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Derpy has her positives and negatives

Positives:She is a prime example of how the show acknowledges the fandom

Negatives:How she talked in Slice of Life, i liked how she didn't before i think she was better that way

Honey Wings, my love, my life, together forever.


This picture is 20% cooler thanks to Twisted Cyclone

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I'm expecting my house to be burnt, a curse placed on my soul, and multiple hits to be issued on me for saying these things.


So I've been thinking. Derpy is REEEEALY popular, like woah. I read up on Derpygate, and from what I read, it was like North Korea threatened to launch missiles... Wait.


Maybe it was a side effect of coming into the fandom late, but I never really got into Derpy. I don't hate her, I rarely HATE anything on this show. I just dont like her. I'm fairly indifferent on most things Ditzy, or Muffins.


I'll just get right into it:

1) Mainstream. This one is pretty subjective, but I have never been a man to follow the current most turtles follow. I always choose to save the guy no one else chooses in The Walking Dead.


I don't like being just another sheep in a herd. I like having the other side in arguments, disagreements, or debates. It makes it interesting and for lack of a better word, more fun.


2)Last in the Gate. I joined the Fandom between Seasons 4 and 5 (but still know way more than some of the bronies I've talked to). I completely missed the graze on Derpy Fields. So I feel I don't have the same "she shaped the fandom" mentality that some veteran bronies may have.


3)The Last Round-up. That f**k took the spotlight from best pony. One of the greatest Applejack episodes was completely overshadowed by some 30 second cameo of Derpy wrecking the joint. The episode was so damn good. One of my favorite episodes to date (dat I Love Lucy reference *squee*) was pretty much forgotten by everyone else. Everytime you look up anything about that episode, at least 75% of the page is filled with "Derpy voice change", "Derpygate", "Derpy Scandal". I. Don't. Care. My apathy towards Derpy might not be so high if not for this one point.


So how much do you like Derpy? Do you maybe share similar feelings to her as I do? Have your thoughts be forever memorialized by leaving them below.

She just didn't know what went wrong.

Celebrating eight years of bronyhood, 29 October 2012-present.

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It doesn't make her look bad. It makes her look desperate and believable.

Go look up FOB Equestria's Top Ten Personal Episodes. Firebrand will tell you why it's understandable.

I guess he does make some good points. He's one of my favorite youtubers by the way. 

Creator of MLP Ruined Vines and Recorder Sh*t

Equestria's Biggest Hip-Hop Nerd

Everyday is Leg Day!

Follow me on Twitter: @EarlBrony

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I kinda like her as a wacky background simpleton that she is, and I see nothing wrong with her being a Brony mascot. Sure Bronies tend to be protective and entitled, but hey, it’s the same in every fandom (be glad you’re not a Starcraft fan).


Then there are those fan portrayals that turn her into some sort of a non-everyday hero. I know it’s personal but I just don’t like it. That stuff makes me puke rainbows. Oh look, another fan animblaaaarrrgh!

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1. I don't care what is "mainstream" or not, I like what I like and some characters I like are more popular than others. Applejack was the first pony I ever liked and she isn't as popular as the others yet I also love Derpy who is the most popular background pony and love them both for different reasons.


2. I joined around season 3 so I came in after The Last Roundup Episode yet the whole things still completely and thoroughly pissed me off due to the fuck you that busy body parents just did to people they claim to speak for by calling for Derpy's head without even listening to the multitude of people they automatically assumed would find her offense yet ended up loving her.


3. This argument, I really hate this argument. If I had my way Derpy would have made her speaking debut in her own episode and yes Applejack was neglected a bit in the past but though I can't help some people forgetting I still remember this is an AJ episode and a rather good one.




You groom a fandom to think they will get what they want, and they will uproar when they don't. It just isn't a winning formula and I think it's more or less been proven by the fact that every time something minor was done that fans didn't like there was an uproar. I vaguely remember a petition to change Vinyl Scratch's eye color to red and regular hate mail to M. A. Larson.

Yes there are whiny,demanding fans but this argument shows that you haven't even bothered to actually listen to why people got upset over the Derpy situation. Many including me got upset because these busy body parents actually spoke about how "offensive" Derpy was to the disable without even bothering to listen to the multitudes of the people that they claimed to speak for that actually love Derpy. Do you know just how condescending that is? The Derpy situation and Vinyl's eye color change are not the same thing, not even close.



I hate how giving into the brony fandom seems to always bite Hasbro in the ass because it just teaches them that they "control" the show when they don't. So often I hear "we are the REAL demographic" and constant insistence that the show should only be catered to them. It's really pathetic and hurts the show in that the writers have to back out of what they originally planned to cater to bronies instead.

