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Season 5 Predictions/Hopes


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What i want in season 5 

1# the mane 6's families background especially applejack's parents 

2# background on the enemies 

3# and more applejack focused episodes 

4# get red of flash sentry 

Edited by Deathstroke
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My hopes, dreams, and randomness...

  • All characters princesses of some sort? Maybe? (But my god, not alicorns!) Meh I can't imagine calling them all princesses...
  • More of Discord
  • More (good!) songs
  • Mane 6 coltfriends? FlashLight <3 *don't kill me* FlutterMac? Sparity!(hopeless cause...?) How about some magic something-or-other turns spike into a pony so he can be with the one her loves! *aww* We haven't gotten any 'love' since Cadence and Shing in season 2!
  • Backstories! LOTS OF THEM! Alicorns, discord, AppleJack, Fluttershy, and RainbowDash's parents!
  • Cutie Mark Crusaders get cutiemarks! and Scootaloo flies! Then the have a joint Cute-ceanera party!
  • Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon leave the darkside?     I don't see how they make fun of the crusaders when they're cutie marks a usless!

I guess we'll wait and see... did anyone finally dicide if season 5 would launch in fall or in early 2015?

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Here are my hopes;


-Sunset Shimmer gets a cameo as her pony self (since Flash has already had two, and the existence of Rainbow Rocks this early since Twilight's last visit to the human world seems to imply that the time limit for the portal has been retconned.)


-Skyla stays out of the show's canon (we already have Pound and Pumpkin for foal characters and seeing Shining Armor and Cadance as parents would just feel weird to me.) 


-The Cutie Mark Crusaders don't get their Cutie Marks this Season (that seems like something more fitting for the show's final season to wrap up their character arcs-especially since they won't really be the CMC anymore without the crusading.)


-Grogar as the main villain for the finale.


-Rainbow Dash finally realizing what a bunch of jerks the Wonderbolts are and figuring out she's better than them (because she has morals), and making a new, better time of fliers. 


-The return of Trixie, Suri, Lightning Dust, Gilda, and/or Queen Chrysalis.


-Scootaloo remains flightless (I feel dealing with the handicap makes her a stronger character and someone who can inspire fans with a disability-since, Stellar Eclipse seems like a one-off character).


-No member of the Mane Six being in an on-going romantic relationship; the title of the show is 'Friendship is Magic' and I feel like the constant emphasis of romance would ruin it-besides, Shining Armor and Cadance were married in an episode focusing on romantic love, as well as the episode 'Hearts and Hooves Day'.


-More backstory on Discord, Celestia, and Luna.


-Explanation on what happened to Scorpan, his brother is still alive after all of this time-so he couldn't have died of age... 


-And finally, and explanation on what the point was of fixing up the Castle of the Two Sisters, since that plotline was introduced and dropped for no reason last season, so...was it pointless filler or what?

Edited by Ianpiersonjdavis
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Howdy all!


I dunno if any pony that mentioned A Sapphire Shores episode where she SINGS ;)


I mean the comics had her performing in one issue why not a episode?


Wouldnt mind if she does.




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3. This would be the last season. :( (#1Dashyfan)



No!! I really hope that this is not the case because I just open up to this community to share a big intresst of mine (of course mlp). It would be so terrible if MLP:FIM would end right when I got to know you guys.


But if the worst happen and this is the last we will see of MLP:FIM...well at least it´s defiantly not the last we will see of MLP. Just look how big fan base this show has and think of how much money they are making of it. It would be stupid to just toss that away,or at least that´s what i´m thinking. One more thing MlP has been a fact in 4 hole generations. But the really big hit was this one. So I mean why stop when it´s so good maybe tell just end this generation and try to create a new one with MLP:FIM as an start point. I´m not saying that you are wrong but i just hope so with all of my heart. /)

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I would make predictions, but it is really hard. The one thing I like about this show is progress. They could've just stuck them in the bubble of ponyville and not take hen any further but they did. But now, after 4 seasons, they have little to advance. But that is ok.

