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general What do you hate?


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I hate... Well, I don't even hate nothing. :) I'm a super, duper happy guy... The only person who gets on my nerves is my dad. But that'll pass in later years.

Thing is, the world is full of hate, best to not help it grow. But to learn to let it go! ;)

-A message brought to you in part by weapons. Great gift ideas for your children!

(Don't ask... I thought that would be funny to put in there) Nevermind that...

Edited by Overlord0909

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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This stuff is just my opinion, not yours! So don't go around attacking me or anything, since that's not OK.


1.Trolls, cyberbullies, spammers, and lots of other bad kinds of people.

2.Mean, nasty, unkind, unconsiderate people.

3.Fangirls, fanboys, people who beg constantly for something instead of doing it THEMSELVES! :okiedokielokie:

4.Everything that's the opposite of what I said for the people I admire.


6.People who can't respect opinions, always assume things before checking out the facts,

have opinions or theories that have no evidence to support them, etc.

7.SJW (Social Justice Warriors. Believe me, they are the worst things on the Internet.)

8.Some music that plays on radios nowadays (a.k.a Autotuned music, and all the other crap they make.)


Other stuff I hate:

-Fnaf, annoying songs, cheesy and cliche pop music and horrible movies, etc. (While I do like pop music a lot, I only like the good kind.)

-Immature, and bratty kids

-I especially hate when little kids or babies cry, since it's SO ANNOYING if your in a restraunt or movie theater and you have to listen to it for like an hour.

Seriously, if your kid is being annoying and super loud like that, just take them out of there! Nobody wants to listen to that. :eww:

Babies and little kids aren't supposed to go to movies until they're older, anyway.

-People who ignore me, don't let me talk in a conversation, shut me out, etc.

-Bullies, cyberbullies, etc.

-People who can't handle criticism. (A.k.a someone like Darek Savage who was attacking I Hate Everything, even though he did nothing wrong. You probably never heard of it, but it's some drama that has been going on quite recently, but it finally ended a few months ago.)

  • Brohoof 1


| Poet, Writer, and artist | Cartoon, anime and Disney lover | Video game lover |

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." -William Shakespeare
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." - Jimmy Dean


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Frozen. Because its EVERYWHERE?!?

:eww: god. Its so annoying every time you walk into Walmart and see freaking annna & Elsa :angry: JEEZ! Oh and even better my sister is OBSESSED with the movie. This movie is more annoying than despicable me 1 & 2. I liked minions for a while and i still somewhat do but i realized that they are just yellow twinkies yelling at each other for 90min. So yeah -_-

Edited by RainbowBobSquareDash
  • Brohoof 1
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I hate double sexism/racism That is when someone assumes they are being raciest to and intern is raciest back. also works with sexism. 




After 9 years in development, hopefully it would have been worth the wait


 Team fortress the second lives on!

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Frozen. Because its EVERYWHERE?!?

:eww: god. Its so annoying every time you walk into Walmart and see freaking annna & Elsa :angry: JEEZ! Oh and even better my sister is OBSESSED with the movie. This movie is more annoying than despicable me 1 & 2. I liked minions for a while and i still somewhat do but i realized that they are just yellow twinkies yelling at each other for 90min. So yeah -_-


Yellow Twinkies yelling at each other? Lol, you just made my day... :lol:

I hate Frozen too, also because it's everywhere, but that's just marketing for ya. ;)

While it is a good movie, the songs get super annoying after a while, but I think I prefer Frozen over Minions, if your talking about the movie.

Minions movie sucked horribly, at least Frozen was a good movie, if you like musicals and songs, winter, and a movie originally based off of The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen.


Frozen fun fact: If you put the names Hans, Kristoff, Anna, Sven, it sounds just like Hans Christian Anderson, which Frozen was based off of.

