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Any ships you simply don't care for in this fandom?


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Which ones don't I care about? Least favourite? Oh this is an easy one

ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Credit to Rainbowdash72 for sig :D credit to Ivory for the amazing avatar :D credit to couleur for the wallpaper
if your in hell keep going

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I don't care about anything which is not cannon related.

But I respect other's imagination, and I think it's pretty amazing to be creative with this sort of thing, as with any other form of expression.
There's no use for me in discussing the subject further.

I don't think my way of thinking, and feeling is the correct way. As I don't think your way of thinking is wrong, even if we disagree. I see them all as form of expression, equally valid despite our differences. Just let it be. You will be happier this way.

Be yourself. Accept and validate yourself, before looking for others' acceptance!

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I don't really care for TwiSentry..

 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!"

What do you think of me?:


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The Cherilee/Big Mac ship pisses me off. Both because Hasbro did it for the whole Hearts and Hooves thing and because people are eating it up. I understand it may work better then FlutterMac but at least the FlutterMac one is cute. The CheriMac ship... eh... I personally think we, as fans, could do better.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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I dislike any and all heterosexual ships. xD  Which is why I imagine that all stallions actually have the hots for each other and leave the mares ALONE.

  • Brohoof 3

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I dislike any and all heterosexual ships. xD  Which is why I imagine that all stallions actually have the hots for each other and leave the mares ALONE.

Hell yes! All about those gay ponies!  :pinkie:

  • Brohoof 3


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  • 4 weeks later...

One ship I absolutely HATE is Dislestia. One popular theory is that Discord used to be in love with Celestia (He possibly turned evil after being rejected, or the other way around). Except that everything we've seen so far seems to indicate that Discord had always been a cruel tyrant. Celestia only started to feel positive emotions towards Discord some time before "Keep Calm and Flutter On", and even then these feelings weren't romantic love but simply a glimmer of hope that he might not be the absolute worst being that can possibly exist.

A second ship I dislike is SpikeBelle. People often ship it because Sweetie Belle is similar to Rarity, but closer in age to Spike, so it doesn't carry the weird pedophilic overtones of RariSpike. Sounds good, until you realize that it means Spike is basically just treating Sweetie Belle as a "consolation prize" since he can't get the real thing.

Then there's FlashLight, which I don't like just because Flash Sentry is a boring character who doesn't really do anything.

Edited by Manman20x6
  • Brohoof 2


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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I never really cared for Rarijack


Also I really want to know how the fuck Mauxie is a thing

Edited by Megas75
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I hate the Derpy x Dr Whooves ship, leave her alone! x( (it's not canon at all. I hate even more the idea of Dinky being Derpy's daughter...)

Edited by Blobulle
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Also I really want to know how the fuck Mauxie is a thing


Now that you mention it, I HAVE seen a few pics of these two and wondered "What the hell?"


They never interacted with each other, and don't have similar or contrasting personalities, so I really don't get it at all.

  • Brohoof 1


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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I don't particularly like Sparity. Another ship I don't like is Twixie or whatever Twilight x Trixie is called ^_^ It's just not my cup of tea considering the tension these two have shared :(


Also a more recent ship....Aria x Sonata.....just....why? :blink:


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I despise these ships.









-ShiningCadence (Whatever the fuck the ship name is.)



-Any ship that interferes with my OTPs.


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Hey @@Manman20x6, I have merged your thread with a pre-established thread that similarly hosts discussion for people's least favourite ships. Please make sure that you check to see if a thread concerning your discussion topic is already in place before posting. Whilst the search function is experiencing issues, this can also be achieved by googling titular keywords and 'site:mlpforums.com'. Many thanks. :)

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To be serious about the topic, though, the way I look at ships is that literally none of them make sense. There is nothing there, people are making this stuff off up the top of their head. A smile here or a bouquet of flowers there doesn't amount to much, and the closest thing we get to an actual canon ship is Twilight and Flash, which almost everyone hates anyway.


