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web Why do the most popular YouTube channels suck so much?

Alex Z

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While I enjoy YouTube quite a bit, I feel like the most popular channels like PewDiePie and Smosh aren't that great. I don't hate them I just don't find them very good. However, I do enjoy some of them like Markipler, TheFineBros (only for Elders React), Epic Rap Battles of History and some others. What do you think of the most popular YouTube channels?

Edited by CrazyMrLunaDash
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I don't enjoy channels like PewDiePie, I just don't think he's that funny to be honest. I enjoy channels like Node, CorridorDigital, DashieXP, and some others. I don't really get what people like about PewDiePie

Edited by ~~Blaze~~
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I don't enjoy all of them like PewDiePie, I just don't think he's that funny to be honest. I enjoy channels like Node, CorridorDigital, DashieXP, and some others. I don't really get what people like PewDiePie

Hahaha, I love DashieXP he's awesome
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Because most of them sound like they have really inflated egos. They don't really care about generally entertaining their audience. They just care about getting money for their views through misleading titles and thumbnails. Or they were once good but then got bad when they decided to do it for the money and got greedy.


The reason why I find more entertainment in smaller channels is because they seem to be doing more as a hobby, leading their being more heart put into it, well a popular YouTube channel is just full of big egos, and hacks who only got popular for being edgy or good looking.

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So here's a list of some of the most popular youtubers:

  • PewDiePie
  • Smosh
  • nigahiga
  • Machinima
  • ERB
  • The Fine Bros
  • Collegehumor
  • CaptainSparklez
  • Vsauce
  • VitalyzdTV
  • WatchMojo
  • Tyler Oakley

Now you said ERB and TFB were good so I will exclude them. I often hear people complaining about how the top youtubers suck so much.
What do I think?
You're all wrong!
Tell me, if they really "suck so much", how come they are the most popular? What decides if someone "suck so much" or not? Your preferences? Ever thought about the possibility that it might just be your preferences that is the problem?
A lot of the popular channels on youtube do pretty cool stuff that a lot of people will enjoy. Even if there is a channel that is amazing at a certain thing it might just not get the same amount of attention because not as many people are interested in it.
These channels are all pretty cool. I really don't see what the buck people have against PewDiePie for example. He's just a gamer doing his fake reactions just like most of the other youtube gamers out there. The only reason you're saying the channel is shit is because something that doesn't interest you as much as it does to others is popular. It automatically makes you hate it more. No I'm not a pewdiepie fanboy I barely even watch his videos. The "annoying" things he do are "fun" things to others that brought him to his success. Pinkie Pie is fun a and hyperactive. A lot of people love her. A lot of people don't. Why? She's annoying! Is this something that proves that she "suck very much"? Certainly not!
It's pretty stupid if you ask me. Take Justin Bieber for example. Now, I know he's all messed up after the shit he's been through with drugs and all the dumb stuff he's done to then get caught by the police, but before this all happened when he was just a kid there was really nothing about him that should make people hate him. I'm not a fan of Bieber or his music but he was pretty good at what he was doing, decent at least. However, everyone was hating on him simply because he was famous and people who thought "meh" about him didn't want someone "meh" on the throne.
Anyway, the top youtubers are good. Tyler is very cute and funny to listen to. Watchmojo is a channel I visit every day to see their list. VitalyzdTv is fun and cool and I bet ya you like at least one of his videos. Vsauce... Is it even possible to not like vsauce? CaptainSparklez is not someone I watch now but back when I played Minecraft his videos kept my interest for the game alive and he's a prtty cool dude. Collegehumor isn't really the kind of humor I am a big fan of myself but I do like some of their videos and you can't deny that it is quality content. I'll gladly listen if you can suggest me a channel with a bigger library of gameplay and game info videos than Machinima. Smosh isn't at the top of their days right now since their older videos are better but hey, call what they do something that "sucks"? No way. What about nigahiga? ..are you kidding me? This guy is what you'd get if the youtube logo became a human.



Because most of them sound like they have really inflated egos. They don't really care about generally entertaining their audience. They just care about getting money for their views through misleading titles and thumbnails. Or they were once good but then got bad when they decided to do it for the money and got greedy.
The reason why I find more entertainment in smaller channels is because they seem to be doing more as a hobby, leading their being more heart put into it, well a popular YouTube channel is just full of big egos, and hacks who only got popular for being edgy or good looking.


Oh really? So the "X Million Subs" and "thank you!" videos they all make on a regular basis are just a bunch of bullshit they make up? I'm not buying it. Sure some of them are jerks. The Amazing Atheist can throw himself in the dumpster but I've watched a lot of youtubers and based on my impression they care about their audience.


About the good-looking folks, yeah. I agree. The top is not dominated by those people though so I don't see where you're coming from. Misleading thumbnails are common everywhere. They always want to get more viewers no matter how big or small they are. I doubt it has to do about ego, it probably has more to do with keeping your numbers high so more people will notice you and your channel won't die.


Are most of them egoistic people who just want to make money? No, but some. Why does it matter about their reasons if the content they put out holds high quality?

