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S05:E15 - Rarity Investigates


S05:E15 - Rarity Investigates  

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That was a neat episode! Much needed interaction between Rarity and Rainbow Dash, and a rather positive one at that! The two ponies may be different but are great pals nonetheless. Rares proved herself to be an awesome detective. After all, those who work with fashion have a great eye for details. Oh, and Sassy's back real soon. Dat continuity. And she's doing a great job as a business partner.

I really liked how they handled the film noir elements, even going deliberately monochrome in certain scenes. Needless to say, Wind Rider totally got what he deserved. I'm specially fond of how Soarin' was like. Even if Spitfire's not around, he's a competent authority on his own. And more Wonderbolt members!

Mmm, Rarity is a fan of detective Shadow Spade's novels, huh? Could she be as popular as Daring Do?

Also, those ponified Sherlock, Wadson and Moriarty... sweet. And that jazz version of the end credits was amazing.

Edited by Dino-Mario

My Dragon Cave scroll: http://dragcave.net/user/Dino-Mario

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Overall, I think I liked this episode a bit more than the previous one. The music, greyscale color scheme, lighting, and narration do make the episode atmospheric; it's nice to see Rarity put in so much work to help Rainbow Dash out; and Rainbow Dash does get to fly in a Wonderbolts performance. However, some of the characters' behavior is annoying and detracts from enjoying the episode - Rainbow Dash's especially, but others' also.


One aspect of the episode I didn't like was Rainbow Dash's over-the-top fangirl behavior regarding Wind Rider and the Wonderbolts. For example, what was wrong with Rarity's initial conversation with Wind Rider at the dinner, such that Rainbow felt the need to interrupt the conversation and berate Rarity for not knowing who she was talking to? Was Rarity doing something particularly embarrassing? Did Rainbow just find Rarity not fangasming at the presence of Wind Rider unacceptable? Why would Rarity necessarily be expected to recognize Wind Rider on sight, or to know who he is? And later on, Rainbow Dash's incredulity at Rarity accusing Wind Rider of framing her is obviously misplaced. Rainbow vehemently protests that "he's a living legend, for pony's sake!", but so what? Why would Wind Rider's being a "living legend" mean that he could never do such an unethical thing? Rainbow's self-congratulatory "dance" which she performs twice in the episode was also very annoying.


As a side note, how many times now has Rainbow Dash learned that her idols don't actually live up to their initial sky-high reputations in her mind? We might think that, after the events of "Daring Don't" and "Rainbow Falls", Rainbow might learn to tone down her fangirling and lofty expectations, but apparently she hasn't absorbed that lesson yet.


Rainbow Dash's other main offputting behavior in this episode is her repeated impatience with, and cluelessness about, Rarity's investigations. For one thing, I would think that Rainbow should be smart enough to have at least some idea of (and patience with) what Rarity's doing. Yet Rainbow Dash, after Rarity's accusation of Wind Rider, angrily asks "What evidence could you possibly have?", and later, Rainbow asks Rarity why she didn't tell Rainbow what she was doing. Sure, Rarity probably could have explained the evidence she was gathering and her thought process without getting Rainbow's hopes up by saying that she definitely knew who did it. But really, I think Rainbow Dash should have been able to figure out what Rarity was doing, at least somewhat, without Rarity having to spell it all out.


However, the more annoying aspect of this (to me, at least) is Rainbow Dash's ungratefulness about Rarity's hard work, while not putting in much (if any) work herself. Several times, Rainbow criticizes what Rarity is doing as a waste of time and not helping her, but Rainbow also never volunteers to help or suggests what to do instead. What has Rainbow done to help find the culprit, other than following Rarity around and yelling at her? Rainbow doesn't seem to realize that Rarity doesn't have to do all of this to help her. Rainbow's attitude here is reminiscent of her attitude toward Twilight in "Testing Testing, 1, 2, 3": when Rainbow fails Twilight's pop quiz, and realizes that she might fail the history test, she yells at Twilight about it all being Twilight's fault, even though Twilight is being nice in trying to help Rainbow study, and doesn't have to help her at all.


