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Trends in the fandom you wish would just die


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Every pony in Pony Creator almost looks exactly the same, with no uniqueness or special things that differentiate the OCs from other ponies whatsoever.


Then that's a problem with Pony Creator itself, not the people using it. Whoever came up with the pony creator should regularly update it so there's more variety, yes, but as it stands I still don't think there's anything wrong with people using it 

  • Brohoof 3
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Then that's a problem with Pony Creator itself, not the people using it. Whoever came up with the pony creator should regularly update it so there's more variety, yes, but as it stands I still don't think there's anything wrong with people using it


So do I, besides, it's a good tool for non artists to atleast make an aproximate of how an OC would loom like. So for artist if they want a quick and cheap way for them to see how color would work while before they draw it themselves
  • Brohoof 3


Sig by Discords

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People acting like this fandom is the only reason the show haven't ended yet. The show haven't ended yet because Hasbro still earn some money from it, not because of us. And before someone claims that we're the only reason Hasbro still earn some money from the show, remember that most bronies watch the show for free online and that it's only a small minority of us that actually buys the toys. 



Bronies who use MLP as an excuse to NOT be a man.

What on earth are you talking about?

  • Brohoof 3
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There is nothing in the fandom that I would wish to die, as I simply do not indulge in the aspects that do not interest me. Let everypony enjoy the fandom their own way. Some like clop (yuck), some like pony-isms (ahem, that be me). I think the more the merrier. Yeah, some aspects may make the fandom as a whole look kinda bad (aformentioned clop) but as long as there is nothing illegal or un ethical going on, IDC.

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Making everything over-the-top cute. Ponies are already pretty darn cute on their own so when people try to amp that up as far as they can, I almost feel my teeth rotting. Especially when it's a character like Chrysalis.

Edited by Powderpuff
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Hmm...Well, I know that these will probably never change and people are entitled to do whatever they want, but here are a couple of things that irk me to no end. I do my best to skirt around these things, but when I come across them.... -_-


-Obsession with axe murderer Pinkamena/Butcher Shy/Lil' Miss Rarity/other grimdark stuff


-Overreacting because a headcanon/ship was just trumped by a canon event in the show (you know, because the FiM show staff are supposed to fulfill every fans' wish...)-Seriously, channel that rage energy into making an alternate universe fan fic or something! Sure, it's normal that you won't always like a certain aspect in the show, but if it causes you to literally throw tantrums, perhaps you shouldn't continue watching it. 


-The inability to understand and accept that others will have different viewpoints than yours (this clearly isn't unique to the fandom, but I see it very often here and elsewhere. Friendship is Magic....)-There are respectful ways to disagree with someone. Flame warring isn't one of them.


-Overpowered/Mary Sue OCs. Need I say more. 

Edited by Quartzy
  • Brohoof 2

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Pony creator hate. Some people can't draw and have no inclination to spend their money on getting someone to draw a picture for them.


Get over it, the fandom does not owe you a living.

For a long time, I seriously thought about offering to draw people's OCs for free... or at least the cost would be that they would have to promise to never use Pony Creator as their avatars again. It may still be a possibility in the future because looking at Pony Creator images irritates me.

Edited by Tsaritsa Luna

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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Cupcakes. Cup-freakin'-cakes. I hate that fic so much and I don't see how it's even remotely humorous for some people out there. Plus I'm an RD fan but that's besides the point.



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- Luna is awesome! have you seen how awesome Luna is? Luna is so awesome she broke the awesomeness scale!

- The same about Discord.

- The same about <insert any villain>

- Worship of random background characters

- Look at my headcanon! My headcanon is awesome and totally fits the show!

- Stop saying bad things about the show! IT'S PERFECT!!!!!!11!!one

- Evil Celestia.

I forgot one...


- This stupid dichotomy where you either hate a character or worship it. In some circles it's impossible to have a decent conversation because people assume that you hate "character x" because you said something that isn't full blown worshiping of it.

