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spoiler Are Starlight Glimmer's motivations sincere?

Wind Chaser

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When reviewing all of the previews we've gotten of the Season 5 premiere, of course many of us took notice of how different Starlight Glimmer seemed to be from most of the other villains of two-part episodes. Her motivation seemed to be not only legitimate, but relatable to phenomena of envy, jealousy, and responses to such in other works, real life, and history. Evidence of that was supported by visual cues and Meghan McCarthy's seeming inability to stop the runaway spoiler train in the more recent videos.


However, there is one glaring contradiction to her agenda of conformity through "equality" that could possibly throw everything out the window as far as it's concerned. It's the one thing that got Glimmer singled out and noticed in the first place, even before promotional material identified and named her.


Despite the remainder of the town's strict adherence to conformity, Starlight Glimmer looks to be the only one who expresses emotions and signs of independent thought. She is a much brighter color than the rest of her town and wears a different manestyle. She is the only one who does not seem to be forced into a fake smile and half-hearted dancing.


For all we laud Starlight's apparently different motivation from all of the remainder of the villains who only took power for themselves while having little to no further reason for doing it other than embodying negative notions, the fact remains that this fundamental contradiction means that everything about having an alternate interpretation of "friendship" could end up in the revelation that this was all a boldfaced lie just to cover up an egotistical power play by Starlight in order to create a cult of personality, with no rhyme or reason in existing other than to satiate Starlight's own greed. Just like Tirek, King Sombra, and arguably Discord.


By definition, Starlight is serving herself by persuading other ponies into joining her (implying that she likely talked them into a choice they did not fully consider) and forcing others to live as she does (which she threatens to do to the Mane 6 and apparently succeeds at according to some promotional material).


There is little doubt in my mind that the end of the episode will present us with a more clear answer. However, based on what we have, what do you think will be the direction this episode takes? Will Starlight Glimmer be legitimately motivated by a desire to eliminate what she perceives to be the downsides of Equestria's high value on special talents, or will it turn out that she hid behind this for her own reasons? What will either situation reflect on the writing of this series?

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Starlight could turn out to be another power grab villain like the rest.


The episode should make a point that Twilight Sparkle was born with the talent and was groomed by the Alicorns to be a Princess. Only the chosen can actually ascend to the top of Equestrian Kingdom.


By definition, Starlight is serving herself by persuading other ponies into joining her (implying that she likely talked them into a choice they did not fully consider) and forcing others to live as she does (which she threatens to do to the Mane 6 and apparently succeeds at according to some promotional material).


If the question of methods comes up, Twilight Sparkle has used magic to force her enemies to conform a few times.

Edited by Singe
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I'm so happy to see your return with your analysis, Wind Chaser ^_^



Now for your question, here's an interesting point the folks of /mlp/ and in relation to them, horse news, has pointed out. MA Larson is a noted fan of one story called Harrison Bergeron, written by Kurt Vonnegut. A story of where in a dystopian society where all individuals are created equal. To do this, any individual that expresses any sort of talent that is better then anyone in any shape or form, a  Handicapper General agent goes out and enforces this equality by ensuring the intelligent is forced to wear radio earphones to disrupt their thought processes, the beautiful with masks to hide their beauty, and weights to wear down the strong.


I personally think that with MA Larson on board and the whole theme of equality, I believe that while it will be inspired by it, I don't think they will portray her as a pony who believes in equality but rather a power hungry person who wishes to acquire cutie marks for some design. Though this scene can easily be taken out of context, we do see a scene of Starlight Glimmer with her cutie mark not the equal sign seemingly running away from ponies for whatever reason. (You'll have to look that up on derpibooru or so under Starlight Glimmer tag).


Whether she'll be defeated or survive and make a return remains to be seen but I think she'll probably be the first season long villain this series has. She won't be a one shot villain self contained in their episodes but rather we will see her again probably in the finale. Whether she'll be defeated or reformed remains to be seen but I'm interested in her and I hope they write her well.

Edited by Nuke87654
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For her own ends.

Two reasons why I think this.  One, her face.  It's smug and self righteous.  Someone who believes their cause is right doesn't need to brainwash followers, they naturally attract them.  For example Amon from The Legend of Korra honestly believed he was righting a wrong and had supporters because of it as well as a corrupt system which was causing some of the damage the Equalists were claiming, giving them a legitimate reason for rebellion.  Starlight doesn't have this so it's a power play.  Secondly it's MLP and while it's very much a trend setter instead of a follower, it doesn't do gray morals and the final shots show the town celebrating Starlight's removal so it is unlikely they'll start here.  . 