- "Every book has its ending".

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1. Make the mane six more powerful WITHOUT making them Alicorn princesses. Examples include increasing Pinkies precognative senses to the point where she can read ahead in the script and Rainbow dash going so fast the world slows to a crawl matrix style.


2. Make a new mane six out of background characters for more slice of life episodes. Derpy would be that groups Pinkie.


3. More fluttercord episodes


4. More cmc growing up


5. Equestria at war with a neighboring land


6. Mane six exploring the globe.


7. Spike getting to be the boss for a change

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-Seeing more about Celly's and Luna's past


-Seeing more characters as colts and fillies


-A music video with singers or dancers being replaced with ponies...why not?


-More of Equestria being visited or outside of Equestria


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I want another Weird Al episode. He said he'd totally do it and they never really ruled out the idea either. I would also love an entire episode dedicated to Fluttershy just being a totally BAP (Bad-Apple-Pony!)(awesome basically because I can't curse :P)


Oh, and maybe an episode or two where they go insane again...creepy Twilight in Lesson Zero was just...creepy and awesome and Pinkie Pie's evil side is cool too.


A video game themed episode would also be interest since they did a comic one, why not?

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An episode I would love to see sometime in the future is an episode where spikes real parents return, this could do all sorts of things for spikes character.

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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1. Since we didn't have Babs Seed in season 4, I'm hoping she'd come in season 5. Our best bet is if Cindy Morrow writes an episode that season, since Babs is Cindy's character. Not just Babs, but we meet her unnamed sister (I know she was named in the comics but who knows if that's canon) and her two CMC friends that she talked about in Apple Family Reunion.


2. More Cheese Sandwich!


3.  A main character gone for a quarter of the season. I had this idea that no one might expect. One of the main characters having to go away from Ponyville for a while because of something important, but the Mane Five keeps begging for that one character to stay, but they know it's not their decision to make, and they have to learn to let them go. A very hard friendship lesson this is, but they'll be back in time for the finale! I'm thinking this would happen later in the season. I'm not saying this would happen, but it's a good idea.


4. A Pinkie Pie and Rarity episode, and a Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy episode. Pretty much the only two types of episodes that didn't star two Mane Six members yet. I mean, Swarm of the Century kinda stared both Fluttershy and Pinkie, but they didn't really socialize that much in it.


5. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon fight and go their separate ways. I've been waiting for an episode when those two have a huge argument and decide not to be friends anymore. We might learn a little bit from Silver Spoon, learning that she didn't want to be a bully. She does it to avoid being bullied, even though right now she seems like a side-kick to Diamond Tiara, and the CMCs are the only ones that can bring them back together. How? Well, let's let the writers think of that. ;)


6. Mareami, ponified Miami. Where is a tropical city in Equestria when you need one?


7. Side-characters having heroic episodes, like "helping save Equestria" type of heroic; characters like the CMCs, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Cheerilee, the Cakes, Zecora, Snails and Snips, those type of characters.


8. Spike having his own song, and not a gag song like in Equestria Games, a proper song; and I don't think we've heard Cheerilee, Shining Armor, or Zecora sing yet.


9. The Cake babies growing up. They should be at least two years old by now.


10. Shining Armor and Cadance having their own kid (what's taking so long for that?).


11. Zecora's backstory, and/or seeing another zebra.


12. Spike having episodes with ponies that are not Rarity or Twilight.


13. Spike's origin.


14. A changeling episode, and seeing a whole 'nother side to them. Are they really bad? Or did they just attack Canterlot because they're just hungry for love and nothing more?


15. The background pony Merry May having dialogue (she's my favorite BG pony!).


16. Two antagonists from the past working together that haven't been reformed yet (Discord and Tirek don't count because Tirek was a new villain).


17. Twilight and Trixie working together.


18. Apple Bloom crying (I know, it's a weird request, but she hasn't cried yet and it might look adorable and make you wanna hug her, y'know?).


