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Is Luna seeing into dreams a breach of privacy?


Is Luna seeing into dreams a breach of privacy?   

37 users have voted

  1. 1. Is Luna seeing into dreams a breach of privacy?

    • Yes. It is.
    • No. It isn't.
  2. 2. Would you tell the real Luna to get out of your dream?

    • Yes.
    • No.
  3. 3. What would you say to angry real Luna seeing your romantic dream about her?

    • Get out!
    • You can watch.
    • Other (state in post.)

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If your using their infrastructure, they are going to need to see what people are doing with it and you should expect them to. XD


As a rule, not without justification. The EU convention on human rights requires "an explicit declaration of the right of an individual to have their private life and information protected" from EU countries' laws and I think that's a fairly good standpoint to have. For an e-mail obviously the service provider needs to know where it is being sent in order to provide the service, but they do not need to know the contents. There are exceptions and whatnot (Lawful Business Practice, for example) but they all rely on appropriate justification and are required to inform customers when they do so ("This call may be monitored for training purposes.") Obviously governments have the right, but again only with appropriate justification.


What is more interesting, and I see some people have mentioned, is the potential for 'scanning' for nightmares - which is much more of a grey area. Is peeking into a dream in such a way that the contents will not be recorded (i.e. consciously thought about by Luna) unless it is flagged as being 'nightmare content' reasonable if you have no choice in the matter? Since Luna seems to have no justification beyond 'being helpful', I think that it should be opt-out-able. That said, if she was trying to determine whether a suspect had carried out a criminal act, and some form of 'dream interrogation' could prove effective, then that might be justifiable (although probably not admissible as evidence.) 

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


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It seems to me that Luna only enters dreams under specific circumstances. I think she has the ability to sense when a pony is in distress within their dreams and makes a judgement call based on whether or not her intervention is needed. It seems that Luna only enters dreams whenever there is catharsis and revelation at stake and that her intervention gives a needed push in the right direction. After all, sometimes we just have nightmares that have no bearing on our waking lives. However, there are the other kinds of nightmares that are a reflection of our fears, our emotions and sometimes something repressed. I think that's when Luna would enter a dream; to help someone release their fear, emotions or repression to help them live a better, stable life.

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I'm sure she has a system that warns her of a dreams contents or whether or not she needs to intervene. Like maybe a color system that is red for nightmares, green for more positive dreams, and pink for romantic dreams. I'm also sure that she tries her best not to cross any privacy lines. 


As per your poll;


Is it a breach? Yes and no, yes she is able to enter private dreams at will, yes she can also be witness to private thoughts, no since it is her duty to keep dreams peaceful, and no since it may or may not be an intentional breach.


Would I ask Lulu to leave? Depends on the dream, or whether or not her intervention is needed. 


What would I say to her if it were a romantic pertaining to her? Probably apologize and that it was an unconscious and instinct based dream, and that sometimes dreams use signs such as identities to inform us about someone other than the subject of the dream, maybe confess my affection for her as the goofy kid like aunt everyone has. 

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Absolutely not, the idea is ridiculous and the question dishonest.


In Friendship is Magic, dreams are not private thoughts, but a distinct world of worlds -- that's why Luna can enter them, and why she can link dreams together.


Luna protects the citizens of Equestria from threats within this dream world, most of which are empowered by nightmares. Because of this, she predominantly enters nightmares (usually of children) to help hosts with their problems so that nightmare creatures don't have a foothold.


No one whose "dream" (i.e. nightmare) has been visited or manipulated by Luna has ever shown even a momentary amount of disturbance from her doing so, and to my recollection, she has never been depicted entering any dream that was not a nightmare and may not even be able to for all we know.


Thus, Luna is not invading privacy by seeing into dreams, because she does not look into them. She enters nightmares only, and only in her duty of office, which is not an invasion of privacy and would supercede it besides -- sorry kid, gotta look at your Tatzluna fetish, national security.


so does luna sleep during the day?

No. Luna is sleeping too when she dreamwalks.


This may vary, because an earlier episode does show her telling Celestia to go to sleep while she watches over the night, and she only appears in A Canterlot Wedding after sundown, implying she was asleep the entire time.

Edited by Lucky Shot
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Privacy?  What is this privacy you speak about?


Sunbutt Sun-empress can already look at your pony life in exact minute detail, watching your every move and seeing every interaction and decision you make.  Who you go to see, where you go to meet.  What you do in the bathroom.   Its like she's got magical cameras everywhere around Equestria or something.





I bet she even gets 4k on those things.


So moonbutt moon-empress can see into my dreams as well?  Hmm, I guess I never had this thing called privacy in the first place then. Must be a new fad or something.   Why wouldn't you want your own monarchies being able to see every move you make, know every thought you have, and every action you take?


