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S05:E23 - The Hooffields and McColts


S05:E23 - The Hooffields and McColts  

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It was an alright episode. It was predictable but cute at the same time. Better than last week that's for sure. 


Is no one going to comment on how Twilight froze 2 armies? She is seriously OP.


She still has quite a way to go before she can do truly OP-tier things like screwing with Ponyville's layout and physics, making the entire Crystal Empire vanish for over a millennium, etc.

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She still has quite a way to go before she can do truly OP-tier things like screwing with Ponyville's layout and physics, making the entire Crystal Empire vanish for over a millennium, etc.

I think only chaos based magic is capable of messing with physics and dark magic can make the crystal empire vanish. Yes she still has a way to go before she reaches sombra's or discord's level.

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To be blunt, I did not enjoy this episode in the slightest.  :okiedokielokie:


In a season that had gone to such surprising lengths to lessen Twilight's glorification and make the mane five seem almost equally important again, this episode certainly went out of its way to reverse that. It easily feels as though it could have easily fit in a season 4 episode, when the show was all about hitting us over the head with how superior Twilight was to the rest of the mane six. 


It has truly been quite some time since Twilight has pissed me off this much. For starters, each of the friendship missions until now have represented the mane six well, though some obviously managed to shine a bit brighter than others. In The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash were divided in their efforts, but they still went about solving the problem in the way they thought would do so. It was easily contrasted with Applejack and Rarity in Made in Manehattan, who were in far better unity as they attempted to solve the same goal, which culminated Applejack learning a relevant lesson concerning how impactful the smallest of acts can be. 


Yet this one was different. I literally think that it took all of two minutes after they arrived at their destination for me to feel as though this was Twilight's mission, and Fluttershy was simply along for the ride as her sidekick. The episode made no effort whatsoever to make Fluttershy stand out or do anything particularly noteworthy with regards towards figuring how how they're supposed to solve the problem. Twilight did everything. She was the one testing possible solutions, she was the one doing the most to unite the two families, and she was definitely the bigger mouthpiece between the two. Meanwhile, in all that time, Fluttershy simply went about saving the animals in the area. 


What's worse is that Twilight herself appeared to think that she was summoned alone, which was the biggest way she infuriated me in this episode. When introducing themselves to the Hooffields, she makes it a point to introduce only herself and then state "And I'm here to solve your friendship problem", leaving Fluttershy to introduce herself in a way that almost accurately sums up her overall importance to the mission ("I'm Fluttershy, and I'm here too." That's it.) 


Then later on, as her potential solutions continue to fail and she starts to feel more pressure, Twilight asks Fluttershy the question, "How can I put an end to this feud if I don't know what it's about?" 


Note how much she uses the word "I" rather than "we". This does more than undermine Fluttershy's importance to the mission, it also leaves Twilight with an air of borderline narcissism as she clearly believes that she's going to be the one to solve the mission herself, without any input from Fluttershy whatsoever. 


Remember how in Made in Manehattan, Twilight was explaining that the map only calls the two ponies who are best suited to tackle a particular mission? Well, apparently she doesn't think that way anymore. Not once does she ever stop and wonder what Fluttershy might be there for, and not once does she ever attempt to consult her for assistance. I guess as far as Twilight is concerned, Fluttershy is simply there to bear witness to how the Princess of Friendship conducts business. And as for Fluttershy, perhaps she thinks she's there to save the animals caught in the crossfire. 


And this is why I consider this to be easily the worst of the three friendship mission episodes. Twilight and Fluttershy do not feel anything like a team, nor do they both put a balanced amount of effort into solving the problem. As I said, this ultimately felt like Twilight's mission and Fluttershy simply got to tag along. Twilight and Fluttershy are quite a rare pairing as it is, but it's simply sad that a timid character like Fluttershy just had no chance of standing out in a paring episode with the show's central character. Twilight utterly steamrolled her.  :(  This is honestly the mission Applejack should have had, since as she and Twilight both hold positions of leadership within the mane six (first-in-command and second-in-command), Twilight certainly would not have been able to walk all over her the way she did Fluttershy. 