19. More celebrity guest stars voicing.


20. Spike having an episode that doesn't involve him getting taught a lesson, rather he'd be helping someone else with a lesson, like he did on Lesson Zero.


21. Princess Celestia gets taught a lesson. ;) She maybe an Equestrian leader, but showing she's not perfect might really be best for her character. Hey, even Luna had to be taught a lesson in the past.


22. Meeting Starswirl the Bearded and Scorpan in person (by that I mean the main cast will meet them, not us :P). 


Alright, that's pretty much all I got right now. What do you think? I'd like to see the list of things you'd want to see next season or in a future season as well! :D

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My two cents on a few of these

4. A Pinkie Pie and Rarity episode, and a Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy episode. Pretty much the only two types of episodes that didn't star two Mane Six members yet. I mean, Swarm of the Century kinda stared both Fluttershy and Pinkie, but they didn't really socialize that much in it.

Add a Rainbow Dash and Rarity episode to this and you're golden

12. Spike having episodes with ponies that are not Rarity or Twilight.

yes please

13. Spike's origin.

yes please

17. Twilight and Trixie working together.

Please No, Trixie already gets enough attention as is, give some other one-shots another chance to shine for a change

19. More celebrity guest stars voicing.

Only if it's Mick Foley or Peter Cullen

Edited by Megas75
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1) I totally second that, they can make at least 2-3 awesome episodes using Babs Seed

2) That would be awesome but they haven't said anything yet about Weird AI Yankovic for Season 5

3) I doubt that'd be a good episode, maybe being missing for one or two episode would be good but for a quarter season (which means being missing for 6-7 episode)... To be honest, I totally can't stand not to see Pinkie Pie for a quarter season.

4) A Pinkie and Rarity episode would be very funny :D

5) How about that: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon decide not to be friend anymore, and CMC help them to make them friends again. After that episode, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon will not make fun with CMC anymore.

6) I really wanna see them sing, especially a Zecore song would be interesting :D

13) Well I guess we already know Spike's origin, Twilight broke his egg during his magic test in Cutie Mark Chronicles.

21) Another awesome idea :D

22) This one is what I really wanna in a Future season. It would be a shame if they will not make a Starswirl and Scorpan episode after all of those things that we've heard about them.

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1. Since we didn't have Babs Seed in season 4, I'm hoping she'd come in season 5. Our best bet is if Cindy Morrow writes an episode that season, since Babs is Cindy's character. Not just Babs, but we meet her unnamed sister (I know she was named in the comics but who knows if that's canon) and her two CMC friends that she talked about in Apple Family Reunion.



3.  A main character gone for a quarter of the season. I had this idea that no one might expect. One of the main characters having to go away from Ponyville for a while because of something important, but the Mane Five keeps begging for that one character to stay, but they know it's not their decision to make, and they have to learn to let them go. A very hard friendship lesson this is, but they'll be back in time for the finale! I'm thinking this would happen later in the season. I'm not saying this would happen, but it's a good idea.




5. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon fight and go their separate ways. I've been waiting for an episode when those two have a huge argument and decide not to be friends anymore. We might learn a little bit from Silver Spoon, learning that she didn't want to be a bully. She does it to avoid being bullied, even though right now she seems like a side-kick to Diamond Tiara, and the CMCs are the only ones that can bring them back together. How? Well, let's let the writers think of that. ;)


6. Mareami, ponified Miami. Where is a tropical city in Equestria when you need one?


7. Side-characters having heroic episodes, like "helping save Equestria" type of heroic; characters like the CMCs, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Cheerilee, the Cakes, Zecora, Snails and Snips, those type of characters.