Because I see ships as all the same, I either have to hate them all or not have a problem with any of them. I don't hate them, so that means almost any ship is fine by me. Pretty much any character dynamic from the show would make for an interesting relationship, and the reason people don't like a particular ship is because they think the character(s) should be with someone else. Again, since all ships are baseless anyway and most likely won't ever be canon, that's not a problem for me. It's just interesting when people explore the possibilities.


tl;dr, there are no ships I have a problem with.


That being said, the only exception to that is incest; it doesn't sit right with me. They're pretty rare though, so I don't worry about it too much.

Edited by TenorSounds
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RarityxSpike should never ever happen period.


TwilightXTrixie is just your vanilla Rival who can never be anywhere near as good as the main character pairing that fans do so, whatever. 


PinkiexCheese - Meh, So boring when both characters are the same exact character. 

Edited by Ramsey the Goat
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Not a fan of the Mane Six being in romantic relationships in general-minor characters like the Cakes, Shining and Cadance, or Cranky and Matilda don't bother me though, with that said-there are four that really don't have me invested.



Soarin x Rainbow Dash.


He has little to no character-which, give me no real investment in any kind of romantic relationship he may have.


His first appearance wasn't exactly endearing to me either, given the fact his voice makes him sound stupid and given his only character trait outside of being a Wonderbolt being his obsession with pies.


So, it's kind of hard not for me to see him like that, the fact that he instantly forgave Spitfire and Flootfoot in Rainbow Falls also made him come off as a push-over, which seems like something that would annoy Dash more than anything, given how frustrated she has shown to be with Fluttershy at times, despite their friendship.



Flash Sentry x Twilight



The problem with inter-dimensional romance is that for it to blossom into something more serious to the point of tying the knot and settling down, human Flash would have to leave his world, friends, and family to go to Equestria or Twilight would have to do the same to go to the human world-and then there is the issue of their doppelgangers and the problems that those could create with ruining the balance between worlds that Celestia was so concerned about in the first Equestria Girls.


Not to mention moving on to human Twilight for Flash or pony Flash for Twilight would probably come off as insulting to the other party as they wouldn't be dating their own versions of each other because they like them, just the idea of them that was first introduced to them-they have no idea how similar or different they might be in their respective universes.


The thought of just being a replacement solely to fill a void left by someone else, while not even really knowing the other person just comes off as really selfish to me.



Discord x Fluttershy 



Their friendship doesn't bother me in the slightest, but romance? 


I don't buy it, I think the only reason he squeed when talking about Fluttershy to Tirek was because he has a lot of respect for her because she is the first person to ever want to be his friends and spend prolonged periods of time with of her own free will without wanting to cause him bodily harm, actually showing compassion to him-which can be platonic, and genuinely try to help him when he became sick, whereas the others have little tolerance for his affinity for being an obnoxious jerk purely for his own amusement.


In eons, this is the only individual who enjoyed being around him, so it makes a lot of sense for him to value her as a friend, but as far as romance goes, I think people are reading WAY too much into things (though, admittedly that seems to be the basis for shipping).



'Prince' Sombra x Celestia



The contradictary writing for the plot of the material that presented the shipping aside, it feels very forced as the character of Prince Sombra is perfect in so many ways that he even gets Fluttershy who has never shown any interest in romance previously to drool over him, Celestia lying to everyone to preserve said relationship, ditching her royal duties to go visit her waifu without notifying anyone on the castle staff and causing widespread panic among them, potentially causing the end of two universes, and never learning from the selfishness of mistakes she made in the past or even really caring about the consequences most of the time until they finally catch up with her, despite claiming it was just her younger self that was stupid and reckless while enacting the exact same behavior because she believe that the ends justify the means as long as they are together.


In short, said romance only made her a worse individual.

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Except that everything we've seen so far seems to indicate that Discord had always been a cruel tyrant.


I don't think Discord has ever been portrayed as cruel. He takes pleasure in annoying ponies, and values chaos over organisation. He was intolerably irritating, sure. But not cruel.

  • Brohoof 1

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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