And to think that this is the mission Fluttershy gets after being utterly shafted all season long. Before this, she's only had one focus episode and one episode where she played a secondary role. She's had more absences this season than anyone else of the mane six, and she was relegated to the background in many of the episodes she actually did appear in. How sad is it that Fluttershy got utterly stomped in her friendship mission episode just for being unlucky enough to be paired with Twilight "Everything must be about me" Sparkle? In fact, once Twilight was nearly at the point where she was just about ready to call it quits, Fluttershy said to her "I really can't do this without you." Well, that's funny, because Twilight certainly has no problem doing this without you, Fluttershy. Again, why does the episode insist on hitting us over the head with how little it matters that Fluttershy is even here? Why does it insist on relegating her to the sidelines? When is she going to do something bigger than saving animals? 


Well, that's where the conclusion sets in, where Fluttershy finally does something of note. She serves as a mouthpiece for the animals of the valley by telling the story of how the fighting started and why it should end, while Twilight freezes the two families in place with magic (because I certainly missed when she used to exert her power over others  >_>). So...I guess the map called Fluttershy only because of her ability to talk to animals? Without that ability, they would not have been able to stop the feud, and she clearly wasn't needed otherwise. 


I'll point out that in the previous two missions, both pairs seemed to have far greater purpose for being called to their destinations. Pinkie was needed in Griffonstone because no one else would have been able to induce cheer into such a poverty-stricken town, while Dash was needed to reconcile with Gilda, thereby opening up an avenue by which Gilda could spread friendship herself. Rarity and Applejack were both called to Manehattan for their efforts on the theater project, with Rarity also being there for her connection to Coco. 


Yet being able to communicate with animals ultimately just comes across as a somewhat shallow reason for Fluttershy's presence. After all, It's not as though Twilight could not have told the story herself if she could understand it, and the only reason she didn't do it in the first place was because she was needed to forcefully stop the fighting. However, I love how Twilight says to Fluttershy, "We didn't need my friendship portfolio, we just needed each other", as if that's somehow going to make me forget how she acted as though it was her mission alone for the entire episode.  :okiedokielokie:


As for the rest of the episode, it's awful. The two families did not amuse me at all, and instead simply seemed like rather braindead redneck caricatures. Given how much food they waste pelting at each other, it's a wonder they haven't died of starvation long ago. I kinda liked the Trojan Horse reference, but beyond that, there was nothing about their feud or about them that I found entertaining. 


Seriously, I absolutely detest this episode. After finally getting on the road to liking Twilight again, this episode knocked me right off of it by reminding me exactly why I hated her in season 4 so much. I legitimately feel sorry for Fluttershy for being steamrolled so hard in an episode that she should have played a much larger role in. 

Edited by Cleverclover
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I liked this episode a lot because of how positively Fluttershy was portrayed. She carried this one hard.


I'm kinda torn about Twilight. On the one hand she's an absolutely terrible and incapable Princess of Friendship. Everytime she actually has to do her job, it's as if it always her first day on the job. Outside of knowing she was made Princess because they thought the show was ending after S3, it begins to beg the in universe question why in the hell she's a princess to begin with. On the other hand, if she was the perfect princess of friendship, the screams about her being a Mary Sue would be deafening. I guess I just want her to do her job well enough to not make me question what she's doing here.


To Twilight:

Edited by EquestriaGuy
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Some of the jokes remind me alot of the movie monty python and holy grail. Like with Fluttershy and Twillight looking up the wall and Twi saying she is the princess and the guard saying "i didn't knew we had a princess."


So great to see Python in the show!



Let's just be thankful the Hoofields weren't throwing coconuts. XD

Edited by Sidral Mundet
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This episode was everything I thought it would be from the title and premise. Cliche, cheesy, typical kid-show stuff, little to nothing special or uniquely MLP about it, although it at least delivered a good message about the environmental degradation caused by war for the often meaningless and superficial reasons some wars come over.