Another thing which I found painful to watch in this episode is Rarity's transparent manipulation of male ponies to do what she wants, and those male ponies just completely falling for it. Why does Rarity's commenting on the difficulty of their jobs, touching them, and batting her eyelashes at them cause them to just unquestioningly do her bidding? How is it worthwhile for the male ponies to do that? Do they expect to get a date with her later? Or are they really so desperate that 20 seconds' worth of attention from a "pretty girl" is that valuable, even with no indication of any deeper interest from her? Wouldn't it be bad (and shameful) to develop a reputation of being so easily manipulated? On a similar note, wouldn't it be bad (and shameful) for Rarity to develop a reputation for such shallow manipulation of male ponies?


Finally, I don't like Soarin's and the Wonderbolts' "guilty until proven innocent" mentality toward Rainbow Dash, whereby Rainbow can only fly in the show if she proves someone else was behind Spitfire's disappearance, and if Rainbow doesn't, then she's presumed guilty. Why did finding the culprit become solely Rainbow's job? It goes without saying that Rainbow potentially having a good motive for sending Spitfire away is not in itself sufficient evidence that she did so. While Soarin says that Rainbow would be banned from the Wonderbolts forever if she sent the letter, it's not clear whether that means the Wonderbolts must prove that she sent the letter, or whether they'll just assume that she did unless she finds the actual culprit.


Also, I'm not sure of the logistics of this whole situation. What if Rainbow proves someone else is behind Spitfire's disappearance, but Misty Fly and Blaze find Spitfire and bring her back before the show? Would Rainbow still get to fly in the show in that case? What if Rainbow fails to prove someone else is behind Spitfire's disappearance, but Spitfire is not back in time for the show? Would they then just do the show with a missing member (i.e., without Spitfire or Rainbow)?


The reveal that Wind Rider framed Rainbow Dash did feel like the end of a Scooby-Doo episode. Rarity's evidence, while suggesting avenues of further investigation, is hardly definitive enough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Wind Rider did it, so why did he admit to it? And, Scooby-Doo style, Rarity states what Wind Rider's motivation was, and Wind Rider indignantly elaborates on it, even though he wouldn't seem to have any good reason to do so, since it would probably only make him look worse. And when Soarin asks Wind Rider where Spitfire is, he readily explains where she went, even though he could spitefully refuse to give that information. I suppose he might have thought that explaining his scheme would show how clever he is, but even if it did, what would be the point? What would Wind Rider gain from demonstrating his cleverness?


Now for some other miscellaneous observations:


It seems that Canterlot Boutique is not very structurally sound if slamming the door open or closed rattles the whole building to the point of knocking displays over.


Rainbow Dash says to Rarity and Sassy that she was "just the lucky Reserve who was called in to be the backup flyer", but Rarity tells Rainbow Dash that "out of all the Reserves, you were the one chosen". This just raises the question of how the backup flyer was chosen. Was it on the basis of skill or talent (as Rarity seems to imply), or was it just, e.g., a random drawing (as Rainbow seems to imply in saying that she was "lucky")?


Does the delivery pony put together the orders contained in the same boxes he's delivering, as implied by his possibly "redoing" Rarity's rhinestone order? Is he only delivering packages for the company from which Rarity ordered the rhinestones? That seems a little strange. My impression was that he's the equivalent of a UPS or Fed-Ex delivery person, and if that's the case, then Rarity would have to bring up the mistaken order with the rhinestone company, not with the delivery pony.


Rarity's overtly sniffing Wind Rider's cologne doesn't seem very lady-like.


Rainbow Dash's dream about flying with Wind Rider and the Wonderbolts, even if it weren't "incriminating", is utterly irrelevant to the matter at hand; there's absolutely no reason for Rainbow to be talking about it.


Rarity says that Shadow Spade would say that the best way to prove that Rainbow didn't send the letter is to find out whoever did - or, you know, they could point out that there's not sufficient evidence to prove that Rainbow did it, and therefore, all that can be said is that the sender of the letter is not known.


