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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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"You shouldn't be so sure, watcher."

Zhu rose up and pulled the hood back from his robe, revealing the scaled, tiger-striped head that he mostly kept hidden.


(imagine the right colors)

"I have been cursed with sight since before I was hatched. Every life I gaze upon unfolds in front of me, if I want it to or not. Your time is scattered, affected by the future of others, but you seem aware of it. So I wonder, are you just a speck of dust aware of what is ahead, or are you of the storm that is directing them?"

Zhu's forked tongue slithered back and forth a few times while he looked at Karmic. This time, he did not avert straight away, but began to filter through what he saw, looking for the perspective of this pony, and not of what she saw. A surprisingly testing task, but then again, it were not often he had met others with open eyes.

"...I have been of the storm for a long time. A guiding wind, chained to the duty of balancing what others perceive to be good and evil. Tell me, if you direct, what reason do you do it for? Personal gain? To better the lives of everypony? Or perhaps you understand that neither good nor evil can be allowed to reign?"

They way he spoke whilst attempting to learn more about the mare, were not how Karmic might have assumed he would speak. His words did not slither or hiss, and the S'es did not draw out. He had learned to instead growl a little whilst speaking to combat this, which to some made his otherwise neutral voice have a small sense of aggression going over it.

He mostly only hissed now if he was in pain, if he cast a spell, or if he had to speak quickly, instead of calmly and controlled.



@Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit

"A siren with the princess' favor?"

Last looked surprised at the siren, even opening her closed eye ever so slightly without thinking about it, then jamming it shut nearly instantly whilst clamping her teeth shut. Accursed light-sensitive eye sometimes...

"Those... Who stand with her majesty, are no enemy of mine."

She wanted to say a little more, but she started to taste copper again, and had to stop before she drooled blood on the floor. Biting down this hard were not a smart thing in the long run, but she couldn't show weakness when three of the four princesses of Equestria were in front of her. She'd have to be fuming at the muzzle or unconscious for that to happen.

Meanwhile, Cherish stepped a little closer, still trying to pace her mind a little again after her small elapse. You could see that she weren't all there yet though, as she flickered every now and again when her focus was elsewhere.

"I'm not a poltergeist. It's just... I got worried that the princesses would banish me or something, and I got a little carried away. I-I'm sorry."

She could have specified a little more, like how she had been starting to worry that if she had gotten banished, she'd be sent straight to Tartarus, but she'd rather not think about that again, much less speak about it.

"The doctor she speaks off is in the hospital now after some injuries. She should be okay."

Last were feeling somewhat better after she had taken a few deep breaths and swallowed the blood in her muzzle, and took to talking again, this time directly to Princess Celestia.

"Might I ask though, who is this Traveler? Another enemy? Say the word your highness, and I will gather what fighters this town still have on their hooves, and prepare them for a potential attack."

Last might not be a guard in the actual sense, but she had her duties much like one, which for now were to get the town fixed safely. If an attacker would come, making sure that the town and those in it were safe however, would be a higher priority, and she would have to evacuate the place. She could also ask the large dragon, but if this Traveler could send those like the princesses through time with little issue, she had doubts that he would be of much help.



@Dji @Widdershins

"I'm a gambler sugar, I bet on anything. And with how you two are storming ahead with your relationship, it's simply rife for a few bets.

But hey, you can prove us both wrong and make your own bet on how it goes. Nopony have put bits on either of you pinning the other to a wall right now and really start smooching. I'd wager 20 bits against it if you're interested."

Marley moved a little closer to Spicy, and started to roll his eyes as she spoke. In this case, poking to the emotional couple didn't seem like the best option, and he were starting to prep himself to having to defend the teasing mare again from a potential assault. Sometimes though, he wished that he could *slip up* and let her be roughed up a bit. Might do her good when the line got drawn and she jumped over it.



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Luckily for Lin, the crystals did not seem to react on the portal, either because they were too busy being eaten right now, or the influence from Mother's realm that mainly had part in these things, were not registering for them. Curious, but potentially useful in the long run.

Amethyst looked at the portal with narrowed eyes, unsure how bad this might end up being, yet kept it to herself for now.

"Filigree just blabbered on about getting her revenge on those who had stalled her from getting her price, and how now that she had the heart, Equestria would bow before her as soon as she had mastered it. I think she is using her attacks to test the boundaries."

Looking over at the gate, Omen was the first to wander through, with Clayton cautiously following afterwards. He did not like this all too much, but he had to try and get inside, and a mysterious hole like this opening up had taken the others before, and they had returned. It had to be safe... R-Right?

"Clayton! Oh my dear stallion, it have been far too long."

He somehow wished he had stayed outside after all when Amethyst had walked straight over to him after his passage, and embraced him with a big smile on her face a cheery tone.

"It's good to see you too Amethyst. You uhm... Look well."

"Always the charmer, aren't you? I barely had the chance to freshen up when I heard you were showing up."

She let go off him again, and frowned briefly as she looked at the dirt stains she had gotten on her coat.

"Have you meddled around in the mine again Clayton? Never able to stand on the sidelines, are we?"

"I had to when it came to that mine. With her in there, I couldn't let them walk in alone. It's dangerous."

"Years go by, but you're still the thoughtful colt I remember, aren't you?"

He smiled awkwardly with a blush on his cheeks and averted his eyes. Amethyst had always been very... Outspoken about how she felt about him back when they worked at the mine, and he had never known what to say or do about her advances. After the episode ten years ago, they had barely seen one another for a few years before it got relegated to the occasional letter and the yearly meet-up they had to remember their friends, and in that time, they had not had the strength of mind to think on flirtations and things like that.

Fiddler had taken it the worst, blaming himself for everything and stopping to contact them quickly afterwards. They tried to keep in touch with him, but there were only so many times that you could send missives without answer before it got pointless.

Spelt, Amethyst and Clayton all got past things their own way and lived life again as well as could be expected, though they had eventually toned the yearly gathering out, as it kept cutting into old wounds, and now... Well, it had been four years since he had last seen Amethyst, and now he were back to not knowing what to do about her advances. She were pretty, it wasn't that, but he just didn't know. He weren't exactly good with mares. Only his assistant worked well there, but Belladonna were a special case too. Not romantically, as he frankly couldn't see it happen, but he felt more safe around her than others.

A head poked through the portal, as one of their previously petrified co-workers tried to see if it was safe to go to the other side. Almost immediately, he locked eyes with amethyst who looked horrified, then shocked.

"Y-You're... Oh dear Celestia!"

She jumped at the startled stallion with tears going down her face, stumbling through the portal to the outside in the process. From the sounds of things, she appeared to be sobbing whilst attempting to talk with those she had thought lost.

Meanwhile, Sub Rosa finally got done with what he were working on, and with a slight kick, a piece of the door fell off, leaving some wriggling room for Sen.

"Shrimp is making faces."

Omen had just observed things when she entered, but right now her focus were on her pet, who seemed to be a little woozy. Lin would likely recognize this as the sated look she tended to get the other times before the refraction let off a stream of glittery white fire, but it seemed unlikely that she'd be able to stop it before it burst out towards the door, narrowly missing Sub Rosa, who had been walking to the side to give Sen some room. Sen however... Well, it depended on how fast he might have been to get loose from the door. Otherwise, he'd have a special moment much like his sister had earlier.




"I don't know, but it can't hurt to try. We better catch up with Toxen before something bad happens though."

"What kind of bad?"

Benny grinned.

"She might come back."

Pop gave him a playful tap on the shoulder as the dragon moved on, heading for the nearby temp home of his parents.

They would barely move two minutes before it came into sight too. A large building, more in width then height, with a smoking chimney showing that somepony were home. They should also be able to see by the fact that Toxen were hanging out one of the two windows and waving at them to get nearer.

"Here goes..."

Pop went nervously over and pushed herself past Benny to knock on the door, and waited for the judgement to come.

Slowly it crept open, and she saw the most... Most... Apathetic dragon she had ever laid her eyes upon.

