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Issues I had with the Season Finale


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I know that everybody absolutely adored the episode, and I personally also thought it was amazing, but a few things struck me as not up to par with the episode. I watched it with three other Brony friends and they seemed to agree with me so I thought I'd share it here and see what response I get.


First of all, I'd like to state that I did love it. The songs were amazing, as well as the humor and the fight scene. Pinkie was hilarous and really kept the jokes rolling in.


Back on topic to the negative side, I thought the ending went way faster then it should have.

  • The entire episode was building up and building up to that one single moment where she had complete control, then all the sudden, the elements were out of reach, Celestia had been cornered, Canterlot was in rune, and the Mane 6 were helpless, the entire thing was just fixed in a few seconds. All done. It seemed like a cop out to me, and the only other time I was upset about the ending such an episode was when they teleported out of the woods at the end of "Dragon Quest".
  • The way they introduced the new creatures was a little over speed too. All the ponies seemed to know what they were, but they were introduced to have unbelievable power and introduced in a snap. I know all the other monsters in the past have been introduced like this (timberwolves, manticore, ice-spirit-things, etc.) but this is the first time it's disturbed me.
  • The show producers seem to be gearing allot of their show toward the Brony audience now, such as the bachelor party joke, and the overall dark atmosphere of the episode. This is what caused many of the fans to fangasm, but could be a bad thing in the long run. The ironic target audience of the show is one of the mane things that have caused the fans to develop in such a loving and tolerant way and if the show began to be geared toward the older viewers, it really wouldn't be the same show anymore.
  • Also the Sonic Rainboom was really upsetting to me. Whenever I usually see the Sonic Rainboom performed on the show, it always channels a decent amount of emotion through my body, but the "on demand" aspect and lack of buildup killed the mood for me, especially how Rainbow Dash did it while ascending, not even descending, and the animation on it seemed more poor then on the other times it happened.
  • While this isn't really related to the show, I found Tori Spelling's (the one who queued the commercials every break) acting to be more then bad. Especially the Rarity scene, if anypony can find a link to that thank you Chigens.

Link provided by Chigens, skip to 0:25 for the worst part,

  • As something final to say, Luna didn't seem to give a buck. Throughout the entire episode, all the other bronies watching with me were saying "where's luna" and similar stuff to the point where I honestly thought she was going to be the one to come and save the day.

That aside, when Vinyl Scratch showed up, every Brony in the room literally stood up and began to cheer.

Edited by €ℨƴηℯłℓ
  • Brohoof 19


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I highly agree with pretty much everything you said, but it didn't make me not like the episode at all.


The ending definitely went faster than it should have...


The point you made about the Sonic Rainboom is very true...doesn't it usually take a lot more effort to pull it off? I was like wtf? That was kinda lame...


Also, I was really hoping Luna would show up though cause she is like my favorite character besides RD. Not sure where she was when Canterlot was being attacked http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


Also, I'm probably in the minority on this, but I frankly don't care for Vinyl Scratch, so that wasn't a big deal for me.

Edited by Feld0
Quoting the entire post wasn't really necessary.
  • Brohoof 3



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All the two-parter stories, while so amazing and awesome, would benefit 100x more if they were full-length movies instead. With the limited TV time allotted for an episode, they have to rush the falling action and conclusion if the exposition or rising action is fleshed out the way the creators want it, or vice versa. Maybe Mare in the Moon was okay and decently paced, but Discord and Royal Wedding could have been movies with the large amount of potential storytelling.

  • Brohoof 1

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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I was really hoping to see Luna in there... I'm a big Luna lover and stuff, and I thought she was gonna have this big, epic, save-the-mane 6 thing.... But then she just came in and was like "Did I miss anything?", and I was just like "LUNA WHAT THE BUCKING BUCK YOU MISSED THE WHOLE EPISODE!!"

Kinda disappointing.. To get my Luna fix after that, I rewatched Luna Eclisped

  • Brohoof 1


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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I highly agree with pretty much everything you said, but it didn't make me not like the episode at all.


The ending definitely went faster than it should have...


The point you made about the Sonic Rainboom is very true...doesn't it usually take a lot more effort to pull it off? I was like wtf? That was kinda lame...


