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How egotistical can your OC be?


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I wouldn't say that Mist is egotistical, but he can be arrogant when it comes to talking about ponies. He feels as a changeling that he is in a whole different world.

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"I would say, Uh... I'm pretty arrogant when it comes to talent"
Hacktune said as he grabbed all his instruments
"I can play all diz :D"

I would say, he will be confident and arrogant
especially when talking about skills

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Not really... he's no Rainbow Dash, but he does respect himself, and also, when someone challenges him, he's pretty sure of himself, but can be dispoved of himself easily. Easily he can think, he's worthless, no, uh... bad(/at many things), depending on the situation. Kinda like me  :)

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My OC would be more silent than anything, he will express more via his actions and gestures. He still can talk, but very not often. I've read somewhere something that says ''Actions have deeper meanings, and can describe things more easily when words are not enough to describe something.'' something like that.


So he's not really egotistical. He's more of a wise, silent, humble and cool guy to be around with.

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My ponysona Lace is very talented, but she's not egotistical. In fact, she has self esteem issues and often worries that she's not good enough. She finds it hard to accept praise.

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My oc (Echo) isn't really egotistical at all. She can't see herself so she can't pride herself on how she looks. She doesn't fly too fast and she in very introverted. She doesn't have the slightest bit of ego

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Depends which one. Chaly is too proud to admit to being egotistical. Proxy is more self assured than egotistical. 

My RP version of Silhouette Dusk however? Well, according to other players, she was called a "Walking ego streak." Considering that in story, she's a proud college grad forced to attend high school, she would think herself superior. Not just egotistical. She's got a superiority complex going for her. She see's herself above all others, and that just about all others her age or younger, are either unworthy of note, or are to be played with before disposed of. And she won't be subtle about it either. She'll make it clear what she thinks of you, and to hell with the consequences. You'll have to do a lot to earn her respect.

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She has next to no ego, just like me, lacking much confidence in herself; however she is proud of what she likes and dislikes, and is very open about enjoying unusual shows, movies, or games which wouldn't stereotypically appeal to her age and gender.

Edited by Wolves
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I wouldn't say that my oc DJ Gumball is egotistical at all. Yes, he does often try to look superior and activate his swag to gain more respect than anyone else, but he also helps others on trying to be cool, just like him.

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Thrillseeker is perhaps the most boastful of my OC's. He'll brag that he's very brave but he reacts differently when he's put on the spot.

Ruby Shears isn't as much of a braggart but she likes to boast about her family sometimes.

Refund Check is in contrast humble about his work and his family and never likes to brag. His foals are humble just like him.

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A little bit. He's really d*** proud of himself in certain activities, like playing Super Monkey Ball, but sometimes he can get down on himself for not being a natural at something when he first tries it and gives up quickly unless he really enjoys the activity.

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My main OC Treble, I don't know if I would describe him as egotistical, but he thinks he is way cooler than he is and is way overconfident. He's not necessarily that humble about his accomplishments, but he wont talk about them unless asked to.

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