed to himself as he looked at Clayton "So got anything else or do you want me and Long Stare here to come with you,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom


Storm frowned, "Well that's stupid of those unicorns." Storm told her bluntly, "I mean, if you two became nurses or something, for example, you would have to stay away from operations involving magic, but you could also completely stop magical diseases in their tracks while ponies figure out a cure or something. Maybe you could even be the cures yourselves, nullifying the magic long enough for the diseases to dissipate" He turned his frown upside down with the next sentence though, "But I'm glad that you feel safer in Equestria."



Deciding to move on to the next thing, Storm then shrugged while biting into a muffin. "I don't really know what to say about what I can do though... I guess the best description is that I tend to break the fourth wall, and sometimes physics." He said thoughtfully, continuing to munch on the muffin. "I just sort of do things or know things. For example..." He held up the half eaten muffin. "Where did this come from?"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom




"That's really kind of you, and yes, we're going to be staying here for a while.  I could always sweep up, but what was that about mushrooms?  What do they do?"


Upstairs, the sound of shifting was heard, but the mare ignored it.  She knew exactly what it was, and didn't want to draw any attention to it.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom


She cleaned her hooves on the doormat and entered the house, nodding a friendly thanks to Serenade. "Excuse me, coming in."


As soon as the odd-looking animal came swooping down from one of the shelves, the blue mare slightly jumped from the scare. She couldn't help but to keep staring at it while it played around Ziggy's mane. Trinket was agape, trying her hardest to figure out just what exactly was it.


"T...This is Fah'lina?" She asked amazed, still glaring at it, albeit from a safe distance. "Wow..."

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@@Driz@@Blitz Boom,  "This is indeed Fah'lina" Serenade closes the door and walks over to the kitchen. (This is for you Driz). Dominated by the large indoor pool, the first floor of Serenade's house is very open concept. A Desk, several bookshelves and a small well stock-kitchen, plus a dining table take up the rest of the space. A flight of stairs leads upstairs, where three doors can be seen. "What kind of muffins do you like?"

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@@Blitz Boom, Astral looked to Chow, she put a hoof to her chin, pondering their adventure here. "Uh, Chow? I think that was me guided you there." Misty pointed out. "Unless I'm wrong?" She asked looking to Astral.


Her only reply was a shrug. "I have no idea, sure it hasn't been that long, but I forgot." She looked to Chow. "Despite that, yes we know that you didn't lead us to our house, since we knew where it was." She explained gesturing to herself and Misty. "Which is kinda why your guiding us to this house; since you know where it is-" She pointed a hoof to Chow. "and we don't." She then pointing the hoof to herself.


He then spoke of their impressions of Canterlot, Misty turned her head up to look at Chow. "Uh, It's big, great, and I've noticed you seem to hold a grudge against the civilians."


Astral looked down at Misty, surprised she gathered that, but she wasn't paying attention to who Chow was looking at when he spoke, so that was one reason for her surprise. "Well, I enjoy Canterlot's esthetic, the libraries here are- good." She gave a considerable pause there, she hadn't read much of the library's contents, so she couldn't be sure to judge. "And, the shops too, or at least, the only shop we actually went inside of." She said with a bit of a chuckle. "I think that's all I can say about mine actually, first impressions really, since that's what you asked for." She turned her head to Chow as she said that.

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom, Cresent smiled at the youngsters reaction as he dove in "cheese and herbs pasta a classic dish easy to make. Most of the herbs can easily be found here in the forrest. The cheese is a mix I made not to long ago, hope I didn't over cheese it" he said eating the pasta glad to have something familiar and welcoming to eat after the dream theater...nightmare walk....place....thing.


He wondered how he would describe the setting how the feline and batpony met...probably should have a full belly to think.


"so, zeccora tells me to help you find your home. Any good leads you want to try first cover?" he asked after swallowing a fork full of food then took another one in waiting for the response from the youngster

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@@Blitz Boom


"Sounds like a plan but we can't be hasty with looking for the elder. When Discord broke free from his stone prison, he thrust the world into chaos. Sure, the brunt of his magic was focused elsewhere but lingering traces of it spread far and wide, some of it reaching here. Then again, who am I to know? Maybe it didn't really happen and all we're hearing are delusions and lies."