Also, I was really hoping Luna would show up though cause she is like my favorite character besides RD. Not sure where she was when Canterlot was being attacked http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


Also, I'm probably in the minority on this, but I frankly don't care for Vinyl Scratch, so that wasn't a big deal for me.


Overall, I loved the episode, It's just everyone seems to be over glorifying it, even if it was a good episode, I haven't seen a single negative thing stated about it and I saw a few.


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Well, hmm, how do I start? First of all, bachelor parties don't have to be a stripper kind of party. They can be just a normal harmless party. And while, I do agree that it seems that they are starting to put in nastier beasts, it's still not that bad. And also, how can Princess Luna be there if all this happened during the day? Princess Luna only comes out at night. And, yeah, I guess the Sonic Rainboom need more build-up... that is all.

  • Brohoof 2


Don Mec. Lean x Cloud Chaser

All You Need Is Love ~ John Lennon

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I agree with the sonic rainboom..

[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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I dunno wether I fear or like the fact that the show might become a tad more adventorous. I must say I kinda would like it, cause that was actually what I thought the show was gonna be like before I watched it, so for me the season finale was the best that could happen.


I'd actually hope they keep like this

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All the two-parter stories, while so amazing and awesome, would benefit 100x more if they were full-length movies instead. With the limited TV time allotted for an episode, they have to rush the falling action and conclusion if the exposition or rising action is fleshed out the way the creators want it, or vice versa. Maybe Mare in the Moon was okay and decently paced, but Discord and Royal Wedding could have been movies with the large amount of potential storytelling.


I thought the Discord episode was better thought out and placed then this one. They actually had the mane 6 try and fail to defeat discord the first time and the timing and suspension felt just right. I was more emotionally connected to the Discord episode as well, and when Twilight shed that tear, it really moved me. There were no such scenes for me in that episode, and even the "Big Brother, best Friend Forever" song didn't move me close to as much as many moments in the Discord episode did.


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dude just a lil tip here, you might wanna break up that paragraph. one big wall of text is kind of hard to read O:


I do agree with you on the end, though. But adult elements in a children's cartoon? That's nothing new, man. Especially with a show as well thought as out as FiM. I don't think it'll do the show any harm.

Edited by titteringtrollop

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What I didn't like was that the series didn't have a build up to the finale like it did in the first series with The Gala.


I think I agree with you too about how everything seemed to be fixed quickly and how the villains we so random and out of the blue. At least with Discord and Nightmare Moon you had a bit of a back story with them.

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I have to agree 100% with pretty much all you said!


The ending felt REALLY rushed and disappointing. I think that this episode would've worked out MUCH better if it was just adapted as a 1-1.5 hour TV movie. It really had this nearly classic Disney movie like spirit to it, but in the end it was compacted into two 22 minute segments.


I remember back when "The Last Roundup" aired and everypony seemed to love the episode (well ignoring the whole Derpy thing, they still loved the episode itself), but I seemed to be the only one felt a little unsatisfied. I pointed out that the ending lacked both pace and logic (Applejack speeds past train; jumps off kart and stands perfectly still so the others catch up! Derp!).

My opinion still stands on how that episode had an unsatisfying ending, and Canterlot Wedding isn't an exception either!


But for what it is, Canterlot Wedding is still one of the best episodes, It has arguably the best designed villains and music numbers, but really lacked in the ending. If I were the 10 point scoring type, 8.5/10! Near perfect, but to get the full score you have to stick the landing! :)

  • Brohoof 1

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Well, hmm, how do I start? First of all, bachelor parties don't have to be a stripper kind of party. They can be just a normal harmless party. And while, I do agree that it seems that they are starting to put in nastier beasts, it's still not that bad. And also, how can Princess Luna be there if all this happened during the day? Princess Luna only comes out at night. And, yeah, I guess the Sonic Rainboom need more build-up... that is all.


I don't see how "You don't even want to know what I have planned for the bachelor party" isn't an adult joke at all. I'm not saying they're bad, and it made me laugh quite a bit just like "the punch has been spiked" did, but it for sure wasn't a younger kids joke. I'm pretty sure that princess Luna and Celestia can both be out in night and in the day. They were both on top of the palace earlier in the episode.