He were of the same size as Benny, with flaming red colors and bright green eyes, and adorning a dark-brown, knuckle-height beard that covered most of his jaw and went into an increasingly slimming neck beard, stopping in a point just before his chest.

He seemed muscular in it compared to Benny, though despite what could likely have been an intimidating sight if he worked for it a little, he just looked between the ponies and Benny like he were a bunch of cabbages on the street. Mildly interested in seeing them there, but not enough to stop up.

"Hey son. Glad you could make it."

Benny went over and hugged his old man, who mainly just stood there and took it as he glanced between the two others, not knowing who was who.

"It's great to see you dad. This here's P-"

"I honestly don't care right now. Come on in."

He moved back into the house after Benny had let go of him, leaving hte door open for them to walk inside.

If they looked in past the slowly-walking dragon, they'd be able to see a pretty standard living room, minus a few pictures. It was also pretty hot in there, so hopefully the two mares wouldn't have an issue with what felt like summer heat indoors.

"That was... Unexpected."

"Something's not right... You two uhm, might wanna stay alert. Could be that there's a problem."




"We should try later then. It'll be fun."

Jelly bounced so much in place that Greg started to skitter around on her head, annoyed by having his nap disturbed.

"All in due time. You wished to get to the tent area, then I will show you the way. Please follow me."

Stargazer lead the way towards the tent area not too far from them, making sure that he were in front so that the citizens could see who was leading who around. it might be that changelings had been a help when the monster attacked, but it did not mean that the locals felt all that safe around them currently, and he did not want some of the other guards to stop and-


- question them. *sigh* this was going to be a long day...

"Can I help you?"

"Just need to check if everything is alright here."

Stargazer looked the young Solar Guard that had stopped them into the eyes and shook his head. Barely more than a colt this one. Likely eager to prove himself in the eyes of his superiors.

"They are newcomers, and harmless. On behalf of the Night Guard, I vouch for them. Not that you could do anything regardless. You do know the laws that have been put into place to protect changelings with no outstanding warrants, yes?"

The guard seemed to stagger for a moment by this information, then smiled slightly.

"Really? And who do we have warrants out for? Only Chrysalis?"

"Yes. Now do you mind?"

The guard would move out of the way, whilst Stargazer shook his head over the weird line of questions from this guard. Were he more awake, he might've gotten paranoid and had this one checked, but as it were right now, he simply didn't think that much about it.

Either of the changelings however, might be able to tell something was off by the faint smell of changeling magic on this pony. Not enough to call him out as being one, but influenced on the other hoof...

But they might miss it as well, at which point they would simply move on to the tent area and have whatever were happening here stay where it were.



@Seamore Sandwich

"I'm the first unicorn in Las Pegasus' history to be crowned the Western Equestrian Fighting Champion."

Some murmur were around when she did not say more, and some laughter, as if this were not an achievement in itself, which frankly finally did get on her nerves. It were hard work for a unicorn to get to this, especially in a tournament were wings and brawn were allowed, but magic were forbidden. It was a fight against the natural order to do what she had done, and these little sword-swingers were not more impressive for swirling metal around.

"The invitation came to Merc Assault in my town, but he have mostly retired, so he asked me to come in his stead since it was the off season for me, and he wanted to have Las Pegasus well represented.

I might not have adventures to my name, or whatever tales you expect, but I've never had a need for it either. I've gotten to where I am through hard work that requires focus, determination, and not listening to negative types that tells me that something is impossible, no matter how many times I was beaten down.

I've come here to help because I was asked to by somepony that I respect, but I don't stand on his legacy. I stand on my own accomplishments and frankly, if you don't want me here? Then fine, I'll go back and tell him that it was a bust, It isn't a dent in my life to be prematurely judged by a bunch of creatures who thinks that you're not tough unless you've hunted giant rats out of gardens for pocket change."

That last comment hit some beings a little too close to home, which were kind of the point too.

Merc Assault was a well known name in the adventurer circles these days, though he hadn't been that active in the last few years. Most assumed he had just not found a challenge worth it, but truth were that he simply wanted to spend some time with his family now, and kept his actions close to home to not worry them too much.

That being said, Brute stood on her own pedestal, not his. She had accomplished something which had been seen as impossible, and she would not stop until she went from Western, to National, to International champion. if that sort wasn't good enough for Marcus? Then fine, she could get on with her life and make an impact on her own. It would be his loss, not hers.

"If you don't think I have what it takes, then try and set me up against one of your adventurers to prove my point. Some of the tougher competitors in here look like they might last ten or fifteen seconds."



@Seamore Sandwich

"Aaarg, ghostghostghost!!!"

Ziggy flailed when the stick started to talk and knocked it right into the air, where the mimic would catch it, bring it back down, and then go up to slap the zegasus.

"Hey, what was that for?"

It was a little hard to tell from her charades, but it was either *Your leg need the stick* or *Pony fly fly wooden leg*. Honestly it seemed more accurate to guess the first option.

"Lively little creature it seems. And you should calm down there young lady. You're not ready to make movements like that yet, and whoever is in that stick is not a ghost, it's a forest spirit. It's not the same.

Would you care to back me up Xeno?"



@Seamore Sandwich

Scarcity made a dismissive hoof movement.

"Thank you for the concern, but I have what I need. Shall we go and retrieve our package then? Or does these not allow transporting items with you? It is a wondrous new venue, and I hardly know what limitations might be in these little things."

Knowing what exactly they could do might prove useful in the long run. get a batch more fine tuned with her storage locker for example, and she could have her wares in her shop quite a big quicker, or to a restaurateur of her choosing. Some of the items that she legally acquired were in hot demand,a nd could barely get to her fast enough currently.



@Seamore Sandwich

Zhu would do as was asked of him for now, and started to whip the wind up around him, and throughout the forest. He might have some objects in his robe that could be of use to track things better, but they required setup, and this were something he had to get done now. So for the time being, he would let the wind carry word with it if it were spoken, and glance at the animals they got near to see if there were secrets hidden in their futures. If they were to run into the thieves, either of those should inform him of their potential involvement in things before they arrived. It might also tell him of somepony heading towards them that would end up being the victims of mentioned scoundrels.




It wasn't long until Blackbeak was back, after having slumped off Chow on the other side with Brick.

"Don't squirm unless you want to be dropped."

With that being said, she fluttered above Astral, and took a grip around the stomach of the mare with both her paws and her hands. It would keep her stable as they flew through the air and over on the other side of the ruined floor, where the griffon would set her down as easily as she had picked her up. provided that said mare did not do something foolish like wriggle around a lot in flight so she'd get dropped and Blackbeak would have to dive for her, but here was hoping that a near-crash was not part of things.

"There, you're-"

The bellowing voice roaming through the entrance caught her off guard, and she went into a defensive stance, with Brick down the same right... Wait, where were Brick? He had been here less than a minute ago when she had flown over to the other side to pick up Astral. He weren't... Oh that foolish pegasus sometimes! Scarcity was going to pluck her if she returned and Brick wasn't safely with her. Accursed guard training must have caused him to wander ahead when he heard some commotion outside to keep a potential danger away from their wounded. A good distraction, but right now were not the time for this.




"All of the elements carries risks, but hatred do seem a poor choice. It will simply cloud your mind dear, and you'll need your focus.

As for your leeches, I have a container ready to imprison Athriel in once again, and in regards to Warlock, I don't see your fear. You may be without magic when the Screaming Path or the Amulet of Gluttony is around, but so is he, and he needs it to move with those damaged legs of his. In a purely magic-devoid fight, we carry the advantages, and you needn't worry. I have no interest in using either object to drain you of your magic. When everything is over, they will return to where they belong.

And do not try to stop that darlings. Those two I can use to handle magic, but I have more tools up my proverbial sleeve to deal with those who attempts to stab me in the back.

Hmhm, but all in due time. You ask for a plan, yes? Would a location and their goal suffice? You see, a few little birds have told me that a certain Serpanther have grazed Canterlot with his presence. His insight should prove useful to us.

