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Are Brony's in danger? What do you think..


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Be honest: Was this topic secretly an excuse to brag about having beaten up a supposed "anti-Broner?" xD


No, Broners aren't in any real, much less ubiquitous danger.  Concerning the nonsense that occurs on the internet: A-holes can get away with a lot more online due to anonymity and the resulting lack of accountability.  Paranoia seemingly exists throughout the fandom; I'd point to the ridiculous closet Broner bonding topics that pop up every now and again.  "My Broner-ism was nearly discovered!"  You'd think Broners are spies deep in enemy territory.


Might people make fun of you for watching MLP:FIM?  Sure.  Might people make fun of you anyway?  Probably.  Will they do you significant physical harm because you watch MLP:FIM?  Highly unlikely.  Will they stab you with a pen?  Happened to one guy, apparently.  Will you DIE from the pen stabbing?  Not unless the OP is a ghost.




Are you a ghost, OP? o_o

P.S. Nobody do anything f****** stupid.  Don't carry a weapon because you fear the wrath of anti-Broners.  Don't overreact and do greater harm to someone else than they likely would have done to you.  If someone calls you "gay" (which isn't even an insult - get with the damned times) or erroneously accuses you of being a "pedophile," don't flip your shit and beat the crap out of them for it.

Nope, I was more curious to see what people thought about it. I'm not worried about it myself. But you never know. The things said about bronys on the steam page about Anti Brony Brother is ridiculous. 

  • Brohoof 2


§I Was Born Awesome, Not Perfect§

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What's with this nutty persecutory delusion I keep seeing cropping up? No, we aren't in any danger. Seriously. People are not going to bomb conventions (as I've seen one brony fear). No, you don't need to take guns to conventions (as I've seen one guy advise, who then admitted he'd never even been to a con). Believe it or not, we are seriously not that big a deal.

Edited by Daring_Do
  • Brohoof 2
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If happen what you have written, probably they would kill first the cosplayers

There's the answer. Carry a cosplayer around to be used as a sacrifice so you can split! j/k


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I'd say i dare them to try, but i'm more afraid for them than me. I detest violence, but if pushed, it won't matter to me. Since bronies aren't a phenomenon where i'm from, I've had no such occurrences as you've described.


The last time I've fought someone he sported a cut over his left brow, bruises everywhere and a minor concussion. If i'm pushed around because i'm a brony i might end up skinning the next idiot with my keychain.

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They are going to be in danger once im through with them.  :okiedokielokie:


(But not seriously not everyone who is a non-brony hates bronies.)

Edited by Boyevyye De
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As people have already stated, I don't think the community as a whole is in actual real life danger. It's not like there's any terrorist groups that are specifically targeted towards bronies. People hate bronies usually because they've had some bad run in's with the rejects and retards of the fandom who tend to shove anything MLP related down non-bronies throats, so they tend to think that all bronies are like that. They might troll some bronies a bit, but it's never going to get to the point of the ENTIRE community being in real life danger, I don't think.

Edited by Sam Gideon
  • Brohoof 1

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We all know guys that aren't bronys hate us right? Some people take it WAY too far. Sending hate mail every two seconds. Cyber bullying and even getting the shit beat out of us at school sometimes. Personally I was stabbed with a pen at school for being a brony. Granted I beat the living hell out of that guy the next day, but not all bronys will defend themselves. I fear that someday at any brony con. Haters will take it too far, and shoot up the place, because they believe that we don't deserve to even exist and that they're doing the world a favor. What do you think? I think it's possible, and I know how far people can go.

Do you think bronys are in that kind of danger?


You have no idea how much this post made me facepalm.  First of all why do you feel the need too spread around your school or even tell anyone that you are a ''Brony'' which is just a label for a TV show that you watch. You also justify violence with violence, while I would do the same thing likely, still makes you as bad as him.  Saying people will ''shoot up the place'' is neither a funny or tasteful comment and trust me no one would go that far because again you are just fans of a TV show. 


Look I keep using this example over and over and over. But just listen. If someone is a Gay guy and dresses like a ''normal'' person, doesn't have the fake camp act that quite a few of them put on and is just overall a nice guy he wont be ripped on. If someone is a Gay guy, dressing up in a pink tutu, acting super camp and shoving the fact hes gay in peoples face he will be bullied. That is what Bronies do and that is what essentially anyone who tells people in their school do, in the ideal world it wouldnt matter, but this isn't the ideal world and you invite bullying and harrassment by pointlessly admitting your a Brony which isnt even a real term.

