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File limits on everything seem to be the worst for me personally.


Good-looking signatures and profile backgrounds seem compressed when you push them down to the correct file size/resolution (a few still look great when resized though).


Avatar-wise, I can typically work with 150kb for a gif with no problems but some gifs I have to remove up to 30 frames or more from just to get it down to 200kb, let alone below 150kb.


I think I've complained about this numerous times, lol.

Signatures and backgrounds, are okay. I can deal with it. But making a nice avatar is the worse on this site because the kb size is so awful. ;-;

  • Brohoof 3
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It seems to me like half the topics I browse are more of a static opinion pinboard than a actual back and forth discussion. Sometimes I get really disappointed when I see such topics as headcanons and observations and no one has any decent conversational feedback. It really kinda contradicts the base concept of forums.

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  • 1 month later...

Mine are-


-Going offline a few minutes before my special somepony messages me, and not realising it until later ;~;


-When somepony makes a status update, and someone replies to it with 'okay?' or 'meh' or other very short and rude replies... this hasn't even happened for my updates, and it still kinda irks me =/


-When I accidentally close/refresh the tab while making a long post/message and have to start again


-Not knowing how to reply to something said to me, and I end up feeling very guilty about it :(


-When somepony makes more than one status update to do with the same thing and refuses to just continue talking about it in the comments of one update


-Seeing my earlier posts and updates. Even though I've been here for only a few months, I still can't help wondering 'what was I thinking back then?'  :blink:

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- Bad grammar, spelling, or typos - especially in two cases:

  1. Topic titles.
  2. My own posts. (How embarrassing!) 

- When I want to post in a thread but I'm still the last one to have posted in it.


- When I get a new notification and I haven't refreshed the page since the last time I opened the dropdown.


- The automatic border added to avatars. (What if I don't want straight edges? WHAT THEN?)

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When you try to post something on a member's wall and his or her profile is set to private and they respond unknowingly without approving my post. Therefore I'm unable to see shit when I get a notification of their response.

Edited by Dsanders
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When people post whiny vague status updates and no one knows what the fuck they're talking about except maybe a few people. If you're going to say something in public please make sense while doing so, otherwise there's no point in telling anyone about it outside of your friends who understand what's going on.

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  • The avatar size: a very common complain,but which also bugs me much more than it should. The avatar size limit is too small to really allow to upload anything. With still pics,is fine,but with gifs...oh my god,it gets hard.

  • Status updates: this only happened to me once so far,but,one time,I had a bad day,and just wanted to get a hug and maybe talk to someone,but no replies.

    Minutes after,someone posts a dumb Status Update,and it gets tons of replies on mere minutes. That really grinded my gears for a brief moment.

  • When people is lovey dovey in public: that isn't only targetted to MLPForums,but also in general. I like love,I like seeing people being happy thanks to the love,but when two people start to be all day like "I love you" and "Cutie",my patience is tested. Again,I don't have nothing wrong against people that likes to be a little lovey dovey,but when they start to be annoying and they pester the other people with that,it's really an issue.
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Well... I agree with a couple of posts on this page. But some of mine include:

The language- Seriously. This is a kid's show :l I just don't think it's cool or likeable to read a swear word, that didn't need to be said (Which is usually true all the time). I can deal with it... But I don't like to. If I had the power, I'd delete any post with inappropriate words right away.

When I refresh the page by accident - Happens when I'm on a slow device, and is really annoying...

Notifications- So many pop up on my bar in 10 minutes time... I leave for a bit and come back to about (at least) 12 posts! And sometimes, it'll push out the notifications I would have rather seen. :( Sucks...

Superiority complex - Some users seem to have one. When someone else or I make a purposefully fun comment, and they sarcastically reply or become a smart Alec back... Who's the jerk? Perhaps both. But at least one of the two had a good hearted purpose.

That's my main list...

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It seems to me like half the topics I browse are more of a static opinion pinboard than a actual back and forth discussion. Sometimes I get really disappointed when I see such topics as headcanons and observations and no one has any decent conversational feedback. It really kinda contradicts the base concept of forums.