Or we can skip ahead, and you can tell me something relevant that I can ask my sources to scour up. Perhaps if I knew who these two ponies actually were, I could track their history and find some places of relevance to them that they may hide in? Among other things."

Information were what made Scarcity dangerous. Much as she had artifacts of power and the will to use them if needed, the things that she knew, or could find out, tended to be the best weapons she had access to, and she wielded them effectively. Information on Warlock and Athriel's actual names could be enough for her to begin tracking them down, but it would also open the door for the mare to know something about them. It was a trade that carried risk, but it might be their only option.

Unless of course, they decided to go and see the serpanther known as the Stranger, or The one with open eyes, as she had heard it described somewhere else.




Enzo looked up at Warlock whilst he prepared his spell, and the sphinx readied himself for it.

"Bring forth your attack, traitor. I will judge you like I should have done when first I laid eyes upon you."

He spread his large wings and the pegasi all fell confused to the ground. A little precaution from Enzo's side, as those flying right now would just end up as target practice, or collateral. Neither of which would likely reflect well on him.

The spell would not work on Warlock, so he did not even bother to attempt t. He just stood ready, prepared to dodge the attack, or if he were lucky, send it back. His cuffs and necklace were made from pretty solid bones of ancient dragons. There was a chance he might be able to reflect things slightly.

Out of the corner of her eye, a small movement caught his attention for a brief moment, but it returned within a second again. Whoever the pony he could see witht he mirror around his neck were, he were surely not of any problem to someone like him. Not compared to Warlock.




Berry looked surprised at him, and almost jumped up on the table to point at him and yell *I knew you were here to spy on me, foul breeder of porcupines and spy rays!" but she had some luck keeping some of her physical outbursts in at times. The slight shock definitely helped though.

"I dunno how you heard that, but come on, not the place for it. Back room! Nopony goes tot he coffee beans except me."

With that she put on a big fake grin, and bounced out to the back. Hopefully Lance wouldn't lave her hanging since she kinda had to be busy here. They had customers today after all, and some of them were likely nice, innocent pawns in the great conspiracy.

The back room would not be impressive either. It was literally crates of coffee beans, a desk, and a pen. How joyful.



@Lil' Lovebug

"I don't know. It have been a long, long time since anypony have spoken to me long term without there being a contract between them and me. What do ponies of today do to bond?"

Back in her time, they had been more basic and would just basically hang out without much of a plan except spur of the moment things, or they'd work together on the fields. That was her idea of it anyway, since she were never invited to take part in things, but it had always seemed nice.

Times had changed however, and things were not as they once were. She might as well get used to that and follow the times. Just as long as it did not involve breaking into song... She had seen it a few times now, and it was frankly a little disturbing. Like a hive-mind who was into musicals.

"The only thing I know off which apparently are still a thing, are going to see a play. I was surprised to see that this were still a thing ponies went to after a few millennia. Though the stories are softened compared to those that I remember hearing when I was a small one."




Anomaly shrugged at the question from her comfortable seat.

"No idea who that even are. Some kind of celebrity pony? I only really follow the garden programs. It's fun to mess with them."

There had been a few times where she had caused a few things to react in the background of certain plant shows she had stumbled over, but it was all just in good fun. Nopony had so far gotten seriously hurt, and she were sure that the trauma she induced wouldn't be that bad. Surely everypony would eventually have a laugh at how their garden hoses got to life and tried to eat the fillies in the audience, or the plants started to spit fireballs. Just some good, wholesome fun for the whole family.

"Did the Billy one clean gardens by any chance? Because let me tell you, they really don't like that. Give the plants some arms and jaws and they'd be on you like a swarm of dinosaurs."

The fact that s he ended that sentence with a laughter was mildly disturbing completely awesome.

Edited by Blitz Boom
Forgot one


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Lance followed Berry to the back room (After taking the coffee she had given him), and looked around rather suspiciously.

This reminds me of that alleyway, all cut off from everything else.

"Uh... alrighty."

He spent a few seconds surveying the room before he would start to talk, so Berry would get a chance to speak before him.


You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Dji & @Blitz Boom

"Because you are! That's why!"

 Kaltrop puffs out in indignation and frustration. Flexing upward under the mare (... the situations I have to narrate...) wings still against the ground as he archs his back upward, the drake continues his exclamations of surprise.

"I'm not a taxi service! I am a dragon! ...Get..."

 In one syllablic moment, Kaltrop's wings foomph upwards and down in a reflexive attempt to rebut Dawn's attack and provide enough lift under the dragon. In an instant, enough dust is blown away from them to temporarily avert the onlooking gaze of Spicy Rolls and Marley while still being quite apparent that the two had taken off by the sounds of things, the short flurry of action and sound almost drowning out the drake's final word of: "...Off!"

 In not much more time than she could likely catch on to, Dawn Streak is now about twice as high in the air as the nearby houses and on the back of the dragons she so fears. Depending on how strong her wing strength is, she'll likely have to cooperate with an equally uncooperative young dragon if she wants to get back down.


        Roll a D20 for an Ability Check.                  Hey! I'm not that predictable!  

Heh! And you said you weren't going to respond to me in the narration!

 I'm not! I mean... get back to your own part of the post! 


@Blitz Boom again!

  Hah! HAH! HAH!!

 Widdershins cackles in what was likely intended to sound more like a conversational nervous chuckle before his last 'hah' seemed to have struck a nerve and gone far too deep in tone to a more panicked crack of insanity despite his expression remaining that of bemusement. 

 That's a good one there. I do thank you though for looking to me for this. Trouble is, I technically qualify as a "Spirit." A subtype, really, but enough to qualify for most spells. If I get anywhere near that device, it's sucking me in with it and I'll become a part of it too. Considering its current state, I'm sure we can all agree that would only make things markedly far worse.

  ...Oh huh. Remembered reprecussions this time. Neat.

... Well, though! I can tell you what I can offer for this situation, my diminutive equines, and that happens to be knowledge! Tis' the greatest gift, after all.

 Let's see then...

  The draconequus pauses in thought for a moment.

 To be honest with you, Spell Foci like this are incredibly unstable without the equivalent of an entire team of studied magi. Anything crafted to be smaller than the size of the beings that created it is almost never heard for anything other than its breaking. Especially for a case like this for Soul Entrapment.

  Disembodied Souls exist outside relation to Time. Carrying them about to experience the world pulls them further from the area they died at, and therefore their tether to the physical realm. In short, the further they are from what they know, the more unstable they are. Especially in large groups like this.

 Fortunately enough for you, while the nature of magic here might play by different rules, I do know of a realm where collectively trapping geists for applied use is a common practice! They had... yes, entire ghost-powered flamethrowers if I recall right.                        ...quite... beautiful a concept.

...Hmm?... Oh! My point being that there's some things spirits can't pass through! Typically pure, well-forged iron or silver. Truesilver or Mithril might help too, if you have that here.


    Now... if you happen to have any of that around here, we can scatter it into the room to stabilize their forms and settle them to a point where any mortal could be able to handle them like... like raw batter, for instance.

  ...avoid fire though. You don't want roving flame geists around. Or any elemental magic, I should say.


B.B again

  Trotting back on to the grounds of the Sweet Apple Acres, Ambie still wasn't entirely sure what else had to be done to the wagon or what else the... changeling had had in mind at the time. Far as he knew, he had only taken the harness out to drag along the logs and make more work for himself. As usual. 

 Still, Ambie hadn't really paid all that much attention what very few times construction came up in the courses at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Putting the thoughts aside for the time being, the pony headed into the Apple's barn to put the wagon roughly back where he had originally found it. Hopefully it being gone over night wasn't enough to cause issue with the ponies he was staying with under their good graces.


   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

"A problem? Might it be their lack of manners? Even I never blanked anypony, I may not have been polite but at least I acknowledged their existence!"

Victoria looked mildly disgruntled and sighed, entering the establishment.

"Gosh it's hot in here, n-not that I can't take that. Battenberg's kitchen gets just as hot sometimes with all the ovens and the like. It ruins my mane though, dries it out, gives me split ends."