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I thought the Discord episode was better thought out and placed then this one. They actually had the mane 6 try and fail to defeat discord the first time and the timing and suspension felt just right. I was more emotionally connected to the Discord episode as well, and when Twilight shed that tear, it really moved me. There were no such scenes for me in that episode, and even the "Big Brother, best Friend Forever" song didn't move me close to as much as many moments in the Discord episode did.


The fight scene in the Royal Wedding episode was enough to win me over. I don't know. I guess the Discord episode WAS more planned out, but for some reason I liked this one so much better.


Don Mec. Lean x Cloud Chaser

All You Need Is Love ~ John Lennon

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Honestly, looking back at the episode I see what you are talking about.


The ending did seem to go by very quickly and all was fixed in a matter of seconds but if you think about it, isn't it the same with the final battle with Discord? They confronted him and within the next minute he was stone. I'm not really sure how they could have dragged that particular scene out, maybe Chrysallis could have put up more of a fight but, y'know, its the power of love! It does feel a bit like a cop but I wouldn't want them risking the integrity of the episode by dragging out the final battle.


Yeah, the Changeling area was a tad quick, Chrysallis introduced, suddenly the Mane 6 and the others notice the army of bug things outside of the bubble. Perhaps a bit of foreshadowing should have been in order. They could have had double characters looking at each other a bit before the wedding or weird occurrences going on in the background. Still, it wasn't that big a flaw but it did seem a bit rushed.


Rainbow Dash's rainboom was my least favourite part. It was just so poorly done. I wanted some kickass explosion but I got a slightly cheesy animation of something flying upwards and then a smallish rainbow cloud. Still, maybe they didn't want to distract the viewer from the fact that this is Shining Armour and Cadences wedding with Rainbow Dash's awesomeness.


Tori Spelling was...just awful, in my opinion. Why you feel the need to introduce an interviewer to a childrens animated show really threw me. Her acting was pretty bad and it just didn't really fit in. Plus they looped a few "interviews" so it was her saying the same thing to Rarity twice. Also, at the end of part 1 when Twi was trapped Tori spoke to Spike about how he could help. How does Spike suddenly know what is going on!? Where the hell did that come from? Trying to interact with the Mane 6 whilst they helped at a wedding was a pretty abysmal idea, in my opinion.


Luna...Why wasn't she in it more!? I fansquealed when she took over from Celestia's watch in the beginning and suddenly she vanished off to have a snooze. I wanted her to kick flank, when the Mane 6 were cornered I expected Luna to come down and fight off the Changelings whilst telling them to get the elements. I feel robbed of Luna.


Added note: When I wrote this, there were no replies so sorry if I've repeated what others have said.

Also, Vinyl Scratch's appearance caused me to cheer massively. Best background pony!

Edited by Gingerpotato
  • Brohoof 3
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I agree with everything you said, but another thing that bothered me was how nobody made a sincere apology to twilight. I mean, they really all threw her under the bus; what happened to sticking up for your friends? Celestia did say she was glad twilight stuck with her instincts or something, but she was really rude to her "faithful student", and that really ticked me off.


Edited by You
  • Brohoof 1

¿ʇı ʇnoqɐ ʇɥƃıɟ oʇ ʇuɐM˙ǝzıs ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ʇ,uǝɹɐ slıdnd ʎɯ ɥɐǝʎ


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That aside, when Vinyl Scratch showed up, every Brony in the room literally stood up and began to cheer.



Meh that part was ruined for me because my connection lagged at that moment and Ponies on tumblr already ruined that for me! D:

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I didn't like how Shining Armor and Candence havw never been mentioned before. "By the way, my brother is my best friebd even though i havent thought about or mentioned him ever.And hes the head of the Royal Guards!"


The rainboom simply shows how amazing RD has become at flying where she is almost able to rainboom while.normally flying :3



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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dude just a lil tip here, you might wanna break up that paragraph. one big wall of text is kind of hard to read O:



Thanks for the pointer XD I should've done it when I typed it.


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Well, hmm, how do I start? First of all, bachelor parties don't have to be a stripper kind of party. They can be just a normal harmless party. And while, I do agree that it seems that they are starting to put in nastier beasts, it's still not that bad. And also, how can Princess Luna be there if all this happened during the day? Princess Luna only comes out at night. And, yeah, I guess the Sonic Rainboom need more build-up... that is all.