Lin didn't think too much about her brother running off; it was how she would respond that made her rethink. But something about feeling her brother's emotions had her silent for some time. Stunned, even, as she couldn't answer Omen with what she initially wanted to say. She looked to the flower once again and thought about opening it a second time. 

"About my brother, though. I would've done that but... something about Sen scared me back there. I know his anger is justified but something about it was different, the kind that would make anyone reconsider crossing them. I'm worried about him, Omen. I didn't want to meddle a while back because he probably wants to vent his anger but maybe we should check up on him. He might be at our old family hut."

She walked towards the exit but just as she touched the cloth covering the way out, she turned around and continued with a solemn yet foreboding tone. "I'm not afraid of my brother's anger, but what that anger would do to him."

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom,


Blood Drops nodded, she would go with this mare or whatever you call female dragons. "What do you call female dragons or should I just call you mare?" she asked blinking. She didn't remember the dragon name too well. Nerz something. "Nerz, how far is it to get to that forest pony that knows about metal making?" she asked politely. If the dragon said she needed metal then she needed metal, though that crystal making was way of her league so she didn't pester the dragon about the crystals  and there elements.


She blinked, "You need a zombie gem at all" she asked, she didn't know what a zombie gem was, though it would probably be made by her licking a gem" she blinked at the dragon. She then blinked again, she might need to climb the dragon if the dragon was going to be traveling a long distance.


"If its far, Can you give me a ride?" she asked. She hadn't traveled by dragon before. She gave the dragon a nudge already deciding she wanted a dragon carpet ride.






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@Frosty Frost

@Summer Breeze


"Yes, if you could lead our way just to make sure, that would be greatly appreciated Summer."


It wouldn't be hard for Summer to find Nerzhei if she flew down the path they had been walking towards this place. She'd be in the cave she were still preparing a bit, but her tail would stick out, and the rubble around the improvised hideout would show well that this were her placement.


When it were that Summer would take off to check up on this, Lyriel would start to walk away from the beach again, with Blitz in her arms and Lotus jumping behind, following the pace well.


She'd be silent for a while, thinking on the many things that had happened this day. Most were good, a few things were bad, and then there were the terrifying unknown ahead of them, as they would be lead through this land and towards the outskirts of Equestria, where the ponies home would be waiting for both them, and herself.


A new come... The thought alone made her worry some. It were true that she yearned for another pace to be, and from what she had heard, she did look forward to a land where these fascinating creatures roamed, but it didn't remove all of her worry, as this would also mean that she would likely be the only one of her kind there, and what would then happen when she met others? Questions, or raised spears?


It must be much the same for Nerzhei really. Away from a home she didn't like, but at least were familiar with, and having to try and bend to their norms and hope the reception wouldn't be bad. There'd still be some familiarity to dragons from the ponies side it seemed, but that also meant they had a lot of tainted views on them already likely, so where it her, or Nerzhei that really were in the worst spot? At least Lyriel could hide as a tree if something happened, or worst come to worst, regrow as a form more befitting of the ponies, though she hoped it wouldn't go there. She'd miss her fingers.


*sigh* Thoughts for another time perhaps, when they had crossed the border and she could see for herself how the reception would be. For now though, there were a more pressing matter that she'd like to ask to her still-awake new companion instead, that would likely be more appropriate at the time.


"May I ask Blue, what makes a pony strand in this land? My other friends had fallen prey to magic that sent them afar, but what of you?"







"Point there. Bad puns are a fine line between funny and trash, and it just gets all sorts of awkward when it's not timed right. But hey, you'd know more than me. You're the professional after all, Mr. Showrunner."


Sea grinned at Deadpan once more, imagining him standing on a stage and telling some jokes, mixed in with a few of the normally eye-rolling bad puns. An interesting imagery, even though he really only knew the jokes that his sister had told him later on, and he were sure that something had been lost along the way there. The timing and the voice and all, though it had still been amusing for sure.







"Personal reasons, eh? I can dig that. Some things you don't want others to poke their noisy muzzle around."