She looked around and frowned.

"Nice... place... I m-mean it's lovely. Lovely and... rustic."

She shook a little rock dust off her hoof.

"Well... if there is a problem here I'm sure I can handle it. I've dealt with grumpy dragons plenty of times even before that encounter with Jade earlier."

Though she talked herself up there was a hint of nervousness behind her eyes, this was the first time she'd been in a dragon habitat without her father. It was one thing dealing with one not so friendly dragon on the street, or standing by and letting Felix calm them down, but this was new for her.





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@Blitz Boom "I think he specialized more in kitchens, windows, and occasionally laundry. I once went to this place full of hairless monkey creatures and they had this guy named Billy MAYS, but I think he died of heart attack or something."

As Lucid finished his sentence, they have arrived at the cottage.

"I just realized that we could have just teleported... oh well, time to see if Discord is here!"

Lucid summoned a battering ram and knocked over the door.

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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“A lot of ponies actually do come and get my inventions. Enough to keep the garage afloat anyway,” Watts told him. “Listen to me talk about myself. What about you? What do you do?” She chuckled.

@Blitz Boom


If Karmic was taken aback by the sight of the striped snake head, she didn’t show it. Merely directed her gaze out towards the bars.

“Speck of dust, no. Storm? Not really. I’m more of a ... purveyor. I merely observe and nudge the ponies towards one of the multiple futures I see,” Karmic told him clearly, for once not acting like an airhead or as if she wasn’t all there. “Your future is not entwined with others like mine is. It’s more like a stepping stone between meeting others.”

@Blitz Boom & @Moonlit & @Seamore Sandwich


Twilight kept an ear on the conversation the Princesses were having with Last and glanced at Serenade. She had jumped at the outburst and walked forward slowly. “But it was...? What are you talking about?” Twilight asked gently, doing her best not to frighten the Siren even more than she already is. “What was the last thing remember?”

@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


“Aaaah!” Dawn squealed, clinging tightly onto the neck. Her wings flapped weakly So it was all she could do to hang on, lest she fall off and break a bone or something worse. “What are you doing!?”



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Dji & @B.B's gotta gun 

"What are YOU doing?!!? You're the one that's challenging a Dra-"

  Kaltrop gasps as he feels the weight of a mare tightly clinging to his neck. While coughing as if choked, there's not any amount of pressure enough for his neck to give in to as much as it sounds like. 

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

Sen didn’t pay much attention, having been distracted by the reunion happening before him. Only at the last moment when the burst of white flame appeared did the longma take notice and to back up and out the door he found himself stuck in. While mostly unharmed, so to speak, he fell on his back outside the shop while his senses were assaulted by a spray of light and heat. It was a surreal thing to see and feel; why would colors have different temperatures and why did it feel like that? He had no explanation for such and when he came to not five minutes later, he would feel his head still spinning with Lin sitting next to him inside the shop. 

“Seeing things normally now, brother?”

“My eyes are fine but thanks for asking.” Sen held his head a little higher off the ground while trying to keep the rest of him stable.” Little thing got me good but let’s try to avoid letting that happen again. I think I’m going to just stay down here for a while.” 

Reunions aside, there’s still Spelt to inform of the news and the crystals to remove, though with Shrimp’s hunger sated, it may be time to clear out the place of leftovers before moving on. Everything seems to be in place and if there isn’t much to do, it’s about high time to leave. Lin, however, wouldn’t say their time here is over just yet. She’d like to stay one step ahead. 

“I suppose if Rose is going to use the crystals to take over Equestria, you’d think she’d choose a central location to set the seeds and spread them outward. Anyone know where is she likely to strike first?"

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@Blitz Boom

She had remained still during the time she was carried over, and still was as she was being placed down, but not so much when the booming voice sounded past them. "What was that?!" She said, entering a defense position.


Sapphire sighed and lowered her head, looking to Iron Star, then Scarcity. "He can't see yet, Misty is recovering from a broken leg, and Astral has never learned how to fight with magic. I am the only one here aside from possibly you, who can fight without magic. But yes, knowing anything will suffice for me, and for you." Sapphire turned away, taking a moment to think. "These two don't go by their original names, Athriel is my sister, and was named Emerald, and Warlock used to be General Ironheart, or Chariot Ironheart. Quite ironic for a stallion named that to want Equestrian domination."


Iron Wing flew upwards as te beam blasted down, dodging it but blocking the beam with his wings, Warlock growling as he flew towards the general, wing flying out of the way as Warlock ended up plummeted down, deciding to strike at Enzo. "You, Betrayed, ME!" He yelled, two swords forming as he went for Enzo's head. Wing letting himself fall towards Warlock, ready to strike him.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Berry whistled and made sure that the door was shut tight before she started to say something, then stopped herself and put her ear to a few crates of coffee to make sure that they weren't spied on. You could never be too safe in this crazy world.

"Okay, soooo, you know you have to keep your muzzle shut on this, right? Alonsus is a bit wonky, but he's a nice stallion and doesn't deserve the flack. I think so at least. I don't really have all the information.

I mean yeah, Alonsus is on parole and need to have weekly meetings with first the mayor, and now the Night Guard that got stationed in town recently, but they throw nothing away that really say anything, so I'm not sure why. Or okay, I have some ideas from what I picked from his trash, but he shouldn't just leave letters from home unattended in his garbage if he didn't want me to know."



@Dji @Widdershins

Spicy rolled her eyes at the spectacle these two were causing. Explosive relationship right there for sure.

"Marley, if she falls off, get ready to catch her. I don't care much for hospitals."

"No worries boss, I got her covered if he doesn't."

He spread his wings and cracked his talons a little, ready for showtime.




Sorrow and Grim gave the draconequus a funny look after he attempted to debunk that Legion would ever work as a concept.

"I've had Legion for twelve years, with up to seven dozen spirits at once, and getting away from the places that keeps them locked down helps."

"Look, you two can argue over this later, right now we need to interrupt Legion first and foremost."

Grim had plenty to say about what he had seen with both his daughter and his mother, and could vouch that what Sorrow did had helped just as much as what Blight did, even if the mechanics of these things seemed a little strange. Though as his mother had said, it was about snapping the spirits out of their trapped state. Be it by causing them unrest, forcing them along, hurting them, dispel the cloud that had gone over their eyes (apparently a thing his great grandmother had done) or by getting them away from the small slice of the world they had been stuck in for so long, it didn't really matter. The results were what mattered, and their family history were a several millennia long example of how well they did the family business.

"I could try and find some silver. Loads of that around this place, but I don't see how it would work honestly. I-"

"Get out of my garden you wretched beast!"

The loud, incredibly angry voice of Rose were heard just before a confusing mess of hooves, claws, suction cups and paper came running towards them.

"Angry pony, angry pony, angry pony!"

The voice of Anomaly increased as she ran past where they stood, with her hooves skittering along rapidly along with the appendages she had paper bags stuck into. Her face and voicr actually screamed out fear for who was chasing her, which by all accounts were the mare they had heard just before. The very one who came running just a few seconds later with a beautiful shovel in oak and a polished, pure iron head stuck in her teeth. She looked furious, but halted from chasing down the rest when she saw the scene unfold in front of her.

"You assault my Home too?! I will not tolerate this intrusion!"

She swung the shovel towards Widdershins whilst Anomaly just kept on running further into the place, away from the blade that would cause her serious issues, but might be just what Widders could use. If he didn't take it to the face that were.




Somepony singing could be heard outside about ten minutes later, following the tune of *Sweet Home Alabama* though where in the world that would be would be unknown to Ambie. The one who sung it however, still had some memories about what that place were, even if he had not been there for a long time. Kinda hard when you got torn from the dimension that had it.

Happy wasn't sure if this dimension had an equivalent actually, but it'd likely be called something ponyfied then. Like... Alahayma or something.

"Ding dong, special delivery to the muzzled chameleon. Come on, it's a great day."

Granted, the bourbon had something to do with it being better, but not as much as having a finished piece of work to proudly show off. A bit of a prideful side to him that never really let go, and showed itself constantly when he were showing off his wares as well. He took a good deal of pride in his work being good.

