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Who wears glasses and why?


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I wear glasses because I have an astigmatism and if I didn't wear them it would only cause my vision to get worse. I don't have to wear them all the time, but it is much easier to see things far away. I have to wear them while driving at night, always. 

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I wear glasses because I need them to see. Everything looks blurry without them so I'd miss a whole lot of important details if I decided to go anywhere without wearing them. I also kind of look more like myself when wearing glasses.

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According to my parents, I've had to wear glasses ever since I was four years old. The last time I got my eyes tested, the doctor told me that I had to keep wearing them because I have bad astigmatism in both of my eyes (I can't even get contacts because my corneas are so misshapen)

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  • 2 months later...

Relatively near sighted and recently developed an astigmatism. Hated glasses at first (4th grade when I first got them) but now they're just another part of my day. Still wish I didn't need them though.

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I have a stigmatism. I wear my glasses when I drive and when I'm doing close up work but I can't really wear them when I'm working because I have to wear a respirator and my glasses fog up when I wear them :okiedokieloki:

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I'm astigmatic and slightlly near-sighted, more on the left eye than the right. I can function normally without glasses (as I did for the major part of my life) but still, the life comfort is much improved as I don't have to narrow my eyes trying to read a sign across the street ^_^ Also, I need them when I drive.

Maybe my glasses with black, plastic frames look kinda hipster-like, but I just found them more comfortable and providing a better field of vision than most glasses with metal frames.

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I wear them because I'm near-sighted. Not very badly - I can still walk around, use computers, or read books just fine. In fact I only seriously needed them to read the whiteboard at school, and because I'd like to see the details on far-away things when I'm walking around (like reading street signs without having to walk right up to the pole holding them up). Never once wanted contacts, because I have a sort of visceral reaction to putting things in contact with my eyeballs. Could hardly manage eyedrops the one time I ever needed them.

I never thought of them as a fashion statement or anything, but I wear them whenever I'm in public, so the few times my friends see me without them, they're all surprised at what I look like glasses-less. Anyone else get this reaction?

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I started wearing glasses 3 years ago after 2 years of my work involving staring at the screen 12h a day. That messed up my eyes a bit but I don't mind wearing glasses! It makes my boring face look a bit less boring with colorful frames :P

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  • 9 months later...

Been wearing glasses since I was five, since I have an astigmatism. I pretty much need then all the time, otherwise almost everything is blurry.

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I got my first pair on my birthday, twenty years ago (happy birthday, me!) because I was having trouble reading things at a distance, and needed them to keep my CDL. I only wear them when driving, and sometimes when I'm at the computer.

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Yes I wear glasses and I have since I was in Kindergarten, I'll be a Senior in High School this upcoming school year so it gives you an idea of how long I've needed glasses ^_^

I wear my glasses every day all the time, I can't see things that are very far away without my glasses as they appear blurry and outta focus. Apparently my vision has gotten worse over the years, as even with glasses now I can't be corrected to 20/20 vision, which sucks :dry: 

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