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general What's Your Obsession?


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Anything related to World War 2. And tanks.






*Licks Kwk 43 cannon*


Looks like we have something in common there then! B)  I've been obsessed since I was just a wee lad who at age 5 picked up a book on 'em; 12 years later and I don't think I will ever stop loving 'em!

Edited by AC E1
  • Brohoof 1
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Looks like we have something in common there then! B)  I've been obsessed since I was just a wee lad who at age 5 picked up a book on 'em; 12 years later and I don't think I will ever stop loving 'em!


I didn't really take much interest to them until I started playing a game called "War Thunder". Ever since, I've been branching off to many different tank games including World of Tanks and Armored Warfare. Really great games, IMO.

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I didn't really take much interest to them until I started playing a game called "War Thunder". Ever since, I've been branching off to many different tank games including World of Tanks and Armored Warfare. Really great games, IMO.


Aye, I went the other way; started with World of Tanks in 2011, moved to War Thunder in 2013, and play some occasional Armoured Warfare on the side. Though yeah, I had been interested in them for a number of years prior to any of those games coming out, they just helped to reinforce my interest.

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My obsessions change a lot. Yet there are things that I will always be a super huge fan of no matter what, such as Tokyo Ghoul, MLP, cherry blossoms and collecting lucky cats.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In order:

Question Marks,

The Royal Sisters and The Pink One,

Ideas and Stories.


And there's a few ones that arent really obsessions, but more like things I think about but dont feel like I have to do it:




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At the moment, it's:





The count of Monte Cristo

Learning another language (Or at least, the idea of it, I'm far too lazy to actually do it)

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