PS - I'm joking.



In seriousness, meh. She seems to only enter dreams where there is a pony in distress.

Edited by pony.colin
  • Brohoof 1
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Luna protects the citizens of Equestria from threats within this dream world, most of which are empowered by nightmares

The only nightmare threat i see is tantabus.If it can empowered,for the last 1000 year ago,where is the other nightmare that should be equivalent to tantabus when Luna isnt there to help them.




Thus, Luna is not invading privacy by seeing into dreams, because she does not look into them. She enters nightmares only, and only in her duty of office, which is not an invasion of privacy and would supercede it besides -- sorry kid, gotta look at your Tatzluna fetish, national security.  

Yeah she only enter nightmare but she show mindreading power in whom the sweetie belle toils.

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If the comics are cannon, Luna didn't always have the dreamwalking ability but merely gained it from her exile on the moon by learning it from these creatures native to the moon that do have that ability. Either way though Luna can of course go into dreams, but I suspect Luna probably has special senses to help her determine which dreams are and aren't appropriate to go into. Such an ability probably took time to perfect though so I could see her accidentally ending up in the occasional dirty dream when she was learning the basics of dream walking. As we have seen from the Tantabus nightmares can come to life and cause a serious threat if not dealt with. As Luna has likely mastered dream walking by now the odds of her winding up into a harmless private dream are still possible though significantly less likely.



so does luna sleep during the day?

It hasn't specifically said she does but I think heavily implies it.

Edited by Shanks
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To extend what pony.colin was going on about:


The ponies seem to not have much of a concern when it comes to privacy. They are far more connected to each other than hoomans. They walk around naked almost all the time. Even the non-Applejacks of Equestria tend to be very honest and forthcoming, with some exceptions.


Basically, the idea of privacy is just not a big thing there. Add to that the fact that Sunbutt and Moonbutt are basically Demigods that are well loved by the populous, and not just well loved but trusted without exception, it does not seem like there is an issue here.

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I've always wondered this too.. even though fortunately or unfortunately i very very rarely dream, and they're never vivid..


I believe that she can sense the energies within the dreamscape to sense a pony in distress.. or more specifically, distortions or disturbances in the dream space where nightmares may manifest.. She doesn't have time to be in the dreams of hundreds of ponies all at once.. she only goes into dreams when she needs to..


Also, as for the "Luna sleeps during the day" thing, i think it's possible that she might also be sleeping at night, but while she's sleeping, her mind and spirit is free to move to the dreamscape to perform her duties.. She herself has her own dreams too, and only leaves her own dreams if she needs or wants to.. like if she senses a "disturbance" like a pony who's suffering though a nightmare.. After all there are a lot of instances where she is seen during the day..

Edited by AURAequine
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If Luna was in my dreams, I would think she's just doing her job of having other ponies get over their nightmares. Sure, it may be considered a breach of privacy, but if you feel like you're in a helpless situation, even in your dreams, you would want someone to be there for you, right? also, if im having a romantic dream about her and she happens to stumble by, i wouldn't really mind. Besides, I would respond with something like "if this disturbs you, you dont need to watch, you know."

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The ponies seem to not have much of a concern when it comes to privacy. They are far more connected to each other than hoomans. They walk around naked almost all the time. Even the non-Applejacks of Equestria tend to be very honest and forthcoming, with some exceptions.

They still have privacy but have a different concept of it at least when it comes to nudity, you could probably get the occasional glance of mare bits if Equestria were to exist though I would suspect their attitudes toward public sexual acts would probably be a bit closer to humans because it seems like they have separated the two much like many modern day nudists have.

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Yes it is an invasion of privacy.  So is The Patriot Act.  Luna is supposed to watch over dreams & help w nightmares (see episodes Sleepless In Ponyville (S3) & For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils (S4)), so her spying is tolerated (just like The Patriot Act).  As to erotic dreams, well, I imagine she has had to get used to them.  It may be why she seems to stick mostly to foal's dreams

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ponies don't have genitilia - so it's arguable if they even HAVE dirty dreams.


That cannot be proven or disproven.. though they do have to re-produce somehow and they are animals.. It's understandable if they do have genitalia, but is of course hidden..

You don't expect to see any of that in any children's or teens cartoons anyway :lol:

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  • 5 years later...
On 2015-11-03 at 2:55 PM, Failboy4 said:



Which episode show that the dreamscape is living thing and react to emotion.

the dreamscape is a living thing and react to emotion that cause the nightmare  and luna would be very surprise to see a Ponies dreaming about or having a night about Teletubbies 


Edited by Scootaloo9074090
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Luna seeing into other's dreams may be considered by many to be a breach of privacy, but it may also be considered by many to be a necessary one as she protects others from nightmares. The real question we should be asking is which one is more important - privacy or security?

*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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