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What month did you join the herd?  

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  2. 2. What year did you join the herd?

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In 2011 I discovered ponies. I kept seeing people ask others if they were bronies and I didn't bother to check what that meant. Then one day someone on Skype asked me "do you watch My Little Pony?" and I was like lolwat? So I Googled it and read all about it on Wikipedia. I was really interested in the fandom. Not a part of it at the time, just really curious as to why people watched it. I watched a few episodes on YouTube the next day to see what all the fuss was about. I guess I liked it a little because before I knew it I was up to episode 7. But that's not when I joined the herd.


In 2012 I was just browsing YouTube and I saw so much freaking pony in the related videos section. I was suddenly interested in My Little Pony again. I started watching the first few episodes again and watching pony videos until I went to bed. I was just lying there and I thought to myself, "am I a brony? That show actually isn't bad." After a few minutes of thinking I just decided, "yep, whatever, I'm a brony" then rolled over and went to sleep. When I woke up I spent the whole day watching episodes and fanmade videos. Good times.

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Honestly I can't remember when I became one but I remember when I accepted that I was a brony. It was June 2013 oddly enough a couple of my freinds were bronies, I didn't really care. But there were all these references and in jokes I didn't understand, eventually they were sending me links to the episodes and I was like "STAHP IT NO PLZ STAHP!!!!" At the end of that week I decided that I was judging books by thier cover so I checked it out... I found myself intreged by just all of it... I had watched all the episodes on that weekend then realizing what I did I said to myself "I-I'm a brony..." then accepting what had become of me I was dissapoint for a while. I remembered the friendship report from "Boast Busters" (can't remember off the top of my head anymore lol) that I was holding a dear part of myself inside... I got over my... dissapointnes? Whatever, I got over that and began to express it!!!  :)  And with that, something, I shall end it here...

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Well, is is gonna be a LONG story. It all started in the sixth grade. I was a different person back then. I lied. A lot. Mostly just to be unique. When I first herd about bronies, I though, "hey, let's pretend that I'm one of them, and I can be even more unique!" Upon sharing this with my friends, I found that one of them was a brony. He was overjoyed. The others... Not so much. The brony at my table, who we'll call Bob, said for them to give the show a chance. They said they would, but we had to watch with them. Needless to say, I did. And I discovered how great MLP is and how great the fandom is. I was finally a brony on September 2, 2012. And from there, I converted around 10 people to the fandom. Well, me. That was quite long-winded. I can catch my breath now...

Edited by super2379
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A classmate of mine made me listen to the Alex S. glitch mix of the theme song. I had no idea what it was, of course, but I thought it was great - really well made and sounded amazing! Then, before I knew what was happening, it gets to singing "My Little Pony~"... A tune I recognised from the ads for those girly toys from years and years ago. And I just say... "WHAT." And he tells me that the new show is just as good as that song was. I should watch it, he says.


I suppose the rest is history. Needless to say, I still think he was right.


For reference: I reckon that's the best way to convince someone to try the show. Give them something that they can't deny is great, then throw at them that it's actually about ponies. Seriously keep that in mind if you do want to get your friends to watch it, but don't want to introduce it by sounding mental. :D

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It was late early 2011 when I found ponies. In fact, when I first came by it, it was from seeing a anime show that came on called...you know I actually forgot the show name heheh...I remember seeing what was coming on and was about to change the channel, thinking the common thought: oh great, another kid show for girls...but then I watched. It started off like I thought it would with the intro. Girly music and a bunch of cartoon horses...great. Then I gave it a chance. I watched it and it astonished me, so I watched the next episode...I was hooked. That's when the controversy kicked in. "Oh no! I like a girl's show! What will my friends and family think? They must never know!" Thus began my life of liking MLP. It wasn't until years later actually that I thanked the many stars in the sky that I wasn't alone. I found Bronies. There were others who shared my love. My life as a brony continued in secrecy for a long time until now. Now I have joined the herd and can be around those who I have so long yearned to be with...my dream would be to one day go to a BronyCon. Ever since I found out there was one, I've wanted to go...without the means. Maybe someday :)