  • Brohoof 2
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If happen what you have written, probably they would kill first the cosplayers


Nooo, the cosplayers are the hot ones :0 :0




If someone is a Gay guy and dresses like a ''normal'' person, doesn't have the fake camp act that quite a few of them put on and is just overall a nice guy he wont be ripped on. If someone is a Gay guy, dressing up in a pink tutu, acting super camp and shoving the fact hes gay in peoples face he will be bullied.


While I understand what you were trying to do with the example I feel this is a bit harsh. Some people are naturally flamboyant, that does not make bullying right.


But no most of the people here are right,. You're probably exaggerating the problem the fandom faces due to problems you have individually, and if that's so, I'm so sorry darling... But this fandom's long passed the point where it attracts the trolls. We're mostly too normal now, heh.

  • Brohoof 1
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You know children go to the brony conventions too, because it's my little pony. If they went in and shot everyone up, they'd be killing men, women, and children. We should stop being so paranoid XD say a group of 5 people go to a convention, lets say 600 people are there (i dont know how many go), well how are 5 people gonna manage to kill 600, even with guns.

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I should say no, but I do have a few of those anti bronies who either send me hate msgs on facebook or send me pony porn, "I was only having fun" they would say but continue right after you say stop. But as a fandom we are strong :) :) 

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To be honest... Yes, some people are very violent against bronies. Because they don't understand us and what people don't understand is always seen as a threat to them. Or they will be scared of what they don't understand, but that is also why they defend themselves against us and use violence because we're different.

Bronies are mostly bullied because they watch a cartoon show about colorful ponies... For little girls. Which is not "normal". Which would be referred of as being "gay", etc. And if you're gay, people get violent. 'Cause they definitely don't understand that term. Still. 2015. Get real people. I'm happy gay marriage has at least been legalized for most of you now! Congrats America!


Getting back on the subject, no, there will probably be no shooting. I don't think many anti bronies would dedicate their time on going to a con and shooting people just because they hate the idea. Then it's probably just randomly because that person is mentally insane for real. We would just be unlucky if that ever happened.


I just hope we can all keep together and keep strong, bullying is always wrong.

Edited by darkwingmare

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." - Dr.Seuss


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School is an entirely different environment than life, so the amount of bullying and discrimination that happens in middle school or high school is to be expected.


Seriously, being awkward is dangerous in schools, but it's certainly not dangerous elsewhere. :P

Edited by SkullcandyPegasus
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I am not really worried about this happening at a convention. I know this kind of stuff COULD happen, but, here's the thing, with all the security I saw at Bronycon last year. I have faith that we'll be safe. I would imagine, they get trained in what to do if a shooting should occur. These guys are probably trained to handle any situation, no matter how unlikely the situation is, in happening.

  • Brohoof 2

Facebook: Josh B.

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It is not dangerous if it is self-defence, but what i dont get is why people hate us? can't they get a life and move on, were just people who ponies.... i mean come on now, are we dangerous? It varies.....

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I don't think we're under any attack. There are critics, but I don't see anyone trying to kill us off or end us.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Kyoshi

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I was stabbed with a pen at school for being a brony. Granted I beat the living hell out of that guy the next day..

Really?  Wow.  First off, I want to say how sorry I am that this happened.  It's a really good thing that I've been lucky my whole life that I've never been physically assaulted in any way.  Only verbal bullying.  Maybe a little push from a bully here or there in earlier years of school, but nothing like this.  If I was ever attacked or violated in some way like this, I dare say I might do something that would ruin my life.  (I.e. get me arrested, thrown in prison, etc.)  Hopefully it will never happen.  But in response to you beating the guy up the next day....um...I suppose I should say something to the effect of violence never solves anything, and two wrongs don't make a right, and it will only reflect badly on the fandom...but you know what?  Screw it.  Good for you.  Glad that piece of sh*t got what he deserved.  I know it's wrong, and I don't condone violence, but it still makes me happy to know he didn't get away with it.  (Hope you didn't get in too much trouble.)


I'm sure bronies are in danger, just like everyone else.  People shoot up places every f*cking day.  It's sick.  But I don't reckon we're in any more danger than anyone else.


Personally, I'm sure I'll probably get killed one day for wearing my Fluttershy shirt, or more likely, for wearing my elven princess dress.  I'll probably get gunned down in the mall parking lot.  But I can't not wear what I want.  If I conform and let society win, then I'll never be happy.  If I wear what I want, I might die, but at least there's a chance I'll be happy.

  • Brohoof 2


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I have been bullied because I like this I have been laughed at people said why don't u make like rainbow dash and fly away or better yet make like rainbow crash and crash into the ground and yet no one cares about me when this happens

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Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I've accomplished within a year? I mean even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? An organization formidable enough to be recognized by the UN goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in:

I am not in danger, Petrus. I am the danger! A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!

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