Was the one guarded door the only accessible route to Spitfire's bedroom? Could it have been possible, for example, for someone to fly up to the window and deliver the letter that way?


It's kind of funny that Wind Rider is only kicked out of the show on Spitfire's suggestion. After all, if Rainbow Dash wouldn't have been allowed to fly in the show if she didn't find who sent Spitfire the letter, then surely Wind Rider's openly admitting to sending the letter should at least warrant the same treatment.

  • Brohoof 1
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Edited by (Delete) NoOneImportant
  • Brohoof 3


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-Side note. Anybody notice the Sherlock ponies?



No, I hadn't but fair play to you for noticing them! Awesome! 


I personally found this episode lacking, most probably because we saw so few of the main cast ('mane' cast, even...).   The mystery, as people are saying, was way too predictable.  I knew it was him as soon as the problem was first addressed.  The concept of mystery / case-solving episodes is a good one, but I feel they just need to get us thinking a bit more.  Now okay, this isn't Agatha Christie reincarnated or anything, it's still MLP and they obviously can't go into any serious crimes, but the culprits should surely be kept more subdued than this.  MMMystery on the Friendship Express had a relatively unsatisfying ending as well.


The Rarity detective scenes were amusing in their observing of classic detective films, but they did drag on a bit.  It felt like the solving of the case was just suddenly thrown on us by Rarity at the end, and we saw relatively irrelevant endeavours in the detective scenes - ideally we should be invited to 'think along' with Rarity, as opposed to watching her and moaning Rainbow Dash carry out meaningless acts and then having the verdict delivered at the end with us clueless.  Maybe people disagree; it's just how I felt watching it. 


I also don't feel like the Wonderbolts would so willingly be prepared to kick Rainbow Dash out from any affiliation with them at all after everything she's done for them, and how proven she is to them, instead giving her a rash ultimatum.  Talk about a fair judicial system in Equestria...


Nevertheless, as a Rainbow fan myself :sneer:, it was great to see her get an episode focus.  She seemed unlike herself though, almost too dependent on Rarity's help and unwilling to take matters into her own hands - like she might normally and arrogantly do.  Character development, I guess...anyway


Keep going, MLP, we still love you!

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Lots of good points to talk about here!

Did Rainbow just find Rarity not fangasming at the presence of Wind Rider unacceptable?

Well, to sound somewhat crude - I almost feel like RD has been fangasming over the Wonderbolts for so long, if a pony isn't leaking bodily fluids at the sight of the legendary members she's likely to call them out for a lack of respect.  :lol:

Rainbow might learn to tone down her fangirling and lofty expectations, but apparently she hasn't absorbed that lesson yet.

Good point. This seems to be the main RD character development failure, just like Spike keeps getting rehashed with his supposed greed.

Sure, Rarity probably could have explained the evidence she was gathering and her thought process without getting Rainbow's hopes up by saying that she definitely knew who did it. But really, I think Rainbow Dash should have been able to figure out what Rarity was doing, at least somewhat, without Rarity having to spell it all out.

That could be. I did have a bit of an issue with Rarity making the excuse that she couldn't tell her about her hunch because she wasn't sure yet, since it would have settled RD down. On the other hoof, maybe it's a good thing because if RD had the whole picture painted for her she might have jumped the gun and went back to accuse him just on the evidence of the cologne?

Why does Rarity's commenting on the difficulty of their jobs, touching them, and batting her eyelashes at them cause them to just unquestioningly do her bidding? How is it worthwhile for the male ponies to do that? Do they expect to get a date with her later? Or are they really so desperate that 20 seconds' worth of attention from a "pretty girl" is that valuable, even with no indication of any deeper interest from her?

It seems like it's for comedic value. Almost seems like this is the replacement gag they would like to use since they insist on phasing out Spike crushing on Rarity.

Finally, I don't like Soarin's and the Wonderbolts' "guilty until proven innocent" mentality toward Rainbow Dash, whereby Rainbow can only fly in the show if she proves someone else was behind Spitfire's disappearance, and if Rainbow doesn't, then she's presumed guilty.

