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technology Why all the Apple hate?

Misty Rose

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Yes. I know Apple can be seriously overpriced (Macbooks damn) but is there really that much hate needed from Android users? I see it all the time on Youtube, an iPhone is shown someway in a favorable light in a video and all the Phandroids start raging in the comments. Seriously guys what's the big deal? Apple makes good products so you can't say they're bad quality ^_^ I've had my iPhone 4 for 3 years now and it's yet to cause me any problems. However both my cousins have had problems with their Samsung phones within less than a year. So yeah, why all the hate?
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Is there more Apple hate than Android hate? I think both sides are filled with people who take their phones way too seriously and start arguments over it.


With that said, I own an iPhone and have no interest in switching to Android.

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I think it's just a matter of attempting to be 'edgy' and feeling superior to others. Not that the Apple brand doesn't have its fair share of that... But I do get really annoyed at people, particularly 'friends' of mine, who always have to make fun of the iPhone and people who have them. You know, because their "high-tech" phones can do soooooo much more and that matters soooo much (but they've never given me an actual reason).


I have an iPhone, and it does everything I could possibly want of a phone plus more. I went with it because it was a simple choice. I didn't want to get caught up in the nonsense of which brand/phone is the best. I get annoyed by stupid tech arguments no matter what they are, and the smartphone tech arguments are honestly the most annoying. I don't need anything more than an iPhone. It does what I need it to. It is easy to use. It is well-supported by apps, has iTunes which I'm very familiar with because I've used it for ten years now... Is well-known, so any issue that pops up can be easily addressed by a Google search, etc., etc.

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Well I hate Apple because I'm incredibly jealous. The only reason I even want an apple product is because of Siri, and buying an expensive item like that for one app is really stupid.


So yeah because I'm jealous

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i dont hate apple products i just dont want to use them cause most of them are overpriced

ipods is the only thing that i still buy or use from apple casue i dont want to use my phone as a music player especially when i jog

Edited by Alto
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I think some people are just envious of the Apple products perhaps? :huh:

I have no idea why people like you think PC users are envious of mac users. Most PC sided folks are into gaming or like to build their computers. With Mac computers once you buy them you can't modify them, you can't build a custom Mac desktop like you can do with PC. And about gaming, Mac is just bad for gaming people use Bootcamp which is making it like PC but why not just get a cheaper PC laptop or desktop that has better specs anyway?


Macs are:

-Terrible for gaming

-Cannot modify them

-Cannot custom build desktops

-There's more options on what PC to buy



Nothing really good comes out of them.

Edited by cider float
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I have no idea why people like you think PC users are envious of mac users. Most PC sided folks are into gaming or like to build their computers. With Mac computers once you buy them you can't modify them, you can't build a custom Mac desktop like you can do with PC. And about gaming, Mac is just bad for gaming people use Bootcamp which is making it like PC but why not just get a cheaper PC laptop or desktop that has better specs anyway?


Macs are:

-Terrible for gaming

-Cannot modify them

-Cannot custom build desktops

-There's more options on what PC to buy



Nothing really good comes out of them.

No need to say most PC sided folk, I'm pretty sure the majority of both PC and Mac users are just normal people who use their computer for leisure or business ^_^ Macs are typically bought by people who want a good computer and actually have the money to buy one, so no one really cares about the fact you can't modify them :P


I'll agree with you on overpriced though :blink:

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Well I hate Apple because I'm incredibly jealous. The only reason I even want an apple product is because of Siri, and buying an expensive item like that for one app is really stupid.


So yeah because I'm jealous

Why Siri though? Most people who have that app don't even use it actually ^_^ Plus there's Google Now for Android users so you can get a nice alternative ;)

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I think some people are just envious of the Apple products perhaps? :huh:


As a Mac user I can say with quite a degree of certainty that there is nothing to envy with Macs. Unless you really need one then don't bother.

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It is because that Apple and their products are overrated. When I walk anywhere in Public, I would always see some person on their iPhone or iPad.

Lots more often than me bumping into another Bromy.

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It's mostly because they're overpriced. Personally the only thing I've ever bought from Apple was an Ipod and its pretty well made. I wouldn't mind an iphone or an ipad, I just don't want to shell out the money for them. I've never owned a cell phone in my life but if I were to get one, I'd love to get an iphone if possible. But I do say that all of the hate they get is obnoxious as hell but both sides are at fault for the most part. 

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For some reason, I was expecting this to be a topic about Apple Jack :P

I think that both sides are pretty balanced as far as hate goes. It appears to me that the boat doesn't lean too much on one side. I have android as well as apple products c: I've heard many good and bad views on both. To me though, technology is technology, and I'm not going to hate on companies, I think they're all pretty well-balanced.

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Macs are typically bought by people who want a good computer and actually have the money to buy one, so no one really cares about the fact you can't modify them


This is not really true, Let's take a look at the iMac's specs and see how it stacks up...




Processor: 1.4, 2.7, 2.9 and 3.2GHz for each model


This isn't that good, I have a i7-3820 that I've overclocked to 4.2GHz, this is something that I'd not recommend on a Mac as it's design does not have good heat dissipation and you can't modify and add a better heatsink, it's probably thermal throttling already as is so I'm not confident that the processors are getting the speeds advertised consistently and certainly not under load. 