He weren't anywhere near drunk though. He had a pretty strong alcohol tolerance, and he had barely taken three sips of the jar before he left. What he felt now were a slight bit of assisted joy, but not so much that he'd act irrationally from it. His brain would handle messing up things just fine by itself.




"I really don't know what's going on. He usually a little reclusive, but more lively than this."

His dad didn't react on the words that Victoria was saying, nor on how both ponies seemed to think it was rather hot in here, though thankfully both of them could handle it. Victoria from being in the kitchen, and Pop from basically the same reason, just less from cakes and more from things like pulling sweets. That stuff got real hot when it first got started.

The older dragon went over and slowly laid down on a cough, closed his eyes... And started to snore.

"Uhm... Okay, this was not what I had expected at all."

"Yeah, I guess I should've told you that he haves some issues sleeping these days. Both from all the work he does to try and help mom fit in better,a and from the cold air too. I mean, it's nice enough in here, but it's just not the same as a lava pool or a steam pit at the very least."

"Poor dad... Guess it's better if we don't disturb him right now. Where's mom?"

Toxen waved them over to follow her into the next room, where sitting arrangements would be handled. And there, in the biggest seat of them all and cleaning her claws with an old piece of broken or shed horn, sat Jade. Her face rose as she saw them enter, and she snorted a small cloud of smoke out of her nostrils. You could see that she were somewhat surprised at noticing Victoria there though.

"I see you brought two of them."

"Victoria's out friend, and she's also one of the ponies who baked the cakes we brought with us to try and brighten the day. We have blueberry, spice, and chili."

"Did someone say chili?"

Pop nearly jumped out of her good skin as the grovelling voice of Benny's dad emerged from behind her.

"You shouldn't focus on that Jet. You're tired, go to bed."

"Tried a few times, doesn't take. Perhaps something to eat will help..."

A concerned tone and look went over Jade as she addressed her husband. It might be that they were not as lovey dovey as Benny and Pop were, but she still cared a good deal for him, and seeing him beat himself up over not being able to make his wife happy concerned her. It wasn't on him that she felt out of place, annoyed and worried about their son's future, but he weren't listening to it when she told him that. Stupid dragon and his sentimental heart sometimes...

Jet would go over and give her a peck on the cheek before sitting down next to her, leaving Benny and the two ponies to sit opposite on the large furniture, with the table between them. Perfect place to put the cakes that Benny had been lugging around, which he'd get to right away. The faster the better more than likely.




Just as the door was slammed down, it hit a spring that were there for seemingly no reason, causing the door to slam backwards with quite the force. Likely enough to slam Lucid efficiently on the snout and knock him back a little.

"You really shouldn't start breaking the houses. The author gets all kinds of angry about anypony doing that and starts to fight back."

Hey, I went through a lot of roleplay to almost have the town rebuild, and he's smashing doors without a care. To canon characters too no less! He should just be thankful that I didn't write that she had a bear visiting her to finish the set.

"Bla bla bla, stupid hairless monkey who needs to feel strong."

That's it! Ferdinand!

Out of seemingly nowhere, a large bull would smash into Anomaly and send her flying into a tree.




"So you are one with open eyes, that does not serve the greater purpose then? I envy you."

Zhu glanced towards the bars, and at the guard in the distance. A pity what would befall him soon.

"Serving a greater purpose is important, but the chains are felt. Freedom gets limited and morals cast aside with every action needed to balance cruelty and compassion, and if you are faced with the offer to use your gift in this service, I would advice that you do not take it. The elements can keep you alive for far longer than your life should last, but the servitude is a heavy burden."

As Karmic might get glances into the past, she might well be able to catch a few glimpses of what Zhu meant. From him wandering aimlessly, avoiding his eyes from everypony he met, to standing in front of eight massive creatures looming above him, formed of the elements that made them such as fire or air. She may even end up catching an even older glimpse, of one of the times where a small Zhu would be wandering this castle with a certain princess of the sun, or even picked up and hugged by the pony that had secretly taken him in after his egg had hatched.

Even if she saw nothing though, his words were more meant as a general warning anyway. Backstory were not needed to tell her to not take the mantle that he were carrying, no matter how important it might seem to be.

"You say that I am but a stepping stone though. If you do not mean that it is because I have a need to work more in shadows than the open, then tell me, what is it that you mean? I am curious."



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

"She should be aiming for the center of Equestria. Specifically the Sparkling Array mine."


Omen didn't know why this bat pony seemed to sound so certain about this, when her friends all looked to be asking questions.

"It's located over the largest diamond mine in the country. If she pollutes the vein down there, the changeling emeralds would be able to spread underground for hundreds of miles around the mine, giving her greater power and a home advantage. Other mines can be overtaken eventually, but if she wants to solidify her strength, this is the only place to start."

Rosa took a hoof to his outfit, and from an opening near his right side, he pulled out an old piece of paper that seemed torn from a book.

"Her diary also mentioned this as her plan if she managed to locate a beast heart, ten years ago, before she vanished. That she have found it is troubling, but her thirst for vengeance gives us time. Amethyst said that she were here only a few hours ago, so she is either going for Clayton, Spelt, or the mine next. It would be wise to spread around."

"Sister and I can transport others. Can that help?"

"I suggest you two each take a group then, with the one headed for the mine having the refraction there, and Discord searching at Clayton's home to see if she have been there yet. If she haven't it can provide a site for a trap.

I am going with whatever group takes the refraction to the mine. Perhaps seeing one of the foals she abandoned will cause Filigree to stagger enough for the refraction to attack her.

As for the rest of these gems, I found a full crate of the liquid required to handle them in the back. Filigree thinks her vengeance on Amethyst is done, so the work should not be interrupted, and her companions can hide out here."

Rosa stopped after that, waiting to hear if somepony else had some other ideas, inputs, or group preferences. Plus he was listening in to hear how it went outside, where it seemed some guards had shown up after reports had arrived about everything from glittering fire to weird beings like Discord being near her shop, and Amethyst had to try and sort things out with them. Depending on how Discord might behave, that could prove difficult.




"I don't know, but whoever talked, they don't sound all that happy."

The sound of other things outside did not give her comfort either, including the vague voice of Warlock claiming that someone had betrayed him.

"Whatever is going on out there, I don't want any part of it. Let them sort it themselves while we look for another way out. Can't just be one path in a castle this size."

There was a side way right to the left of them actually that they could go down, and although there were no guarantee it led to safety, she were going to guess it would be more safe than walking out into a magic fight with her a griffon, a witch without magic and an unconscious vessel.




"Your sister you say? Fascinating."

Scarcity had felt a joyful tingle going down her spine as she heard that one of the targets were a family member of Sapphire. Not that she were really aiming to use anything like that against the mare currently, but the twists and turns that came around now were just delicious.

"Could it then be that your horn did not work since she did not have a body darling? It is hard to answer a call that have no ears to receive it, nor legs to move yourself towards the target with.

I would suggest trying to give it a toot now. You may end up surprised. Though if that does not work, perhaps you can use the time I will need to gather information to travel to a place that might hold significance to your sister. Someplace you two shared, or the home you grew up in as simple suggestions.

But one thing at a time. Your poor husband and your adopted grandfilly should be allowed to rest. Transport me back to Canterlot, and I will begin my work into seeing what I can find on Chariot."

Since he were a general, the place to start were going to be somepony with access to the files the Royal Guard had on their former members. How fortunate that she had several connections within the guard in situations like this.




Enzo stood ready to just slap the pathetic little witch away from his sight.

"You spouted lies at me."

It didn't get much further than that before he swatted to connect the blades with the tough bone his cuffs were made from, as well as conjuring strips of cloth that were aiming to wrap around Warlock and pack him up like a sausage. Predictable moves perhaps, but in Enzo's defense, he had been locked up in a temple for a long time. That didn't really give him the chance to train any martial arts or something like that as much as be bored, angry and hungry.