  • Brohoof 3


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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What would I like to see go away in this fandom, or any fandom for that matter


Hatred on Grimdarks: Look, if it aint your bag, then don't read it. Nobody put a gun to your head and said "you will watch these ponies die in horrible ways and you will like it." They are very specifically tagged with all the important information so the sensitive types can avoid it. Its not that hard. GrimDarks are the reason I and some of my favorite brony youtubers are even into mlp in the first place. If it was not for Cupcakes, I would never of given the show a second glance and would be still snubbing western animation like an elitist prick. 


Shipping Wars: I swear to Celestia I hate it when I read a spectacular fanfic and I scroll down into the comments and invariably the first things I see is "Mmmm Well its not MY pairing so it can't be that good huehuehuehue." If its not your pairing and you don't like fics not featuring your pairing then WHY ARE YOU READING THIS ONE THEN YA DINGUS?! Again, its all clearly marked for your viewing pleasure. I'm pretty fluid with my ships, and I enjoy a good fic that can change my mind about a pairing no matter how deep into Crack territory it gets. You ship your thing, she ships her thing, I ship everything, everybody wins!


Hatred on LGBT shipping: SnuggleBunnies, when it comes to fandoms, everybody is at least Bisexual until proven otherwise by canon. EVEN THEN, if the pairing provided is not suitable enough for shipping status (also known as the Flash Sentry Clause) then we reserve the right to forgo canon for better options. You going around and yelling "BOO THAT CHARACTER IS STRAIGHT!" Just makes you look like an ass. Again, If you don't like Gay or lesbian pairings, DON'T GO LOOKING FOR THEM. They have these things called Filters on Derpybooru and deviantart and such, you don't HAVE to see that. Don't impose your hetero crap on me and tell me I'M wrong just because you can't handle the gay stuff. That's your problem not mine. 


"You are overthinking it, its just a cartoon" : Not only does this add NOTHING to the conversation what so ever, it is devised purely to shut conversations down because you don't like headcanons. This is a big problem in a lot of fandoms, where people just come in and decide they want to crap on any intellectual discussion without actually adding anything of substance. I would rather you prove whatever point I'm trying to make wrong with evidence and demolish my headcanon than have you post this waste of a phrase. This is why whenever I start a topic about a specific headcanon I specifically make a rule that these kinds of phrases are not welcome and should be taken elsewhere. Its the post equivalent of dead air and not worth the time it took to post it. 

Edited by Buck Testa
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My porn is kind of special and I always need a vial of holy water whenever there's pony version of it. I refuse to see any of it ( except Cadence, cause it happened ). Guess it yourself.


Aside from that...


-Pinkamena as a Psycho

-Gamer Luna

-Tyrant Celestia

-Troll Celestia

-All Shipping (unless it is canon)

-Fics (looking at you, FoE)(except sad/tragedy fics)

-Overreacting to everything ponies.

-Anthro. It's either pony or human, no middle ground.

-Pony EDM Music. 

-Ugly OC

-Flash Sentry Hammering. Come on guys, he's not bad.

Edited by Magnum Flare



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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What on earth are you talking about?

Something that goes in hand with the first item I listed. Basically, all the stupid "MLP is a show for kids! Stop trying to ruin it with your foul ideas!" remarks.


This is the internet. Nothing we say or do, no matter how distasteful, will have any impact on the show itself, so the people who say this need to go fuck themselves. Just because MLP is a show for kids doesn't mean YOU have to be a kid, or insist others should be a kid.

  • Brohoof 1


                                               No questions asked.

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~ This is more of a personal nitpick, but OCs or Ponysonas that have color palettes that clash or just are generally not nice to the eye. Again, nothing wrong with anyone who does have them, I just dont like it very much and I kinda cringe whenever I see them haha.  ~


  • Brohoof 1

♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫I want you to keep feeding me fresh "music"♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪





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I don't wish any of the trends should die. Different people like different things, so as long as they don't get me involved I'm fine with it.

Edited by Ethan Sawyer
  • Brohoof 1


Art by DoeKitty

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EVEN THEN, if the pairing provided is not suitable enough for shipping status (also known as the Flash Sentry Clause) then we reserve the right to forgo canon for better options.

Absolutely not, we can't ignore what's canon just because we don't like it. I don't like Luna, but does that mean that she isn't canon?