Memory: 8BG DDR3 1600MHz across the board,

This again isn't that great, PC has already moved on to DDR4 and even then the clock speed isn't that impressive. 8GB of RAM is shit for video editing and is a minimum when building a PC, Mac looses out here as well.


Storage: 500GB 5400-rpm HDD, 1TB 5400-rpm and 1TB 7200-rpm

  :lol: :lol: :lol:   that's pathetic


Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 5000, Intel Iris Pro Graphics, NVIDEO Geforce GT 750M w/ 1GB GDDR5 RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M graphics processsor w/ 1GB GDDR5 RAM.


Wow, that's totally under-powered and honestly if I was going to do video editing with these as my graphics cards I'd be wasting a lot of time waiting on rendering, I thought Macs claim to be good at video editing, there also comes the problem of thermal throttling once again so I doubt I'd be getting the max out of these cards.


Price: $1099, $1,299, $1,499


And now the price, you can certainly build and probably buy a PC with better specs for those prices. Also it's become easier than ever to build a PC yourself and if you like the OS you can just buy it and run it on your own hardware for a fraction of the price. With sites like pcpartpicker there's no excuse for buying these overpriced computers.


Now to the main reason that I hate Mac, they don't innovate, like ever. They aren't pushing performance and they want to control everything with their products and for any sort of issue with your Mac you're sending it back to Apple to work on and they're charging you out the ass on repairs, there is no excuse for this as the parts are a fraction of the cost of repairs and take for example this post: http://inkrose98.deviantart.com/journal/Well-529619691, Motherboards can run up to 400 dollars for a premium motherboard but I guarentee that the motherboards Apple are using aren't that good, maybe a $150 dollar motherboard, now for replacing the motherboard, that's maybe 30 minutes, she's just paid for repairs at a rate of $500 an hour, that is fucking absurd and unacceptable. Apple is anti-consumer, that's the only explanation.

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You can get a top-notch contract on an Iphone 6 for a staggering £60 a month, on average.

Comparitively, a similar contract for a Samsung Galaxy S6 costs around £45 per month.

The samsung's battery lasts longer.

It has more memory, processing power and internal storage.

Higher quality screen and camera.

And it can ACTUALLY be charged in a microwave.


An apple watch can cost you at the very least £479 (from what I've found), compared to the Samsung watch's more respectable price of less than £300 (In most cases).

The Samsung has a longer battery life, more features, and doesn't have a model that costs more than £11,000 (It also works, so I suppose that's another benefit).


And don't get me started on the bloody computers they make, heaps of overpriced f*cking trash. The computer I am posting this from cost half as much as the cheapest mac, and yet is as powerful as the 27 inch 5K model, which costs upwards of £1,600? F*cking Bullsh*t. Only a fool would shell out that sort of money for a few flashing lights and a 'sleek design'. Sure, it has music and image editing software. You can get far better programmes for PC, but for mac... Not compatible.


But to be honest, it's mostly about pricing. The apple marketing team probably ask the designers-

"Well, what have you added this time?"

They reply with-

"We've increased the screen size by half an inch, about 10%"

Now that the marketing team have a goldmine on their hands-

"Great! We'll increase price by 50% over the old one, and we'll say how much better and innovative this one is compared to the old ones. We'll make a bloody killing."


Catch my drift? Apple phones aren't particularly worse than android phones, in the overall picture of things, they do their job, but it's the outrageous prices they charge. With the aforementioned contracts, the cheapest Samsung one I could find was £21.99, with reasonable allowances for the S6. It came with 500Mb of mobile networking data, 500 texts and 500 minutes of data. For the Iphone 6, however, the cheapest I could find was £32.99. And it had 250Mb of data, 500 texts and 200 minutes. But of course, people are all too willing to just go with the flow and buy what everyone else is without looking for alternatives. Consumerism in a nutshell.


You know what? Let's compare them to motorcycles. Mix it up a bit.

The apple phone is like a Harley Davidson, flashy, expensive, over the top, and suffers from a superiority complex only matched by the noise made by its fans. Repair costs through the roof. The android, however, is more like a Honda 50cc. Not as flashy, but reliable, and you can always find parts to fix it. It's cheap, but the quality is there. And it has a charm all of its own. And if a part breaks, you can replace it without voiding the warranty.


What a bloody ramble.

Edited by ForthEorl
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Pretty much what everyone else said here related to Macintosh products is what I say. Except the jealous part. For me it is because I just have a distaste for the aesthetic of Macintosh computers, the software, tablets and smart phones.  Also I just grew up with the name Macintosh. Then I heard about the name iPhone and iOS and that confused me for a while until I realized; that Macintosh started calling themselves Apple.  Mostly because of simplicity I guess, but whats the harm in calling it a Mac computer?


Then I saw this picture. ↓




There is really no justification for this. Microsoft tried to make it first, then the Mac fan boys and girls thinks Steve Jobs is a genius when he makes it next. This is a living personification of an OC post on reddit only to have it be re-posted with more comments and up-votes.


