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[Spoilers]What do you think will be the major villian for Season 3?


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Well they blew up one of my selected fanfics that had a Changeling related creature...and I'm glad I never went through with finishing it, because Lauren Fausts crew did a marvelous job with their Changeling design.


I sure hope to god it won't be anything similar to my latest villain concept, please god, don't let it be related to my future work.

  • Brohoof 1
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Possibly a spoiler, or just a rumor

I heard about a villain who uses shadows, first off (possible spoiler), he is immune to the elements of harmony, and possibly, a 7th element will be discovered to defeat him.


Could well be love, it's debatable that it's more powerful then friendship as it's like the the next step up.


Well they blew up one of my selected fanfics that had a Changeling related creature...and I'm glad I never went through with finishing it, because Lauren Fausts crew did a marvelous job with their Changeling design.


I sure hope to god it won't be anything similar to my latest villain concept, please god, don't let it be related to my future work.


It would be funny if it happened again though, it would mean that you have some sort of Pinkie sense! :P
  • Brohoof 1
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I have a feeling that Queen Chrysalis might come back because nothing really permanent happened to her. Nightmare Moon was returned to being Princess Luna, Discord was turned back to stone, and Queen Chrysalis was only blasted off into the distance. So she could come back.

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I have a feeling that Queen Chrysalis might come back because nothing really permanent happened to her. Nightmare Moon was returned to being Princess Luna, Discord was turned back to stone, and Queen Chrysalis was only blasted off into the distance. So she could come back.


Nothing "permanent" happened to the others too.

If nightmare moon's only origin is Luna feeling then it can come back, it's hard to belive but seriously, who belived in the incoming attack of changelings before it happened?


For discord it's even worse, he just came back to the same state as at the begining. He broke through once, why wouldn't he be able to do it one more time.


I think that Chrysalis can come back, but she's not the only one. Not to mension that she neads a plan to attack Canterlot, if it isn't the case why didn't practiced a frontal attack at the begining? She is also, without a huge suply of love energy, weaker than Celestia, where Nightmare Moon was probably as strong as her sister, and Discord the strongest with no doubt.


Also dont forget that the "I blast away the bad guy" is one of the few way for a "pacific" cartoon to end with a vilain. Pinkie could have made cupcakes with her changeling's guts but no, too violent i guess.

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Aside from Discord's return in either flashback form or actual re-chaosing of the Equestrian frontier; I see the changelings making at least a minor appearance in the future. Such as one of them infiltrating Ponyville and causing confusion. Based solely on the fact one actually did land far closer than the others.


There will likely be at least one new villian. Myth based obviously. Furthermore I see a male alicorn at some point making a cameo. Maybe as the villian.

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Well, what other mythological creatures can they even do? They've gotten even obscure ones like Manticore and Cockatrice.


Plenty. Allow me to come up with a few:


Goldhorn King

The king of the goldhorns (white antelopes) seeks Celestia's hoof in marriage, but she does not wish to. Furious of his rejection, he kidnaps Celestia to force her. Luna and the mane 6 have to work to save her.


Gong the Qilin

A traveler from the east that causes all sorts of trouble in Ponyville. However this is in response to ponies' initial rejection of him. Trust me, they wouldn't trust a Qilin.


The Dragons

They haven't quite finished exploring the nature of dragons. They obviously are able to organize themselves, so why have they left the ponies alone? Why not have a battle between the two species? And then Spike could actually do something for once.


But all I need is the return of the Changeling Queen.

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I would so love to see a Qilin but not as a villain. Maybe a mentor for Spike prehaps?


We haven't seen any ancient Egyptian themed animals. I would love to them as villains. Maybe Apopis, the cosmic serpent with the hypnotic gaze?



A centaur would be really wierd in MLP...


So was a minotaur but they made that work!

Edited by windy_prance
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I'm 40% sure Chrysalis will come back.


But i actually want to see a dragon (or even, a sea serpent, why not?) as the villain. Or just join the bandwagon and hope Discord comes back.

Edited by leictreon
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Twilight discovers that a huge asteroid is heading for their world. For some reason NOPONY BELIEVES HER! (Alas, they never do!) She has to get Rainbow Dash to teach the Wonderbolts how to pull off a Sonic Rainboom in perfect synchronization with her so the shock-wave will alter the asteroid's course! I guess what I mean is that the major villain will be a big rock! Look out! Here comes Tom Sr.!! Edited by cuteycindyhoney
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Honestly, who can tell?

The villains go from: an evil form of Luna, to a Draconequus, to the queen of Changelings.

Everything but the kitchen sink.


In that case, Rainbow Dash's ex-fiancee, Kitchen Sink, will seek revenge against the mane6 and become the main villain for S3
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Maybe it's a handsome stallion who wins the hearts of the mane 6 only to fool them to get to the Elements of Harmony so he'll be ultra powerful.


Just throwing ideas out there...

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Honestly, who can tell?

The villains go from: an evil form of Luna, to a Draconequus, to the queen of Changelings.

Everything but the kitchen sink.


Yeah, what's next? A half Centaur, half winged gargoyle-like creature with massive horns that turns ponies into evil dragon-like slaves?

  • Brohoof 1
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They'll likely continue to draw from various world mythology (primarily Greek) for future villains just as they always have.


I'd also place high bets on Discord and Queen Chrysalis coming back soon. Discord because of community support and John de Lancie always jumping at the chance to play his Q character again and the Queen because she's still around and had a positive fan response.

Edited by Sight Watcher
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