The decision to change that Derpy scene wasn't Hasbro's it was bitchy, whiny parents who didn't know what the fuck they were actually talking about and Hasbro had no choice but to do it or potentially face a PR nightmare that could have gotten the show cancelled. I rarely hear people actually seriously make the "bronies are the real demographic argument", so bronies get some bones thrown every now and then and in some cases an entire skeleton yet there are a few that cry "fan service" whenever that happens even a little bit even if it makes sense for the context of the episode. It is true that Hasbro has the final say on episodes but the fact that they are actually do some fan service every now and then does show that bronies do in fact have a lot of influence over the show. Bronies aren't the only demographic but Hasbro knows they are just as important as the original young girl demographic. The idea that one group has to be appeased while the other left out in the cold is ridiculous.

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3)The Last Round-up. That f**k took the spotlight from best pony. One of the greatest Applejack episodes was completely overshadowed by some 30 second cameo of Derpy wrecking the joint. The episode was so damn good. One of my favorite episodes to date (dat I Love Lucy reference *squee*) was pretty much forgotten by everyone else. Everytime you look up anything about that episode, at least 75% of the page is filled with "Derpy voice change", "Derpygate", "Derpy Scandal". I. Don't. Care. My apathy towards Derpy might not be so high if not for this one point.

I find this amusing and it reminds me of Sleepless in Ponyville in which I believe Luna stole attention away from Scootaloo.


@,@@VoxelBronyIt seems to me that most things that are popular automatically become deemed as overrated.

Edited by Luna the Great

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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1) Mainstream.

Not liking something because other people like it? I don't understand this thought process. Never have, really.


2)Last in the Gate.

I don't feel like bestpony Derpy shaped the fandom. I hardly noticed her existence in the show, prior to September/November of 2014. What started me on the Derptrain was Lovestruck Derpy.


3)The Last Round-up.

I disagree. I'm curious, though, how the cause of the episode would overshadow the conclusion? The controversy aside, I've never heard this statement. It would be like saying "Stark created Ultron in the beginning, that totally ruined the ending of the second Avengers movie."


To sum up; (Or, TL;DR if you prefer);

I disagree. To each his own. I don't see why you're so displeased that you feel the need to spread negativity about something that really has minimal to no effect on your life.

I bid you good day sir. I SAID GOOD DAY. *slams door*

Because every post needs a... LITTLE HUMOR.

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You should not really allow yourself to be swayed one way or another based on what is liked or most popular. Myself, I enjoy Derpy not because most of the fandom does, but because she exemplifies innocence, a trait which I love, yet is so rare in modern society.

  • Brohoof 1


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I used to not like her because all I saw was society's stereotype of strabismus. Even then, it wasn't that I disliked her so much as I disliked the way fans and the show treated her. But the new Muffins we saw with Slice of Life is really cool. 

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2. I joined around season 3 so I came in after The Last Roundup Episode yet the whole things still completely and thoroughly pissed me off due to the fuck you that busy body parents just did to people they claim to speak for by calling for Derpy's head without even listening to the multitude of people they automatically assumed would find her offense yet ended up loving her.

And what about those who actually found her offensive? Are we going to ignore them because some disabled people liked her?  

  • Brohoof 1
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And what about those who actually found her offensive? Are we going to ignore them because some disabled people liked her?  

Yes, they ignored me and the others t hey claim to speak for so fuck them and the high horse they rode in on. I have been called "stupid" and "retard" before even though I am not due to being on the Autism spectrum and most of these people don't have that kind of experience.

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I have no problem with the girl, she's a cutie with a nice design and fun personality to match. I fail to see how just because something is "mainstream" then it's automatically bad or it makes you a "another sheep in a herd".


And Applejack is one of my favorite ponies and she didn't have her spotlight taken from her in The Last Roundup, the bronies were the ones talking about Ditzy/Muffins/WhateverHerNameIs so blaming the character herself seems unfair to her. You're obviously allowed disliking her but your reasons don't really add up too well when all it comes down to is how people view her and not the character herself.

  • Brohoof 1


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Yes, they ignored me and the others t hey claim to speak for so fuck them and the high horse they rode in on. I have been called "stupid" and "retard" before even though I am not due to being on the Autism spectrum and most of these people don't have that kind of experience.

Who's speaking for who now? How do you know that most of the people who found Derpy offensive don't have that experience? 


Edit: So get of your high horse and stop being a hypocrite. 

Edited by Yamet
  • Brohoof 1
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Who's speaking for who now? How do you know that most of the people who found Derpy offensive don't have that experience?  