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Absolutely not, we can't ignore what's canon just because we don't like it. I don't like Luna, but does that mean that she isn't canon?

that mostly applies to fan art, fanfics, and shipping. If you dont like the pairing AU that thing.

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Still gotta go with super edgy Oc's with super over cooked back stories and any kind of " dark past " bullshit. 

The timeless argument of best pony / who's wafiu is who's first,

Those Shitty SFM vidoes or whatever the hell those are,

People reacting to the episodes when i try to youtube them before they get taken down after the 2-3 days in which i can find them on there and instead it's filled with losers reacting to it.

Overly " Brony" Bronies. Like dude, we all lose the show, but don't shove it in peoples faces, i unfortunately don't own any pony shirts and if i did i'd wear em, but the guys that really drum up the steryotype really make stuff look bad when you walk around in a rainbow dash costume and act all " frindshipy" I dunno i can't stand that. Nothing against cons and stuff though just people that really, really over do it. 

  • Brohoof 3

"There is no innocence on the internet, only varying degrees of guilt."

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Cross Overs:   Ok,  I like my nice MLP fic next as the much fan can and enjoy em but then we throw in the cross overs or cannons in other shows being thrown into the MLP world and becoming a pony or being befriended by the mane six or other fan loved ponies and yahh.....


Sometimes it can work in a few good ones but just others just sometimes the layout does not work in the set up or even the shows paired in the MLP mix of themes.


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Something that goes in hand with the first item I listed. Basically, all the stupid "MLP is a show for kids! Stop trying to ruin it with your foul ideas!" remarks.


This is the internet. Nothing we say or do, no matter how distasteful, will have any impact on the show itself, so the people who say this need to go fuck themselves. Just because MLP is a show for kids doesn't mean YOU have to be a kid, or insist others should be a kid.

Ok, but what does that have to do with " Bronies using MLP as an excuse to NOT be a man"? 

Edited by Yamet
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Oh, I have yet another one!


- Celestia is SAD, so very very sad over what happened to Luna. Maybe I've been reading the wrong fics, but I don't think I'be EVER seen a fic where Celestia (and Luna) is happy that she's fulfilling her destiny, doing her job of raising the sun. It's always pulled as something for the ponies to marvel, while Celestia finds it boring, or it saddens her because it reminds her of Luna. She's always thanking the sun or being overly humble about it.


I don't think I've ever seen Celestia owning what she is and how important she actually is, because she does the thing that she's supposed to be doing. instead it's always about how beautiful the night is, how much Luna has suffered and the final insult is blaming Celestia for what happened to Luna and/or having Celestia blaming herself too much. I guess I need a good slice of life from before Nightmare Moon or after Luna's return and return to normal. Because don' think I want Celestia to be happy alone. I want both of them to be what they're supposed to be. Together, being the awesome diarchs of Equestria.

  • Brohoof 3


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Braindead Celestia hate. And any general mistreatment of characters people don't like and their fans. It's just distasteful and malicious. I can't stand EQG, but you don't see me mistreating the characters or their fans.


This is what I hate about all fandoms, pretty much. Especially in fanfic, where the authors have their least favourite characters killed off, or raped, or tortured, particularly if they are doing so in order to replace them with their vile Mary Sue.




Black and red emo OCs. "Oh, poor me, I'm just so emo and tormented!" >_> I'm not saying that someone can't have a red and black colour scheme, it's just that when it's combined with an emo personality it's just horribly overdone. Along with a "dead parents" backstory, it's something that needs to die. If you have a black and red colour scheme for your OC, please make them happy. :P


Alicorn hate. Yes, there are some terrible OP alicorn OCs around, but I've also seen loads of terrible pegasus, unicorn and earth pony OCs, too. Hating on an OC purely cuz they're an alicorn without even bothering to read the backstory is just silly. Connected to this is the whole "pegasus who can do magic" and "unicorn who can fly" thing; a lot of Suethors do this, make their OC mega overpowered and then scream, "Serenity Moonflower is NOT a Mary Sue cuz she's not an alicorn!!11!1eleventy!"

  • Brohoof 5



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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