I was taken back a bit by how he berated RD. Others have pointed out he should have been on really good terms with her after Rainbow Falls, and I agree. I will give him a bit of the benefit of the doubt since RD practically admitted to it when she spilled the beans on her dream. (see right below).

Rainbow Dash's dream about flying with Wind Rider and the Wonderbolts, even if it weren't "incriminating", is utterly irrelevant to the matter at hand; there's absolutely no reason for Rainbow to be talking about it.

Except for moving the plot along so the entire third act could be reserved for the reveal, and also providing a comedy beat for her "Nevermind, forget that" comment. It's true, it's a bit weak, but I did laugh during that scene.

Also, I'm not sure of the logistics of this whole situation. What if Rainbow proves someone else is behind Spitfire's disappearance, but Misty Fly and Blaze find Spitfire and bring her back before the show? Would Rainbow still get to fly in the show in that case? What if Rainbow fails to prove someone else is behind Spitfire's disappearance, but Spitfire is not back in time for the show? Would they then just do the show with a missing member

Yeah I'm not sure about the logic, either. Windrider's purpose was simply to get her out of the Wonderbolts; he really didn't care if she flew in the show or not. Depending on how important it was to have the right number of members in the show, that is probably what would have determined whether they let her fly with them one last time before she was permanently kicked out.
Which, I know someone is going to say, is not how it works when you get fired from a job - you immediately get escorted out of the building by security. But RD is so loyal to a fault they might have let her fly with them one more time even if she failed to prove herself innocent just out of convenience for them.

And when Soarin asks Wind Rider where Spitfire is, he readily explains where she went, even though he could spitefully refuse to give that information.

Yeah this is all part of that Scooby-Doo ending mentality. But it's also common in practically all crime dramas, and I dislike it there as well: The bad guy confesses in the last 5-8 minutes of the last act and usually gives a lot more exposition than someone would in real life. I guess a crime story doesn't feel complete unless the audience knows all of their nefarious plans and motivations by the end?

Was it on the basis of skill or talent (as Rarity seems to imply), or was it just, e.g., a random drawing (as Rainbow seems to imply in saying that she was "lucky")?

I think it was on a basis of skill; RD was unusually humble in this episode, and she was just being humble by saying she was lucky.

Does the delivery pony put together the orders contained in the same boxes he's delivering, as implied by his possibly "redoing" Rarity's rhinestone order?

Yeah this bugged me a bit too. If the order wasn't right from the place she ordered it from (dragon cut stones from the badlands? Unless you're Pinky, you're not getting there and back in a few hours) then melting the delivery pony's heart and defenses wouldn't have helped her situation.
But I gave this issue a bit of a pass since there are no computers, barcode scanning at each leg of the journey, or GPS tracking the packages. It is entirely possible (though maybe not likely) that the correct order was still at a distribution hub. Or perhaps the fulfillment facility from the business she ordered it from is located right there in Canterlot? Then it makes sense for her to convince him to go back and find the right one.

Rarity says that Shadow Spade would say that the best way to prove that Rainbow didn't send the letter is to find out whoever did - or, you know, they could point out that there's not sufficient evidence to prove that Rainbow did it, and therefore, all that can be said is that the sender of the letter is not known.

I would like to think the episode REALLY wanted the envelope to be present at the party, and that the incriminating rainbow hairs SHOULD have fallen out for all to see. That would have tied her a lot more closely to the crime - in the real world such evidence would have warranted an arrest (if sending a fake letter was a real crime) before forensics cleared her. But somehow that part got lost in story editing perhaps? It made almost no sense for Rarity to be the one to first find her hair.

Was the one guarded door the only accessible route to Spitfire's bedroom? Could it have been possible, for example, for someone to fly up to the window and deliver the letter that way?

:lol: Touche! Yeah the guards were pretty clueless with their saying no pony could get by them considering the whole group consisted of nothing but pegasi!

It's kind of funny that Wind Rider is only kicked out of the show on Spitfire's suggestion. After all, if Rainbow Dash wouldn't have been allowed to fly in the show if she didn't find who sent Spitfire the letter, then surely Wind Rider's openly admitting to sending the letter should at least warrant the same treatment.