Warlock might notice that Enzo and Wing wasn't the only ones going after him though. Brick had taken to the sky and flew towards him with both the blades on his sides connected to each of his front hooves, ready to parry and/or strike, with the mirror dangling around his neck. With the position that his blades were in, he's be able to deflect a blade headed towards the glass, so splintering it didn't seem smart. However if Warlock teleported fast, he should be able to be far enough away this time to do so successfully and live to fight another day. Or he could stay and be the pinata of a sphinx, a magic-winged pony, and the pegasus that had a magic eating relic tat affected magic within a certain vicinity around his neck.

Wing uhm... Might be in trouble actually.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

"Sounds good. I can go with Discord to Clayton's place and have a look. If she isn't there, we could head to Spelt's location; might need a vial or two of that liquid if the crystals are growing there."

"Which means Omen and I will go to the mines. Sounds like we'll be going in groups of three, more or less."

Sen added to what Lin said as he stood up, holding a claw to his head as he tries to regain his composure and balance though he seemed to be no worse for wear. That last blast was surreal and he could only imagine what that would look like if someone else was on the receiving end. With little else in mind, the plan seemed sound and that meant having little else to do but delay before setting out. Knowing Lin, she already has a strategy ready to go and if she doesn't, she's already working on one in her head. Exit strategies are also preferable and likely necessary as their options appeared to be limited and it would be a wise move to have many alternate plans should one go south. That meant Omen now has to know what both siblings were planning earlier. Sen sat by Omen to lay it out.

"About what I said earlier, that little thing Lin and I were working on. I'm thinking we could use your gates to disorient Rose; you open one and I walk through. I appear somewhere else nearby and take a swipe at her before leaving through another gate you open. I have a feeling it will give us an advantage but we have to work fast. Have you tried quickly opening and closing gates before?

As for Lin, she turned to Amethyst and had a question of her own. "Just curious, how far away is Spelt's place? And would she be the fighting type? We might need all the help we can get." 


Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

Victoria was not scared but she seemed tense, her body was very stiff which was only more noticeable when she walked forward, barely bending her legs. She thought about the words she wanted to use carefully, she was stuck between being super defensive and perhaps a little rude, especially due to Jade's presence, and trying to be nicer to everyone, including the dragons. She remembered when she was in the Dragon Lands with her father and how she had actually got on well with the dragons and had watched them pulling off their extreme stunts and playing dangerous games and found it most entertaining. With these memories in mind she attempted to be kinder than she had previously been, though she remained stiff and ready to blurt out something tough if she needed to. She gave Jade a wobbly smile.

"Nice to see you again Jade. You seem.... more relaxed than the last time we met. Hopefully that means you're more willing to talk more... politely with us ponies this time."

Jet's sudden appearance behind her startled the tense pony and she jumped round to face him, her front legs spread and her head low, teeth bared. Though she quickly corrected herself realising she wasn't being attacked and smiled up at him.

"Y-yes! My sister and I made you a chilli cake, it's not something we do often so I hope it's ok for you. I had to trot all the way across the city to get the chilli powder."

She giggled, trying to ease the tension in the air. When Jade made a comment she turned to face her and frowned slightly, though she was still attempting to hold her smile.

"H-he's right, maybe the cake will do him some good? There's nothing better than consuming your favourite food, especially when it's in cake form!"

Her smile became a little more genuine though it had a sort of smug look to it now, she raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know you had feelings Jade. It's good to see you're actually concerned for your husband. I think maybe you're like me, locking your true self and all her emotions up inside a tough external shell. You should let some of it out, it feels great!"

She smiled at the cakes as she sat down, licking her lips slightly and admiring her sister's work.

"You should have some cake too Jade. Cake was one of the only things that could crack my shell, I love the stuff."

Her mouth was watering as she was now looking at the cakes as if she were deeply in love with them.




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@Blitz Boom seeing the ruins he never seen he too was curious more. Hearing the feline sayvhe might know what happend, crescents own mind relaxed a bit "somponys trap or experiment gone wring perhaps? What you think it might have been? " the bat asked still keeping an ear out for the young colt. 

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@Blitz Boom

AJ gawked at the tree that has sprung back to full health...AJ thought it was a lost cause...it hadn't beared any fruit for 3 seasons and she was getting hopeless,Lyreil has helped the fram and that is something AJ will remember. Aj tried to keep her form " Thats amazing, thank ya so much........Should we get going back to town, I could take you  to Twilights home?

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom

Discord began whistling a random tune, causing a flock of birds to stop flying by and begin break-dancing in mid-air. Nearby, a few squirrels were seen wearing business suits, signing off a seriously nutty contract in tree-sap. "It's a wonderful day, isn't it?" Posed the spirit of chaos to those who might hear him, "Things are going just swimmingly!" It was a complete coincidence that a cat was moving through the air, looking as though it were swimming underwater, as he said that.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

Astral looked to Black beak. "The roof is completely torn open on the first floor, and there are many secret exits in the castle, and holes in the failing walls. We could find a way to escape."


Sapphire lowered her head as Scarcity spoke, giving it a quick thought. "Well, she spent most of her years trapped inside another pony, with no control over them. It could be possible she might try to listen to it now if I sounded it, but she might not come to try to reconcile. Even if the place held memories to her."

"Yes, we're not exactly battle ready either way." Star added, pointing to his eyes.

"That and my family, Astral or my, parents." She paused for a moment, looking down. "They never taught me how to fight."

Sapphire picked up a satchel and placed it on her back. "Okay, so you two can sound the horn when you need me." She stood near Scarcity. "Now, are you ready for teleportation?" She asked, a little teasingly.


The feathers from the general's wing flew forward towards Warlock, knocking the swords away, Warlock spun around, gripping back onto one to slice the cloth as he continued to fall down, the general found his wings falling apart as he got closer to brick, as he fell down. "Oh shoot!" He kicked at the air as he fell rapidly, his feathers zooming around him rapidly as they exited the relic's range, returning to their original formation as he extended them out, slowing his decent as he landed. "So glad these are permanently enchanted." He said to himself, looking up as Warlock continued to fall.

The swords in his hoof fell apart as he teleported onto the ground quickly, before the Path could consume more of his magic, Iron Wing flying over and tackling him down, Warlock kicking him away and running off into the forest. "Well, he can't go far without an element." Nectar said. "My general will be here soon with my army, perhaps this will end quickly."

"Let's hope so." He flapped his wings a few times, soaring through the air and following Warlock into the forest, and hopefully the rest would follow.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Nopony would be home currently, but Lucid would have bigger problems on his hooves since he had ignored a rather large, irritated bull behind him. He would barely get a few hooves inside the house before it would put a horn to him and - unless something odd happened within a half second or so - the bull would turn his head with Lucid on the *hook* and violently sling him a good distance away from the entrance into Fluttershy's strangely unlocked house. Perhaps it would even toss him into the same tree that Anomaly was currently making her way down from, after her own encounter with Ferdinand.



@Storm Shine @EQ_Theta

"Sounds like a plan."

Rosa gave an odd glance towards the Longma siblings. He had tossed the part about Filigree having abandoned several foals - including himself - out there to see the reaction, but it seemed to have not done a thing. Curious development, but it taught him a little about these two at least. Or rather, it gave a range of options going from *did not hear/focus on it* to *pretends they didn't hear, but thinks on how to use it* and of course *doesn't judge based on blood*. There were more stages and options for what their thoughts were on this, but for now, this werw hat he had to work it. He'd need more information before he could make a proper assessment about them, and their strange group of companions.

Omen seemed simple enough though. The blank stare she gave, the questions, being generally unfazed by things... He would not claim that she was stupid, but the voice projected into his head only cemented that whatever she were, knowledge wasn't her strong side. Perhaps she were a mimic of some kind that was trying to learn? Seemed plausible.

He did make an additional note about Omen however, when Sen asked if she could rapidly open gates, and a myriad of the things started to appear and reappear around her. There seemed to be openings to a dark place behind half of them, making him conclude that there were some kind of middle station for these things when it came to her. Even if they were placed closely, you'd still had to press yourself through one of them, though to test that, he threw a drained crystal through one of the openings and timed whenbit came back. A second's delay it seemed. Not much, but something to keep in mind.

