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Favorite Species of Pony and Why?



206 users have voted

  1. 1. What pony race is your favourite?

    • Earth pony
    • Unicorn
    • Pegasus
    • Crystal Pony
    • Alicorn

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Pegasus. Pegasus. Pegasus. Pegasus. Pegasus.


Did I say pegasus?


I'm already a flight student, so maybe I'm biased about flying-things in general, but in my opinion the ability to fly on ones own is the ultimate experience imaginable.


Picture it: The warm sun beating down from above, the ground a lush green mural down below - and there you are - playing in the vast playground in between. A cool breeze of fresh Equestrian air works it's way through your mane as you pump your wings to skim around a cloud. Imagine diving down, and the adrenaline rush as you speed right above the ground. A perfect harmony between the skies and you.


You don't have a care in the world. None of life's worries can get you here. This is the ultimate freedom.


Not to mention that not only can you fly, but you are magically bound to the sky. So much so that you can walk on clouds, control the weather! The sky is your home.

Edited by StratoPegasus
  • Brohoof 2


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I would have to choose Unicorn. Being able to use magic is probably the coolest thing out of the three. I'm being extremely generous to the Earth Ponies, since they're more like druids who can't shapeshift, or outwardly use magic. Just more attuned to nature than the other races, with increased stamina and strength.


To be honest, being a pegasus would probably bore me after a while. Sure, I'd be able to fly about in the sky, but the novelty would wear out for me quite quickly. Also, I'm deathly afraid of heights. And G-forces. I would be a terrible pegasus. Even if I did get over my fears, wings would just be a convenience to me, nothing more.


The field of magic, however, is limitless. Think of what you could do with just telekinesis. Not to mention the multitudes of other schools of magic there are. (WARNING! I AM ABOUT TO STEAL MOST OF ELDER SCROLLS' SCHOOLS OF MAGIC!) Alteration, conjuration, illusion, restoration, destruction (mwaha)...the list could go on and on. Even if I couldn't perform very advanced magic myself, just being able to research it would be amazing.


I guess the intellectual side of me would just take precedence when choosing a race that most suits me, and to me, the unicorn race fits into that idea the best.

  • Brohoof 3


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Pegasus no doubt in my mind, I love the sky and the idea that I would be able to have freedom and fly in the sky as long as I want. Being able to fly is my dream come true for me. Pegasus all the way. :D





Signature by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I would have to choose Unicorn. Being able to use magic is probably the coolest thing out of the three. I'm being extremely generous to the Earth Ponies, since they're more like druids who can't shapeshift, or outwardly use magic. Just more attuned to nature than the other races, with increased stamina and strength.


To be honest, being a pegasus would probably bore me after a while. Sure, I'd be able to fly about in the sky, but the novelty would wear out for me quite quickly. Also, I'm deathly afraid of heights. And G-forces. I would be a terrible pegasus. Even if I did get over my fears, wings would just be a convenience to me, nothing more.


The field of magic, however, is limitless. Think of what you could do with just telekinesis. Not to mention the multitudes of other schools of magic there are. (WARNING! I AM ABOUT TO STEAL MOST OF ELDER SCROLLS' SCHOOLS OF MAGIC!) Alteration, conjuration, illusion, restoration, destruction (mwaha)...the list could go on and on. Even if I couldn't perform very advanced magic myself, just being able to research it would be amazing.


I guess the intellectual side of me would just take precedence when choosing a race that most suits me, and to me, the unicorn race fits into that idea the best.

Magic does appeal to me too, and it would be neat to know. The unicorns are also fairly scholarly/intelligent/sciencey, and I'm smart and sciency too,

But somehow the pegasusy feel seems to fit me the most. Yet I can't precisely come up with how, though.

 however, I'm not super athletic, I'd probably not be nearly the best flier out of any pegasi

Some of the reason I may have picked it is because of a character's name I used in a screenname/forum for years who has wings... but that can't be the main reason.   To be honest I'm not 100% sure myself come to think of it...  but somehow since I've had this "ponyself",  that race seems to click with me in more reasons somehow. The flight feel to it is a big draw, and something I liked, but I guess there has to be more to it for why I picked it. Regardless, the pegasi have pretty much become my favorite of the three.

Edited by Toastypk
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Haven't posted in here in a while. I'm gonna have to say, for now, a tie between Unicorn and Pegasus. I love Twi and Sweetie Belle, but I also have RD as my #1 of the Mane 6 and Scoots is my fav pony.

  • Brohoof 1
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pegacorn! i love them who wouldnt want to have magical powers and be able to fly? My reason, my oc!of couse! if anyone is on board with the idea, please say so because no one else so far..

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I would be a pegasus because I would love to just fly around all day and apparently pony wings can defy physics!(Roid Rage example). It might also be because Fluttershy is my favorite.


pegacorn! i love them who wouldnt want to have magical powers and be able to fly? My reason, my oc!of couse! if anyone is on board with the idea, please say so because no one else so far..

dont you mean Alicorn? You do know the term Alicorn has been made canon right?

Edited by z11011
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Unicorn all the way.

Who needs to fly if you can learn how to teleport, though I suppose you could also magic yourself a pair of wings.

Besides how do most of the ponies even pick up objects? Sometimes you just need tools and/or telekinesis.

And to all things comes an end. We are no more than pages in a book.

Turn the page, and thousands die. And for what? For the greed of two powerful leaders. 
Turn the page and floods, earthquakes and volcanoes are destroying the world.