The only thing I found worthy of commentary was how a continuity reference tried to tie this with "Griffonstone" and "Made in Manehattan" into an impromptu arc. As for that aspect, it's merely a curiosity, barely even cuts it as an arc, and "Griffonstone" is by far the best of the three. "Manehattan" and "Hooffields" both have simple plots and aren't strong in the entertainment value department, and "Hooffields" has a great message behind it, but was otherwise a pedestrian episode. All three are far inferior to the densely-packed and highly entertaining "The Cutie Map", but it's unfair to compare a two-parter with regular episodes.


With the highly-anticipated Lena Hall episode coming up next week and the season finale coming after that, we'll more than likely forget about this one just as soon as we got it.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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I didn't care for it. 


Generic episode that exists in most shows I watch with only a few minor changes. 


They didn't show Twilight's cutie mark glowing even though she was probably extremely excited. 


I don't care much for Fluttershy or Twilight, so it was hard for me to get into it. 


I wouldn't say it sucked, but I didn't really like it. 

  • Brohoof 1


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It was meh. Nothing really stood out for me. Characterization for Twilight and Fluttershy was good and it had some funny moments, but the episode itself was boring and forgettable overall. The premise was great and this episode could've been so much more.


I doubt anyone will care about this episode after next week's episode. Seriously, The Mane Attraction sounds like it's going to be a great episode. I don't want to make my expectations too high though.

  • Brohoof 3



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I wasn't a fan of it, in fact I'd probably would consider this one of my least favorite episodes of Season 5. It had a good idea for a moral and premise, but the story was as a whole pretty lackluster and forgettable. Not to mention, Twilight Sparkle mostly just felt.. there, especially since we've seen the "Twilight not being able to solve problems by the books" thing before. I'd still say Lost Treasure of Griffonstone was arguably the best out of the "map" episodes.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, much more then the one last week, though that one also was fairly good, I'd say it's another jewel from this season.  Not quite the best episode in the season (its hard to top Crusaders of the Lost Mark), but it's up there on the list.  Of course, this entire season has the themes of renewal, redemption and revitalization.. of old friendships(mending fences), homes(castle), dealing with guilt(princess luna), expressing kindness to an enemy(crusaders), dealing with jealousy (discord - both episodes), dealing with grief.. 


But that's just a theme, back to the episode at hand.. Seeing my two favorite pony's working together to solve a problem, I knew from the beginning that twilight's methods were not going to work, though it was fun watching her work though them.  It was going to take both of them, not just one, and I knew as soon as she started rescuing the innocents in the situation, the animals, what she was going to contribute.. I was fairly sure what Twilight would contribute as well, I thought that her magic and fluttershy's kindness would be what really were needed, and books (and I love them almost as much as twilight) were not going to solve the problem.


I have to add, this is the problem with feuds, and why anger and hate, which is what holding a grudge is about, are bad things, they hurt not just those involved, but innocents are caught in such things as well.. Furthermore, it was clear both sides had problems that could only be solved by cooperation with each other, but neither side knew it... how sad.  Fortunately, twilight and fluttershy managed to solve the problem, much easier then solving such problems in real life can be.

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That was...better than the last episode at least. I just saw the episode a few minutes ago and I haven't come up with anything really good to say about it. 


I could say that the episode was predictable...but it's the journey, not the destination, that matters. The journey itself was fine, some good gags here and there. Maybe I found it a little dull at times. Just maybe.


Twilight's character here was great...yeesh, I'm making it so obvious that Twilight is my favourite of the Mane 6. Fluttershy's character was fine and her information dump about how the feud got started worked pretty well. I'm not sure if I'm irritated by the fact that it was basically the cute animals who saved the day...seriously, who didn't see that twist coming? Fluttershy kept saving animals the entire episode, so it had to lead up to something. Otherwise, that repeating gag would have come off as weird. 



The Hooffields and McColts themselves? Well...I can't say they were all that interesting to me. Personally, I expected this episode to be darker, but then I realized...oh, right, this is MLP. I think that the ending was a bit rushed, though. They changed on a dime! Maybe if they became silent for a few seconds and then changed, it wouldn't have had seemed rushed to me. That's just me, though.