As for Discord, that would take more time than he could imagine they had, so he wouldn't bother much, but rather just remain cautiously around him, and Shrimp were a simple, small creature. It wanted food, it's protector, and though its flames weren't harmful, they still seemed best to avoid.

Outside, Amethyst had her hooves full with trying to explain things to the guard, so she did not answer right off the bat when Lin were talking.

Most of their concerns seemed to be with Discord, who after all, did not have the greatest of reputation in Equestria as a whole, but seeing as the only thing he did were to make animals passing by dance, and otherwise seem as harmless as one can be when you're an actual demigod, so Amethyst were able to get them to leave her property.

The mare let out a sigh and looked over at Discord before turning towards Lin.

"Thank you for not making this worse."

It wasn't much of a compliment, but with the being in question and the rotten day she had, it was pretty high praise in her mind.

"Spelt is in the Charboil Mine these days. It's exactly 2,3 miles northwest of Baltimare, but if you just show up like this he's not going to believe you. Stay here for a moment, and I'll find something that can prove that you're not pulling his leg."

Amethyst went inside and straight to the back, where she'd start to rummage through some crates for a few things. In the meantime, the formerly trapped miners went inside and kept distance from the gems still there, though Shrimp seemed set on burning them all away. He were getting around halfway now it seemed.

She returned a few minutes later and gave three vials to Lin.

"Pour them slowly, and start with the head id somepony is trapped. The faster they can breathe the better."

Afterwards, she'd put a small, elegant box wrapped in delicate paper, and put it in Lin's hand.

"There is a refined Changeling Emerald in here. It's not dangerous anymore, and I stopped selling them years ago. He'll know where it from when it's still in the package."

"I'm coming too."

The voice of Clayton made Amethyst turn around in surprise.

"You are doing no such thing. She might be there, ready to attack. It's not safe for you."

"I-I know, but I have workers at my place, and I can't just leave them there if they're hurt. I promise, I'll come right back here instead of going to Spelt if she's not there, o-okay?"

Clayton could see how worried she were, but he were worried too. Specifically about Belladonna, whom he were sure were waiting at his office, and if she heard Filigree were looking for him... She would not take it kindly, and neither would Filigree he'd imagine.

"...Fine, but you better be back soon. I will take care of our friends, and cleaning up the rest of this mess."

"I'll return. And Mrs. Lin? M-My home is a rather large building a little to the west of central Canterlot, with my business next to it. If she is looking for me, it will be one of those places."

So with that sorted, Omen having picked up Shrimp after her presentation to Sen, and Rosa being prepared to leave, it was about time that they got moving. Lin should probably go and pick up Discord outside, and Sen should tell Omen to get moving.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Dji

"I was there, you didn't hurt anypony. Ziggy getting hurt, it was... I-It was my fault. She had gotten hit before you came into the castle, then again when she came out, and the screaming... It was an accident, but she got hit into a wall."

Cherish were not sure how well this would set, but she couldn't just let the siren take the blame for her actions. It wasn't right for a being who likely had enough against her as it was.




"Just because I don't fawn over him, does not mean that my mate is not loved. We don't need to act like ponies to show that we care."

Jade's eyes narrowed, but she did not growl or attempt to bite Victoria currently. Her mind were occupied by her insomnia-riddled mate, who were currently drifting between attempting sleep and being relatively awake.

It seemed to rouse him a little when the cakes came to the table, and Jade would not lie and say that the chili cake did not catch her attention, but she wasn't praising anypony just yet. She's wait until they could taste before she did that.

Benny pulled out a knife from his back afterwards, and glanced over towards Victoria with a small grin.

"No worries, I cleaned it before we went on our trip."

He started to cut out some pieces, starting with the blueberry and ending with the spice, where Jet took a large piece right off the bat and started to slowly chew through it.

"Blueberry please. What will you have Victoria?"

Getting a piece, Pop for sure seemed to like what she were tasting, so there was an instant hoof up for the baker sisters. Jade slowly took a few trying pieces of the chili cake like her husband and didn't seem to react on it yet, but she didn't put it down again, so that would be a place to start. Better give them a bit of time.




"I'll need to see the rest, but I'm almost certain this is a sacrifice for a pagan entity. Perhaps a failed one too? Heh, I wonder if they added the wrong amount...

I will go check the other houses for clues, whilst you go and talk with the colt. Ask them if this strange town had any sort of being they worshiped, even if he only thought it a myth. Something tells me that you'll get to find out what the rune I can't translate means there."

Zinthar slithered out and went on to the next house,leaving behind what was a little cryptic talk about this that the bat pony might need to think about. A certain familiarity with this kind of magic that seemed strange, even for the former pet of Star Swirl the Bearded.




"I will follow wherever you think will be best, Applejack."

Lyriel dried the tears from her eyes, and looked up at the crown of the tree with a big smile on her lips. It pleased her to help what was failing like this, and seeing how Applejack seemed both surprised and happy about this just made it better. The day were turning quite pleasant after all, though they still had the town to go to before she could say this for certain. her last visit there had been... Mixed, so she hoped that perhaps this time things would be better.

So she would follow, and pray to the earth mother that things would be better than it had been thus far.




"With two bodies to carry here, I can't fly. We'll have to look for a hole in the wall. Let's start looking this way."

Blackbeak hoisted the pony and griffon up on her back again, and cringed already. She hated carrying around heavy loads like this. What was she, a mule? She'd wait for Brick to come back and get hold of one of them, but with the noises going on outside, she didn't think he'd get in that quickly, and it wasn't safe to stay put currently. They had to get moving,and then he could catch up with them if he got done with what he were working with out there faster than she expected.




"Why of course darling. I can scarcely wait to get back to work."

The teasing tone were met with an equally teasing tone and look. Perhaps in a different time, these two mares could have ended up being friends, considering how similar they were, but in this time, they would have to get past their previous meeting for that to happen. Scarcity could move on easily enough, but Sapphire might be another deal entirely. The thing that Scarcity had taken from her had been immensely important to the witch, and forgiving such an act might be too much.

Of course, more was wrong like how Scarcity liked to gather information and not everypony liked that somewhere, a folder full of their information was hidden, and so on and so forth, but that was hardly a priority now either. They had a traitorous former general to handle now, and little point in wasting time.




Enzo followed gladly, eager to swat down Warlock, and curious as to what had just happened before. It seemed as if a mirror around the unknown pony's neck had suddenly started to bubble over and have hands reach towards Wing, whose wings had then started to fail until he got out of reach, and the arms returned. Quite the curious little thing, but not something he had the time to focus on right now. it was hunting season, and for whom they were hunting, he'd follow the small pony general without any snark comments this time.

Behind them, Brick grunted and started to fly back to the castle, when a few of the guard's voices reached him.


He halted and turned, facing the three guards that had not followed Wing yet. Specifically the flustered one that looked at him with big eyes.

"P-Please, we need help with this one. He have hurt a lot of us already like it was nothing, and he just keeps going."

Brick remembered this one. One of his own subordinates before he left the guards, following Scarcity's rescue of him. Not the best guard he had ever met, but loyal to the crown. There was something to be said for that.

"I know you're not with us anymore, but please... Do it for the squad."

The three of them would get on their way to follow the group, whilst Brick flew in the air, thinking about what had been said.

The last time he had been asked to not leave them behind, he had made an unauthorized attack on a prison facility to release his troops, which had been where he had been caught himself. It had been a defining moment for him, and shown him that the guards wouldn't always be there to help you when it was desperately needed, either because of rules, politics, or time wasted trying to negotiate. Scarcity had been there for him in that time, and saved both him and a lot of others, so he had offered her the same loyalty that he once had to the guards. The one they had betrayed when they didn't send anypony out to get him out...

