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Who wears glasses and why?


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I wear glasses to augment my eyes. My sight has been deteriorating quite a bit over the years due to some weird-ass factors. Without my glasses I can't see anything past 20 meters, and I can't see faces very clearly even at up close :confused:


Tried contact lens once, I freaked out and stabbed my own eyeballs :squee:

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Who wears glasses:

People with bad eyesight.



To fix their bad eyesight.



I would have thought this was obvious...


While you are correct, the specific reason behind said 'bad eyesight'  isn't necessarily the same between people, so I think it's an interesting discussion to participate in. :)

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Because I can't see who's who, and I constantly have to squint my eyes to look at a person 1.5-2 meters away from me, because I'm not sure if they are a friend or stranger. This has led to many awkward things. :please: 

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i wore them when i was about 8 years old, for the period of about 1 year(i think)

since that, i never wore any.

which makes me wonder:did the doctor just diagnose me incorrectly?

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I got mine from Coastal.com for 60 dollars, excellent customer service. Anyways, I'm near-sighted with astigmatism. I wear them pretty much all the time unless I'm showering or in bed. I've been wearing glasses since third grade, and while I hated it back then, since I had glasses and braces, I don't mind so much now. They're actually kind of cute. Hell, my OC even has glasses. <3

  • Brohoof 1
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I wear glasses, and my eyesight is TERRIBLE. I have like, 20:80 vision. Something has to be, like, right in front of me to be able to read it. It sucks.

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I've been wearing glasses since the fourth grade... I've tried wearing contacts, but my eyes just did not like them!


I also have TERRIBLE vision -- -7.50 last I checked!

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They determined somewhere back around fifth grade that I was supposed to be wearing glasses for nearsightedness, but I never could get used to wearing them. So... I just stopped. xD


In high school I got a fancy pair of prescription sunglasses, but I only wore them for marching band and this driver's ed course I took as I'm required to wear glasses if I were to drive, or that's how it was back then, now driving isn't happening. But that's another topic.

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i got told i need glasses but its very un-necessary for me as its literally like going from normal to hd if that even makes sence


everything has like a ruff edge till i put on my glasses


My vision's bad enough that everything more than about a foot from my face is blurry when I take my glasses off, but I get the exact same "THE WORLD IS IN HD" impression when I get a new perscription. 


I flinch when my fingers are near my eyes (makes putting on any sort of eye makeup irritating), so I've never tried contacts. I like the way my glasses highlight my eyes and frame my face. They're a great, cute, brainy accessory.  :)

  • Brohoof 2
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Yeah I wear glasses, can't see without 'em, well, I can, but only things an inch or two from my eyes, other than that i can't see anything.

Well judging by your avatar, maybe if you stopped jabbing your eye with your hoof it would help!

  • Brohoof 1
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I was far-sighted growing up.....I stopped wearing glasses in 8th grade because I couldn't notice the difference anymore, and my foster said I didn't need new glasses (too expensive)...so yeah, haven't worn glasses in years....

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I have worn glasses since around 3rd Grade. The reason why I wear glasses is because back then I had always almost literally shoved my face in front of the television to watch it, and my family members always told me that it would mess up my eyesight. I didn't believe them.....now here I am at the age of 15 with my 3rd or 4th pair of glasses. (My other pairs always broke, so I can't tell which pair I am wearing right now). 

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