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gaming Saddest Moments In Gaming

Celestial Sloth

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My saddest moment in gaming would have to be in:

Grandia 2


Millenia's "death". During this, i felt kinda bad, she was a brilliant character, and it finished Ryudo's transformation from antihero to hero.


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When Walter is killed in Fable 3.... I cried in the fetal postition for a bit... I hate it when they give you a character they know that you are going to get attatched to and kill em!



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Maybe it's not really a spoiler, 'cause it's also mentioned in the opening post, but

for me it's also John Marston's death at the end of Red Dead Redemption. I seriously cried when that happened, because I didn't expect it and John was just so awesome.


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The single most emotional moment in gaming history is when Kirie dies in DMC4.  That had anyone who owned a PS2 on the brink of, if not crying (me at least).  Also the end of the game "Can Your Pet" was sad.  Well I guess it was more depressing than sad.  Check below for the Pewdiepie official video for a playthrough on "Can Your Pet" and for the trailer for DMC4 which includes the part with Kirie.



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The ending of Portal 2, as stated on the first page. Cara Mia Addio was just OMFG ALL OF MY FEELS ;A;


Also, To the Moon. ALL OF IT. I sobbed, so very hard.

Any time I get a character killed in FEA, I die inside.


no rest for the wizardly.

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Silent Hill 2: The twist when James watches the video is very sad, particularly when Laura comes in and learns the truth and yells at him.


Silent Hill and Final Fantasy VII both have sad death scenes.

I love you.

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there are many moments in the MGS series that....holy shit man



Otacon's sister E.E., Naomi, Sniper Wolf. Sheesh Kojima, hasn't poor Otacon been through enough?

Then Grey Fox, that had me bawling like a bitch. Both Raiden's "Death"(in quotes since he doesn't really die) and his reunion with Rose and his son. And finally, the MGS3 ending


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Chapter 1 of Mother 3, well actually many moments of Mother 3.




Lucas's Mother dies in Chapter 1's beginning, his dad goes out to find his missing brother Claus, Dad defeats mecha-Drago that killed Luca's mom, then Mecha-Drago's baby comes and defends it. Then there is the point much later on when Lucas sees his mom's ghost in a field of sunflowers. And then at the end, Lucas defeats the bastard King Porky, and fights the Masked Man (my avi) as the final boss. BUT, he is actually his brother Clasu.


So he and Claus duel, well more or less Claus smashing Lucas while you must heal and guard, all the while their mother's ghost begs Claus to come to his senses, and his dad does the same. So Claus nearly kills their dad, and slowly begins questioning what he is doing through the fight. Until he eventually takes off his mask, and commits child suicide. 



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FFIV when Porem and Palom sacrifice themselves by turning themselves to stone to save your party's lives. It kind of touched a nerve because of pokemon the first movie and it only made things sadder when Tellah couldn't cure them since they turned to stone by their own will.


Also the bad ending of Phoenix Wright Justice for All was really sad, but I placed it just under Final Fantasy 4. Mainly because of the line 'The "miracle" never happen.' If it weren't for that typo, I would put it at the very top of the list, it really does paint a bleak picture.

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Hmmm... Well to me, the Professor Layton games for the DS have always been the saddest games ever. But the third one has the saddestst ending ever in a video game in my opinion. It was the only game that ever made me cry. I don't wont to spoil it so I'm not going to talk about it, but I highly recommend this game.

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Several for me:


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon endings in general.


Gears of War 2 

When you find Maria. Although, it DID prove quite possibly the most effective motivator to slaughter the Locust with absolutely no mercy whatsoever.



Fallout 3 

Watching your dad die, especially after you JUST saved him. And then Autumn ends up surviving somehow...



Trauma Center games

Holy geez, where to start...

