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How powerful is Twilight Sparkle?

Thewookie Wooker

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I'd like to compare these levels of forces to one of my favorite book series: Harry Dresden.


Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Discord are almost not even comparable to normal ponies. They are monstrously powerful. They are forces of nature, Faerie Queens and Lords, the quintessence of Day, Night, Music, and Chaos. (Totally making up the Music thing for Cadance; personal theory is that Alicorn's special thing is always something elemental)


Chrysalis is a monster who got hold of a supernatural amount of her own power source, which allowed her to overpower Celestia. She's pretty surprised by that fact when it happens.


Then we have our mane six. They are comparable to your normal hero level characters. Twilight is pretty damn powerful, possibly one of the most powerful unicorns in existence, but she is still a normal pony. she tips the scale for awesome and is remarkably resilient and adaptable, but she is still limited. And she is connected to an ancient artifact of ancient power, but she is still a normal pony.


Trying to make a logic chart of who beat who with what when is a common method of determining "power levels" in a show, but there are two problems with doing stuff like that.


1.) The victories and defeats of any given character are ultimately plot driven. Celestia went down like a punk for two reasons. First so she could be a Worf Barrage, and second so she would be out of the way for the actual story to occur. Remember the reaction when everyone was wondering where Luna was that whole episode. Now imagine if Celestia had just sat around watching. Like at the Flyer's Competition when Dash had to save Rarity and three of the Wonder Bolts by herself and Celestia was right there with her stupid freaking magic.


2.) The victories and defeats of any given character are almost always circumstantial. In a knock down, drag out fight on even ground, Discord would beat everyone. But no one fights that way. If you are in a real fist fight, you grab the nearest piece of blunt ouchie causing rigid material you can put you hands on to give you the advantage. The same goes for magical battles. Celestia and Luna couldn't beat Discord, so they got the Elements and beat him with those. Discord couldn't beat the Elements so he undermined the mane six to make them ineffective. And on and on and on.


With those two factors taken together, there's no telling "how powerful" any character is, except to classify them into tiers maybe. Discord and the Alicorns are in the Epic Forces Tier. Chrys is in the Paragon Tier. The Mane Six are in the Heroic tier. Or something like that.

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There's actually two of those...




1. Applejack is shown without cutie mark, so what exactly is there to flag as a lie?

2. Was the colt in Dashie's class? If not, it's not a lie.

3. Fluttershy is not Dashie's sibling.

4. Unreliable narrator. He was an egg.

5. Granny Pie seems to have passed away :(

6. Unreliable. Again. Being the bully it might be a lie from his side.


Twilight is pretty damn powerful, possibly one of the most powerful unicorns in existence, but she is still a normal pony. she tips the scale for awesome and is remarkably resilient and adaptable, but she is still limited. And she is connected to an ancient artifact of ancient power, but she is still a normal pony.

Just like anyone ever was still a normal [insert species here], it's irrelevant as it doesn't relate to anyone's power. She could be a horned frog and still have the magic. Anyway, come on, read that quote again. She is intelligent, knowledgeable, has power beyond imagination of most ponies, access to and ability to use most impressive spells and artifacts and a dragon assistant... that's not exactly normal. Edited by Sne
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1. Applejack is shown without cutie mark, so what exactly is there to flag as a lie?

2. Was the colt in Dashie's class? If not, it's not a lie.

3. Fluttershy is not Dashie's sibling.

4. Unreliable narrator. He was an egg.

5. Granny Pie seems to have passed away :(

6. Unreliable. Again. Being the bully it might be a lie from his side.


Well, I didn't make them. Its funny when people try to rebut them. I don't understand the first 1 either but the colts in number 2 are the bullies that call RD Rainbow Crash. They all went to that pegasus flying school thing so its assumed they're all classmates. Number 3's point wasn't about RD and Fluttershy being siblings but about Faust saying RD's personality towards a hypothetical sibling. Number 5 wasn't about Granny Pie, it was about smiling or laughing. Number 6, who was lying, RD or the bully? Within the episode, they both kind of agreed with each other that Sonic Rainboom was nothing but a legend.