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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From what I remember I was watching a youtube video about a Minecraft tv mod and it turns out the mod reviewer had mlp on the Minecraft tv mod.( Tbh I don't think I knew what it was then.) Then because I liked Nyan cat using my common sense I look for a dubstep remix so I found the Alex s remix. I left it for a bit and then curiosity got me and late February I watched my first mlp episode what was "games ponies play". I liked it so I decided to watch from the beginning. And then early march I officially call myself a brony ^^


And that's how equestria was mane


Bad grammar? Typing on iphone

Edited by Cloud_Zephyr





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I actually became a brony in a young age. I was 10 and I randomly was browsing through the TV and came across the show. I was fairly interested when I saw who made it. I was like "I'll give it a shot since she also made my child favorite TV show." The word brony didn't even exist in that time. I was entertained by the animation and artwork. It just seemed so unique in my opinion. Ever since, I loved the show. How about you?

Edited by Th3 Chaos Theory
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A quick search produces no other results, so I'd say this thread is safe.


As for me, I don't really like to call myself a brony, even if I consider myself in the fandom. I just don't like the way the term sounds. Not very euphonic.


I joined only recently. I already watch plenty of controversial things, including anime, so I never really dismissed MLP like many people did, but I just considered it one of those things that "wasn't my deal."


A few conversations in a more... adult server in TF2 produced many people suggesting that I go watch the show and search for allusions to things I clearly already enjoyed, and that if I also somewhat enjoyed moe as an aspect of anime, I'd get a kick out of the show. So I did, and that was about a month ago, and I'm still going at the series. I'm episode eight of season 2, and I'm not looking back.


The fandom is easily one of the better ones. While it clearly has its problems and plays to a more uniform demographic (mostly college-aged "nerdy" males and equivalent females to a lesser degree) it still is full of diverse and talented people, and has probably the best fan creations of any fandom ever. The only fandom that is as militant and as talented is the Homestuck fandom, but I left that a while ago because the webcomic is way too freaking long.


But yeah, it's nice to be here. A lot of different kinds of people.


EDIT: It seems I was quite wrong, as we were merged.

Edited by Dusknight Haze

Applejack > Fluttershy > Rarity > Pinkie Pie > Twilight Sparkle > Rainbow Dash


"The fun has been doubled!" and "My sister is speakin' in Fancy!"

f(x)= Cax  where a=(y2/y1)1/(x2-x1and also Vf2= Vi2 + 2a(Δs)

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, actually we did happen to have a thread for this pinned in the Sugarcube Corner section, which would be the best place for discussing anything to do with the brony fandom. I've merged your thread with that one. Just letting you know :)

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I officially became a brony back in December of 2010 - one of my friends told me I absolutely had to watch the new My Little Pony show, and pointed me to some episodes on YouTube - and I was hooked!  Now my craft room is a pony explosion... XD


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I've only been a brony for a month now maybe, I have now watched all the episodes and the movie and feel like I can call myself a brony.

I work at a toy store and we just happen to sell MLP merchandise. I had never heard about MLP or bronies before a group of grown men came in to the store and bought a bunch of little girl horse toys. As I was ringing them up I asked if one of their daughters or nieces was having a birthday party and they told me no the toys where for them. I figured it was a hipster thing liking a girls show ironically, but I like to know at least a little bit about everything we carry in the store so I started watching and now I'm pretty much addicted.

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I joined quite recently; this last August, in fact.... Right before school started.  Which was a relief, because I doubt I could have been able to handle the stress of starting at university without it, to be honest!


 Analyst - Writer - Musician - Voice Actor

"A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities..."  ~J.R.R. Tolkien

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Ha, to be honest, when I heard of MLP: FiM I passed it off as a little kid show, called it all kinds of name. I told myself and my friends that show was "nothing" compared to other show's, only to find out how wrong I was...