Anyway, decent episode, nothing special but not every episode needs to be that. I liked it. 

'cause it's only knock and knowall but I like it...

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Normally Twilight's more outspoken friends will more readily offer advice and try to get Twilight to not try to do everything herself, but that's not really Fluttershy's style.  Still, she did find what was wrong in the end by using her own special talents for listening to those whom others ignore, and Twilight didn't turn down the advice and help she offered once she did offer it.  So in many ways, this was a great pairing for highlighting both characters' strengths and weaknesses, and despite it being a rocky road, they did manage to solve things in the end.  All in all, a solid episode for both of them.


Shy might not be the best pony to keep Twi's feverish dedication in check but it certainly went better after our princess was exhausted. Twilight will always listen - just sometimes it takes a bit of time. And anyways, I'm not sure if either of them would have been able to solve the problem before they got that back history. No one can deny, however, that they worked together very well at the end. Part of what makes them my favorite pair.  :fluttershy:


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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Shy might not be the best pony to keep Twi's feverish dedication in check but it certainly went better after our princess was exhausted. Twilight will always listen - just sometimes it takes a bit of time. And anyways, I'm not sure if either of them would have been able to solve the problem before they got that back history. No one can deny, however, that they worked together very well at the end. Part of what makes them my favorite pair.  :fluttershy:



Well like I said, episode highlighted both strengths and weaknesses of them working together.  I have no doubt that Twilight would've listened to Flutters at any time, Flutters just never spoke up cause it's not in her nature and she didn't think she had anything important to say until the end.  So they got there in the end, it just unsurprisingly took them some time to do it; that result when one considers both ponies' natures was actually very predictable from the get go.


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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A few notes I took during this episode:


1. Most of the episode links were de-synched, so I had to abandon the glorious 1080p and watch it in shitey 480p like a plebian. Thanks for that, uploaders.


2. When Hooffield and McColt came to the valley, they didn't exactly bring any mares with them, did they? How the hell did two families spring up from two stallions who hate eachother?


Even if one assumes that their wives eventually came out and joined them, that's still quite a long time to be double-dipping in the gene pool, so to speak. No wonder they don't look like any other ponies in Equestria, I don't think they're even technically ponies anymore. Twi and Shy just discovered a brand new species!


First, we had Big Mac getting five legs over a mare that was very possibly his cousin, and now this? You got something you're trying to tell us, writers? I know bronies have been pestering you to include characters in, shall we say, "non-traditional romantic relationships," but I don't think this is really what they meant.


3. Grub Hooffield was in the wrong. Period.


It's safe to assume that neither of them bought that land for building or farming. It was basically unclaimed, meaning that basic homesteading rules apply. McColt was minding his own business, building a shelter (which is the first thing you're supposed to do in the wilderness anyway), and Hooffield tore it down like a jealous weasel. I'd start a feud too if some arsehole just tore down my house for no reason. Plant your crops somewhere else. They take months to grow anyway, so don't you want a bed to sleep in while you wait?

  • Brohoof 2

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Great episode! I loved how it was a Fluttershy and Twilight based episode, the two best ponies! And I also think it's nice to see these two paired up because we don't see that too often.


Twilight's more likable personality is still here from last week, which is great to see. I love how they emphasized her love of books this episode. Made me laugh.


Loved the jokes in this one, a big improvement from last week.

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Even a super positive guy like me struggled to enjoy this episode. 
Easily my least favourite episode of the season, and one for the list of episodes I'll probably never re-watch.

It wasn't even BAD or anything, I just couldn't get into it at all. 
I felt so disconnected and bored, and it made the episode feel like it was dragging with no payoff.

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On 11/14/2015 at 11:02 AM, WiiGuy2014 said:

I never thought I'd see the day Twilight starts tearing pages out of her precious books :(


I know, right?! :o Not only did she rip them out, she willed them out of existence! I didn't know Twilight knew a spell for sending stuff into oblivion. :blink:



On 11/14/2015 at 6:25 PM, Luffyiscool said:

It wasn't even BAD or anything, I just couldn't get into it at all. 