Number 4, Spike has pictures of his egg shell, though and its strange his earliest memories include his birth. Then again, dragons from Eragon are self aware even while still in eggs.

Edited by hironakamura
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"its assumed they're all classmates"

It's assumed... well, I assume it's wrong assumption. *shrug*

Especially that bullies are usually older than their targets.


"hypothetical sibling"

Yes, but we don't have any sibling, just a classmate. The statement wasn't about "hypothetical classmate" and it's illogical to extend it. Intuitive, maybe.


"Granny Pie, it was about smiling or laughing"

Imagine the farm with Granny Pie. There was smiling and laughing. Then Granny Pie passes away. No more smiling and laughing.


"dragons from Eragon are self aware even while still in eggs."

So the egg could be purple and green from the inside when illuminated from the outside.


The makers of the pictures just forced everything to fit their idea that they lie, throwing away alternatives even if obvious.


And... Rainbow Dash simply says that she couldn't repeat the event, she doesn't say it never happened. And we know it did happen from Applejack (honesty) ;) They being bullies, incredibly dumb ("Rainbow... uh... uh... Crash!") and probably highly biased toward skepticism doesn't make their statements more convincing at all.

Edited by Sne
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Twilight is pretty damn powerful, possibly one of the most powerful unicorns in existence, but she is still a normal pony. she tips the scale for awesome and is remarkably resilient and adaptable, but she is still limited. And she is connected to an ancient artifact of ancient power, but she is still a normal pony.



Princess Celestia herself said in Cutie Mark Chronicles: 'I don't think I've ever come across a Unicorn with your raw abilities.'.


Princess Celestia basically said herself that she has never seen a Unicorn as powerful as Twilight Sparkle, in the 1000+ years she has lived. Think about that for a minute. A thousand years, NEVER seen a Unicorn as powerful as Twilight. I wouldn't exactly call her a normal pony.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 3 months later...

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We've seen Twi use some powerful spells from time to time. It seems she can do almost anything, from giving an earth pony fully functional wings to putting an Ursa Minor to sleep and levitating it right out of Ponyville.


This was all extremely cool, but my question is...have we seen the extent of Twilight's powers yet? And if not, just how strong do you think she'll get later in the show? I think she could rival Celestia--then again, considering how rarely I've seen her in action, Celestia's magic is kind of a mystery too.

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I don't think we have. As we saw in the epside with Trixie Twilight is afraid to "show off" her powers. Sure she used some extremely powerful magic there, but I think that she could do more than that. But not extremely more powerful magic. She looked pretty exhausted afterwards. But as said, I don't think we have seen exactly how powerful it is.


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If you look back at all the episodes until now, we can actually see her power increasing exponentially. In one episode (I cannot remember what it was called), Twilight had to really push herself to use a teleportation spell, but lately, she's been teleporting without even thinking about it.


I really don't think we've seen Twilight's true potential, but it'd be really cool to. I have a feeling she's like... The next Celestia.

  • Brohoof 1


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We all know Twilight is a prodigy in using magic (hence her cutie mark) Right now her magic is totally beyond the average unicorn (she can teleport at will and use various spells with eaase). We also know she has much more power hidden deep inside her that could very well challenge Celestia's power.

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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Not even close -- She still operates on fear that she will lose control like she did when the rainboom occurred. If she can ever get to the point where she can go "out of control" while remaining in control you might see some utterly insane magic.

  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I think Twilight has waayy more power than she showed us on that episode, when she was out of control because of the sonic rainboom she made baby Spike into a full grown dinosaur and turned other people in the room into random objects as well. And as soon as Celestia walked in, she stopped without even being tired.

  • Brohoof 1


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Come on, that joke had to be made.

Let's say the Urza Minor had a mass of 4000 kg (estimating based on size). She telekinetically moved him at...I'd say 180 kmph. That imparted 720,000 Newtons of force, if my calculations are correct.
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I think Twilight has waayy more power than she showed us on that episode, when she was out of control because of the sonic rainboom she made baby Spike into a full grown dinosaur and turned other people in the room into random objects as well. And as soon as Celestia walked in, she stopped without even being tired.


