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St. Pinkie


265 users have voted

  1. 1. What Is Your Favorite Quote?

    • It needs to be about 20% cooler.
    • Um...
    • Yay!
    • Oatmeal? Are you crazy?
    • Eeyup.
    • Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue!
    • Other

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damn i like a lot of them:

SPIKE: whoa! dude, thats creepy




also 'i just dont know what went wrong' by derpy and '20% cooler' - i like them but they are so overused


also here comes tom, crown thingy, and spike mocking the names of mane 6 in bridle gossip (Appletiny- this killed me :D)

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'Well, well, well - it seems we have some neeeeiiiiigh-sayers in the audience!" - Trixie


(Translated: "The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to remind you that you're all just a bunch of horses.")

  • Brohoof 1
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Wow really? How in the world can I pick one. There are so many great pieces of dialog. In season one alone there are just too many let alone the other two seasons. Ok here are a few from the whole of the show. Everything Discord says. The whole discussion on the train leading to fluttertree. The whole discussion in the everfree forest about Fluttershy exploding twice. Dabbing cake frosting behind Rarity's ears. Do songs count? if they do then the whole of I've got to find a way. There's just too much.

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i really like her mane! (squeekybelle inbound!)

also, 'but that rainbow one kicked me', it was under Ee!' 

and ofcourse the most epic one ever,

GILDA: im gonna watch you like a hawk!

PINKIE: why? can't you just watch me like a gryffon?

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I have to admit, all Pinkie quotes are really funny XD. But, my absolute favorite would have to be "Oh, silly me! I must've put the confetti in the oven and the cake in the confetti cannon. Again!" XD.

Edited by Eureka
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"Exile. I guess technically I'd have to move AWAY to live in exile. Where would I go? And what would I pack? Oh, it's going to take me forever to do all of that packing. What are you supposed to pack when you go into exile? Are you supposed to pack warm?"

  • Brohoof 1
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Some of my favourites are:


"I'm watching you like a hawk"

"Why? Can't you watch me like a Griffon?"


"I'll wear this moustache"


"Noooooooooo! I mean Yesssssssssss!" 


"let me guess apple sauce"

"Nope, toast"


"I want to wallow in whatever it is ponies are supposed to wallow in. I don't even know what I'm suppose to wallow in I'm so pathetic"


"Chimmy Cherry Chonga" 

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"What if she exploded, and then exploded again!"


"It seems that Sheriff Silverstar and I have finally come to an agreement.  That was the worst performance we've ever seen."


"And making yummy delicious chocolate milk rain all over the place without a single dollop of whipped cream to go with it anywhere in sight!  NOT A SINGLE DOLLOP!"


I'm sorry, but I love Dave Polsky's writing, or at least his humor.


Oh, and then there's a fair number of serious quotes out of 'Sleepless in Ponyville', but it would take forever to dig up all of them.

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I personaly like Twilight's phrase " quit horsing around" it make me laugh. so I chose other in the vote Rainbow Dash's 20% cooler phrase is getting stale its in so many songs and she uses it a lot. Need more catchphrases cannot wait till season 4.

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"Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?" - Discord

"IT. IS. ON!" - Rarity

"I didn't learn anything! I was right all along!" - Applejack

"Rarity? I need to tell you something! Just in case we don't make it! I've always sort of had a crush-" - Spike

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From Secret of my Excess:


Spike: GROAR!

Rarity: Oh, be quiet! You've got nothing to be proud of! Steal everypony's things, terrorize the town, and use me as a weapon against my own friends... which, as horrible as it is, I can almost understand because you're a dragon and all. But this... <<Shows him her ruined cape>> ...this is a crime against fashion!


Pinkie: "How dare you take the cake!"

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Mine has to be "Enough Chit Chat, Time is Candy" All the way, nothing can get better than that Quote,

and it's just So Catchy, also it's One of the Only Lines in my Favourite Silva Hound Song "Everypony's Bangin'"

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Oh boy, I've got a couple.


From Stare Master


Fluttershy:  I'm the world champ, you know.  I bet you can't beat me.  *squee*



From Lesson Zero:


Twilight:  She even comes with her own notebook and quill for when you want to pretend she's doing her homework!!!




Scootaloo:  I want it!

Apple Bloom:  I need it!

Sweetie Belle:  I really like her MANE!


Finally, from Too Many Pinkie Pies:


Pinkie clone:  Bet you can't make a face crazier than...  THIS!!!




I've got too many favorite quotes.  I just can't list them all.

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"I'd like to be a tree."~ Fluttershy






"*deep breath* Yay.'

"Ugh"~ Fluttershy and RD.


"This is the worst...possible....thing!"~ Rarity


"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!"~ RD






"It needs to be about 20% more cooler."~ RD


I have too many, but I can't stay at my computer all day and type them all.

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Just searched this thread, and this one hasn't been posted:


Diamond Tiara: "No more namby pamby stories, like last year's editor!"


School Pony: "But Namby Pamby was a great editor!"

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Howdy all!


Lets see got more favorite quotes from the show.


AH! BATS IN MY FACE! HEEELPP!!-Pinkie (After tackling Twilight)


SURPRISE!!!-Sweetie Belle

WHAT DID YOU DO????-Rarity



Who you calling a chump?  CHUMP!!-Rainbow Dash




I said NO!!-Fluttershy


Arent ya going to stay for brunch?-Applebloom (With her puppy dog eyes)


No I dont like it! Rarity, Mane 5-AWWWWWWW!!!! I LOVE IT!! Rarity, Twi, PP, AJ, Fluttershy, RD-YAY!!!


Why are you doing this to me??-Princess Cadence (Imposter)


SHES EVIL!-Twilight


Whoa creepy dude!-Spike


Well well well we have some NEIGHHH-Sayers in the audience!-Trixie


One Day!-Applebloom


Tata for now!happy.png

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:takes a huge breath:....yaaaay.....too loud?


OF COURSE WE ARE, IS THIS NOT CLEAR?...oh hell anything luna says for that matter, hay..just th sound of thee Royal canterlot voice ;)

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Howdy all!


Back with more favorites.


Fluttershy: Oh I am fustrated I can just scream.



Does it help? Twilight



Who are you little one?-Apple family pony

Im Applejack More Apple Fwitter??

(Baby Applejack)


Youre a natural Twilight. A Natural Disaster!!-Spike


I have balls stashed all over Ponyville-Pinkie Pie


How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of cloud is Cloudsdale?-Rarity

The same way he got you to think that cheap rock was a bona fide diamond.-Applejack

I thought we agree never to speak of that again!-Rarity


Hey Twilight. Whats soaking wet & cluless?Fluttershy (Grey)

Fluttershy I just had just about enough-Twilight (Water splash)

Your Face!!-Fluttershy (Slams bucket on Twilight's Head)


Ta ta fer now!happy.png

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"Eeyup" ~ Big Macintosh


My favorite line is in this scene

Pinkie Pie: Just one question......

Applejack: Yes?

*Pinkie Pie has mustache on*
Applejack: No

Pinkie: *sigh*....suit yourself


Pinkie: And I'll wear this mustache :{D

  • Brohoof 1
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"Oh all right."


It's that quote used in a clip in smosh pit weekly which made me start watching mlp.


(ignore this, I need to get to 100 characters.)

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, i was wondering what is in your opinion the best/most funny quote in MLP:FiM


My favourite quote is of discord: Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

  • Brohoof 2
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