With Null, it was mostly about her parents. She'd tell what had happened with her wing briefly if it were, and generally talk about her and Void's run from one trouble to the next for the past twenty years like it were nothing, but the topic of her parents were a wound that would likely never heal, and having to tell anything about what happened to them felt like she were rubbing salt around in it and then adding some drops of lime, just for good measure.






"My name is Vivid Loss, but I would be surprised if you knew it. My name being out there, were before your time."


To say this was a massive understatement, as Vivid were likely older than this pony's entire family tree, but what could she say? She liked these little stabs at things where it were mostly just herself that knew what it were about. Entertained her a bit, which were something she felt like she needed after a night of feeling mostly bored our of her skull. She really should have a word with Princess Cadence at some point about what her contract should and shouldn't be used to, but something told her that the princess would likely just add a few more things after that. She could be quite the devious little thing in her actions at times, to a point where Vivid wasn't even sure if it were intentional or not.


"And I wasn't on stage, I looked from the audience, and your performance were one of the only things that didn't make me want to flee out of pure boredom. Figured it was in place to express that, now that you were out here and everything after all, hm?"






Clockwise were very methodical on how he placed the parts he found at first, but considering the time they had to work with before Golden would return, along with how he couldn't expect Gordan to have the same knowledge on layouts with this as he had, that soon fell apart and he just gathered them, though doing her best to keep the really small parts to themselves, just in case. Wouldn't want to ruin these things if it could be helped, no?


"I'm sorry it is taking so long Gordan. I had hoped we would be able to find a full clock out here, and not just pieces, but I suppose that was wishful thinking, huh?"







"My father have been a working pony for most of his life, and I actually offered him a comfortable retirement when I started to earn my money, but he couldn't live his life with sitting still most of the day, even if my mother enjoys it. That, and he have too much pride to simply accept handouts after all the time he have had to work hard to go against the bad luck that seemed to follow him when I was small. I had already gotten the building firm at that point, so I figured I'd open up a shop for lesser things that ponies would want to fix themselves without having workers out there, and then put my father in charge of it. He worked at one as a manager for some years before the old one in Canterlot closed down, so it were well fitting I thought, and it would allow me to support him with a good paycheck without it hurting his pride.


It is a bit of a complicated thing really, but there is nothing I wouldn't do for my parents after all the hardships they went through when they had me. Even if it strained them, they made sure I had a good growth with a functional family life, and even if I gave them every single bit I'd ever earned, it still doesn't seem like I could ever repay them enough. Yet, the least I can do is to make sure they are taken well care of, even if I have to jump some loops at times."


Now, this were not saying that the shop were a financial catastrophe. Quite the opposite in fact, as his father had managed to make good with a shop that weren't sustainable when Clayton were a foal, but he would still wish that Spelt were able to just relax, and enjoy his later years. He were in his mid forties nor after all, and though he had a lot of years in front of him, he had still worked for 30 years now, and it would be in place for him and his mother to relax, at least for awhile.


Perhaps he could make some plans with her to get the two on a cruise one of these days? Might be something to think about later, yes.


"B-But I ramble again, sorry. And as for deliveries, I don't have more I currently need gotten. I just need to deliver this to the forepony, and if you wish to come along then, I couldn't see a problem. It is up to you though, of course."


Stare lifted her head closer to Draco's ear and whispered that it would be okay. She didn't have the nerve to raise her voice enough to be heard right now, even if Clayton didn't seem obviously threatening.






"What d-do you mean with fourth w-"


Void stopped, and looked with big eyes at the muffin. She hadn't thought about it at first, but... No, that thing hadn't been here. She had looked around and knew all the food where in with the cooks, and she would've seen it if Pinkie had dropped off something when she came bouncing in, so that meant...It had come out of thin air?


"H-How did you... Hold on, l-let me try something."


She took a few steps closer to Storm Shine, at a range where she knew for sure her aura would affect the magic if it came from him. She had likely just been too far away before, but what if she hadn't? This town were strange already, so perhaps it would even be so strange that there were somepony here, with a kind of magic that couldn't be nullified? She didn't knew how, but... No, she had to check first, before she thought more on it. It were already getting a little far fetched as it were without evidence for her.