My little cousins came over and they brought the Blu-ray disc of the 1st season over my house and they wanted to watch, of course them being the guest of honor I didn't turn them down. So, they started from episode one, I watched it with them, about half way into episode one I started to think to myself, "This is kind of interesting, oh, no what am I thinking all of a sudden.." Episode one ended, and soon episode two started to play the suspense of episode two and the ending, It was so good... 


Then I started to watch the full season of episode one, I just fell in love with the series... I don't know how, but I did. Soon, I watched every MLP: FIM episode there was, started to read fan fics, and pretty much everything else related to MLP: FIM. I soon told my friends, the ones that I told that the show was horrible, most of them watched it and agreed saying the show is awesome. I guess if you have an open mind to a lot of things you can change your opinion pretty fast, depending on how good or bad it is to you.


I'm saying, don't knock things before you try them, I learned that through Friendship is Magic! xD  :wacko:  :lol:

Edited by Sanic
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I'm somewhat new-ish to the fandom, having just become a brony in June this year. (I can't believe it's already September now! I suppose time really flies when you're having fun!)


Anyways, on the 3rd of that month, I was searching around Google for some military themed wallpapers I could use, when I stumbled upon this awesome wallpaper. It really caught my interest, like, really caught my interest, but I just ignored it and moved on. I couldn't help it though, I just had to take it, and so I went back for it. When I did, I noticed a couple other similarly themed wallpapers, this one and this one, and so I took them as well.


In the following hours, I had pretty much nothing but ponies on my mind, I was on the verge of becoming a brony, and to be honest I quite enjoyed the thought. So, I decided to give the show a try, and not even a few minutes into the first episode, I loved it! :squee:

3rd Eye | To suffer hate in search of love, or lose them both forever? 🎔 ~


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I rarely go on the Internet, plus I have no friends in real life, so I just happened to come across the first episode on YouTube. I was thinking of new shows to watch and remember seeing once how this show was popular among adults as well as children. After watching the first few episodes, I was actually surprised I enjoyed it so much. It just made happy, and I couldn't really explain why. After getting through half of Season One, I realized how much this show actually meant to me, and how much I loved it. I started watching it on June 1st, 2013, and it's the interest I'm the most passionate about still.

Edited by Kaza
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My first MLP thingy i saw was Pinkie singing a song! Don't remember wich one though :/


And then i saw this 2 hour long video with all of the episodes from season 1 in it! Never stopped watching. ;3

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   I became a brony in August 2013, but I kept on delaying, right up to third season; however it was the season finale with Twilight Sparkle becoming an alicorn, followed by my accidental encounter with Equestria Girls on YouTube, that convinced me to join the herd.

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I first watched the show last year in like October i want to say? Anyway i watched like 5 episodes and never got back to it, then august of this year i decided to start again and I got through all 3 season in less than 2 weeks. Then i found the fandom filled with songs, artwork, and other bronies which i thought was awesome. I found this forum not to long ago and am loving every second of it. 

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Huh, I  just realised that I answered the 'when' but I didn't answer the 'how'!  My bad!  Let's do that now, shall we?

Well, first of all my cousin became a brony.  We play PC games with each other all the time so eventually one night he calls me on Skype and says "Hey, join my server."  He was playing Gmod, so I hop on.  The server is called "GCinema", the concept is basically there are a bunch of rooms that have large screens in them, and players can find an empty room and upload YouTube videos to the screen and watch them.  So my cousin uploads the first two episodes of FiM.  At first I was like, "uh-huh, cool I guess", and that's how it stayed for the next six months.  But then as college rolled around I began to get incredibly over-stressed, so I tried to find some relief.  I turned to TV shows and after going through some pretty sub-par shows (No Ordinary Family, American Horror Story, etc) I found MLP:FiM on Netflix....  Yeah, three hours later, I was decidedly hooked!


 Analyst - Writer - Musician - Voice Actor

"A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities..."  ~J.R.R. Tolkien

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