I'm thinking they were getting to kicking him out. It was just coincidence (and dialogue editing to fit everything in) that they managed to kill two birds with one stone and get RD into the show and permaban Windrider from the Wonderbolts at the same time. At the end they did state he was no longer a member, so yeah - banned!

  • Brohoof 1

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Okay, this is probably the best episode in Season 5 or more or less rivals Griffonstone. I've said it before and I'll say it again, paired up episodes are always good or at least what I think the DHX staff is better at and this was a rare Rarity and Rainbow Dash pair that worked pretty well and please enough Rainbow Dash how about a pair without Rainbow Dash for once this is turning out to be My Little Rainbow Dash. The reason I liked this so much is because I like detective stuff, my only gripe is that they didn't bring out the clues into question the only clue that was given was the white scarf and how the person was agitated about getting it stained something Rainbow Dash wouldn't care about or wear. The person obviously had good taste so that couldn't be Rainbow Dash either.


I did knew it was Wind Rider from the very beginning because MLP is not known to be a detective show but a children's show and most obviously tack it on the most unlikely of suspects.


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Killer episode.  They've really been knockin' em outta the park lately.


Great premise, great story, very original.  The film noir idea was just amazing.  Brilliant.


I love that they haven't forgotten about Rainbow and the 'bolts.  I was worried that they would just stuff that in the closet and forget that she's supposed to be a reserve.  I was thrilled that she had a chance to fly with them.  Another little tidbit that pleased me was how she did a little bit of her showboating stuff, but without going overboard and causing a problem.  You don't want her to lose what makes her Rainbow, but you also don't want her to go all Mare Do Well again.  This episode did it right, and it was a perfect balance.


I'm still sour about Spitfire's loathsome behavior in Rainbow Falls, but I'm pleased to see that this episode redeemed her.  I feel as though I can like her again, which is nice.


The best part of this one was that we got a much needed pairing that we've never had before.  I'm pretty sure we've never had a Rainbow/Rarity costar before, right?  I absolutely love seeing the one-on-one dynamics, and this was a paring that we needed.  Rainbow and Rarity seem like sort of an unlikely paring, as in the least likely of the mane 6 to become one-on-one friends.  A lot of groups have friends that work well together in the group, but never really clicked as one-on-one friends.  But Rarity and Rainbow ended up having a great chemistry, and I was thrilled to see the two of them together.  Rainbow even gave Rarity a heartwarming hug at one point!  :wub:   Also, I love it when Rainbow calls her "Rare".  I think Rainbow is the only one who calls Rarity that.


There are only two things for me to pick at.  One--it seems like a bummer that Equestria seems to have a guilty-until-proven-innocent rule.  That's not right or fair.  There's a reason it's the other way around in the real world.  Oh well.  Wouldn't have been much of a story otherwise.  Still, it seemed kind of sad that the 'bolts didn't have much faith in RD from the get-go.  I guess they don't really know her all that well.  Not her character, anyway.  Not like her friends do.  But they know she's a pony of integrity.  Spitfire learned that at the academy.  Meh.  Oh well.


The only other quibble is that it would have been nice if Tia had actually spoken ONE FRIGGIN LINE.  But of course we couldn't get that.  As we all know, they seem to be writing her out of the show.  :angry:


But definitely an A+ episode.

Edited by Justin_Case001


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Good episode,not great. The mystery was really lacking. A lot better than MMMystery on the Friendship Express,but it was still pretty lame. Too easy of a mystery. You know who the culprit is as soon as he steps on the scene.


Plus,writing an excuse to get rid of somebody? Really? That's the best they can do. It would've made much more sense if the culprit injured Spitfire. That would give the Wonderbolts an excuse to take his badge.



-Side note. Anybody notice the Sherlock ponies?



Wind Rider's design and voice were awesome.

I only notice that cute mare and her cute accent that went well with the story.