"C-Can you try to do something again? Please?"





@Hazard Time


"Well, they make some of the stuff I make glow, but usually I have a sort of moss that's better for that. They can be eaten too, and they actually taste kinda good, but I mostly just use them with poison joke. Dunno why, but crushing and mixing them makes the poison joke less mean, and not do stuff that last long. So I can use them for safe prank stuff. All sorts of fun, but it tends to make me blow blue bubbles out my nose when I mix them. A little strange, but it looks funny."


The bubbles had always just seemed like harmless side effect to her, as they hadn't really done anything bad to her beyond having her need to mix the stuff outside, but it did look weird. At least that's what she were told by the pony that had come around and seen her like that a week or so ago.


"We can see if there's some of them later, perhaps? Broom first, then exploring?"


She heard the sound upstairs, but it didn't get followed by a yelp of pain or something like that, so... Something dropped on the floor perhaps? Something to explore maybe?








"U-huh. Wanna say hi?"


Fah'lina had been crawling around on the zegasus without finding something for a little now, and since she seemed to walk fine and said she were okay, the mimic had tentatively placed herself on Ziggy's head, but looked through her mane, just in case there were something. Not blood though, as she would've been able to smell that easy, but could be all sorts of other things. Sweat for one, which made her stop rummaging through this too much, and to turn her head. And as timing would have it, this were right as Ziggy asked if her and Trinket wanted to say hello.


The mimic looked at the pony with a tentative stare and the hairs raised a little on her fur, but after a time where it didn't seem like there were going to be any trouble, she lifted a hand and gave a little wave, which would properly show off her webbed hands on at least that side, though it were a safe bet to say it were on all four of her paws, and gave her away as being at least partially supposed to be in water.


Ziggy walked a bit closer to Trinket as this went on, trying to get Fah'lina close enough to say hi properly, but without it being fast enough to spook her or make her react in a bitey way.


"And welcome to Serenade's home. Cool place, right?"







"Darn it, you're right Misty, it was you. Princess sleepyhead here wasn't up to much at that point. Sorry for that."


He would've facehoofed if it wasn't because he felt like shoving his big, metaphorical hoof down his mouth were enough of that. No need to overkill here.


"And you're right about the civilians. They were all eager to get their lil' pets some real chow to feast on, but other than that, they treated me like a pariah and a freak because of where I came from and because I hunted. Bunch of hypocrites the lot of them frankly, but what can you do? I ain't gonna move away from the problem again at least, that's for sure. Besides, I don't need to either this time around either, not when I have you two to speak with. Makes a lot more difference than you might think."


Chow grinned at the mares just before they rounded a corner again, and he looked up to see the name of the street being the one they needed to go on. So they wouldn't have long again until they got to the house now and they could have a look at what Scarcity had handed over to the kids.


"Anyway, sounds like you have a good first impression of things, so that's gonna be helpful. Try to remember the first impression int he coming days though, alright? You might need it when you see the more annoying side of being around nobles at times."







Cover looked like he were about to choke when the question about where they were headed came up. It was brief, and there wasn't any real danger, so no need to worry for the others, but the interruption of what had been some minutes in blissful ignorance now had made him react accordingly.


"It's uhm... W-We're headed for my old village. Or well, what's left of it at least. That's what Zecora said would be the first place to go."


"Makes one wonder what she saw would happen there, hm?"


Zinthar rose his head from his slowly vanishing bowl of food that... Well, it could certainly use some meat in his mind, but it were interesting at least, though he had to be slow so he wouldn't get a face full of cheese.


"And don't give me a look for that Crescent. I might have been gone for awhile, but I still know that zebra's tend to know a good deal more than they're letting out. They don't tend to lead one into death traps from the stories Ive heard at least, but still, I don't believe she doesn't have some idea of what it is we'll find there."






"Yo, what's with the noise? Somepony fell out of a tree?"


The second that Happy had heard the nearby sound, he had stopped using his magic, and turned towards the source. It sounded like it were a bit of way from him, and that something were moving, so that counted out a branch or something like that. Best bet he had right now were a timberwolf or a pony, with the later being the one he hoped for the least, but knowing were the most likely.