In UtK/SO, Anderson's death. After you spent nearly the entire chapter trying to save him. The Tama story's also a real tearjerker.
UtK2, when Emilio dies (despite me having three and a half more minutes on the clock...)
And Trauma Team, with the endings to the 2nd, 3rd, AND 4th Forensics missions, the "leave you hanging" ending of the Rosalia Diagnostic, And when Clair gets shot. Only one of those cases ends up living, as far as we know...



Left 4 Dead 2 

Bill's corpse. 'Nuff said.



Assassin's Creed 2

When your family dies. Makes the fistfight with the Pope that much more glorious.



PWAA Trials & Tribulations

When Terry dies. Makes me wanna get Dahlia back even more.



Brutal Legend 

When you find out what happened to Ophelia. All while "Mr. Crowley" plays in the background. They sure knew how to make a sad scene stay true to the theme...


Quite a few, really. And most share one trait: Makes you want to get back at whatever caused it. The most effective way to someone's mind is through their heart...


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Every time I lose more than 10,000 souls in Demon's/Dark Souls.


But story-wise I gotta agree with pretty much everything at the end of Metal Gear Solid 4. One of the most epic final bosses ever and then when Snake

nearly shot himself I cried with Otacon. Or when Meryl and the other dude nearly died together in that chamber where you fight Psycho Mantis v2.


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Since I don't know how to hide things in a spoiler tag, I will be creative, as I have seen other do it.


Jak lll when you dicover Damos is Jaks father, only for him to die before he figures it out. And then Vegor is a total jerk about it.

In Gears of War lll when Dom dies.

The Ending to Sonic Unleashed

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. When Minda returns to her dimension. Made me cry.


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Silent Hill: Shattered memories

This game is THE MOST saddest and depressing game, at least for me. Man, I remember when I played it for the first time. I believe I cried like 5 times throughout the whole game, because it really gets you hooked and then it affects you even more. There are two moments when I can't stop crying even when I saw it like 9001 times. The first one is when Lisa, the nurse dies. Man, it shattered my heart when she died in the first game, but HERE too? Screw this gay earth- I mean, ok, let's go on. And the second moment is the ending itself, because... well, I didn't expect it and it totally blew my mind (plus super sad).


Lisa's death:

The ending:


This is THE best game in the history of silent hill. It'll be my favorite till the end.

shiet got srs guise

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For me,it was the entire final episode of The Walking Dead.That was probably the most emotional I've ever been while playing a video game.It's just...frick.Closest I ever came to bawling for ficitional characters ever since Up.


Specific details below and spoilers ahoy.


When Ben fell down and was dying,I was going "Oh shit,not now,we're amost to the end,"and then Kenny almost makes me cry when sacrifices himself to put Ben out of his misery because Ben didn't want to end up being a walker.Then at the gem store with Clem,I told her to shoot Lee and put him out of his misery.I literally kept mouthing "I love you" when Lee said "I'll miss you" to Clementine until she shot him.

And the ending was the worst because I told Omid and Christa to take care of Clem,but Clem was all alone.I was so close to tears.Made me depressed for that entire day.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I would have to say that the ending of Metal Gear Solid 3 was the saddest moment in any game I've ever played. Never has there been such a memorable game ending as that. I almost cried when I completed the game and saw the ending, and I'm not usually one to cry!

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Only ones i remember to be sad at least to me:


TLoS: The Enternal Night ending


Dead Rising: Ending A





I don't have yet any else because i do not own so much games but oh well: i hope ya like these.

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Spring has arrived to Finland and you know what that means?


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljOpfo1sras ITS SOON HOLIDAY!



 Other track :)
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The Bioshock 2 "good" ending made me tear up a bit. :C






(I want one of those Big Daddy dolls, just to keep on my bed. xD)




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Most depressing moments for me include:


Final Fantasy VI




Silent Hill



Wind Waker




There are probably more but those are the ones that stick out in my mind the most.

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For me, probably when Sega shelved the Dreamcast and backed out of the hardware market. They left a hole that still hasn't been filled. They went on making games with all their classic characters, but it was never the same.


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"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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