Their decorations and talks about promotion for saving his squad had meant little to him as he got back, when the same that he had helped had been forbidden for trying to get him out as well. He had felt good from leaving when he had learned that they had even blamed him for making it harder to get all the prisoners out without having to fight. It was typical of Dew to want to avoid battling if it could be done, but it had been too slow of an approach then, and it made it easier to accept an offer outside of the guards, with somepony who appreciated and trusted him.

Now he were asked back to help the guards, and his mind told him to just let hem handle this on their own, and yet he turned to the forest and started to fly after them instead. No matter how little his former title meant, his troops had been hurt, and there was still a small part of him that felt like he owed to help them. They hadn't wanted to abandon him like they had been made to do, so he'd honor their bond a last time, as long as it did not go against the orders from Scarcity. Warlock had to be contained, not killed unless it could not be avoided, and if he could keep him away from the castle it would be for the best too. It would keep the others safer that way.

Strange to have the option to both help his former subordinates, and following the orders of his boss. A rare occurrence that he shouldn't get too used to. Neither should they, or they might start to think that he'd let himself get caught for them again, which unfortunately wasn't going to happen. Scarcity's secrets could not be risked by his capture.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


"Can you go back down? Please!?" Dawn asked in a terrified squeak of a voice, having been nowhere near as high as she was at the moment. Sure, she had dreams of flying high in the skies and being an actual Pegasus but those dreams usually ended with her falling and screaming herself awake. Her plan was to build herself up by scaling buildings in Ponyville and other cities but with her 'attack' on Kaltrops, that was flown out the window the moment he stood up.

@Blitz Boom & @Seamore Sandwich & @Moonlit


"Cherish caused the Pegasus to be hurt?" Twilight asked in surprise, her thoughts on the Siren completely derailing at this information and focusing on the ghost only. "Other than the crystal shaking, I haven't seen you do anything that a recorded poltergeist would do."

@Blitz Boom


Karmic's eyes slowly lost their cloudy look to be replaced by electric blue eyes, the only spot of colour in her monochromatic look. She narrowed them and then glanced at the guard. "What'll happen to that guard? You obviously know something," she asked him, sidestepping the question of him acting as a stepping stone for other ponies.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

Aside from the odd sight of Discord and the strange behavior of the animals around him, there was little left that could faze the siblings. Maybe it's just them getting used to more than their average does of chaos during their time spent with him. Having seen the exchanges between everyone else present pretty much gave him his signal to start moving but there was still something bothersome about Rosa. The appearance, maybe? The overall look seemed out of place for someone to wear in the city but then, he is also looking pretty odd for some form of draconic hybrid. He walked up to Rosa and gestured to move to a side of the room where they could speak in private, preferably in hushed whispers. 

"I know we need to get going but did I hear you correctly? There are foals in the mines? You're not saying we're using them as bait. Because if that's what we're doing, there's no way we should be putting them in danger whether they know it or not. I needed to speak to Omen about her gate-opening abilities but only now were your words processed. I don't want to pick a fight with you but... isn't there another way? Shouldn't we try something else?"

He paused for a moment to catch his breath before continuing. 

"I'm sorry. It's just... I've seen this before and it's not worth risking them. Who knows who would be devastated if we make one wrong move. Let's... let's just go, okay?"

Sen was *this* close to losing his nerve but Lin's previous talk with him seemed to have worked. At least, a second time working sounds like another success to add to the first one from Las Pegasus. Lin saw the exchange from the other side of the room and she just wanted to run up to him to break up what would look like a brawl. She didn't have to, but she would've if not for Amethyst providing her with an inert crystal and three vials for her to work with. Thankfully, she turned back to see Sen walking away without any further altercation. With her packing up the items in her own satchel, she walked to Discord to let him know it was time to go. 

"Stay safe, everyone. Don't get reckless."

As for Sen, he walked back to Omen unsure how to feel about what he just did. He turned back to let Rosa know he was prepared to leave.

"We should get moving." 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom Lucid was too busy to check if his nose was bleeding from the door to notice the bull at first. He came to the conclusion that it wasn't when he turned around noticing the bull, which was too close and coming too fast for Lucid to be able react.

"I don't think my nose is bl- oh no."


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@Blitz Boom 




We’re afraid We may not have taken your magic into account.  The fault is Ours,” Luna said, putting a hoof on her chest to indicate she was referring to herself.  Celestia then said to her, “You’re using the royal ‘We’ again,” and to the others she assured them, “The Traveller is not a threat, or at least he hasn’t proven himself to be.  His methods may be a bit... unusual, but his actions are always for the greater good.”  Luna was slightly nervous about altering the past, but the only sign of it was that she let herself slip and used the royal “We” again.  Celestia, knowing her sister all too well, kept her composure, despite being woken from a sound sleep.  She had to be strong for her sister.  Princess Luna thought for a moment about the necklace.  “Even with a powerful flow of magic, I’m surprised that the necklace only lasted two days.”

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Blitz Boom

Astral followed her closely, looking at the ones on Black Beak's back, curious if she could carry a pony like that. And at the same time, wondering why Chow hadn't woken up yet. "Do you think Chow is okay? He has been unconscious for a while."


Around them formed a sphere of sapphire blue fire, that transported the two mares straight into the canterlot archives. Sapphire looking around after their arrival. "Considering this is a traitorous general we're research for, they might have covered up his betrayal or his existence. So we should keep that in mind." She said, a considerable amount of books pulling out of the shelves and stacking themselves,seemingly on their own. "Here is all there is about the generals, there might be some small mention of him in the magic books, but those are in the, other, archive." She said, mostly referencing the forbidden archives with those words.


Warlock continued soaring through the forest as Iron Wing followed him. Looking above as he saw a fleet of changelings approach the two sisters castle. "No!" He yelled out, this brief distraction causing him to clip a tree branch as he started tumbling through the forest, and then out of it as he ended up falling into a river, floating up. "Gah." He looked ahead, grinning as he looked upon Ponyville. "I will earn an element, sooner or later." He said, floating over to it and lifting up his hoof.

"No!" Wing tackled him to the ground, sliding him across it. "You won't wi-"

Warlock batted him away and stood back up. "This town is mine! the magic within it is mine! I will win with it!"

"That is incredibly cheesy." He said in a rather teasing tone.

He growled as he took a hoof, and lifted it upwards in the direction of Ponyville, already considerably close to it. As all the ponies there could feel their magic begin to leave them, to this one pony, his body already starting to leak magic out through him. "Soon you will regret saying that, Iron Wind. Soon everypony will regret seeing me as an equal."


Nectar stood up, looking sternly into the forest, as a changeling similar in color to her landed behind her, her general that she called long ago. "Queen, I've arrived."

"Oh, wonderful, now we have a advantage." She said, looking to him.

"Not quite, my troops spotted Warlock extracting magic from Ponyville, I can sense it as well." His wings started buzzing as he hovered.

She narrowed her eyes as she began hovering as well. "Then let's begin the assault on him, hopefully we can prevent him from gaining the upper hoof." She flew up in the air, the changeling general following her. "And ensure he doesn't get the chance to steal our love magic Leo, we can't risk it." He gave a short nod to her as he acknowledged this, the two of them soon getting followed by Nectar's hive as they flew over the forest.


(A few minutes earlier)

Francis looked ahead at Canterlot, as he saw Leo pass by, he gasped softly and jumped in glee. "Oh! the general just flew past, maybe we can help with the fight this time!" He said cheerfully, rushing ahead and about to fly off, looking back to ensure the other was going to follow.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

Victoria's eyes were larger than ever, shimmering in the light as she stared at the cakes. If there was one way to the stubborn mare's hear it was with cake.

"I don't want to toot my own horn but this is the most delicious looking selection of sweetness I've seen for a while. I'd have all of it if I could! Going to be civil though and go for a slice of the blueberry cake, same as you Pop."

Victoria couldn't choose between them easily and was half tempted to go for the chilli cake considering how far she'd had to walk to get the powder that created it, but she decided to base her decision upon Pop's hoping to form more of a bond with the pony.

She watched Jade while Benny cut the cake, awaiting her response with anticipation.




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