Yeah, someone thinks like me! :)

That's why I dislike the pinboard-type topics.

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Well. It's like a Facebook post. People expect people to just say things... It works on another forum I'm part of. Whatever the starting topic was, is quickly replaced by something completely off topic.

Yeah, someone thinks like me! :)

That's why I dislike the pinboard-type topics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When some people say "I'm going to get a lot of hate for this" when they are talking about an unpopular opinion. Chances are, you're not going to get hate for your opinion, mainly because most of the people here are very relaxed when it comes to having an opinion. Plus, most of the people here know that sending hate mail for an opinion is considered breaking the rules.

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  • 1 month later...

-When I want to use a profile picture or background or whatever but MLPForums says it's too big


-When a post from another post I put magically ends in my other post. (Example, you comment on 2 threads and part of a reply from one of them is somehow in your post in the other thread.)


-The mobile site at times.


-When I'm about to post in a thread but someone says what I wanted to say.


-When most of my notifications are status updates from friends. I usually don't mind it but dang, that's a lot. A lot of people's, including me at times I admit, tend to use the status updates like it's Twitter or something.


-When I need to use the word codes or whatever for motes when I want to use them. D:


-Editing my profile on mobile


-I'm on mobile and I want to do something you need the desktop site for but it glitches out or doesn't work at all.


-When someone friend you but rarely sees you or talk to you.


And many others I'll edit in later. :please:

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I am going to post something that I am very guilty of and am not proud of... saying your going to leave the forums and end up coming back. Thus you could categorize this with drama and I look back at those times that I did that... I am ashamed that I did that from time to time and did not handle my inner emotions well enough. That would be a pet peeve of mine now even though I was guilty of it in the past and if I could go back and changed how I handled my emotions during those times. Oh how I would do so in a heartbeat.


Another pet peeve of mine is when I see someone constantly making signature request threads day to day and asking multiple users to make them the very same thread. They never say thank you and will have each of those members take their time to make them a signature and most of the time do not even use it. Like why would you ask someone to take their time to make you something and then ask someone else to make the samething?? You pretty much wasted the time of the first person you asked and made them feel bad because you didn't even use the sig they made for you that you asked for.



4. I really hate it when users use this face: :blush:

:blush:  .... Wasn't me ehhh whoops that was an accident :derp:

Edited by Gone Airbourne
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When I have 10 notifications, and they're all status updates from the same user.


Consolidate, folks. Its not a big deal, but come on now.

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Here's my pet peeve: it's difficult for me to find the right post to respond in. Sometimes I want to reply in one thread, but when I check the thread, I end up forgetting what I wanted to post.

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I hate when people reply to what I've said but, one, don't quote or tag me in order to give me a notification that they've replied or two, don't mention my or anyone's name so I don't know if it's me they're replying to. But this doesn't really happen too often. If they haven't tagged me, I don't even know if they've replied so I'm unaware to be bothered by it.


When people take a joke and turn it into serious, no-fun-times. That's just a pet peeve for life in general, though.

Edited by Clover Heart
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Whenever people follow anything related to mainstream media, particularly tabloids and some talk shows. I find that a lot of dumb people watch and follow that sort of stuff. 

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Something that seems to be a trend on the forums that I've been noticing lately is kind of jarring and irritating to me:


Spamming your opinions.


Not just in say threads but also in statuses. People constantly reminding everyone mostly on what they hate. They feel the need to spam their statuses about it. We get it, you hate this thing, now stop reminding everyone about it every 4 seconds. It would be a bit better if they weren't THE EXACT SAME OPINIONS! 


It's worse in threads. I've seen people whom I won't name in particular somehow contrive a thread topic just so they can constantly rant on a topic. I've seen so many conversations derailed because of it. Hence, a thread about Fluttershy's development in a recent episode is somehow turned into a discussion on why Fluttershy somehow sucks now. Just, how do you do that?

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