I tried an iPad for a while, I just ended up reselling it to someone who wanted it. The design of the iPad's UI just does not sit right with me.

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Why do I think of the fruit before I think of the company? I first clicked on this because I wanted to know what apples were getting made fun of because they taste bad or something.

Edited by gamecubeguy214
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You can get a top-notch contract on an Iphone 6 for a staggering £60 a month, on average.

Comparitively, a similar contract for a Samsung Galaxy S6 costs around £45 per month.

The samsung's battery lasts longer.

It has more memory, processing power and internal storage.

Higher quality screen and camera.

And it can ACTUALLY be charged in a microwave.


An apple watch can cost you at the very least £479 (from what I've found), compared to the Samsung watch's more respectable price of less than £300 (In most cases).

The Samsung has a longer battery life, more features, and doesn't have a model that costs more than £11,000 (It also works, so I suppose that's another benefit).


And don't get me started on the bloody computers they make, heaps of overpriced f*cking trash. The computer I am posting this from cost half as much as the cheapest mac, and yet is as powerful as the 27 inch 5K model, which costs upwards of £1,600? F*cking Bullsh*t. Only a fool would shell out that sort of money for a few flashing lights and a 'sleek design'. Sure, it has music and image editing software. You can get far better programmes for PC, but for mac... Not compatible.


But to be honest, it's mostly about pricing. The apple marketing team probably ask the designers-

"Well, what have you added this time?"

They reply with-

"We've increased the screen size by half an inch, about 10%"

Now that the marketing team have a goldmine on their hands-

"Great! We'll increase price by 50% over the old one, and we'll say how much better and innovative this one is compared to the old ones. We'll make a bloody killing."


Catch my drift? Apple phones aren't particularly worse than android phones, in the overall picture of things, they do their job, but it's the outrageous prices they charge. With the aforementioned contracts, the cheapest Samsung one I could find was £21.99, with reasonable allowances for the S6. It came with 500Mb of mobile networking data, 500 texts and 500 minutes of data. For the Iphone 6, however, the cheapest I could find was £32.99. And it had 250Mb of data, 500 texts and 200 minutes. But of course, people are all too willing to just go with the flow and buy what everyone else is without looking for alternatives. Consumerism in a nutshell.


You know what? Let's compare them to motorcycles. Mix it up a bit.

The apple phone is like a Harley Davidson, flashy, expensive, over the top, and suffers from a superiority complex only matched by the noise made by its fans. Repair costs through the roof. The android, however, is more like a Honda 50cc. Not as flashy, but reliable, and you can always find parts to fix it. It's cheap, but the quality is there. And it has a charm all of its own. And if a part breaks, you can replace it without voiding the warranty.


What a bloody ramble.


Oh yeah, as much as I love my iPhone I can not by any means justify this. I will agree 100% that Apple products are overpriced as f*** and I always laugh at the parody videos made on Youtube where they point out all the stupid small yet overpriced phone upgrades. That's why I'm sticking with my iPhone 4 and won't upgrade till it's no longer usable, there really is no reason to get a new phone when it's practically the same thing, only with some features I don't really care about and a thinner design. I'd prefer to not have my phone bend in my pocket thanks ^_^


Really what I believe is, if you have the money for it and want to get an Apple product, do it. They're great products for sure but if you're more economically savvy I'd suggest just getting an Android :P Really the only reason I bought my almost $600 iPhone was because I needed it for an online job I had at the time, never would have spent so much of my money otherwise. Can't say I'm disappointed though, it's been two years and my phone still works like new and my cousins' Samsung phones have had serious technical issues in less than a year :squee:

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I remember this one time I was pulling out my laptop out of my bag (happens to be a Mac) and one of my friends (who's an avid PC lover) made a remark about my computer and tried grabbing it out of my hand.  I asked him what he was doing and he said something about trying to break it because it was a Mac and not a PC.


The reason why there's so much hate is because of elitism, people just choose one thing over the other and somehow become almost religiously attached to that company and praise them for what they come up with, and this is for both Mac and PC, or Apple/Microsoft/Google. 


I think Macs are good for some things while PCs are good for other things. It all just comes down to preference.  

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I'm not an Apple fan mainly because I despise the companies policies all together and for various other reasons about their products (I've owned iDevices myself and especially iTunes is one reason to never go back) and I prefer Android as OS and the smartphones that come with it. However, I don't really make fun out of people using iDevices because it's their choice and I don't give too much of a buck.

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I remember this one time I was pulling out my laptop out of my bag (happens to be a Mac) and one of my friends (who's an avid PC lover) made a remark about my computer and tried grabbing it out of my hand.  I asked him what he was doing and he said something about trying to break it because it was a Mac and not a PC.


The reason why there's so much hate is because of elitism, people just choose one thing over the other and somehow become almost religiously attached to that company and praise them for what they come up with, and this is for both Mac and PC, or Apple/Microsoft/Google. 


I think Macs are good for some things while PCs are good for other things. It all just comes down to preference.  

Da hell? Your friend is insane? :blink: No offense lels

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