It is a time for acts of despair and of bravery as well.

Another turn of the page and countless refugees flee. Is this the end of the story? No.

There are countless pages to turn. And to all things comes a beginning!

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Of all the races, ive appreciated the Pegasuses the most. I appreciate the beauty of their species and the elegance of their wings. Their jobs seem kinda dull, but atleast they get to fly and sleep on clouds. 

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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  • 2 weeks later...

oh, can't i just be a taco pony?

anyway, i choose earth pony, cause i love the underdog and i wouldn't want to become dependent on my wings or magic to do everything. also, with unicorn y'all need to keep in mind that most unicorns only learn a few basic spells, like levitating objects and anything that has to do with their cutie mark talents. twilight sparkle is just a weirdo with magic as her talent.

Edited by crazitaco


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Pegasus, no doubt about it. I'd love being able to fly anywhere at anytime. Other than the fact that I wouldn't have to rely on having a ride everywhere, I'd also have a ton of fun just being able to have freedom and fly. I love the wide open and having wings would allow me to explore it to a much larger extent.


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

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Unicorn. My main OC is a Unicorn, because they're just awesome.


So regal!


Well, I just like the sophistication of Unicorns. Very fancy. Plus, levitation and teleportation would be really handy, and I'm sure some spells would be pretty kickass.

It'd be doing my hair in the morning a lot easier. ^_^

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Pegasi Till I Die, That's My Motto!!. They Fly are super cool and are needed to make the world go round :wub:  Not to mention I'd love showing off my wings :P

Want me to fly around the world **doesn't move** Wanta see me do it again ?

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I like the idea of a Pegasus who wishes she could do magic. I like Pegasi because I like feathers. Sure, that's a silly reason, but I do. I love feathers and wings. However, I also like magic and while I wouldn't say no to being an Alicorn there is something cool about the flawed Pegasus who wishes to do magic.

"Madam, life without you is like a broken pencil. Pointless." ~Blackadder

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I would want to be a unicorn because 1) magic powers are awesome, 2) ponies don't have hands and horns make turning book pages (and a whole lot of other things) a lot easier, and 3) I will no longer be limited to right hand, left hand and mouth when it comes to holding things.


Of course, knowing how things are, if I were suddenly turned into a pony, I would probably be an Earth pony because that just seems how the world works, but if I had the choice I would be a unicorn.


I have considered pegasus before, and flying would be wonderful, but I'm not sure it's for me. I suck at flying even in the dreamscape where physics don't matter. I'm good at gliding, but I'm more of a feet on the ground kind of girl. 

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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Guess I'll be the odd one and say earth pony. It's just because they are so strong and reliable both physically and mentally. What they can't do in flying and magic they more than make up for with heart, determination, and hard work. Just look at the Apple family~ 


edit: And yes my OC is an earth pony so maybe I am a little biased.

Edited by Chocolate

Untitled.pngHuzzah! Sega Dreamcast~

Character(s): Chocolate | Pegasus (WIP) | Milo (WIP)

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I'd have to say Pegasus. I've always been interested in Aviation and learned several things about it. I'm also very good at flying in games.


Signature made by me. ^-^


Ask Discord thread!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/52658-ask-discord/


"James Bond wasn't given an awesome name...

He himself made it an awesome name." - A Glimpse of Everything


Ä̛͍̟̯́͊ ͈̟̟̒̅̀G͚̻̳͂͆̀l̨͍̞͋́̊í͕̠̰̾̒m̤̙̮̆̃̕p̗̣̞̒̓̕ṡ̨͖̩͆̔e̢̙̭̍̈́̿ ̼̜̹̅͘͘ỏ̢͓͙͗͆f̯̬̎̓͜͝ ̟͍̮̅̓͠E͚͓̱̅̈́͑v͚̟̘͊̀͘ȩ̝̱̊̈̽ŗ̱̮̒̒͠ÿ̧̝̱͂̅ẗ͖̼͔́̀̉h̨̛̯̘̀̐í͕͕̜̏̈́ņ̭͕́̌͘g̰̻̖͂͐̾.̙͙̽̍̿ͅ.͉̪͔̽̂̏.̰̬͉̏̈́́

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As much as I would like to say I'd be an Earth pony, I identify with unicorns the most. I feel like I would flourish as a unicorn simply because I am design oriented and, to be honest, convenience is a big part of my life! Flying would be fun for me, yes, but I would be reckless with my flying. An being a regular earth pony is just too little for me. I could get a lot done with magic!

I love love love Pinkie Pie! But every pony rules! :)

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oh definitely a unicorn, how magic would stir in my veins, i would never cease to purse the pure arcane. my thirst for knowledge would be unquenchable. how i so wish that i could have that kind of willpower, that magic, the ability to tap into it. i would break any limit and then keep going my power would reach farther than equestria's humble borders, my brilliant light would shine as a emblem of glory to all pony kind, everywhere. 

 oh and uh.. hehe my OC is a Unicorn, so myah, just would make sense. that and you know, figure i'd have slightly improved chances with Twilight ://3

Edited by Andrew Laycock
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Earth, they are the most ingenious because they have to be. Also because they can't escape from the elements by just flying away or using magic they have learned to adapt and work hard to survive.

  • Brohoof 2

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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I would love to be able to fly, and even though it would be cool to have magic (not to mention easier to do things considering ponies don't have hands), I would still rather be a pegasus.

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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