L1ghtn1ng_Flash 213 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 When you revealed you were a brony to people, how did they react? did they except it?, Did they laugh? Did they try to give you help? what happened? and if you are a closet brony, how will you reveal it to people? there are many reactions to it, so tell your brony reveal story. for me, when i first told people, i got lucky, because the first one to find out was a bully to me, now that may not seem lucky, but believe it or not, he just said " your a brony?" i said, proudly, "yes" then he said "that's why i didn't like you that much" and from that point on he stoped being a bully to me. in fact we became more or less friends. 3 Signature ( and my avatar ) by Laika"If you've got the smarts and the Guts to take life by the face and shake the Hay out of it, Then you can do anything you set your mind to, Of course there is no guarantee , but it's the thought that counts." - L1ghtn1ng Flash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jest (Inactive) 875 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 I never feel the need to tell people I watch an ordinary TV show, so have never experienced the reaction. I think if I were to tell RL people, it would raise a few eyebrows but most people genuinely don't care x) 1 -Amateur Artist- http://jestwinged.deviantart.com/ Signature by ~Kyoshi~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stormlight 1,371 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 Telling others that I am a fan of MLP happens solemnly, especially if they see something that represents My Little Pony Some reactions that I could recall were, "What is a brony?", or "Why do you like MLP?", and "My Little Pony?". 1 Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeekySonic 1,150 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 I hardly ever actually tell people I'm a Brony unless they ask about the things I'm interested in. Besides, when I wear pony shirts, it kinda speaks for itself. I've received mixed results, but most people don't care. 1 Check out my voice-acting demo reels on Casting Call Club, if you'd like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponies4Bronies 394 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 Most people don't care at all, I don't bring it up in conversation unless someone else does first, I don't want to come off as cramming ponies down people throats and you would be surprised how much credit you get when you just wear a pony shirt but act like a normal person. In class people will even be like, "Hey man, nice My Little Pony shirt." Or if they ask me if I am a brony then I proudly say yes and they are like cool about it, and the conversation stops there. I have gotten some stares and some laughs but nothing too bad. It's college, literally nobody cares they are just trying to survive the grind to get a degree. The real people that were more or less shocked were my friends and family, and the people who are insecure and poke fun at others to look better, but they are hard to come by now. 1 Honey Wings, my love, my life, together forever. This picture is 20% cooler thanks to Twisted Cyclone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EverEverOn 346 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 Most people I've told either don't care, or become my friend. Only once has someone been confused about it all, but I don't even see them much anymore. Besides, I don't really bring it up unless I know the person really well or they see my shirts or something else I'm wearing or have with me. And a lot of people who do know are aware of how I pretty much collect the toys from all generations, so they don't really see my interest of the show as something important. They just notice my collection. So yeah. Most people who accept it just think of it as some sort of vintage collection and completely forget I even watch the show. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sapphire Lightning 784 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 No-one thought it was odd. In fact my bestie's reaction to me telling her that I do the pony hypnosis was "that would be very strange if it wasn't you." Guess I am just known for being eccentric, even my mother has called me that. 1 You better believe I've got chill up my sleeve!My Hypno-Fluttershy Journal Click Here to chat with my friends and I on IRC! All nice ponies welcome! NEW! MLP FIM TableTop RPG game system! WIP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Koukatsu 5,899 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 In my personal experience, people don't care one way or the other. Rarely, I'll get a strange look, but I've never had someone start something over it. 1 || Ponysona || Ask Me Anything || Johari Window || Twitch || Gamer Stuff || Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wax n' Wane 103 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 Mostly "what's a brony?", and "awesome!". However, many are not actually bronies, but know of us and tend to be either clueless as to what we are or open to it. I've gotten a few hecklers, but those were in cases that I didn't tell them I was, but observed my computer's screensaver. (Which is an image dump of Luna.) 1 Ebb and flow, the power grows. Wax and wane, the power drains. My OC. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,758 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 Never had a negative reaction actually. I have told many, many people and while sometimes the reaction is confusion, it usually ends up with them either being okay with that or not caring. That 's a good outcome to me. I don't mind telling others. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
backpon 320 March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 "oh your'e one of those people" not negative mind you. just a raised eyebrow and "ok..." This just happened last christmas w/ my fam. Brother got me a pony present and everyone was confused. 2 Laughter. That's me. I see it not only as the aspect of a good friend, but also a virtue for life! To let the world roll over me and my friends (psst that's you) and enjoy every moment is my life goal. So let me make you laugh... Let me make you smile... Let me brighten your day... You may be all the better for it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KatonRyu 1,033 March 23, 2016 Share March 23, 2016 Mostly along the lines of "Seriously?" and "Ha ha, loser." None of these in a truly negative tone, mind, just the mocking I expect from my friends. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PinkieatHeart 208 March 23, 2016 Share March 23, 2016 Actually, I've had adults (like, middle aged adults. I'm 23) joke about how they'd never wear the Mlp shirts I do. But usually when I say I'm a brony, people don't really do much. They'll either be like, "oh. Cool." Or they'll ask me what a brony is. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Applefolf 147 March 23, 2016 Share March 23, 2016 I haven't specifically told anyone, but pretty much all my family and friends know I am one. No negative reactions whatsoever, just a laugh when my family found out I watch the show. Heck my mum and aunt even encouraged me to get my Apple Bloom plushie! 2 OC info - http://derpy.me/BarleyHopsOC "When a door closes, a window opens... Or, something like that." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 March 23, 2016 Share March 23, 2016 I've been met with laughter (the good kind), aghast disbelief, general unconcern/lack of care and even personal attacks and threats. For the most part I don't volunteer that information to people but it comes up and I don't hide it. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BastementSparkle 20,328 March 23, 2016 Share March 23, 2016 They form Lynch mobs and chase me out of town. I'm banned from 47 states, and have to live on the road most of the time, with only my faithful Fluttershy plushie to keep me company. ...Nah. I've only told my mom, who was like "Okay", and a friend who just refused to believe me, and still doesn't to this day probably. 5 Twilight is best pony. Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathpioupiou 103 March 23, 2016 Share March 23, 2016 when it comes up into a conversation, I just got some "ok", "like what you want", "OMG, I love this show too" and just other confused reaction 1 My deviant art : http://deathpioupiou.deviantart.com/, feel free to visit it also my oc gallery : http://deathpioupiou.deviantart.com/gallery/57953770/desert-jewel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Blaze 98 1,138 August 5, 2017 Share August 5, 2017 I've only told one person, and I didn't really give them the full picture though; I explained what a brony is and I mentioned the fact that there are about 3 million bronies and almost as many adult and teenage fans as kid fans, to make it sound less weird. I didn't explain that bronies are normally totally obsessed with mlp rather than watching it in the same way that some people watch kiddy cartoons because they have nice memories in for them. My friend was fine with it; I think she found it kind of funny but she said I could like what I wanted and she used to watch mlp in Season 1 when she was 7 or 8, and remembered it being a good show, with lots of character development. I'm thinking about telling some more of my friends, but I'm definitely never going to be the kind of person who goes round wearing a Rainbow Dash Tshirt 24/7. I've already had problems with bullying in the past, it is in the past now and I'd like to keep it that way! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kings&Hooves14 616 August 5, 2017 Share August 5, 2017 "Bronyism" is a pretty personal thing for me. I feel as if MLP: FiM is my show. This fandom is my fandom. Bronies are my people. "Outsiders" don't need to know. The Brony Code: Humans are a lie, there are only ponies. Through ponies, I gain friendship. Through friendship, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. Ponies shall set me free. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChB 18,562 August 6, 2017 Share August 6, 2017 They tolerate it and usually don't care Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techno Universal 2,575 August 6, 2017 Share August 6, 2017 To be honest I'm pretty much forced to keep it a secret in a way because my parents would react to it in a very bad way knowing them. It's just I don't want anything bad to happen to my parents mental state because of it but still next Friday I'll be meeting another user from the forums in real life! Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @Kyoshi) My theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rose Tea Written 60 August 6, 2017 Share August 6, 2017 I'm very open about my interest in MLP. Of course, the fact that I'm female helps. As does the fact that I was into stuff even cuter and lighter than MLP even before I got into the series (I'm a Sanrio fan, for example), so my parents were used to it. I know when I first was getting super into MLP my parents were a bit concerned over my level of interest in the series, though that was because of how into it I was and not the fact that it was ponies. I tried to explain about bronies to my parents a bit. My mom thought it was hilarious that grown men like the show at first, but years later and after telling her about the brony community and after showing her some eps here and there, she's very supportive of it. She understands why adults like it. Suited For Success was a great ep to show her since my mom's a professional seamstress. My dad knows less about it but doesn't seem to mind it. I'm not sure what ep would be good to show him yet. One of my younger brothers doesn't like MLP, he gave it a fair chance and just doesn't like it. He doesn't care that I'm a brony, he has his interests and I have mine. My other younger brother is a fan of the show but isn't really part of the community. Most other people who find out - and that's a lot of people, seeing as I carry a pony bag and wallet with me and am generally open about my interest - don't seem to care. I've gotten a few negative comments from people online, especially early on when I didn't know that mentioning MLP in the comments of a non-pony video was a bad idea. Pretty much no negative comments irl, though. In fact, I've gotten several positive comments, and I've met fellow bronies at times. Another time a lady who was unfamiliar with the show said she liked my Rainbow Dash shirt, and I talked to her a bit and recommended the show to her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 August 6, 2017 Share August 6, 2017 (edited) They usually don't give a damn... my mother thought I was gay, though aside from that nobody cares as far as I can tell, I'm not a mind reader. Edited August 6, 2017 by Snowflake Frostflame Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EightBit 284 August 6, 2017 Share August 6, 2017 My mum thought it was cute. Nobody else cared, except for one lady who didn't know what Bronies were and then found out that her nephew was a Brony, so she walked up to me looking very excited to tell me about her discovery. Some honest reviews and constructive criticism regarding my OC would be much appreciated. Thank you so much! https://mlpforums.com/roleplay-characters/bright-spark-r10033/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreambiscuit 10,137 August 8, 2017 Share August 8, 2017 I've had a range of different reactions from, "What's a Brony?" to a noncommittal "That's cool," to elation that I'm a fellow fan of MLP. I haven't had any negative experiences talking about the show or being a fan of it. I guess it's different for girls since it's sometimes looked at as a girly show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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