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Season 5 Predictions/Hopes


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This series is milking money more than anyone had ever expected. I don't think season 5 will be the last. Though after a possible season 6, I'll get uneasy...as a longtime television watcher, six seasons is the maximum number of seasons a typical show can stay fresh.


Agreed. They raised the bar VEEERRY high with the Generation 4 interpretation of Tirek. Where do you go from that? This considered, I'm going to suggest two events that could make for season 5 and season 6 finales, respectively.


Event one: Return of Grogar the Necromancer


Let's face it, underneath that villainary awesomeness that is Tirek lies the plausible suggestion that Hasbro and the MLP Crew are short on ideas. So G1 was able to provide. I really didn't pay attention to ANYTHING before G4, because BARF!! But I understand that apart from Tirek, Grogar was viewed as a pretty menacing villain of that era. If I have read correct, "The Crystal Empire" parts 1 & 2 are pretty much "The Return of Tambelon" rewritten, kinda like how "The Mare in the Moon" and "The Elements of Harmony" have elements of "Rescue at Midnight Castle" in their plotline. So the story of Tambelon can't be retold the same way, but I think the idea of having Grogar return and use his necromancy for a grab for power of some description is a possibility. I'm gonna say it, now that I've mentioned "The Crystal Empire" and raising the dead - Sombra returns under Grogars control. It could happen. That, or he resurrects Starswirl to the dismay of Scorpan. OR, they just make him another powerful wizard that the 6 have to defeat.


Event two: The Great War of Equestria


You know what, the hell with it. If My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic were to end after a 6th season, let it end with the biggest event of Equestrian history. Or save this idea for the very end of the show, whenever it happens to be. As Twilights role as Princess of Friendship (I think Princess of Harmony would have sounded better, but oh well) becomes more significant, I would like to see more of what goes on in Equestrian politics. I want to see one of two situations. A large army of a distant region of their world moving in to conqure Equestria and the defence force is a combination of the Canterlot and Crystal Empire royal guard as the ground troops, the Wonderbolts of Cloudsdale and possibly some resident dragons as the airforce and Twilights role, of course, is to settle the conflict at the final climax of the episode with the help of her friends.


The second situation is a much darker option. Through either influence of a greater power, political disagreement between the 3 breeds or some other push, some form of divide or schism between Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns occur. The split between races worsens into a state of war. Feeling powerless to put a stop to the quarrel, the Alicorn Princesses either flee or lock themselves in safe houses. OR they are imprisoned just for refusing to be involved in such a quarrel. Ponyville has now become involved and now Twilight is stuck right in the middle. And when things seem bad, it gets worse when her friends are pressured into siding with their respective race. Twilight, being an Alicorn, is at a loose end as she can neither pick a side, nor does she want to. When her friends leave her behind for the sake of the war, she remains in the castle devistated, heartbroken, upset and alone. Alone, except for Spike, her loyal assistant and longest time friend, and Discord, who I think should be the one to now give the friendly advice and reasurrance that she needs in this time of crisis. With the help of Discord, Twilight manages to free/find the other alicorn princesses and kidnap her friends who now hate eachother due to the influence of the war. It takes a group effort from all four Alicorns, Discord and Spike to remind them of what is really important. Twilight has the last word of wisdom and lives up to her new title, reminding her friends of why they're friends and what makes their friendship important. When the 6 are finally reunited as friends, they engage their rainbow power for one last time and bring peace to equestria once more.


Ok, I'm a very dark person, let's just move on to my last few hopes for the upcoming season...


  • Discord is now a regular reccuring character, a background character or has a central role to the Mane 6's season 5 adventures. No more "Discord, the Plot Device", spank you very much. And give him an episode with Twilight and an episode with Fluttershy.
  • More interaction between Pinkie and AJ, Rarity and AJ, some interaction between Rarity and RD and some Twilight and Rarity interaction.
  • Babs Seed in future CMC episodes
  • MOAR SPIKE EPISODES!!! Preferably ones that don't make him look or feel useless. And everybody likes Sparity episodes, Moar Sparity!!
  • Now with Twilight being a Princess, Ponyville residents are probably gonna come to her for friendship advice. How about an episode that consists of 6 tales of background ponies taking their problems to Twilight to be resolved, then ending the episode off with Twilights reflection of the day.
  • One off situation where Twilight and the other Princesses have to travel to Tartarus and interrogate Tirek for information on the season 5 villain.

That's my spin over.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • Discord x Main 6 interactions. I'd love to see a Discord / Applejack & Rainbow Dash episode. Fluttershy was his friend for quite a long time, Twilight tried to accept him, Pinkie kinda liked him (well, after all, it's Pinkie Pie, she likes everypony) and he mentioned about Rarity's influence. But Rainbow Dash and Applejack never trusted him (and for a good reason), I can't just believe that now they're going to love each other. Trust is something hard to gain and both AJ and RD are rather overprotective, when it comes to friends and family, they'd probably still have a little problem with trusting and treating him as their friend.
  • Pinkie Pie x Rarity & Pinkie Pie x Fluttershy episodes, please. Pretty please. 

Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! :D



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This series is milking money more than anyone had ever expected. I don't think season 5 will be the last. Though after a possible season 6, I'll get uneasy...as a longtime television watcher, six seasons is the maximum number of seasons a typical show can stay fresh.

:o What about The Simpsons? It was still good after its 6th season.
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I predict that in season 5, the villain in the premier two parter will be none other that the infamous Smooze. and then the villain in the season Finale two parter will be the generation 1 goat character known as Grogar.

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More Luna/Celestia. At least an episode dedicated to them each + 1 sister episode for them.

2-parters that don't have Twilight as the main character. Pleeeeeeeeese. Just reduce her importance a teeeeeeny bit.

Don't make Cel/Luna useless (read:captured) in 2-parters.

Actual Luna song (not about Twilight).

No more evolutions, political or magical (more princesses/castles/other political power increases for anyone)

Changelings. Please?

A personal story for the other mane 6 (Dash has her wonderbolts for example).

More mane6 family time. Twi's parents with speaking roles? Fluttershy's/Rainbow's family?

Less Discord :P



None of that above bar another meaningless wonderbolt episode most likely (not that I wouldn't enjoy that still).

Actually, I predict an Applebloom episode with a Luna dream sequence. Probably stressing over getting her cutie mark as she's the one more worried about not getting one.

Other than that, I can't make any other guesses other than the same as it's been doing the past few seasons.

Edited by Greenlitsky
  • Brohoof 2

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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not gonna lie, I LOVED how this past season ended!

it was great, yet really set the bar high, and I CAN'T WAIT for next season already~!


that being said, while I have no idea what-so-ever for an over-arching plot, if I could sneak into the writing room and slip in some of my wishes, here's a few thing's I can only hope for next season:

  • the return of king sombra, since there has been speculation that he's survived in the remaining bit of his horn that was blasted away when he was destroyed
  • more shining armour + princess cadance??
  • shining armour + princess cadance baby??? 8DDDDDDD
  • more world building!! the show's been good about exploring various corners of Equestria but I want more!
  • more aj + rarity friendship! they contrast each other so nicely, I love when they share screen time! more I say!
  • more cute transformations, ie. when they all became breezies i just wanna draw my oc's like that VuV
  • I know people have mentioned this, but a royalty based episode would be nice. just to see insight on celestia + luna


AHHHHH I can't think of anything else, but I'm just so very excited~!


 cause there's a hole where your h e a r t lies                                  
 and i can see it with my third eye  


sketch freebies  avi/sig by me porcelain rose 

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I have an idea for an episode that would be awesome, We've seen an episode based on western comic-book superheroes, well how about an episode based on Japanese superheroes like Super-Sentai (Power-Rangers) or even Kamen-Rider. Iam a huge fan of tokusatsu shows like those and thought that would be nice to see.What do you guys think?

Check out my artwork at http://kainsword-kaijin.deviantart.com/

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I for one would like to see less discord.  :(  Hold on don't drown me in hatred just yet. I love discord's character, well, Loved... really...

It's just that his character has grown so weak, boring and dumb (no offences) I think he's no longer enjoyable to watch. All he really does now is wear funny outfits and throw a couple of jokes. (Hells, we already has pinkie for that). They can't really do much with him anymore since they succesfully destroyed what seemed like the only way for him to transform back into an interesting character. I fear he will become nothing more than comic relief, a role he's  already slowly slipping into. 


You all probably have tooootaly different opinions so please, don't kill me too much..... ... <3


Also, give the CMC some cutiemarks for heavens' sake.

Do you want to build a snowman?

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- Season Finale Twilight must show how importend friendship is, to stop a war.


- more episodes like Winter wrap up/ Hurrikan Fluttershy show what the ponys do.


- Batponys


- Sparity episode


- fewer action


- see Button Mash


- they add little pip or velvet remedy in the show

Edited by Burny
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I predict/hope that:


1. Discord should still be mischievous (Dunno how that can work since he's like 99.9999999999% reformed)




3. Twilight's castle to have more room than just a circle counsel room or something


4. Another Equestria Games but this time WITH THE GAMES ACTUALLY BEING IN IT


5. Life story of Scootaloo, Zecora, Discord, Princess Luna/Celestia,


6. A back story about Starswirl The Bearded (that includes Scorpan)


7. I don't want the CMC to suffer, but I don't want them to get their Cutie Marks just yet...


8. Spike's backstory?


9. I know this show is about "Friendship" but can Twilight and Spike be more like "mother and son" sort of way? (Don't judge :P)


