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Interesting Classes & Courses You Took


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What are some classes you took that wouldn't fit the norm of your standard curricular fair? Thankfully I got the chance to take quite a few.




Back in highschool I took Ethnic foods, learning about the different foods of the world and how they relate to their geography, histories & cultures. Very fascinating. And tasty. 


Took an independent living course. More about growing up, dealing with families as we get older, how to handle relationships, how to handle entering, maintaining & leaving a job, and nuances to owning an apartment, like renters insurance. I did get a free trip to walmart as a budgeting exercise. Went to our local health foods manufacturer.  Got a nice snack out of it. Took a field trip to taco bell. And finally, I was the only guy to tag along on the trip to the spa & country club. Just chilled out in the sauna, the steam room & the jacuzzi, just chilled out listening to my music & reading my manga. Felt like a million bucks afterwards. 


Back in college, I took Philosophy. Wasn't really expecting much. Really was just carrying on my mental sciences curiosities from High School. But it turned out to be way more interesting. More like a study on logic & argument. Plus I found Plato's Apology to be very moving.


After that I continued on that trend and took Eastern Philosophy. A little more of a religious course, but it was nice to get the different views on life & order. 


Sociology of family & marriage. How and why families in the west turned out the way they did, issues families face today & their causes, why there is so much diversity, what parts environment & evolution played, changes such as single & gay parenting, and quite a few other things. 


 Got to take one other a course on a rather surprising subject: Terrorism.  We discussed what it entailed, how the situation in the middle east started (it wasn't our fault), what counts as terrorism & what doesn't, doing our own reports on active terror groups (apparently the CIA count as a terrorist organization, and oddly enough so does Anonymous), etc. I picked a good time to join as well, as the class took place during the 10th anniversary of 9/11. We discussed what we did on that day, how parents & teachers handled it back then, and how America handled it presently. 



Your turn! Name your interesting classes and what you learned! Go!

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I took astronomy on a whim for a college credit. Figured it would be fun and an easy way to get credits (turns out the school considered it one of their hardest classes). That's how I discovered my special talent (IRL), and found out I had a love of it, as well as a love for making graphs and looking at data. I ended up getting a B in a class where 80% of the people fail. My teacher even wrote me a recommendation so I could get more funding to pursue more classes. It was a wonderful class. 

I took a class called Biblical Literature my first year of high school, and it taught the Torah, Bible, and Koran in terms of the the culture of the time, not as fact. The teacher I had was fantastic and told me she was moving to a lovely new house with her growing family. Imagine her shock when she showed up at the house and I was sitting next door in a lawn chair with my mother LOL Her family and mine ended up becoming close friends, and they still are. I helped name her youngest child, and would watch her kids. Her husband took me to the ER for 8hrs when I fractured my back and arm.

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I took Veterinary Science in high school I believe junior or sophomore year, I also took Sociology and Psychology in high school and community college as well as Teen Living in middle school which was a very boring class to be honest. I love the other classes I took though.

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Freshman year of college I took "Intro to Film", which was pretty much a class all about watching movies and writing bullshitted papers about things like meaning and lighting techniques. Easiest class I've ever taken.

This past semester I took a class called "History of Science and Technology in Asia". Betcha can't guess what that one's about. Had a great big research paper due at the end of it. I wrote mine about boats. Also had an essay final, wrote about boats for it too. Pretty great class...

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Most interesting class I have ever taken?

Philosophy of Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels

Teacher looked like Gandalf, wrote dwarven lyrics to an old hymn found in The Hobbit and sang it to us. We talked about how awesome The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings were. Then we jumped into science fiction and just enjoyed talking about all of the fictional worlds you could imagine. Loved that class.

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Back in high school I took a class that to this day I wonder how they got away with giving kids credits for graduation from it.  It was a class called Science Fiction and Fantasy.  Literally all we did was read popular science fiction and fantasy books, and watch the movies.  It was the easiest class I ever took, and probably the least productive, but hey, It was fun! :)

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Well, I've posted this before - even recently - but... Plants and People. It was actually very interesting! I had no idea that I would be so interested in plants and the way they work. It was also really neat to see exactly how much we use plants... They're much more vital than I ever realized.


My favorite thing was how I got to tie in my field of study by writing a paper of the woods (and their trees of origin) used to make woodwind instruments. That was my favorite project, because I got to nerd out and learn more, and then show off my instruments to the class. xD

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