9. The Cake babies growing up. They should be at least two years old by now.


10. Shining Armor and Cadance having their own kid (what's taking so long for that?).


11. Zecora's backstory, and/or seeing another zebra.



19. More celebrity guest stars voicing.





3- I expect that close to the show finale


5- Pinkie Pride made a hint that can happen between them. I would like an episode like that


6-A beach episode sound good, despite that Miami is far from my favorite city I've visited in the US


7- I don't expect them saving the day by themselves, but it would be cool if they have a big part in saving the day for a change


9- As with 3, I don't expect it until close to the finale


10- It doesn't have to be Princess Skyla, but yeah, I want Cadance as an expectant mother at least




19- Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, and or Jason Isaacs 


Might I ad.... I dunno...... FREAKING BAT PONIES  :angry: ?

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I will try not to be too Rarity fanatic with this. (I said try!)




  1. Rarity and Fluttershy get a duet
  2. Rarity and Pinkie Pie get an episode together
  3. Applejack is put in a situation where being honest can hurt her friends
  4. Spike refuses to do something for Rarity, and Rarity is fine so that Rarity haters would shut up about Rarity taking advantage of Spike.
  5. Babs returns with her cutie mark. 
  6. Discord dresses up like Q
  7. Fluttershy's parents appear
  8. An episode with Discord, parasprites, and changelings (Even better if Discord dressed like Q in this episode)
  9. Applejack almost loses the farm, and Rarity helps her get it back. 
  10. Rarity tells Applejack to be honest. (Applejack told Rarity to be generous...)
  11. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom do sister swap (Apple Bloom lives with Rarity for a day, and Sweetie Belle lives with Applejack for a day.)
  12. Rule 63 episode
  13. Twilight becomes evil, and it is up to her friends to stop her.



  1. Apple Bloom is visited by Luna in a dream

I don't have any other predictions. There are some things I know will happen, but that is not exactly a prediction. 

Edited by VisualSpectrum
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Applejack Fan Club

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There are a lot of things I'd like to see in season five--namely, the reappearance and further development of a few characters.

  1. More Discord! I was very pleased with how much we saw of him in season four, but am now especially interested in seeing more after "Twilight's Kingdom". How will ponies like Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash (choosing two loyal ponies at the top of my head) act after his betrayal? Is he truly reformed now? Has his relationship with Fluttershy changed? Do I need to go on?
  2. Braeburn! And while we're talking apples, let's see some more of Babs Seed.
  3. More information on the history of Celestia and Luna, particularly her transformation into Nightmare Moon. The season four flashbacks were pretty great, and I'd love to see something similar in season five.
  4. Cheerilee, Shining Armor, and Mayor Mare. I've always found these characters interesting, and I'd really like to learn more about them.
  5. Further explanation of the cultures of non-ponies or non-Equestrians: griffons, Saddle Arabians, changelings, buffalo, etc.
  6. One of the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting their cutie mark before the others. It'd be a test of their friendship and a great opportunity for someone (Spike, maybe?) to teach them about jealousy.
  7. Spike episodes!
  8. Information on Scorpan, Tirek's brother. He seemed like a nice fellow.
  9. Sea ponies. (Shoo be doo, shoo, shoo be doo?)
  10. Fluttershy gaining some characterization that lasts for more than one episode.
  11. More of Pinkie Pie's family and past--perhaps even a return of Pinkamena.
  12. Iron Will.
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I think Trixie will come back and be offered to be taught under the tutelage of Luna, to have her as a student to be taught under her wing. That's my one prediction on what could happen in Season 5.


That or Twilight will take Trixie under her wings instead. Either way, Trixie should come back on the show as a good guy instead of a bad guy. She shouldn't fall into the trap for a third time.

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2. The rest of mane six would become princesses.

that seems likely. there is one thing i think that will happen, a male alicorn, i mean the possiblity is there.
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I'd like to see more development of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. I want an explanation on why they act the way they do and maybe see them grow more friendly. Its getting kind of old seeing them playing the same roles every episode they're in.

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I think that M.A Larson will once again use his powers of alicornation and turn all the mane 6 into alicorns. I mean they already all have a throne in a castle, so princesses might not be that far off.

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The biggest Fluttershy-Fan in the whole of Switzerland :yay:  ( I am actually not sure of that :blush: )

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