10. Spike gets more episodes


11. AJ gets more episodes


12. A more evil villain that Tirek (IF THAT'S POSSIBLE! HAHA)


13. Sombra's dead, so I hope Chrysalis will come back with better plans than just letting the Mane 6 PAWN her loyal subjects


14. More Fluttershy and Discord


15. Needs more Twilight Sparkle episodes


16. A SOLO song for Princess Luna!?


17. Spike being noticed more


18. Can somepony help us with most of the cliffhangers in Season 4???


19. More Twilight Sparkle!


and last but not the least


20. An episode with a deeper message just like Suited for Success, if you understand the episode well, you'll know what I mean (You should check out Tommy Oliver's review about it, he explains it well and it kinda gave me a mini-nuke to the brain)


I'm new here so this is my 1st official post (excluding the Welcome Plaza post), I hope nopony will hate me for this :(

So... got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I as a good friend could help you solve?

~Twilight Sparkle in "Lesson Zero"

We've learned that friendship is never easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for.

~Twilight Sparkle in "Return of Harmony Part 2"


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I hope we get an episode with just the mane six's parents meeting and talking about memories of their daughters as fillies. :squee:


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As I assume this season, it premieres next year after we've finished with Rainbow Rocks. :yay:
When do Applejack going to be a unicorn in Season 5.

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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I don't think it will actually premiere in 2015, but near the end of 2014. And that episode 100 will air on Valentines Day, being a CelestiCord episode.




February 14th, 2015 is a Saturday indeed, they might make a Valentines Day episode. :)

Edited by Blobulle
  • Brohoof 1
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  • I really want to see Sweet Apple Acres in spring. Blooming apple trees *3* It'd be wonderful!


  • I don't want Trixie in season 5 and I hope she won't appear. Every episode about her is about the same thing and there's not much more to do with her character. Not in the cartoon anyway.


  •  On one of the conventions the writers mentioned Luna x Applejack episode. MAKE IT HAPPEN, HASBRO!


  • Twilight preparing a royal party (with Pinkie's help, of course). I find this idea very amusing XD 

Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! :D



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I want to see a day in the life Celestia and Luna episode to finally expand on their characters and their relationship a bit more.

I hope that unlike last season every single member of the mane 6 won't be shoehorned into almost every single episode again and that only the needed characters for the plot will appear in episodes.

I hope to see Twilight's role as a princess be expanded upon more and allow for more development for her character.

I want to see the CMC finally get their cutie marks already and for Scootaloo to develop through flat-out never being able to fly ever.

I hope that the animation improves a lot more and we can see some more animation techniques in the series.

I really hope that season 5 is really good because season 4 was amazing and I don't know if it could be topped.

I want to get some more history of equestria and some more worldbuilding such as traveling to places outside equestria as well perhaps.

  • Brohoof 1


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I have Season 5 will premiere in 2015 which is the Chinese Year of the Goat and it has 26 episodes in it.


We still need Season 6 to air though I'm impressed I announce another season for you too. :D

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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I don't really know. But for one thing I do know. Hasbro stated that they will be continuing My little pony Friendship is Magic for 5 more years with means there will be 5 more seasons.

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Here's my wish list: 


1. Have an episode that features/introduces the sea ponies, maybe in a pirate themed episode. 

2. More Twilight episodes. Not just the opening and the finale. 

3. Don't shoehorn in the mane 6 into almost every episode. 

4. A backround pony episode featuring Doctor Whooves, Derpy, Bonbon, or other backround ponies. 

5.A political intrigue type episode, maybe a 2 parter featuring the princesses. 

6. Have the mane 6 travel to saddle arabia. It just sounds like a cool place. 

7. Twilight's parents in an episode with SPEAKING parts, and maybe do this with any of the mane 6. 

8. Make the Rainbow Power Forms look less silly, which they could probably just do by making there mane's and tails there normal length. 

9.Give Rainbow Dash a solo song.  



I could probably think of more, but these are the ones I can think of as of right now.

  • Brohoof 4


“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”  - Douglas Adams


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I hope the cutie mark crushadeders gets their well deserved cutie marks.

I also do not think season 5 will be the last, i think hasbro sees how good the show is and i do not know why they would end it when it has such an awesome and huge fanbase! :wub:

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to @kaz for making me this sig!!


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I hope the cutie mark crushadeders gets their well deserved cutie marks.

I also do not think season 5 will be the last, i think hasbro sees how good the show is and i do not know why they would end it when it has such an awesome and huge fanbase! :wub:

Yea, they have been trolling us so much with the cutie mark thing, hopefully they actually do get their cutie marks before the whole thing ends, if not I am going to be pretty disapointed. :blush:


And from what I have heard there is supposed to be at least one more season after season 5, though on how long the whole thing will run for we better be carefull what we wish for. I mean we don't want it to end up going so long that it runs out of any and all originality, if it ends at season 5 and season 5 has a good ending then I would be perfectly happy, after all we don't want a repeat of the whole Spongebob incident.


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