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As a long time fan of Film Noir, I loved this episode. The monochrome scenes were fantastic in their lighting and style. The music was wonderful, including getting to see a pony on a balcony playing his soulful solo on muted trumpet. The best part was that we finally get to see that Rarity is highly intelligent, and not just a one track fashionista. She solved the mystery quite nicely. Nick and Nora Charles would have approved!


(It should have been a sax, but this worked)



Mare of Mystery!



                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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My God can't I find one topic without a post like this.


Would it help if I admitted I literally sat for an hour listening to the little good and little naughty ponies on each shoulder as to whether I should make that comment before I actually posted? :rarity:


The naughty one won, he offered cheezy fries.


They were delicious.

  • Brohoof 1

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Would it help if I admitted I literally sat for an hour listening to the little good and little naughty ponies on each shoulder as to whether I should make that comment before I actually posted? :rarity:


The naughty one won, he offered cheezy fries.


They were delicious.


Nope because it's still that kind of post, and I find it irritating.

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First of all, yay for back-to-back Rarity episodes!  :squee:  I really liked this one, was very fun to watch~ It was nice seeing some interaction between Rarity and Rainbow Dash too, I hope we get some more between Rarity and Pinkie Pie in the future. :catface: It was nice seeing Sassy Saddles again, thought we wouldn't see her after the episode. :P

Check out my art thread for some cute ponies, cookies and boops. img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-2-fluttershy.png



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This episode was nothing short of fantastic. There's so many little things to love about it like Rarity getting the job done all while just being herself (seriously, I think she might have found her second calling... third if you count finding gemstones and making fashions as two separate callings), the clever way the stories of Rarity wanting to show off her new line and RD wanting to clear her name were seamlessly woven together, both of them getting excited about meeting the same stallion, RD's growing frustration playing off Rarity's unflappable poise and grace, the different coloured guards and Rars getting all flirty with 'em, the hilarious accent on the coffee shop mare, and other fun little details. It's obvious they spared no expense when polishing this episode.


What I like about it also is that it feels like a clear improvement on MMMystery on the Friendship Express as far as mystery episodes go. For that reason, it doesn't feel vaguely redundant the way Canterlot Boutique does because it's doing something much better than a previous episode did (and with a more varied twist on it, since here we have the always chuckle-worthy film noir parody) rather than doing something a previous episode did but arguably not as well (not that I disliked Canterlot Boutique, but it only could muster a 7 while Rarity Takes Manehattan was a full 10). Hell, we even got a little bit of insight into what the upper-crust Canterlot answer to Daring Do is. Anyone else wanna bet Shadow Spade too is secretly real and if their books ever cross over it'll be because Daring and Shadow really did work together on a case?

Anyway, when my only real criticism of an episode is that they desperately need to give Spitfire one consistent voice (unless they're trying to depict her as suffering from the consequences of pack-a-day smoking, since she's been more gravelly in every appearance since we first saw her), you know that you've got a winner on your hands. You also know you've got a winner when an episode causes me to physically applaud afterwards.

Rarity Investigates gets a well-deserved 10/10 and my second 10 for the season after Lost Teasure of Griffonstone.

  • Brohoof 1


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I liked the episode :). I was more fond of Rarity's part in the episode. It was definitely something different than what I have seen before with MLP. Good episode all in all :)

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Oh My Community detective Matthew here so that I miss so how did everybody like the whole know noir setting as rarity being the detective and Rainbow Dash the culprit how did you like this and how many of you like the windrider character as the villain

Matthew Ervin

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2 Rarity episodes back to back? How lucky are we?


Despite it being predictable, it was an enjoyable episode nonetheless. I also liked that we got an episode focused on Rarity and Rainbow Dash, a pair that we rarely ever see together.

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Oh My Community detective Matthew here so that I miss so how did everybody like the whole know noir setting as rarity being the detective and Rainbow Dash the culprit how did you like this and how many of you like the windrider character as the villain

To be fair, i was really hoping Wind rider was a red hairing. Bu nope ovous villian from the start. Granted this is a 22 minute caroon not CSI or something like that so i can let it slide

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