I know it because I know the type of person who gets habitually offended like this, SJW's. They claim they are more tolerant and enlightened than everyone else but than they pull off something like this. These people want those who are different to quietly sit in a corner while they decide to speak for them, whether they asked for it or not. I see these people all over the place, they are infecting this country like a cancer and are fomenting this phony outrage culture that needs to be stamped out. I have said my peace on this and Derpy fans ended up actually winning the battle with Derpy getting another speaking role in Slice of Life without incident, but I always saw this matter as much bigger than just a mere background pony. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I know it because I know the type of person who gets habitually offended like this, SJW's.
 And some people with disabilities. Like myself.  


Not anyone who disagrees whit you are social justice warrior. Can you understand that?

  • Brohoof 2


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Yes there are whiny,demanding fans but this argument shows that you haven't even bothered to actually listen to why people got upset over the Derpy situation. Many including me got upset because these busy body parents actually spoke about how "offensive" Derpy was to the disable without even bothering to listen to the multitudes of the people that they claimed to speak for that actually love Derpy. Do you know just how condescending that is? The Derpy situation and Vinyl's eye color change are not the same thing, not even close.


Oh believe me, I listened to their arguments as to why they did not like the decision. Trust me, I am no supporter of changing it for the sake of censorship either, or changing it because a couple of soccer moms got mad, but the writer herself was offended that's a different monster. She didn't want work with her name on it that would be offensive to her and I can totally understand that. I let it go because she herself wanted the change for her own sake not for the sake of butthurt soccer moms. People ignored that fact and many of them called her a "coward" for not keeping it saying she gave in to the threats of the offended when that ultimately was not the situation.


It's very similar in the Vinyl eye color change in that people refused to just accept that they do not own the show and that the writers make choices that the fans don't like. The poor woman felt personally offended by the work being accredited to her name and people's reaction was telling her not to be offended.




The decision to change that Derpy scene wasn't Hasbro's it was bitchy, whiny parents who didn't know what the fuck they were actually talking about and Hasbro had no choice but to do it or potentially face a PR nightmare that could have gotten the show cancelled.


Actually the writer was the one who made the decision in the end. Amy Keating Rodgers admitted she called for the change because she was personally offended with hasbro's choice. She admitted she had no idea what "Derpy" meant when they had her add it to the episode and after looking it up, she did not feel comfortable with their decision. Parents being upset only made it easier for her to convince Hasbro to make the change. There wasn't some big group of soccer moms who "ruined Derpy" it was the writer who made the choice.




I rarely hear people actually seriously make the "bronies are the real demographic argument",


Happens quite often on this forum. A lot of users here claim that bronies are the only reason the show has been kept going, among other things.




Bronies aren't the only demographic but Hasbro knows they are just as important as the original young girl demographic.


Or at least that's what bronies tell themselves. The truth is that Hasbro did just fine without bronies, and I am sure if they would handle fine without them. 

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I know it because I know the type of person who gets habitually offended like this, SJW's. 

I made it this far without laughing, that has to be some kind of record. Seriously tough, not everyone who is offended by these things are SJW's. There's a pretty big change that more than a few disabled people got offended by Derpy, she was just an idiot who destroyed stuff, annoyed Rainbow Dash and acted stupid. That's literally all she did in the entire episode. But perhaps that's the kind of disabled character that you would like to see but it's not what most people like. Also, if disagree with me you're a neckbeard.*


These people want those who are different to quietly sit in a corner while they decide to speak for them, whether they asked for it or not. 

Or there actually is disabled people who find her offensive.  


Derpy fans ended up actually winning the battle with Derpy getting another speaking role in Slice of Life without incident, 

I would say that those who found her offensive won since they changed her character and made her less offensive. 


*I'm joking, but do you see how insanely stupid that argument is? 

  • Brohoof 1
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My opinions on Derpy: She's great and all, but she's just another background pony. Now that doesn't mean she's not interesting, but there are plenty others who deserve just as much credit for building the fandom. "You'll play your part" ~ Celestia.

Enter the Forest...

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I know it because I know the type of person who gets habitually offended like this, SJW's. They claim they are more tolerant and enlightened than everyone else but than they pull off something like this. These people want those who are different to quietly sit in a corner while they decide to speak for them, whether they asked for it or not. I see these people all over the place, they are infecting this country like a cancer and are fomenting this phony outrage culture that needs to be stamped out. I have said my peace on this and Derpy fans ended up actually winning the battle with Derpy getting another speaking role in Slice of Life without incident, but I always saw this matter as much bigger than just a mere background pony. 


While I don't agree with the actions of a lot of SJWs, you need waaaaaay more evidence than you're presenting to assert such claims. The only evidence we have is that Derpy was removed because of a choice by the writer, literally nothing else. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

The problem with anything that is popular is that people cannot describe why they like it in a way others can relate to and since so many people like it they just use mob mentality to silence the neighsayers in conclusion we learned nothing


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