I found this fact here, if your wondering: http://www.buzzfeed.com/javiermoreno/frozen-is-awesome#.rtpVjpXr4


| Poet, Writer, and artist | Cartoon, anime and Disney lover | Video game lover |

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." -William Shakespeare
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." - Jimmy Dean


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1. Political correctness. It sounds great in theory (equality for all!) but--like most good ideas--it has been commandeered by self-serving jerks. Instead of trying to give everyone equal consideration, they are attempting eliminate deviation; they want us to all think and act exactly the same way.

2. When older people, referring to their childhood or young adulthood, say "It was a simpler time" or "People were nicer back then". Right. You grew up during WWII--everything was just peachy! LOL

3. When people complain about the Star Wars prequels. Enough! You can't go back in time and stop George from making the prequel films--it's done. The complaining is getting more annoying than Jar-Jar Binks (a character that I, personally, don't mind). 

4. Anxiety.

5. When people blame your disabilities on you. I didn't realize I was horribly depressed because I "just don't eat enough fennel"...thanks for the input.

The Brony Code:

Humans are a lie, there are only ponies. Through ponies, I gain friendship.

Through friendship, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken. Ponies shall set me free.

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Here is a list of things I hate:


  • Justin Bieber
  • Miley cyrus
  • Nicki Minaj
  • Nostalgiatards (people who constantly bash anything modern and popular and whine about how everything in their childhoods were "so much better")
  • When people fight over each other's opinions and beliefs
  • Internet trolls
  • real life bullies
  • terrorists 
  • racists
  • sexist people
  • Barney the Dinosaur
  • Dora the Explorer
  • Barbie
  • Homework
  • Frozen
  • People who are so religious to the point where they are extremists. Same with atheists.

^ A big, long list of stuff I despise.

Edited by Ravelicious



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When MLPForums members claim that their age is 90-100, which I'm definitely sure it is not true at all. This type of thing needs to stop immediately, cause it's getting bloody annoying!

  • Brohoof 1


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When MLPForums members claim that their age is 90-100, which I'm definitely sure it is not true at all. This type of thing needs to stop immediately, cause it's getting bloody annoying!


I know right? You know how there's a Today's Birthday section in the main page, One guy claimed to be 100 years old! I mean seriously, WTF? Impossible! I'm adding that to my list.

  • Brohoof 1



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I hate it when people take offense to things that are not meant to be taken offense to. For example, I say ''God, I'm hungry'' and then somebody just says ''dont menshin th lords naem'' and it's so god d*** annoying.

Pennutoh has a gun

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overused memes


whatsapp emojis

dumb people

call of duty (kinda ironic because i got a CoD poster on my door :D)

unfriendly people



...my list could go on forever so i rather tell you what i really like:


This forum and the people here. :D

Edited by RNBW.D5H
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  • To be disturbed

  • children  








the term human mane six / human mane seven -.-*

a lot of other things

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When people decide to leave the toilet un-flushed. Unbelievably disgusting! :okiedokielokie:  


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i hate a lot of things. here they are

• I hate when FL Studio always stops playing sound
• When people call themselves real rap fans but don't know anything that happened in the 90's
• When people call themselves or say eminem is their favorite rapper but don't know D12 was his origination
• When black people say they can't be racist
• When white people call me racist
• and when people get so offended they hate internet trolls...no offense.
Edited by jeru the damaja
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I hate doing something I don't want to do

I hate when people ask me to do a favor, and If I can't do it - they hate me for it.

I hate when life is unfair.

I hate god, because I don't know If he even exists or not. Should I believe in him, if so then why? I hate religion for this, even if it makes people happy.

I hate myself.

I hate when people ship Pinkie Pie with Cheese Sandwich, - so I hate Cheese Sandwich.

I hate when I do my best, and nobody appreciates it - or just ignores it.

I hate when people use me for their benefits.

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-Apple Juice. 






-Being interrupted.






-Having to share a room with my family.












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~When people demand me to do something....makes me not want to do it.


~Sitting around and doing NOTHING. Being inactive makes me irritated.




~People who think they're untouchable. They can dish it out but not take it back. No no Honey, not with me  ^_^.





~Peanut butter

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