The episode should make a point that Twilight Sparkle was born with the talent and was groomed by the Alicorns to be a Princess. Only the chosen can actually ascend to the top of Equestrian Kingdom.

No offense but that is a horrible moral, that only those who are destined can lead. Actually would make the Equalist more appealing since they aren't bound by some kind of divine rule. More likely the moral will be one should embrace their uniqueness whatever it may be. 

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No offense but that is a horrible moral, that only those who are destined can lead. Actually would make the Equalist more appealing since they aren't bound by some kind of divine rule. More likely the moral will be one should embrace their uniqueness whatever it may be. 


It gives Starlight Glimmer ammo, if it gets brought up. The other Mane 5 can do damage control by downplaying the Twilight's back-history-special-destiny. 

Edited by Singe
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I think that Starlights intention are sincere, but i think she has taking it way too far. I think the most dangerous people out there are the once who are totally convinced, that they do the right thing, but are only causing harm to their people in the process.


What Starlight is doing here, is the equivilant of crime against humanity. I don't know if she took those CM's by force or not, but the fact that Starlight is taking their individuality away is wrong. We're all special and our individuality is what makes us who we are.


Also, i hope that she's not looking for power. It would make the episode less special.

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The dark will rise.

Abandon your freedom.

Give up the right to find your true self.

Forsake your own reason.



 I think this is Starlight Glimmer in a nutshell. The question is, can she see the darkness that shadows her path?


By her glare, maybe her intentions are not sincere, but it's also possible that she just got misguided 

That part bothered me a little. It was sort of a stereotypical villain moment.  :lol:  I hope Starlight's motivations are sincere, because she will be a much more interesting character if that is the case, and the Mane 6 will have to address her differently from other powerful figures they have disagreed with.


I hope we see some Starlight/Pinkie moments. Of all the Mane 6, I can imagine Pinkie being the one that Starlight fears most. Ponies don't come any more individual than that.


Another interesting point will be whether Starlight used magic to "convince" (i.e. brainwash) her followers, or if they joined her of their own free will. Where did she, and they, go wrong? And just how wrong have they gone by the time we meet them? My anticipation is really building for this one.

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 I know this sounds boring and unhelpfull, but how can we really know weather or not she has good intentions? I love hearing new ideas. I'm just really slow at figuring out this type of stuff. So I gusse this my question: Is theor any parallels to other villains?

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You guys just overrrate this villain too much :blink: . I never expected anymore depths from villains of the MLP. After 4 seasons and 2 movies, they're falling for the same villain stereotyping (power hungry, stupidity...) :( . I hope Starlight's motivation will be more interesting. >_>

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It's difficult for me to really judge; especially considering that the episode has yet to even air. I'm enjoying the various theories & all that everyone has been coming up with, but it might be somewhat premature to really understand her character without seeing the entirety of the premier.

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I really really hope that her motivations are sincere because in my opinion that would make her a great antagonist and an interesting character.

Some of the greatest "villains" in media are those who truly believe in their ideology and use it to justify their own terrible actions while believing that the end justifies the means and not seeing themselves as the bad guy.

That can in turn lead to some excellent character dynamics between the main protagonists and said antagonists as they would come from two different viewpoints battling out leading to more than one type of fighting going on.  And personally I really enjoy villains who can get into the minds of heroes as that adds an extra layer of depth and allows for some great inner character conflict as well as outer character conflict as well.

Personally I am hoping that Starlight is a well-intended extremeist who generally believes in her ideology but uses it to do and exuse some pretty horrible actions that make her considered a villain or antagonist.

And going on that point it would be interesting if the way she got the ponies of the town to give up their cutie marks through charisma and powerful negotiation rather than just sheer force. Kind of like how Amon started the equalist revolution and how Kuvira united the earth kingdom into becoming the earth empire and becoming the great uniter while being a complete dictator.

Edited by cmarston1
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I feel she is a villain similar to old Sunset Shimmer. Not pure evil like Tirek, but with actual reasoning behind her actions although more personal.I have the idea she is actually a blank flank with no real talent of her own and so was jealous of all the others who had their own. This led her to the whole equality belief of hers, because of her problems when she was younger. She couldn't make friends being the only blank flank, which is why she says that the only way people can be friends is if they are all equal.

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