Edited by Jokuc
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Because the motivation is weighed in dollars. The most popular youtube channels typically go to the lowest denominator to rake in the most views. There's almost a formula to follow now depending on the targeted audience. I've been trying to switch over to twitch entirely and have started following some lower profile casters I can trust.

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Just like with all things in the world, it depends. Channels like PewDiePie and Game Grumps, I don't really like. But then channels like TotalBiscuit and Nerdcubed I have a lot of fun with.



Because the motivation is weighed in dollars. The most popular youtube channels typically go to the lowest denominator to rake in the most views. There's almost a formula to follow now depending on the targeted audience. I've been trying to switch over to twitch entirely and have started following some lower profile casters I can trust.

Try LiveByFoma or TheJwittz. They're both excellent streamers.

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I don't know, I can't totally agree with the subject as I've come across really great YouTube selections.  Like lesser known gems of people who aren't well known in the media.  All depends on the authors. Would be nice though if YouTube could remove the ones that are not good. 


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Some of Pewdiepie's early videos are kinda funny since they were so genuine. He has gradually lost that spark for gaming he once had, and most of his videos seems a bit lacking. Before it was all about the games, now it's all about playing the games. If that makes any sense :D


It's fairly simple logic why they fall in quality. Creativity, new ideas and genuine enthusiasm is fun to watch. If you are on the top, those qualities is quickly lost just to stay on top.

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I'm just going to say that if they are very popular then as long as people like what he/she does in their videos then they wil do the same thing and get a lot of money.


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Because since Google bought Youtube their focus is to get as much traffic on their channel as possible regardless of quality. So they have this "partner" programs which on the surface sounds great but a lot of these people that get into it get greedy and complacent and also Youtube is making it more and more difficult for you average user to get on the "featured" page by including media companies channels on said page which really takes the "you" out of Youtube if you ask me.

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Due to the general population these days being so "intelligently deficient", channels like PewDiePie, Smosh, etc. are so popular because people watch them, so they get promoted so more people who are that way get swept up and just become statistics when they don't realize that it's just someone babbling into a mic on camera.

Edited by Vulon Bii
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Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's terrible. It just means you don't have the same tastes as a particular chunk of people. I don't like Pewdiepie, but I won't say he "sucks" since the numbers speak for themselves. I don't get much out of what he does, but clearly a lot of people do.

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Opinions are a rather odd thing, I mean there are so many of them! I suppose if something is not appealing as it used to be, perhaps the creative minds behind it shribbled up into raggedy old prunes? Nothing lasts forever. Even McDonalds will cease to exist one day.  :lol:


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Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's terrible. It just means you don't have the same tastes as a particular chunk of people. I don't like Pewdiepie, but I won't say he "sucks" since the numbers speak for themselves. I don't get much out of what he does, but clearly a lot of people do.


Pretty much the same as I said... Though your comment was way easier to read xP


I agree


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I'm subscribed to Pewds, but he ain't my favorite youtuber.  I think the people at the top have bigger fan bases than similar channels because they are regular and frequent content producers, as opposed to others like Jaltoid and Alex Boye, who might have better quality vids, but only put out a few of them every once and a while.  I don't sub if I can just check in every month or so to check up on the two or three vids the youtuber has put out there.

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Brohoof for Markiplier.


I hate PewDiePie because he is everywhere on youtube and I don't like watching him. Yet YouTube keeps yelling at me to watch him. He is fine as a person, I guess. His content is just not for me. I would much rather watch Markiplier.

Edited by RainbowDarth
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I like Rooster Teeth and that's pretty much it. I'm more of a random video watcher instead of a community fan with YouTube channels.

PewDiePie doesn't interest me much but I admire that he does have many dedicated fans who enjoy his content so I guess he's doing something right.

"One of the greatest mental freedoms is not caring what others think of you."

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Due to the general population these days being so "intelligently deficient", channels like PewDiePie, Smosh, etc. are so popular because people watch them, so they get promoted so more people who are that way get swept up and just become statistics when they don't realize that it's just someone babbling into a mic on camera.

god kids these days amirite


don't you just wish you were born back in the 1950's when everyone was nicer and smarter and made better music instead of justin bieber????


edit: I've hit a new low

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I don't care really for Pewdiepie really as of now, The only popular Let's player I watch is Markiplier because he plays good kind of games with decent commentary


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  • 2 years later...

Because they appeal to an audience that isn't you.

In my summation, this.


I can accept that there are other YouTube, television shows, movies and games that I don't like (or have any interest in trying). But if someone else likes it, it doesn't bother me much.


A factor of me having some disdain towards something would be the fandom behind it. If I'm a fan of one thing and someone else likes something else, for me MLP and someone else would be House of Cards. If they keep their love of House of Cards to them selves, I can keep quiet about mine. No harm no foul.


The big problem would be the other party wanting to shove their fandom down my throat. Same goes for über fans of MLP wanting to shove ponies in other peoples faces. I say I have no interest in House of Cards, they bring up boring reasons as to why I should like it. For example "Good cinematography, good acting, etc." and somehow I can't get past the first episode. The non-MLP & HOC-lovers would think I'm the weird one.

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