I felt so disconnected and bored, and it made the episode feel like it was dragging with no payoff.


Yeah, that's pretty much how I felt. I really didn't care that these two clans hated each other. The scenes with them feuding went on too long and I was bored watching a bunch of backwater yokels fighting amongst themselves.


The parts that were good was the beginning with Fluttershy's book club, Twilight's delight over finally getting a map assignment, and the end with the foreshadowing.


I didn't expect the story to portray the animals basically being collateral damage in this war, so that was interesting at least. But I don't understand how the animals remembered the original argument since it's probably been centuries, depending on how long earth ponies live. There must be thousands of generations of bunnies, ferrets, etc. that would have to pass the story down each lifetime.


I was happy to see Twilight use her powers to basically stop their fighting so Fluttershy could speak. In fact I was so bored in the middle of the episode I was hoping she would end it early and just nuke both hilltops with some serious Tirek-level magic to be done with them all! :lol:


Her loudness spell was new, too. I liked that. Lessons from Luna, perhaps??


Twi and Fluttershy had some interesting interaction. I thought they'd both just fly there since they both have wings, but it seems poor Fluttershy can't carry much when she flies, which is in sync with her character.


But yeah, that's about it. I had more but the site ate my original post. :( The episode was just kind of "meh" for me - just like the Troubleshoes episode. Maybe I'll like it better on repeated viewings? EDIT: Nyope! In fact I liked it less as time went on. :P

Edited by Truffles
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To be blunt, I did not enjoy this episode in the slightest.  :okiedokielokie:


In a season that had gone to such surprising lengths to lessen Twilight's glorification and make the mane five seem almost equally important again, this episode certainly went out of its way to reverse that. It easily feels as though it could have easily fit in a season 4 episode, when the show was all about hitting us over the head with how superior Twilight was to the rest of the mane six. 


It has truly been quite some time since Twilight has pissed me off this much. For starters, each of the friendship missions until now have represented the mane six well, though some obviously managed to shine a bit brighter than others. In The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash were divided in their efforts, but they still went about solving the problem in the way they thought would do so. It was easily contrasted with Applejack and Rarity in Made in Manehattan, who were in far better unity as they attempted to solve the same goal, which culminated Applejack learning a relevant lesson concerning how impactful the smallest of acts can be. 


Yet this one was different. I literally think that it took all of two minutes after they arrived at their destination for me to feel as though this was Twilight's mission, and Fluttershy was simply along for the ride as her sidekick. The episode made no effort whatsoever to make Fluttershy stand out or do anything particularly noteworthy with regards towards figuring how how they're supposed to solve the problem. Twilight did everything. She was the one testing possible solutions, she was the one doing the most to unite the two families, and she was definitely the bigger mouthpiece between the two. Meanwhile, in all that time, Fluttershy simply went about saving the animals in the area. 


What's worse is that Twilight herself appeared to think that she was summoned alone, which was the biggest way she infuriated me in this episode. When introducing themselves to the Hooffields, she makes it a point to introduce only herself and then state "And I'm here to solve your friendship problem", leaving Fluttershy to introduce herself in a way that almost accurately sums up her overall importance to the mission ("I'm Fluttershy, and I'm here too." That's it.) 


Then later on, as her potential solutions continue to fail and she starts to feel more pressure, Twilight asks Fluttershy the question, "How can I put an end to this feud if I don't know what it's about?" 


Note how much she uses the word "I" rather than "we". This does more than undermine Fluttershy's importance to the mission, it also leaves Twilight with an air of borderline narcissism as she clearly believes that she's going to be the one to solve the mission herself, without any input from Fluttershy whatsoever. 


Remember how in Made in Manehattan, Twilight was explaining that the map only calls the two ponies who are best suited to tackle a particular mission? Well, apparently she doesn't think that way anymore. Not once does she ever stop and wonder what Fluttershy might be there for, and not once does she ever attempt to consult her for assistance. I guess as far as Twilight is concerned, Fluttershy is simply there to bear witness to how the Princess of Friendship conducts business. And as for Fluttershy, perhaps she thinks she's there to save the animals caught in the crossfire. 