You know I'm pretty sure Spike was lied to.

He did not know what a Bachelor Party was and then he said he was STILL planning it AFTER the wedding!

Bachelor parties I'm pretty sure are supposed to take place BEFORE the wedding!

  • Brohoof 2

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I can see where you are going through with all this.


-The Sonic Rainboom was confusing to me because, like you said, took alot of work to pull it off, but Rainbow did it in a snap. Its nothing terrible, but I do notice it.

-While I'm not a huge Luna fan, she should of come out to help while the others were fighting, especially when Celestia got knocked down. Others in the chat were suggesting that she was sleeping, but I don't think its a good enough excuse.

-Right, the whole "Power of love" thing just made the whole thing end quickly. Just like the Dragon Quest ending, it bothered me a bit.


I personally like that the show is getting a darker atmosphere. It doesn't meant he show is nothing special anymore. I understand the show is special because its supposed to be a little girls show, but whenever there was change, its not a bad thing.

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I know that everybody absolutely adored the episode, and I personally also thought it was amazing, but a few things struck me as not up to par with the episode. I watched it with three other Brony friends and they seemed to agree with me so I thought I'd share it here and see what response I get.


First of all, I'd like to state that I did love it. The songs were amazing, as well as the humor and the fight scene. Pinkie was hilarous and really kept the jokes rolling in.


Back on topic to the negative side, I thought the ending went way faster then it should have.

  • The entire episode was building up and building up to that one single moment where she had complete control, then all the sudden, the elements were out of reach, Celestia had been cornered, Canterlot was in rune, and the Mane 6 were helpless, the entire thing was just fixed in a few seconds. All done. It seemed like a cop out to me, and the only other time I was upset about the ending such an episode was when they teleported out of the woods at the end of "Dragon Quest".
  • The way they introduced the new creatures was a little over speed too. All the ponies seemed to know what they were, but they were introduced to have unbelievable power and introduced in a snap. I know all the other monsters in the past have been introduced like this (timberwolves, manticore, ice-spirit-things, etc.) but this is the first time it's disturbed me.
  • The show producers seem to be gearing allot of their show toward the Brony audience now, such as the bachelor party joke, and the overall dark atmosphere of the episode. This is what caused many of the fans to fangasm, but could be a bad thing in the long run. The ironic target audience of the show is one of the mane things that have caused the fans to develop in such a loving and tolerant way and if the show began to be geared toward the older viewers, it really wouldn't be the same show anymore.
  • Also the Sonic Rainboom was really upsetting to me. Whenever I usually see the Sonic Rainboom performed on the show, it always channels a decent amount of emotion through my body, but the "on demand" aspect and lack of buildup killed the mood for me, especially how Rainbow Dash did it while ascending, not even descending, and the animation on it seemed more poor then on the other times it happened.
  • While this isn't really related to the show, I found Tori Spelling's (the one who queued the commercials every break) acting to be more then bad. Especially the Rarity scene, if anypony can find a link to that.
  • As something final to say, Luna didn't seem to give a buck. Throughout the entire episode, all the other bronies watching with me were saying "where's luna" and similar stuff to the point where I honestly thought she was going to be the one to come and save the day.

That aside, when Vinyl Scratch showed up, every Brony in the room literally stood up and began to cheer.


I like how this was more geared to bronies and/or older viewers. The show seems even less girlier now :D. I also got to agree on the Tori Spelling part. She pissed me OFF :angry:



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I'll agree with you on #2, 4, 5, and 6, but...


1. I didn't find the final battle rushed at all. You seem to think that the "final battle" only encompasses Shining Armor's spell, but in my opinion it starts the first time Celestia confronts Chrysalis. The spell wasn't the whole battle, it was a last resort.


3. I really didn't get that vibe at all. Sure, they were going for a darker tone, but it was a season finale, not some normal friendship problem that could be solved in 22 minutes. If you try to go for a bright mood when your villain is trying to brainwash a whole city, you're not doing it right.

  • Brohoof 3

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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i was expecting luna to come in, and at least TRY to save the day....honestly....i just have one more gripe, how CAN you beat the goddess of the sun...i understand how the changlings can gain power, but power over a goddess? come on


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I actually agree with everything you said there, Ezynell. But I guess they just couldn't make the episodes longer to make the end better.


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