There's another thing that nobody's brought up yet regarding Twilight. When her power went out of control there, she was a filly. Logically speaking, as she gets older, her power continues to increase (after all, it doesn't DECREASE). With her training, she's probably about 5 to 10 times more powerful than she was as a filly.


While I don't know if she's as powerful as Princess Celestia right now, I can say this. At this rate of increase, there may come a time at some point where she does indeed overtake Celestia in terms of power. Of course, I don't think it would just happen for no reason though. There'd have to be some kind of catalyst.


But as countless shows have illustrated, if someone's pushed far enough, they can accomplish feats that others might normally consider to be impossible. In Twilight's case, if her friends were in real danger from something (like maybe, a villain) and she thought that there was no other choice, I could see her 'true powers' manifesting. I'm not saying this will happen in Season 3, but it could make for an interesting moral about how the desire to protect someone can bring out strength that you never imagined you had.

Edited by SBaby
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I say Twilight Sparkle still has much hidden potential power so much so she could even challenge Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in combat. I think Celestia may have Twilight has her student to stop her from becoming something like Nightmare Moon (dark lord or something like Morgoth.), to help control her magic and not fall into darkness.


No wonder Princess Celestia wanted Twilight to have friends, if Twilight never had any friends she may become bitter and hate the world and even become a force of evil like Nightmare Moon.


Princess Luna was lonely and everyone shunned her beautiful night thus became Nightmare Moon.


If Twilight Sparkle never got any friends she may become something like Nightmare Moon, perhaps now called Shadow Sparkle.

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I wouldn't mind them making Twilight more OP than Celestia. It's clear she was born with a natural talent and Celestia making her into an alicorn was only the beginning. She can be powerful, but she needs some powerful villains. I have some fan fiction villains who are Discord Tier leveled, some even higher. I'm working on Apocalypse Chrysalis. Basically this version of Chrysalis ascended to near omnipotence and took over Equestria. It happened when Twilight fell into a catatonic coma and she awoke 100 years into the future. She discovers Celestia and Luna were murdered by Chrysalis's hooves. The mane 5 are now changeling slaves who were granted immortality by their Queen. Discord was sealed away. Chrysalis absorbed all the love in the world and became mentally and physically powerful. 


Twilight has to pretty much fight the fight of her life. I am working the fan fiction out. I was inspired by "Dusk and Dawn" which features Nightmare Moon enslaving Twilight and naming her Eclipse, it's an amazing read and I recommend you read it.


But do you think making Twilight insanely powerful is  a bad thing. I think little girls would love seeing a powerful alicorn causing collateral damage. I also think Twilight would be fearful of her power since she wouldn't want to cause collateral damage 

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Twilight in my opinion is probably more powerful than Celestia. 



Remember in Return of the crystal Empire part one, when Celestia showed Twilight her dark magic? Twilight picked that up really quick, which would have taken most unicorns acouple of months to do. She has way more magic abilities and powers, it is just not shown yet.



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Twilight is Overpowered I think she can teleport, fly shoot lasers from her horn and as Sir Flutter Hooves said she probably has more hidden abilities that we don't even know of yet. 


It might be a good thing because she is after all a Princess. 

Edited by NightOwl


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Your topic, 'Just how powerful is Twilight' has been merged with 'How Powerful is Twilight Sparkle', as they discuss the same topic, and are presented the same way :3


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Well, Twilight Sparkle is very powerful since she is very skilled in the arts of magic from reading a lot of books and being Celestia's student after attending Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns.

She usually loses focus when she is worried or overreacting. But she is powerful.

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Well I can say shes powerful, I mean she had all kinds of power when she was young, she simply didn't know how to contain it.


And besides Celestia, she seems capable of more then any other Unicorn around.


I suppose she can only get more powerful with study. How powerful she is its well a odd question because this isn't DBZ where we have power levels to measure or anything.


From what I can tell with enough work she can be as powerful as she wants it seems.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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  • 1 year later...

With the S4 finale out, we now know the power of some characters. Tirek with the power of Discord and almost all of Equestria along with Twilight with the power of the other 3 Alicorns didn't had enough power to destroy even a mountain.

Edited by Darker

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