And this is why I consider this to be easily the worst of the three friendship mission episodes. Twilight and Fluttershy do not feel anything like a team, nor do they both put a balanced amount of effort into solving the problem. As I said, this ultimately felt like Twilight's mission and Fluttershy simply got to tag along. Twilight and Fluttershy are quite a rare pairing as it is, but it's simply sad that a timid character like Fluttershy just had no chance of standing out in a paring episode with the show's central character. Twilight utterly steamrolled her.  :(  This is honestly the mission Applejack should have had, since as she and Twilight both hold positions of leadership within the mane six (first-in-command and second-in-command), Twilight certainly would not have been able to walk all over her the way she did Fluttershy. 


And to think that this is the mission Fluttershy gets after being utterly shafted all season long. Before this, she's only had one focus episode and one episode where she played a secondary role. She's had more absences this season than anyone else of the mane six, and she was relegated to the background in many of the episodes she actually did appear in. How sad is it that Fluttershy got utterly stomped in her friendship mission episode just for being unlucky enough to be paired with Twilight "Everything must be about me" Sparkle? In fact, once Twilight was nearly at the point where she was just about ready to call it quits, Fluttershy said to her "I really can't do this without you." Well, that's funny, because Twilight certainly has no problem doing this without you, Fluttershy. Again, why does the episode insist on hitting us over the head with how little it matters that Fluttershy is even here? Why does it insist on relegating her to the sidelines? When is she going to do something bigger than saving animals? 


Well, that's where the conclusion sets in, where Fluttershy finally does something of note. She serves as a mouthpiece for the animals of the valley by telling the story of how the fighting started and why it should end, while Twilight freezes the two families in place with magic (because I certainly missed when she used to exert her power over others  >_>). So...I guess the map called Fluttershy only because of her ability to talk to animals? Without that ability, they would not have been able to stop the feud, and she clearly wasn't needed otherwise. 


I'll point out that in the previous two missions, both pairs seemed to have far greater purpose for being called to their destinations. Pinkie was needed in Griffonstone because no one else would have been able to induce cheer into such a poverty-stricken town, while Dash was needed to reconcile with Gilda, thereby opening up an avenue by which Gilda could spread friendship herself. Rarity and Applejack were both called to Manehattan for their efforts on the theater project, with Rarity also being there for her connection to Coco. 


Yet being able to communicate with animals ultimately just comes across as a somewhat shallow reason for Fluttershy's presence. After all, It's not as though Twilight could not have told the story herself if she could understand it, and the only reason she didn't do it in the first place was because she was needed to forcefully stop the fighting. However, I love how Twilight says to Fluttershy, "We didn't need my friendship portfolio, we just needed each other", as if that's somehow going to make me forget how she acted as though it was her mission alone for the entire episode.  :okiedokielokie:


As for the rest of the episode, it's awful. The two families did not amuse me at all, and instead simply seemed like rather braindead redneck caricatures. Given how much food they waste pelting at each other, it's a wonder they haven't died of starvation long ago. I kinda liked the Trojan Horse reference, but beyond that, there was nothing about their feud or about them that I found entertaining. 


Seriously, I absolutely detest this episode. After finally getting on the road to liking Twilight again, this episode knocked me right off of it by reminding me exactly why I hated her in season 4 so much. I legitimately feel sorry for Fluttershy for being steamrolled so hard in an episode that she should have played a much larger role in.


I agree with alllll of this. The episode wasn't detestable, just something I wouldn't watch again. Twilight....ugh....narcissist much? Some Princess of friendship she is. Not once did she ask Fluttershy for her opinion, or help, to deal with the problem. It was all about HER books. HER solutions. HER glory. Twi certainly isn't doing anything to make me dislike her any less.

Who in their right mind would want o be friends with somepony like Twi when she acts like that?

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