He hadn't wandered all that far though before passed a tree and were faced with what had actually made the sounds. or rather, who had made them.


"Holy sunbutt, a Human?!?"


His vocabulary on swears had been vastly changed since he had been taken into this world, where the tone usually were nicer, and it showed now as the best thing he could think about, where a slang for Celestia that were seen as somewhat harsh in it for some. Not many though, but in the moment, it had been all he had been able to blurt out.


Not that he focused on this as much as the fact that there was a bona fide human right in front of him! He had been in this world for five years now, and not once had he seen even a shadow of another human, and then all of sudden there were one here? What did this mean? Was there a gate opened to his former home? No, that couldn't cover it right. Her clothes wasn't normal for there, but again, he had been gone for five years, and he never traveled much... Might be it were normal after all.


What should he do now though? Reveal himself, instead of staying in costume? Try to get her to ingest some sleeping power, and taken her to his queen's hive, where she could get her through the same he had? But then again, she didn't look like she'd be able to fight much, so might she just be a liability instead? He didn't want to send sub-par elements her way.


This and more ran through his mind as he looked up at the human with an open muzzle and amazement/surprise in his eyes and on his face. Might be she had to break the ice to get them anywhere.







"Perhaps we should find him then, before he does something to himself."


It wasn't meant to sound as sinister as the words might do, but it were the gist of what she had heard about Sen. He were angry, not sure what to do right now, and might end up lashing out, or at himself for some reason. That, and his anger were apparently scaring Lin, though what else she said about his anger wasn't something she fully understood. Sounded like she meant he were furious, but it didn't seem the time to ask about that. They would be better served to check up on the hut that Lin had mentioned, and see if Sen were there.


If he wasn't, she would likely have to track him down, which shouldn't be too hard, considering she had his *smell* but hopefully they would just find him at the hut, and the travel there had let him vent some frustrations.


As for what were mentioned with Discord, it made sense enough that his magic might have spread out here, if he had been out of the stone for awhile. She seemed to recall his magic alone sometimes doing things that he wasn't controlling, with him just shrugging it off and saying that it was simply chaos, so if he had used his powers with little focus on things, then yeah, it might be able to reach out here.


Though it did make her wonder, as she followed Lin out of the hut: What exactly had the former elder allegedly been affected by, regarding chaos? An extra eye perhaps? No, that sounded too little, if he used it as an excuse. Might be something with his mind, as an excuse to do bad things? Many more options than these were also there, but it'd take days for her to sort tem in her head, so for now, she just thought and followed.







"Not until your disease is at least contained. I am not keen on getting infected by a mere touch."


She bit notice in what part of her clothes that Blood had nudged before, and mentally checked it off the list as she'd have to wash that extensively later on to get the bacteria out. Likely boiling it would work the most effectively, as that tended to kill bacteria, though she'd be better of taking some extra precautions when it were, just in case.


"And the place shouldn't be far. As I heard it, it is a small shed with a workshop next to it crafted in stone, and the ground should be barren and marked with holes and colors. Sound strange to me, but it is what I have to work with, so we should better head in the direction I believe it is, then look until we find a grand, open space that fits the description even a little, yes?


Also, a zombie gem won't happen. Both because you didn't leave a trace on the gem when you handled it beyond spit, and because if it were, it'd be a specialized one under black magic, and I won't dabble in making things like that unless I have nothing else to work with. Creating zombies through magic will just end in trouble."


Nerzhei wandered towards the exit of her cave, and signaled for Blood to follow her.


"And no, we're not called mares. I am a dragoness. A simplistic name, but it works well for us."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Draco leaned down slightly to let Long Stare to listen to what she said. "Well Clayton my dear poppa is the same way except he kinda lost his leg during the war. Don't know which one. He never told me," Draco stated simply with a chuckle. "I don't ask because that is his secrets," he stated simply. "Well he applied his knowledge of battle fields to trading routes," Draco stated simply as he remembered his dear poppa with fondness.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom,

The gray mare wearing a black vest and having a sword sheathed at her side looked at this other mare. Was she really expecting to get information out of her that easily? "Sorry, but I work alone. Something definitely went wrong here, and I intend to find out. Alone."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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