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What do you sleep to?

Bright Bastion

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This is a perfection solution to everyone here.


The best way to fall asleep to is thunderstorms. I recently started this up again because I haven't been sleeping well the past few weeks. I listen to thunderstorms every night. I put in my earbuds and then I drift off to sleep. It's been helping alot. The earbuds and the thunderstorm blocks out all noise outside them.


Just my suggestion to ya'll.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a perfection solution to everyone here.


The best way to fall asleep to is thunderstorms. I recently started this up again because I haven't been sleeping well the past few weeks. I listen to thunderstorms every night. I put in my earbuds and then I drift off to sleep. It's been helping alot. The earbuds and the thunderstorm blocks out all noise outside them.


Just my suggestion to ya'll.

I used that method so much that I eventually couldn't go to sleep to it anymore.  I built up an immunity lol. Still, actual thunderstorms still put me to sleep. I guess the novelty just cant match up.

Edited by Bright Bastion
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I am the same exact way, I CANNOT go to sleep in a perfectly quite room for some reason, plus on top of that I have to have a bit of a breeze in my room as well or I can't seem to sleep, or at least it takes me a long time to actually fall asleep. :blush:

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Even if I'm freezing cold I still turn on the AC because I'm used to the sound of it. In fact, I sometimes am tempted to (and often actually do) turn on all the ACs in the house because there's this thing that connects all the AC units next to my room and it makes this weirdly soothing noise when all the AC units are on...


I'm weird  :lol:

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My bed is right by the wall that faces a four-lane highway. If I don't have a loud fan on, I can never get to sleep. I need something to block out the sounds of all the cars going by.

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They're not exactly noises, but I can't sleep without an alarm clock or if my bedroom door is wide open.


I actually have more trouble going to sleep if there's noise in the background.

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I can't sleep without my gameboy or ds open, even if I'm not playing it. And the game in the slot must be a Pokemon game. I only fall asleep to TV on the weekends, and an action movie is more effective than a comedy. I will pass out within 20 minutes of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. Ricky Bobby? No way. 


I think it was because I slept with a night light for a long time due to my autistic mind still thinking Bonnie the Bunny from Five Nights at Freddy's is going to get me in my bed, and the fact I just moved my bed around about a month ago, and I'm not used to it.

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I sleep to the thought of Swirly and how much I want to squeeze her :squee:. I'll hug my pillow to compensate for her :).


Crap I already said that :o! It's what happens when people revive threads >_>.

Edited by SparkWolf
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I sleep more comfortably with a fan on overnight during the summer. Otherwise, during the cold season, I can sleep just fine without the noise and in a near pitch dark room, save for some very dim lights coming from my router on my desk.


I used to be able to sleep with my TV on a long time ago, but the idea of wasting electricity to help me fall asleep didn't sit well with me anymore and I eventually got over my phobia of the dark.

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Another “fan boy” here, I’m another who sleeps with a fan on, even in winter at full speed.


When it’s colder, I usually sleep with a hot water bottle to and cuddle it like it’s a teddy bear.


I also sometimes go for alternatives to fans, and listen to 8 hour rain sounds on YouTube (although sometimes the thundery ones sounds really distracting through my bass speakers xD)



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My room is always pitch black when I go to bed. I'll pop my headphones in and listen to my music on shuffle until I'm tired.


Then I take out my headphones, toss my phone on my floor and I'm pretty much knocked out the moment I close my eyes.

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